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The Sci-fi channel truly sucks!

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    First, it seems to me that a more appropriate title should not be the "SciFi Channel", but the "Horror Channel and Scifi when we feel like airing it".

    I also agree with the OP on the way SciFi handles re-runs. More so, there are a ton of good true Science Fiction shows that have NEVER aired on the channel as far as I know. Instead they fill up most of their programming with non-scifi related material.

    As for the "Original movies"? Info-mercials would be more entertaining. I can not think of one, one single movie Scifi aired that was in the least bit entertaining. And enough with this When Animals go Bad crap movies. I am sorry but I do not find giant mice entertaining, nor do I see any scifi value to it. They just make this crap to sell to smaller countries who do not have a budget to produce enough of their own films, so they import this american crap. No wonder everyone hates us Americans now, I would too if all I could get was giant man-eating llamas.

    Let me say this, if anyone has ever watched the Outer Limits (90s version), then they would know that it does not take a billion dollar budget for famous actors and special effects to make an entertaining show. The problem as I see it it starts with the scripts they get for these lame animal shows. I would rather the Scifi channel just grab some guy off the street who is a scifi nut and have him right a script.

    Truth be told folks, some years back I had the scifi channel on 24/7. Now, I do not even know what the #%@% is happening unless I read it here because I have become so incensed with this crap channel. Aside from Stargate and BSG (which I record for viewing later so I can skip all commercials) I do not even see the scifi channel existing. Hell, if Scifi went out of business during the SG and BSG break, I would not even notice it.

    Thank you OP for giving me the chance to rant. I have wanted to get this out of my system for a long long time. Stupid #$@% Scifi channel, they should just @#%@#% and *)@%@, then @(*#@. Oh yeah, %#%@ the #$%^ original shows, so #$%^# the $^#$# .......

    I feel much better now


      Originally posted by TechnoWraith
      I actually missed the first 45 minutes, and didn't bother to watch much of the remainder. (most likely because i missed the first half, so none of it made real sense at all.) But i did manage to see wasn't really up to par with keeping my interest for more than say 10-15 minutes.

      Sci-Fi really needs to pick up the pace in the "Originals" department before they lose all their fans.
      The only thing you really missed was seeing Renee with all her fingers and the first head being bitten off by the bugs! No loss there. Hmm...didn't I already post this? I'm having a touch of deja vu.

      "We'll keep the light on for you."


        Originally posted by SLASeth

        Get ahold of some cartoons for the mornings like Superfriends, Transformers, etc and you can pull in some of the kiddie audience before they leave for school. Heck, if you want to give the kids something more modern get Batman Beyond (or whatever that was called) the Transformers Beast stuff and things like that.

        you will never see Transformers (the old shows from 1984-1986?) on tv again. Cartoon network went after it and Hasbro wanted mega cash$$$$$$$$$ for it. Cartoon network played Transformers Beastwars for a week only a few years ago. I can go on about the crap shows on Cartoon network just as much as Sci-fi. The only reason i even put Sci-fi on is for its Friday night line up. Also the Godzilla movies. how can you hate on a dude in a rubber suit?


          first of all CN isnt to bad but i HATE ATOMIC BETTY and HIHI PUFFI AMI YUMI
          car'net' has goten some crappy shows lately, i miss looney toons, and i kinda liked their 3D version of transformers, not their CRAPPY ANIME CRAP CRAP VERSION WITH THEIR CRAPY FIRETRUCKS AND CRAPTASTIC RACE CARS, (GOD I LOVE THIS THREAD) WHERE THEY SAVE THE DAY AND BECOME FRIENDS, IN THE 3D VERSION PEOPLE DIED!!!!! AND SHOT AT EACHOTHER!!!!!!

          ps what a surprise, in alien apocalypse the black guy got his head bit off, WHAT A SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO WOULDA THOUGHT???????????

          OK NOW I FEel better sorry if i said anything inappropriate
          Executive 1:Uh O! Our ratings are -9
          Executive 2:What could be so bad to do that to the greatest network in the universe?
          Executive1:It's gotta be that dang star-fence show
          Executive2: I say we cancel it!
          Executive1:OR we could make a movie so awsome, everyone will love it!
          Executive 2: but what about what happend last time sir?
          Executive 1: O yes,NOTE TO SELF never make a movie that has somone with a lawyer...damn vampires
          Executive 2: How about walrus's?
          Executive 1:GENIUS!, but for extra zing will make it possed by alien ghost cowboys. It could be in Las Vegas, with zombies
          Executive 2:Lawyers Sir
          Executive 1: DAMN
          Executive 2: stereo-type canadians?
          Executive 1: PERFECT! but were gonna need a star.
          Executive 2: let's use an actor from Sungate
          Executive 1:Id use the guy with bling on his head but his last name is judge, they scare me
          Executive 2:Will just kidnap and brainwash a model..again
          Executive 1: WE ARE GODS!


            Originally posted by dude22
            ps what a surprise, in alien apocalypse the black guy got his head bit off, WHAT A SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO WOULDA THOUGHT???????????
            LOL You are right. As soon as I saw the black guy I thought: DEAD MEAT

            "We'll keep the light on for you."


              yea he did die pretty quickly.


                I’m angry and I’m not going to take it anymore! I really like the show…it’s one of the few I go out of my way to tape on a regular basis. My complaint to the Scifi Channel is that they do a terrible job of re-airing seasons 1-6 and as a result we are not seeing the widest selection of shows possible (M-F @ 6pm and Monday 7-10PM). I CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH SEASON 1!!

                Specifically, it seems like we are shown a really disproportionate number of shows from certain seasons and not nearly enough of other seasons and to my simple way of thinking, that is just really lazy programming. Presumably Scifi owns the rights to rebroadcast all of the shows so why do I have to watch “Fire and Water”(s1) on average once a month (11 broadcasts during last 12 months) when “Small Victories” (s4) is only shown twice?! It’s about the Replicators for goodness sakes and PEOPLE LIKE THE REPLICATORS!

                Looking at the last 12 months, we are statistically going to see a show from season 1 once every week and a half (14% of total re-airings are of season 1) while we are going to see a show from season 4 only 7% (or about once every 3 weeks). There is only a slightly better chance that we will see a show from season 5 (9%) AND I LIKE season 5! You’ve got Apophis dying (“Enemies”), the Tollan homeworld being destroyed (“Between Two Fires”), Sam hooking up with an Ascended Being (“Ascension”) and a guy who looks exactly like DJ Tricky with backward knees sneaking into the group (“The Fifth Man”).

                Not to put too fine a point on it but the people at Scifi are stealing our SG-1. Rise up! Take back your lost seasons!! Send emails and letters telling them that you will no longer buy the male enhancement / debt relief / car insurance from dancing lizards that they are selling unless they do a better job programming!

                Exit soapbox left.
                "It moisturizes my situation and maintains my sexy."

                -- P. Diddy in an infomercial for Proactiv skin care


                  I totally agree with everything the thread starter said!
                  When they play a desent Sci Fi movie, it lasts for 4 hours, when normally it would take like 2.5 hours. That's lile 1.5 hours of commersials!
                  And Stargate mondays are not even fun anymore. What do they do after "Full Circle"? They start from season one! The same season one that is on every day! So after two weeks of seeing Children of the Gods, I see it again! Along with other episodes that I don't even want to see more than once.
                  The only sci fi movie I remember was good is Atomic Train. But how long did it take? 4 hours! Normally I don't even have 4 hours. Who in their right mind has??

                  oh and of course.. after showing "Threads" they jump back to "It's good to be king" WTF??

                  and man......that enzyte commercial... not only is it adversitised in the most annying wauy ever (stupid music, stupid man speaking, stupid actor who looks like he needs some psychological help, and TWO COMMERCIALS IN A ROW!!) it is also really disguisting. I hate to watch something that has to do with sex when my parents are around.

                  Good thing I got that Dish thingy where you can record and easily skip over the commericals. I mostly do that now.. except for sci fi friday because I am too desperate

                  oh and I've been wondering for ages... what is the syndication channel????
                  Last edited by Erised; 14 September 2005, 12:52 PM.


                    Re-runs in the UK are no better...Sky One have this annoying habit of putting the re-runs on at 6pm, BEFORE The Simpsons, and then editing them to bits. At least they do run them in order as much as they can...and we won't even go into the terrestrial (syndicated) run of SG1...T4...morons!

                    And for crying out loud, when was the last time anyone remembered anything but Star Trek-TNG or Voyger occupying the 1700 slot? Whilst I have it on good authority that they recently started showing DS9 again, why at 1600 when no-one's really in to watch it? Even worse than the 0300 one, but at least that gives them the licence to show the full show unedited...

                    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                      Saw the thread and felt the need to say "yes it does". The Sci-fi channel truly sucks!. There is only 2 shows on it that are any good. I figured after 3 years that scifi would be smart and just let tptb be, but now I cant shake the sense of the comming spandex. Scifi likes cheese and spandex and they are sending it to SG-1 because Sci-fi hates anything that could potentially be successful... I think they are a tax write-off network and if they dont suck the parent company loses money.

                      Words cannot exprese my utter contempt for the scifi network. Once stargate is over or is just no longer stargate I will likely not turn the channel on again and I am a huge sci fi fan... to bad the sci fi network rarely shows anything scifi and when they do its just a bunch of crp spandex and cheese.

                      Did I mention I hate the Sci fi channel?
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        Originally posted by Erised
                        oh and I've been wondering for ages... what is the syndication channel????
                        It means in short the on selling of TV shows it is not one particular Network the term is used most often in the USA.
                        Link below explains it better.



                          Originally posted by AnUbIs2004
                          First, it seems to me that a more appropriate title should not be the "SciFi Channel", but the "Horror Channel and Scifi when we feel like airing it".

                          I also agree with the OP on the way SciFi handles re-runs. More so, there are a ton of good true Science Fiction shows that have NEVER aired on the channel as far as I know. Instead they fill up most of their programming with non-scifi related material.

                          As for the "Original movies"? Info-mercials would be more entertaining. I can not think of one, one single movie Scifi aired that was in the least bit entertaining. And enough with this When Animals go Bad crap movies. I am sorry but I do not find giant mice entertaining, nor do I see any scifi value to it. They just make this crap to sell to smaller countries who do not have a budget to produce enough of their own films, so they import this american crap. No wonder everyone hates us Americans now, I would too if all I could get was giant man-eating llamas.

                          First of all I agree with alot of what you are saying, it does seem more like a horror channel than a scifi channel sometimes (the line is very blurry here).

                          As far as them getting better scifi shows to air (ie..TNG, DS9, Voyager...etc...) those shows cost alot for networks to buy the reruns to air. I remember when Spike bought the rights to air (not exclusive rights either) TNG and DS9 it cost them millions (more than other network ever paid for syndicated reruns). Scifi channel is big but not as big as some may think.

                          Now the analogy you made about people hating Americans more because of some of the crap that scifi channel produces, I sure hope you were saying that is gest. Becuase it sure sounds rather ridiculous.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            less Wrestling, less Ghost Hunters please

