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X-Files Discussion and Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by thelittlesis
    *giggles* Yasureyabetcha!


    Yep, just like that Simpsons ep where Lisa does an experiment on Bart, although i'd take a tap on the hand over an electric shock any day! LOL, that's why I put a lot of mine away, dusty candles aren't exactly the nicest sight! Ooh guess what...I put it up yesterday, and it's totally like making a flower arrangement...only a bit sharper what with it being metal 'n' all! And you'll be pleased to know that I didn't electrocute myself, which is always a good thing! I'll take a piccie in a bit, it looks very pretty even if I do say so myself .

    Did you see DLM the other day? Not just one SG-1 regular, not even two but three! Weird seeing TMcB as a priest when you're used to Harry!
    *Giggles* oh I like that Jackism!

    Oh yep, I think I would prefer the tap on the hand too (that episode is funny btw )! Yeah they are not. I have this candle in a cocktail glass (well, it is smaller but looks like one if you know what I mean). It has coloured sand at the bottom with flowers, and then a gel candle covers the top. It is very pretty but the dust is horrendous! Oh cool ! But ouch, you electrocuted yourself. I know it sounds stupid but what happened? Yay!

    Yes I did and you know I was meant to mention that in my post yesterday ! I couldn't believe that there were 3 SG-1 regulars. I saw Teryl and was like 'ok, she has been in it before.' Then I saw what's his name and thought 'wow, 2 SG-1 people.' And then came TMcB as a priest! It made me laugh so much, but it was very cool to see them all!

    Edited to say I got the email and I have seen the piccie! And wow, the lampshade is very pretty indeed! It is so different but very cool. I think the silver one is definitely better than the gold! How long did it take to do it all??? And yep, I can see a bit of your SG-1 poster!


    Last edited by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules); 22 April 2005, 11:56 AM.

    By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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      *Falls on the floor in total shock*

      Thank god I have cushions around my 'puter otherwise I may have had a nasty bump!

      And yep, Kirsty, our search party worked. Although I am not sure, did we ever start the search party this time or were we just about too???

      It has been a while. In fact I think it was near enough just after Christmas the last time you came here!
      Yeah the thread has had quite a few posts since you were last here, Kirsty and I are keeping it up. And as she said, we have had other people in here talking about XF! It has been pretty weird but also cool to see some other people in here!

      I am fine as well! Just my usual self. But you will be pleased to know I just started University on Monday! I am now an official nursing student! It is so cool! Like I have told Kirsty so many times , I am still nervous at the moment but it is really good to be a student again! I know I am going to have a tough time ahead, but it will be worth it!

      Oh cool. I have to say the last half of season 8 was pretty cool!
      I did like replicarter too. I think it is the fact that she is in the form of a human (Sam). It makes you warm towards her even though she is a replicator. But then she became evil. Although I still thought she was cool. Amanda did a great job in playing them both!
      So what did you think of the whole Sam/Jack thing then? I personally thought it was great, well Threads anyway . I was not expecting that to happen! But it was so shippy. And Jacob, bless him, he knew she wanted Jack! That whole ‘don’t let rules stand in your way’ and ‘you can still have everything you want’ (I wish he hadn’t of died though ). And now Pete is gone, Kerry is gone and I am convinced they are, in some way, together at the end of season 8! The au kiss in Moebius was great too btw, even though it was not our Sam and Jack! But I am not sure we will get to see anything in season 9 what with RDA leaving in the first 3 eps and Amanda not being there at all until the 6th ep!
      Oh did you know Amanda has had her baby???

      And that funny. I am with Kirsty here; they don't get any better do they?


      By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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        (((((Tracey)))) Good luck at the Uni

        Hey , I'm watching season 2 "Cold case "..and tonight I saw the episode with the retarded kid and his rabbitt's the one where Lily expresses herself to Scottie about him and her sister Did I tell you that I thought she was interested in him a few weeks ago??!!! ..They are just starting to show some UST from Lily and Scottie ..That episode was really good and so all the others ..I so like the music and the songs in that show ..fantastic ..I'm hooked ..won't miss an episode from now on

        As the the x-files ..I was talking about "Within ""without " with florence the other day and although Mulder was not in there much ( 10 seconds) there were such shippy episodes ..Scully in front of the mirror thinking about Mulder , the sad walk in slow motion down the corridor to the basement of the FBI , Scully at Muders' appartement and lying down on his bed smelling on of his shirts, the distressed Scully walking through the desert at night shouting Mulder's name , and Scully throwing her glass of water to Doggett's face because she was upset about what he said about Mulder ....and I'm sure I missed some .

        Talk about shippy scenes in 2 episodes ....X-files was so shippy ..that I still can't believe what we got ...Gosh ...ship all the way ...excellent really ..even when Mulder was not around was shippy when he was back was extra shippy ...and in "The truth " although it was sad because of baby Williams it was so great to see them Hug twice and kiss . *sigh* Wish we could see a bit of that between Sam and Jack !!!!!



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          (((((Tracey)))) Good luck at the Uni

          Hey , I'm watching season 2 "Cold case "..and tonight I saw the episode with the retarded kid and his rabbitt's the one where Lily expresses herself to Scottie about him and her sister Did I tell you that I thought she was interested in him a few weeks ago??!!! ..They are just starting to show some UST from Lily and Scottie ..That episode was really good and so all the others ..I so like the music and the songs in that show ..fantastic ..I'm hooked ..won't miss an episode from now on

          As the the x-files ..I was talking about "Within ""without " with florence the other day and although Mulder was not in there much ( 10 seconds) there were such shippy episodes ..Scully in front of the mirror thinking about Mulder , the sad walk in slow motion down the corridor to the basement of the FBI , Scully at Muders' appartement and lying down on his bed smelling on of his shirts, the distressed Scully walking through the desert at night shouting Mulder's name , and Scully throwing her glass of water to Doggett's face because she was upset about what he said about Mulder ....and I'm sure I missed some .

          Talk about shippy scenes in 2 episodes ....X-files was so shippy ..that I still can't believe what we got ...Gosh ...ship all the way ...excellent really ..even when Mulder was not around was shippy when he was back was extra shippy ...and in "The truth " although it was sad because of baby Williams it was so great to see them Hug twice and kiss . *sigh* Wish we could see a bit of that between Sam and Jack !!!!!


          It is so nice to see you in here! And thank you for the good luck! I have had an easy week this week. I am off today which is why I am on here at this time of day!

          Hey so your a 'can't miss a new episode of cold case now' person like me! I do love it too! I love the music as well. Music can really make a scene even more emotional. I can't tell you how many times I have been close to tears with some of the episodes. Some are so sad! Last night’s episode was really good, poor Colin! But yes, we did have a conversation about Lil and Scottie and how you thought she was interested in him and it seems you were right! I guess it is also the fact that he is sleeping with her sister (who once slept with her ex fiancé) and lied to her about it! But I do think it is also because she may like him as well!

          Oh yeah, I think Within and Without were very shippy too. It basically shows you how much Scully misses him. And she finds is hard to live without him especially now she is pregnant! It is very sweet actually (although sad for her)! And while you are talking about scenes, I really love that scene where she throws the water in Doggett’s face. The first time I watched it I was like 'you go Scully'!

          It was. I remember watching it through the years and wanting more ship lol! But now I look back, there were absolutely loads of it. And that was quite strange seeing as how CC didn't really like to show much ship in the first years! Yes, Sam and Jack, take note from Mulder and Scully! I really hope we get to see something between Sam and Jack in season 9!

          Last edited by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules); 22 April 2005, 05:50 AM.

          By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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            Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
            *Giggles* oh I like that Jackism!

            Oh yep, I think I would prefer the tap on the hand too (that episode is funny btw )! Yeah they are not. I have this candle in a cocktail glass (well, it is smaller but looks like one if you know what I mean). It has coloured sand at the bottom with flowers, and then a gel candle covers the top. It is very pretty but the dust is horrendous! Oh cool ! But ouch, you electrocuted yourself. I know it sounds stupid but what happened? Yay!

            Yes I did and you know I was meant to mention that in my post yesterday ! I couldn't believe that there were 3 SG-1 regulars. I saw Teryl and was like 'ok, she has been in it before.' Then I saw what's his name and thought 'wow, 2 SG-1 people.' And then came TMcB as a priest! It made me laugh so much, but it was very cool to see them all!

            Edited to say I got the email and I have seen the piccie! And wow, the lampshade is very pretty indeed! It is so different but very cool. I think the silver one is definitely better than the gold! How long did it take to do it all??? And yep, I can see a bit of your SG-1 poster!
            Me too, classic Jack!

            I would think most people would, or at least i'd hope so anyway! Yeah, I know what you mean I had a champagne-y flute one for Christmas , but yeah, those gel ones do get really really dusty, and it's not like you can get rid of it either 'cos it sticks to them! Er, no, I said I didn't electrocute myself(or as far as I can remember I didn't! ) it was just a bit pointy is all.

            I meant to say the other day too, but nevermind... Yeah 3 of them was a bit of a shock, 'cos one's pretty much the norm, like chevron guy last season. Also nice to see PW in normal clothes & with an un-goa'ulded voice .

            Yay! I love the fact that you can always add another one to make a larger lampshade if you want. It didn't take long really, the length of a cd , so about 45 mins. Although some of that was looking at it & thinking that bits that are somewhere should be somewhere else, you basically just hook it onto itself, it's quite fun when you get going! So now I have something else to distract me if I ever watch something like XF season 9 again !





              You guys have to check out the cartoons there, if you haven't already. Brilliant stuff.

              Glad to hear everyone is doing well. And thank goodness for the cushions, can't have people hurting themselves Congrats and good luck with nursing school Tracey.

              Aha, so I didn't imagine those people following me but trying to look like they weren't following me. And here I was feeling good about losing them. If I had known it was a search party I would have most probably stopped and helped them look for me. Of course that would be a bit difficult since I wouldn't be able to see myself unless I was in front of a mirror and if I kept looking in the mirror then I think people would think I am rather vain so I couldn't do that too often and hence I wouldn't be of much help in finding myself I think it's safe to say I haven't changed in the last few months then

              So this thread is attracting people other than the regulars, that's cool. In fact the 1st two posts on this page are new people. Now we just need Sat to drop in and it will be like old times

              About another XF movie, Sis u said it perfectly, since I've come across the same kind of info. It would be nice to have another XF movie, but the one thing which is going through my head is whether Scully would be a redhead or a blonde now. Still seeing M&S together would be great. As Caty said, there was a lot of shippy stuff in seasons 8&9 of XF, but I was too busy being disgusted by what was going on to really enjoy it. To this day my TV watching is absolutely minimal, all because of how upset I was with the last 2 seasons. SG-1 and F1 races along with a little golf & a cricket match here and there is all the TV watching I do, which equals 5 to 6 hours of TV in a week, 10 at the most.

              Sis I would never, ever, say no to a GA pic but only if it's not a problem. Do you guys remember my gmail addy? If not let me know. Considering they have increased the storage space to 2GB I now upload any and all files there.

              Tracey I quite liked the whole Sam/Jack stuff myself. Yup, the Jacob stuff was nice. Even he saw what two people were doing their best to ignore and making themselves unhappy in the process. Of course now that you've said what you have about the 9th season, I wonder what they are going to do about the 2 now. 'Threads' was really good stuff, except one thing, not sure if that was necessary especially keeping 'Heros' in mind. As for 'Moebius,' the sequence in the ship was great. Had me LOL a lot.

              I didn't know Amanda had her baby. Congratulations to her I say. Went to her site and saw I missed the chance to wish them by a week

              I have to say though you guys actually liking my funny has thrown me for a loop, of course now I have to remember all the other bad funnies I came up with these last few months. Sis, LOL, cryptic crossword compiler. Some of my friends ask me to stop context switching all the time. Amazing how one can apply computer operations to a human.

              Right then till the next post.



                Originally posted by thelittlesis
                Me too, classic Jack!

                I would think most people would, or at least i'd hope so anyway! Yeah, I know what you mean I had a champagne-y flute one for Christmas , but yeah, those gel ones do get really really dusty, and it's not like you can get rid of it either 'cos it sticks to them! Er, no, I said I didn't electrocute myself(or as far as I can remember I didn't! ) it was just a bit pointy is all.

                I meant to say the other day too, but nevermind... Yeah 3 of them was a bit of a shock, 'cos one's pretty much the norm, like chevron guy last season. Also nice to see PW in normal clothes & with an un-goa'ulded voice .

                Yay! I love the fact that you can always add another one to make a larger lampshade if you want. It didn't take long really, the length of a cd , so about 45 mins. Although some of that was looking at it & thinking that bits that are somewhere should be somewhere else, you basically just hook it onto itself, it's quite fun when you get going! So now I have something else to distract me if I ever watch something like XF season 9 again !
                And classic Jack is just great!

                Yeah me too! Oh that sounds very nice! They do indeed, and I have quite a few gel ones! Yeah. I have these heart shaped gel candles and they got ruined because of the amount of dust that was stuck to them! Lol! That shows you how sometimes I do not read properly (although I don't know how I made that mistake)! Sorry! But glad to hear you never got electrocuted! It is always a plus!

                Maybe it was just the excitement of seeing 3 Stargate people so we just forgot! Yeah exactly. Oh it was. And not to see the glow-y eyes as well! I know it is not Stargate people related, but if you have read the new Sky mag (which I was totally shocked that we got it Friday 'cos May is a week away) it talks about Eric McCormack being in DLM!

                You can add another one? That is cool! The length of a CD, does that mean you listened to a CD whilst putting it up??? *Giggles* I would be like that too! ROTFL fairy lights and a pretty lampshade! Yep, I would say that if you watched something like XF S9 then you would pretty much be distracted!



                By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                  Originally posted by frootloopisi
                  You guys have to check out the cartoons there, if you haven't already. Brilliant stuff.
                  ROTFL! Thank you for the link Loopy. Those cartoons are hilarious! Definitely brilliant stuff! I love the 'no spoilers please' one! Oh and the 'who's jealous' one!

                  Hehe! Thank you Loopy! I have 3 years of it (4 if they decide to change the program) but I am sure it will go quick!

                  ROTFL! Are you sure you haven't fell off your chair and bumped your head!?! But what am I talking about; this is what you are like! So yep, you haven’t changed a bit (which is good)! Anyway, it's good to know our search party was actually working. I mean we did put a lot of effort into forming it! But we still haven't found Sarah yet!

                  We have actually discussed that before you know! We were wondering if Gillian is going to dye her hair back to red (if the XF movie starts at all). 'Cos even though Gillian looks good as a blonde, I think Scully is more suited as a red head! But who knows what they will do!
                  Oh so I guess you were watching the F1 San Marino Grand Prix today then???

                  Yay! Being a shipper is good! Exactly. I was wondering if he had a little conversation with Jack or not? It would have been cool to see one! I know. I hope we do see some Sam and Jack stuff. It is going to be hard not seeing RDA all the time and AT not being in the first 6 eps! Oh me too especially the
                  Sam 'someone so what???' Jack 'Hot!'
                  Speaking of S9, GW has a piccie from the first episode!

                  She has indeed! Aaawww. I did send a message but haven't had confirmation that they got it yet! Oh well!

                  Ok I think I have gone on enough for now lol!


                  By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                    Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                    And classic Jack is just great!

                    Yeah me too! Oh that sounds very nice! They do indeed, and I have quite a few gel ones! Yeah. I have these heart shaped gel candles and they got ruined because of the amount of dust that was stuck to them! Lol! That shows you how sometimes I do not read properly (although I don't know how I made that mistake)! Sorry! But glad to hear you never got electrocuted! It is always a plus!

                    Maybe it was just the excitement of seeing 3 Stargate people so we just forgot! Yeah exactly. Oh it was. And not to see the glow-y eyes as well! I know it is not Stargate people related, but if you have read the new Sky mag (which I was totally shocked that we got it Friday 'cos May is a week away) it talks about Eric McCormack being in DLM!

                    You can add another one? That is cool! The length of a CD, does that mean you listened to a CD whilst putting it up??? *Giggles* I would be like that too! ROTFL fairy lights and a pretty lampshade! Yep, I would say that if you watched something like XF S9 then you would pretty much be distracted!
                    Yep, or, you know, any Jack!

                    Heart shaped ones, they sound cute . Yeah you either have to light it anyway, so you get the lovely thing of burning dust(could be worse, could be burning hair, yeuch!) or just not have it out so it can get dusty. Well we all do it, sometimes you have to read something more than once to get it, but anyway... certainly is a plus!

                    Could be, could be .Yep, and the scary eyeliner! We got our Sky mag today(they're obviously posting them early!) so yeah, i've just read about it. It'll be kind of interesting to see!

                    Yup, I think as long as it's spread out evenly, 'cos it is just hanging off of itself, then yeah you can have a big chandeliery type thing. Which would look very pretty if you had the head room, but it does warn against 'hair entanglement' on the box LOL! Er, yep that's what I meant...didn't make that too clear did I?! *giggles* So then i'd have to decide what to be distracted by...if not both!




                      Originally posted by frootloopisi

                      You guys have to check out the cartoons there, if you haven't already. Brilliant stuff.

                      Glad to hear everyone is doing well. And thank goodness for the cushions, can't have people hurting themselves Congrats and good luck with nursing school Tracey.

                      Aha, so I didn't imagine those people following me but trying to look like they weren't following me. And here I was feeling good about losing them. If I had known it was a search party I would have most probably stopped and helped them look for me. Of course that would be a bit difficult since I wouldn't be able to see myself unless I was in front of a mirror and if I kept looking in the mirror then I think people would think I am rather vain so I couldn't do that too often and hence I wouldn't be of much help in finding myself I think it's safe to say I haven't changed in the last few months then

                      So this thread is attracting people other than the regulars, that's cool. In fact the 1st two posts on this page are new people. Now we just need Sat to drop in and it will be like old times

                      About another XF movie, Sis u said it perfectly, since I've come across the same kind of info. It would be nice to have another XF movie, but the one thing which is going through my head is whether Scully would be a redhead or a blonde now. Still seeing M&S together would be great. As Caty said, there was a lot of shippy stuff in seasons 8&9 of XF, but I was too busy being disgusted by what was going on to really enjoy it. To this day my TV watching is absolutely minimal, all because of how upset I was with the last 2 seasons. SG-1 and F1 races along with a little golf & a cricket match here and there is all the TV watching I do, which equals 5 to 6 hours of TV in a week, 10 at the most.

                      Sis I would never, ever, say no to a GA pic but only if it's not a problem. Do you guys remember my gmail addy? If not let me know. Considering they have increased the storage space to 2GB I now upload any and all files there.

                      Tracey I quite liked the whole Sam/Jack stuff myself. Yup, the Jacob stuff was nice. Even he saw what two people were doing their best to ignore and making themselves unhappy in the process. Of course now that you've said what you have about the 9th season, I wonder what they are going to do about the 2 now. 'Threads' was really good stuff, except one thing, not sure if that was necessary especially keeping 'Heroes' in mind. As for 'Moebius,' the sequence in the ship was great. Had me LOL a lot.

                      I didn't know Amanda had her baby. Congratulations to her I say. Went to her site and saw I missed the chance to wish them by a week

                      I have to say though you guys actually liking my funny has thrown me for a loop, of course now I have to remember all the other bad funnies I came up with these last few months. Sis, LOL, cryptic crossword compiler. Some of my friends ask me to stop context switching all the time. Amazing how one can apply computer operations to a human.

                      Right then till the next post.

                      Ta for the link, they're really great, love the 'magnets!' one ! I'm sure i've seen some of hers before but I didn't know she had an actual site.

                      No you didn't imagine it, there really was a search party, although some of them did bring pitchforks which makes me think they got 'search party' confused with 'angry villagers'. And yeah you could have helped them look, would have been one more person to find you, and if you'd only have looked down then you'd have found your feet, which are obviously connected to the rest of you(well hopefully anyway), and there you'd be...found!

                      Yep very occassionaly we get other people in here, it's kind of nice that our rambling doesn't seem to put eveyone off! So yeah we're all interested to see what this XF movie is like, if it ever gets going, it might be a good thing to have a series of standalone movies that have no complicated mythology stuff in, I know it started to bore with when it got to the whole supersoldier confusing thing. And a blonde Scully? Well we'll just have to wait and see....

                      Hehe I thought not, and no, it's no problem, i'm just happy the scanner's alive! Your gmail thing is the vlestat addy isn't it?

                      You mean we have more funnies on the way? And the cryptic crossword thing could so work, i've read far worse clues than your silicon joke believe me!



                        Originally posted by thelittlesis
                        Yep, or, you know, any Jack!

                        Heart shaped ones, they sound cute . Yeah you either have to light it anyway, so you get the lovely thing of burning dust(could be worse, could be burning hair, yeuch!) or just not have it out so it can get dusty. Well we all do it, sometimes you have to read something more than once to get it, but anyway... certainly is a plus!

                        Could be, could be .Yep, and the scary eyeliner! We got our Sky mag today(they're obviously posting them early!) so yeah, i've just read about it. It'll be kind of interesting to see!

                        Yup, I think as long as it's spread out evenly, 'cos it is just hanging off of itself, then yeah you can have a big chandeliery type thing. Which would look very pretty if you had the head room, but it does warn against 'hair entanglement' on the box LOL! Er, yep that's what I meant...didn't make that too clear did I?! *giggles* So then i'd have to decide what to be distracted by...if not both!
                        *Giggles* oh of course!

                        Yeah they are! They are red (of course hehe). I had them brought for me a few years ago! Eeewww, yeah burning hair smells so disgusting! I remember back in year 10 (lol, I sound so old saying that ) in science, this one girls hair got to close to the bunsen burner and she singed some of her hair. It smelt so bad that we had to leave the classroom for a while! You certainly do. I think I will definitely read more than once from now on!

                        Oh yep, scary eyeliner is well, very scary lol!
                        My gosh! What has come over Sky this month! Lol!

                        Cool! Aaawww, well I think the box should have that warning on! Getting your hair pulled like that really does hurt! So would you ever think of adding another one on even though it would be worse for hair pulling??? You did, just thought I'd check lol! So which CD did you listen too??? *Giggles* exactly!



                        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                          Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                          Yeah they are! They are red (of course hehe). I had them brought for me a few years ago! Eeewww, yeah burning hair smells so disgusting! I remember back in year 10 (lol, I sound so old saying that ) in science, this one girls hair got too close to the bunsen burner and she singed some of her hair. It smelt so bad that we had to leave the classroom for a while! You certainly do. I think I will definitely read more than once from now on!

                          Oh yep, scary eyeliner is well, very scary lol!
                          My gosh! What has come over Sky this month! Lol!

                          Cool! Aaawww, well I think the box should have that warning on! Getting your hair pulled like that really does hurt! So would you ever think of adding another one on even though it would be worse for hair pulling??? You did, just thought I'd check lol! So which CD did you listen to??? *Giggles* exactly!
                          Aww, nice . It really does, i'm not surprised you had to leave the room, although it must have been quite a lot of her hair to stink the room out !

                          I guess that's why you never see Tok'ra in eyeliner, far too scary a thing for them!
                          Erm, efficiency?! *giggles*

                          Yeah, especially if you have long hair, it's such a fiddly thing you could be tangled up for days! I knocked it last night, although it was only with my arm luckily, so no, I don't think i'll be adding another.... Oh well that's alright then, you will tell me if I start rambling incoherently won't you? I listened to my Bic Runga cd, it's very good, and she has such a nice voice and the whole album just feels like Spring for some reason .




                            Originally posted by thelittlesis
                            Aww, nice . It really does, i'm not surprised you had to leave the room, although it must have been quite a lot of her hair to stink the room out !

                            I guess that's why you never see Tok'ra in eyeliner, far too scary a thing for them!
                            Erm, efficiency?! *giggles*

                            Yeah, especially if you have long hair, it's such a fiddly thing you could be tangled up for days! I knocked it last night, although it was only with my arm luckily, so no, I don't think i'll be adding another.... Oh well that's alright then, you will tell me if I start rambling incoherently won't you? I listened to my Bic Runga cd, it's very good, and she has such a nice voice and the whole album just feels like Spring for some reason .
                            Grrr! I was replying to your pm yesterday and it was taking ages to send. After it did, I tried to get on here and I couldn't! I don't know whether it was GW or blueyonder just being a pain in the ass! Anyway I am here now before I go off to uni...

                            Yeah! Well no, it wasn't too much hair that was singed. You know when people have little bits of hair dangling down (like a straw piece), it was that and half of it got burnt off. I guess the smell just lingers around and travels quite quickly. So everyone got to smell it!

                            *Giggles* yep I definitely think it would be!
                            *Giggles* well you would think so wouldn't you? But then, it is Sky!
                            Oh did you see DLM last night, TMcB was in it again! What a death he had for a priest!

                            Yep, you really could! Ah, a wise choice I think!
                            Oh of course I will, am I the kind of person that would let someone ramble on and on and on and on! Ok I don't know that person lol, but she sounds cool!



                            By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                              Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                              Grrr! I was replying to your pm yesterday and it was taking ages to send. After it did, I tried to get on here and I couldn't! I don't know whether it was GW or blueyonder just being a pain in the ass! Anyway I am here now before I go off to uni...

                              Yeah! Well no, it wasn't too much hair that was singed. You know when people have little bits of hair dangling down (like a straw piece), it was that and half of it got burnt off. I guess the smell just lingers around and travels quite quickly. So everyone got to smell it!

                              *Giggles* well you would think so wouldn't you? But then, it is Sky!
                              Oh did you see DLM last night, TMcB was in it again! What a death he had for a priest!

                              Yep, you really could! Ah, a wise choice I think!
                              Oh of course I will, am I the kind of person that would let someone ramble on and on and on and on! Ok I don't know that person lol, but she sounds cool!
                              Hmm weird, I do get the 'server is busy, please try again later thing' quite a lot but it seems to be ok to get on. At least you got here though .

                              So she didn't have to have her hair cut to match the rest of it. You wouldn't think it'd smell so bad would you?!

                              LOL very true!
                              Yeah, but that talk with Daisy was very sweet, even if he did end up drowned in the font! And the singer's death was kind of shocking, I was sure he'd be squished by a light, wasn't expecting that!

                              Me too!
                              ...And on & on & on?! Maybe I shouldn't answer that! She is, very . And it has Neil Finn Songwriting Genius on backing vocals, although that's not very surprising since they're both New Zealandy.




                                Originally posted by thelittlesis
                                Hmm weird, I do get the 'server is busy, please try again later thing' quite a lot but it seems to be ok to get on. At least you got here though .

                                So she didn't have to have her hair cut to match the rest of it. You wouldn't think it'd smell so bad would you?!

                                LOL very true!
                                Yeah, but that talk with Daisy was very sweet, even if he did end up drowned in the font! And the singer's death was kind of shocking, I was sure he'd be squished by a light, wasn't expecting that!

                                Me too!
                                ...And on & on & on?! Maybe I shouldn't answer that! She is, very . And it has Neil Finn Songwriting Genius on backing vocals, although that's not very surprising since they're both New Zealandy.
                                Yeah, the 'database error' one has been coming up a lot too. I tried to get on here last night (well when I got in, which was a few minutes before ER came on E4 +1 lol). Yep, that is the main thing!

                                Nope she didn't. That would have been horrible if she would have had to though! I do love my hair and if it ever got burnt or had chewing gum stuck in it, well I wouldn’t go nuts ('cos I know it can be salvaged) but I would be very unhappy! I know, for a little piece of hair anyway...

                                Yeah I thought that too. I was wondering why she was doing it at first, but then it clicked she was reaping him! Oh yeah, it was. And snap, I thought he was going to die by the light too! And then his friend turns up and shoots him. Oh and Mason was just a little too late for his reap! It was a good ep!

                                *Giggles* have we been here before?? *Thinks about pm*! Ah well no wonder you really like it then!



                                By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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