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X-Files Discussion and Appreciation Thread

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    So glad you have come back too!
    Oh I know! It is very rare isn't it! I said in an earlier post, it is like our own little Christmas miracle!

    Sis and I were wondering when you would be coming back home! Merry Christmas to you too. I shall be sending off you're Christmas card on Monday btw (haven't had the chance to do it last weeks as my best friend was visiting and I was ill ) so I hope it reaches you in time! Oh no, you might have mumps! I hope not.... (((((((huggles)))))))

    Cool.... so glad you are back! And haven't heard of him but I shall try and check it out soon!

    (((((((((((((big Christmas huggles back))))))))))))


    By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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      Originally posted by thelittlesis
      Wouldn't it! Ooh choccie stargates!!! Now i'd definitely like that! Some sort of Christmassy theme? Just have piccies of them & put santa hats on them *giggles* that would be an interesting sight!
      Mary Christmas... ARG! Dreadful! And surely it's Mrs Claus anyway....
      Yep that's basically all you want in a cracker, one that pops!

      I know! I have Finding Nemo down in my diary though, I really want to see that again! And yep I did indeed watch West Wing, which is just as well as dad's taking the tape in for someone at work today(it has River Cottage on it too and that's what whoever wants to see).


      I know, choccie Stargates sound so cool! We should pitch the idea to an advent calendar maker. And if they say they don't think they will sell, well we say they will! *Giggles* wouldn't it just! RDA with a Christmas hat on! Hm, do you think he would look really hot???? <bg>!
      Hehe I know... Mrs Claus...yep, I would have said that too!! And the ice cycle one! Can it get any worse???
      LOL! Exactly! PoP!

      And Finding Nemo is on the Disney Channel tonight too! Hehe, so it is definitely a good job you watched it then!



      By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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        Gosh Loopy!
        You have posted quite a lot.... what has come over you??? *Giggles* only kidding, it is cool that you are back posting your usual Loopy posts!

        And Mary Christmas was an awful joke. *Giggles* so we may well be hearing some more of your funnies soon huh?

        I was away for a few days as my best friend came to visit me, and yes, I am still ill! And yes, I am looking after myself. I have no idea why I am the one who gets all the colds and stuff! Thank you for you're concern, you're sweet! Like I said to Sis, I got better around Tuesday (maybe 'cos it was Stargate night ) but on Friday I caught another cold! I should be ok if I get some rest! And yes, drinking honey and lemon! Yep, me too! And you know my mum quit smoking. It has been a year now. I am very proud of her!

        And it has probably been discussed, but yes, I also think Atlantis is worth watching. I am really liking it! I used to hate McKay, but I like his character now! And Sheppard is great! And Weir is cool too.

        See, I thought Agent Barrett would have been better for Sam than Pete too! But still, I am for Sam and Jack! Exactly (and glad you are more of a shipper )... after 8 years, they have to get together. Tptb could have stopped the ship in season 4 Divide and Conquer when Sam said 'none of this has to leave this room'... but they didn't. They carried on with the shippines, even after Pete they have. Just look at The Lost City 1&2! It's pretty safe to say they both still have major feelings for each other! Yeah me as well, but Mulder and Scully got together in the end!

        Oh and I have some news on GA! It was in yesterday's paper. I can try and scan it for you and see how it comes out! If it is good I could send you it! It doesn't have any new pics, just a Mulder and Scully one! It is about Gillian landing a deal with BBC1... she will star in and adaptation of Charles Dickens’s Bleak House!

        And yep, I am going to be doing Child nursing! I always wanted to work with children anyway! Aaawww I am sure you are fine with them!

        I think I have rambled on too much too!


        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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          I think now would be a good time to say a big YAY!!!

          When was the last time all four of us were posting in the thread, of course having said that Sis appears to have gone somewhere. Hopefully she is working on the katana now

          Hey Sat good to see you're back. Tracey and Sis have kept this thread going rather well me thinks. Of course with the holidays and everything I think you and I should be able to add to this thread as well

          Wow, I hadn't realized is had been a year since you Mom stopped smoking Tracey. That is fantastic and you should be proud of her. Now if only my Dad would quit as well. Coming to SG-1 you're right about them having the option to stop the shippiness after the room conversation, but they didn't, and yup there was a fair amount in Lost City, so yeah, I think I'm with you on this one. As for Agent Barrett I think it's fair to say everyone agrees that he would have been better than Pete, but like Sis said it was just an excuse to get another DeLuise on the show . I will for sure try to get and see Atlantis.

          As for the pic, don't go out of your way to scan it Tracey. If you get the time, that's cool, otherwise forget it, especially keeping in mind you aren't feeling well. On the children front, like I said either completely like to don't want to come near me. Very interesting situations arise due to this.

          I have just one last thing to say, 'GET WELL SOON BOTH TRACEY AND SAT, THAT'S AN ORDER!'

          Seriously hope you guys get well very soon, like today and are able to enjoy the holidays fully. Sis we already have two members down so look after yourself as well.



            *falls off chair in disbelief* Well it's nice to have everyone back in the thread...but it's very much a shock!

            I haven't fallen off the face of the earth quite yet, I was putting up the Christmas tree yesterday, and of course that involved cleaning & hoovering before and after(darn fake trees!). So no time to post or to make that katana!

            And I should have guessed about the broom & sweeping GA off her feet. Of course, whenever I hear the word broom I tend to think of witches, so that really didn't help, shame on me indeed! *giggles*

            Originally posted by frootloopisi
            That's definitely seconded! It's no fun being ill, & Sat, I really hope you don't have mumps!

            I have heard of Jack Johnson, but i've only heard a couple of songs by him.... I really love 'Flake', I think I have a live version of it somewhere....

            (((((((((((big Christmas huggles to all))))))))))))))

            Tracey, i'll reply to that lovely big long post later!

            *wanders off to take some echinacea singing 'tis the season to be fluey, tra lala la la lala la la'*



              It's late but I may not have time to come on here tomorrow!

              First of all...

              Originally posted by frootloopisi
              I have just one last thing to say, 'GET WELL SOON BOTH TRACEY AND SAT, THAT'S AN ORDER!'
              Originally posted by thelittlesis
              That's definitely seconded! It's no fun being ill, & Sat, I really hope you don't have mumps!
              Thank you guys! It's very sweet! And you'll be happy to know, I am feeling much better. Still got the cold and cough, but it seems to be clearing up!


              Yeah, it is such a shock to have all four of us in here, but it is very cool! And I hope it stays that way for a while at least!

              And yep, it has really been one year. It really doesn't seem like it though! So still no luck on your dad huh? Just keep trying. You never know, it may work! And yay that you are with me on the shippiness! Oh yes, and I totally agree with that. I guess if DD (not DD of XF of course ) had never played Pete, the character may have been a one off! But because it was DD, they made him a permanent boyfriend! But hey, he is a nice guy!

              Okey dokey then. If I have some more time I will scan it. But at least you know what it is about!

              Originally posted by thelittlesis
              Tracey, i'll reply to that lovely big long post later!
              Take as long as you want hun, we'll just have lots of Stargate talk in the posts ! And new Stargate is on tomorrow! YAY!

              Last edited by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules); 20 December 2004, 03:15 PM.

              By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                Hehe…and I am just replying to this. Wow, just think, the newest Stargate will be on in a couple of days! And Christmas is nearly upon us!
                Today in fact and yes, don't remind me, I may have all my shopping done & the decorations up but i'm not feeling remotely Christmassy....
                Oh yes, that would be a disgusting smell! Although if a rotting brain were here now, I doubt I’d be able to smell it… my sense of smell has disappeared at the moment! *Giggles* oh yes and we can’t have that. RDA is just too hot!
                ROTFL! Taking orders from ugg boots, now that is a scary thought……
                LOL! So it's still not back then? Mum's still got a nasty cough too, although I think she's glad she caught the cough & cold from work, rather than the sickness bug that's doing the rounds. He is? Ooh quick send him some ice so he can cool down!!!
                Very scary!
                Nope! Although saying that…. I am back in on Wednesday! Hehe and she did wave back when she was here! Not really… a lot of the days I slept in long ‘cos of being ill n all! We just went shopping, cinema, pub etc… the usual things you do with your friends!
                *Giggles* yep, I think so too! Unless you really liked REM and wouldn’t mind watching them sleep of course!Oh yes (not to a big extent though), mostly Freud and Jung’s meaning of dreams! Freud thought every dream was something sexual… I can sort of see how he could come to some of those conclusions, but I don’t think all dreams have sexual meaning!
                She waved back, bless! *giggles* Well that sounds like you had fun, so does this mean you finally got to see The Incredibles?
                I really like REM but I wouldn't want to see them's a little stalkerish if you ask me! It's quite an interesting subject although not if you take the Freud view that everything is about sex, how boring is that? Even if you had a different dream every night then it would still be about the same thing. Pfft!
                Spoilers for Gemini and The Storm (glad you had fun btw <g>)
                So onto new (well not so new anymore lol) Stargate then….
                I so loved this episode! The second half of the season has certainly gone off with a bang! And didn’t you just love it when the Sky announcer said ‘the world premiere’ of this episode! So we have 2 Sam’s… very cool! Amanda did an excellent job with this! She really showed the differences in the 2 of them!
                I do like Replicarter; she is definitely one of those good baddies! I did feel sorry for her at the start, especially when she showed Sam what Fifth made her do… shooting Daniel etc and Jack (how dare she *giggles*). But then by the end she was this evil, evil replicator! Who knew she was going to betray Fifth so she could become a leader of the replicators! And she found out a way to be immune to the replicator gun thing (what ever the name of it is) and, from what she said, all replicators will learn that and become unstoppable! And poor Sam, she feels like it was her fault. I guess in a way it kind of was, but she was only human and had sympathy for her (I guess ‘cos she knows how she would react in the situations replicater was out in and so she definitely can sympathize with her). Hm, I guess I have gone on enough, you’re turn! hehe
                So Atlantis was really cool too! And a second parter…which is good ‘cos they definitely couldn’t have fit all of that into one episode!
                So the planet has a super storm every 20-30 years (I think????) and it is in Atlantis’ path. That is a good story already, and then the Genni (who had help form those other people….the ones that let the crew stay on their planet) decide it is time they took Atlantis for themselves! We were talking about whether we would see them pop up again, and they did! And they took Elizabeth and McKay hostage ! And as it finished the leader (that evil man who I have no idea what his name is) was about to shoot Weir (IIRC) and then we saw Sheppard talking on the radio thing all worried and panicked! I liked the bit before the Genni came and Weir, Sheppard and McKay were going to turn on those generators (I think)… loved how Sheppard had to do 2 of them and then asked how far away they were from where they had to get back too (I can’t remember so much as, well, it was Tuesday when I watched it)! Oh and while I am talking about Sheppard, I so thought he was kind of like Bruce Willis in Die Hard (maybe ‘cos I just watched Die Hard last night lol) but that might be just me!
                Ok so there is quite a lot of information here…. Sorry! But I have had to catch up <g>!
                ROTFL! A video player playing Kerplunk, now wouldn’t that be a sight! <bg> hehe
                Spoilers for Gemini and The Storm
                Well it was new last week if that's any help .... And I couldn't help laughing at the 'world premiere' thing, they're not smug about that at all! *giggle* So ok, Sam has an evil twin . The thing I missed about this ep was Jack's 'well this is a cliché' comment, 'cos it should have been there, he's always said it before! But nevermind, in the version in my head he said it anyway..... I could have told them that trusting a replicator was a really bad idea, & now they have no weapons that work against them(I hope someone told the Asgard) and an evil Carter-a-like that can outsmart the are they gonna get out of that one? Anyway, I really liked it, it was fun, & Amanda was fab.
                Yep a two parter for Atlantis, it's kind of a shame they didn't show the second part after the first, but maybe that's just me being greedy . And now that West Wing's finished I can actually watch tonight's after SG-1. So anyway, those Genni people really know how to hold a grudge don't they? I liked the idea that they didn't get all of the generatory things set up, i'm sure there'll be just enough to cause a problem(and hopefully kill some bad guys) and enough so that they have power & a city still. *giggles* Actually that seems to kind of fit, although Shep doesn't have that dirty white vest that Bruce Willis is so fond of LOL!
                Hehe yep it would, but it would be weirder if it was playing monopoly or something .

                Yeah I think so too, but once must make us a bit fitter! Yes it was….and we had bags, we finished our Christmas shopping. How cool was that! <g>
                Well maybe, we definitely had our exercise for the week though! Very cool, and i've just about finished wrapping stuff & making it look pretty too .
                *Giggles* exactly… they could sell off unwanted clothes, FBI agents, supersoldiers, aliens etc!
                ROTFL, 'roll up, roll up, who wants their very own FBI agent? Yours for only £2.99!' *giggles*
                LOL! Why not, there are so many posts flying about so one less one might help! <g>

                Yeah I guess not… but at least we have some stuff to look forward too!

                Nope it was not good timing. Yep, had my big coat on, scarf, gloves…the whole works! :-) Yep, and now I am back <bg>.
                And especially lots of posts now! I didn't know which to reply to first!

                We do indeed, and we can always bug Sky if we want to know what's on!

                Aww well that's sounds like you'd be warm enough. So do your gloves match the general pinkness of everything else? *giggles*




                  Originally posted by thelittlesis
                  Today in fact and yes, don't remind me, I may have all my shopping done & the decorations up but i'm not feeling remotely Christmassy....
                  Now 2 days ago! LOL…erm, would it be annoying if I said it is Christmas Eve tomorrow??? I have a little Christmassy feeling, but not that much. Maybe it’ll kick in tomorrow after work! ;-)

                  Originally posted by thelittlesis
                  LOL! So it's still not back then? Mum's still got a nasty cough too, although I think she's glad she caught the cough & cold from work, rather than the sickness bug that's doing the rounds. He is? Ooh quick send him some ice so he can cool down!!!
                  It is, it is! I am all healthy again (well I have a tickly cough butt that’s it)! It is so nice not to have a blocked nose and not be able to hardly breathe! Ooohh a sickness bug! That is no fun at all! I bet she is glad she never caught it! *Giggles* I am afraid the ice would melt before it even touched him! <g> While we are speaking of RDA, I have heard that he has apparently said that he wants to be in California full time (meaning that he won’t be back)! Although I won’t believe it until it is official, official. And he I believe that he could always have guest spots!

                  Originally posted by thelittlesis
                  She waved back, bless! *giggles* Well that sounds like you had fun, so does this mean you finally got to see The Incredibles?
                  I really like REM but I wouldn't want to see them's a little stalkerish if you ask me! It's quite an interesting subject although not if you take the Freud view that everything is about sex, how boring is that? Even if you had a different dream every night then it would still be about the same thing. Pfft!
                  Hehe, I know! Well yes but not at that time. I went to see Blade Trinity with my best friend (that was very cool actually and it was on Wednesday so I used my Orange Wednesday ticket ;-))) and I took my little brother to see The Incredibles on Monday. It was very cute, beats Shrek hands down, although Finding Nemo is still my all time fav!
                  *Giggles* uh huh! And we are nuts already, stalking may be going a bit far! It is, I loved that part of Psychology (as well as most of the other stuff)! I know, Freud was a good psychologist, but he had some issues!

                  Originally posted by thelittlesis
                  Spoilers for Gemini and The Storm
                  Well it was new last week if that's any help .... And I couldn't help laughing at the 'world premiere' thing, they're not smug about that at all! *giggle* So ok, Sam has an evil twin . The thing I missed about this ep was Jack's 'well this is a cliché' comment, 'cos it should have been there, he's always said it before! But nevermind, in the version in my head he said it anyway..... I could have told them that trusting a replicator was a really bad idea, & now they have no weapons that work against them(I hope someone told the Asgard) and an evil Carter-a-like that can outsmart the are they gonna get out of that one? Anyway, I really liked it, it was fun, & Amanda was fab.
                  Yep a two parter for Atlantis, it's kind of a shame they didn't show the second part after the first, but maybe that's just me being greedy . And now that West Wing's finished I can actually watch tonight's after SG-1. So anyway, those Genni people really know how to hold a grudge don't they? I liked the idea that they didn't get all of the generatory things set up, i'm sure there'll be just enough to cause a problem(and hopefully kill some bad guys) and enough so that they have power & a city still. *giggles* Actually that seems to kind of fit, although Shep doesn't have that dirty white vest that Bruce Willis is so fond of LOL!
                  Hehe yep it would, but it would be weirder if it was playing monopoly or something.
                  Spoilers for Gemini and The Storm and Brand spanking new spoilers for Prometheus Unbound and The Eye
                  I know... what a cool sky announcer for doing that! <g> Yeah you have a point there… in my view, Jack should have been all over this one ‘cos it was a cliché! Oh well, maybe next time if we see replicarter again!
                  Yeah they are especially Sora (sp??), she is annoying! LOL! Nope he doesn’t… plus he isn’t all bloodied up and I don’t think he smokes! But I do think he is kind like John Maclane, and hey, they have the same first name!
                  Ok so onto new Stargate! I really liked this episode even though it had about 5ish minutes of Jack and no Sam or Teal’c at all! I really loved the start with Daniel and Jack and then coming into Jacks office, the chair turns around and who is in it, Hammy! <g> It was so cool to see him again, and how he was with Jack was so funny, especially when he said Daniel is going on the mission to Atlantis, oh and ‘I want that chair back’ lol! So when they get on the Prometheus they answer they distress call and it is in the form of Vala as a pretend supersoilder! I am not sure about Vala at the moment (GWs front page had info on her that said she will be in some of season 9)… on one hand she was quite cool. I loved how she totally kicked Daniels ass. But on the other, she is quite annoying and kept talking about sex! I think I am more on liking her than not though! I loved Daniel in this episode as well, I so did not think he would hit Vala back. And then when he locked Vala in that room and he said ‘I see you’ and then touched the screen as if he were pinching her head lol! And then he zated her at the end, but she got free and went off!
                  Atlantis was so cool again. And the sky announcer said ‘world premiere’ for this episode. Does this mean she will do this now for every episode we get, as it will be a world premiere? This was such a great conclusion to The Storm… the Genni are really hell bent on getting the better of our team! I can see them becoming a really big enemy! I really loved Sheppard in this episode again… especially when he took all the generators away… trying to get back at Mr evil man (don’t know what his name is ). He seemed really angry when he thought he had shot Weir and so went on a killing rampage. Then he found out she was alive! And near the end when he asked her how she was… And when he got the shield up on the Stargate and quite a few Genni died! Definitely reminding me of Bruce Willis Die Hard here!
                  I loved McKay as well… how he stepped in front of Weir when she nearly got shot… and then getting the shield up (which was cool when you saw the huge tidal wave cut through form the shield) he is a hero! And lastly, the Teyal/Sora showdown was very cool. Don’t mess with Teyla is all I can say!

                  Originally posted by thelittlesis
                  Well maybe, we definitely had our exercise for the week though! Very cool, and i've just about finished wrapping stuff & making it look pretty too .
                  Hehe, we did. We were good little soldiers! :-) Oh me too, lots of pretty ribbon , well except mum’s, I’ll have to do that tomorrow!

                  Originally posted by thelittlesis
                  ROTFL, 'roll up, roll up, who wants their very own FBI agent? Yours for only £2.99!' *giggles*
                  ROTFL! Now that is a very cool slogan! And at only £2.99, I am sure they would be snapped up in a second!

                  Originally posted by thelittlesis
                  And especially lots of posts now! I didn't know which to reply to first!

                  We do indeed, and we can always bug Sky if we want to know what's on!

                  Aww well that's sounds like you'd be warm enough. So do your gloves match the general pinkness of everything else? *giggles*
                  Hehe, me either! Although the thread appears to have emptied out again! Come back everyone!!!!

                  We can indeed! Speaking of what’s on, I have see that ER starts on E4 on the 6th of January! And I have seen that Sky thing for what’s coming soon and they showed 24 . And the bad side, even though we haven’t got Dead like me, I hear it has been cancelled in the US! There is a thread on it in here I think!

                  LOL! Nope, my gloves are black! It’s a big shock isn’t it?



                  By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                    I just thought i'd add to the masses of posts by wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!! I probably won't be online for the next couple of days so I hope you all have a great time whatever you're doing, and have lots of nice shiny new things to play with!

                    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

                    (((((((big huggles)))))))



                      Originally posted by thelittlesis
                      I just thought i'd add to the masses of posts by wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!! I probably won't be online for the next couple of days so I hope you all have a great time whatever you're doing, and have lots of nice shiny new things to play with!

                      MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

                      (((((((big huggles)))))))

                      Gosh I just got home. I had to work until 6pm today!

                      Ditto hun! I just came on here to wish one of the best threads around a huge......

                      Merry Christmas!

                      Kirsty, Sarah and Loopy! I hope you all have a wonderful time and like Kirsty, I won't be on here for the next couple of days either! So see you all in a few days!

                      (((((((((((((Xmas huggles)))))))))))))


                      By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                        Just a short post, maybe a bit late, but I hope everyone enjoys Santa's wifes trip


                          Good morning campers! I hope everyone's Christmas was a delite. Let's go have a look at what's under your tree....and we're walking...

                          "We'll keep the light on for you."


                            Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                            Now 2 days ago! LOL…erm, would it be annoying if I said it is Christmas Eve tomorrow??? I have a little Christmassy feeling, but not that much. Maybe it’ll kick in tomorrow after work!
                            Well, i'm apparently replying to this backwards so this is the last bit i'm typing, and it has been a while since you posted so, yes, i'd be very surprised if you said it was Christmas eve tomorrow *giggles*. So did the Christmas spirit kick in after you finished work?
                            It is, it is! I am all healthy again (well I have a tickly cough butt that’s it)! It is so nice not to have a blocked nose and not be able to hardly breathe! Ooohh a sickness bug! That is no fun at all! I bet she is glad she never caught it! *Giggles* I am afraid the ice would melt before it even touched him! <g> While we are speaking of RDA, I have heard that he has apparently said that he wants to be in California full time (meaning that he won’t be back)! Although I won’t believe it until it is official, official. And he I believe that he could always have guest spots!
                            So i'm guessing by now you're back to normal. I think my mum's wishing she was, she still has a cold, it seems to have dragged on for ages. She spent boxing day in bed! Luckily we weren't doing anything that day.
                            LOL you might be right there. We could always send those plastic bags that you fill with water & make tons of ice cubes in one sheet...he'd have to do the filling & freezing himself but i'm sure he could cope with that! And well, that's sad but I guess if he doesn't want to be there anymore then *sniffle* there's not much you can do. Have you heard anything more?('cos you know, you do venture out of the thread more than me 'n' all)
                            I went to see Blade Trinity with my best friend (that was very cool actually and it was on Wednesday so I used my Orange Wednesday ticket) and I took my little brother to see The Incredibles on Monday. It was very cute, beats Shrek hands down, although Finding Nemo is still my all time fav!
                            *Giggles* uh huh! And we are nuts already, stalking may be going a bit far! It is, I loved that part of Psychology (as well as most of the other stuff)! I know, Freud was a good psychologist, but he had some issues!
                            That orange wednesday thing is really handy isn't it! Oh so you did get to see it, cool! I think by now i'll probably have to wait 'til it's out on dvd or something *giggles*.
                            Yeah, I think so.... stalking is sooo last year! *giggles* LOL you're telling me!!!
                            Spoilers for Gemini and The Storm and Brand spanking new spoilers for Prometheus Unbound and The Eye
                            I know... what a cool sky announcer for doing that! <g> Yeah you have a point there… in my view, Jack should have been all over this one ‘cos it was a cliché! Oh well, maybe next time if we see replicarter again!
                            Yeah they are especially Sora (sp??), she is annoying! LOL! Nope he doesn’t… plus he isn’t all bloodied up and I don’t think he smokes! But I do think he is kind like John Maclane, and hey, they have the same first name!
                            Ok so onto new Stargate! I really liked this episode even though it had about 5ish minutes of Jack and no Sam or Teal’c at all! I really loved the start with Daniel and Jack and then coming into Jacks office, the chair turns around and who is in it, Hammy! <g> It was so cool to see him again, and how he was with Jack was so funny, especially when he said Daniel is going on the mission to Atlantis, oh and ‘I want that chair back’ lol! So when they get on the Prometheus they answer they distress call and it is in the form of Vala as a pretend supersoilder! I am not sure about Vala at the moment (GWs front page had info on her that said she will be in some of season 9)… on one hand she was quite cool. I loved how she totally kicked Daniels ass. But on the other, she is quite annoying and kept talking about sex! I think I am more on liking her than not though! I loved Daniel in this episode as well, I so did not think he would hit Vala back. And then when he locked Vala in that room and he said ‘I see you’ and then touched the screen as if he were pinching her head lol! And then he zatted her at the end, but she got free and went off!
                            Atlantis was so cool again. And the sky announcer said ‘world premiere’ for this episode. Does this mean she will do this now for every episode we get, as it will be a world premiere? This was such a great conclusion to The Storm… the Genni are really hell bent on getting the better of our team! I can see them becoming a really big enemy! I really loved Sheppard in this episode again… especially when he took all the generators away… trying to get back at Mr evil man (don’t know what his name is). He seemed really angry when he thought he had shot Weir and so went on a killing rampage. Then he found out she was alive! And near the end when he asked her how she was… And when he got the shield up on the Stargate and quite a few Genni died! Definitely reminding me of Bruce Willis Die Hard here!
                            I loved McKay as well… how he stepped in front of Weir when she nearly got shot… and then getting the shield up (which was cool when you saw the huge tidal wave cut through form the shield) he is a hero! And lastly, the Teyal/Sora showdown was very cool. Don’t mess with Teyla is all I can say!
                            Spoilers for Gemini and The Storm and Brand spanking new spoilers for Prometheus Unbound and The Eye
                            *giggles* Carter has an evil twin! They have to mention it at some point, i'll be disappointed otherwise....
                            Well ok Stargate was completely a Daniel ep, but then I liked that it lead on from the conversation Sam & Daniel were having in the previous ep. And Hammy, there was Hammy too! And I loved that whole exchange in Jack's office . That was pretty cool, nice to have him back, and on a mission for once . And I thought Claudia Black was excellent...she does a good line in completely nuts. *giggles* I hope they give her a bit more of a character next time though. The fight scenes were pretty hilarious, I bet they had fun doing those, and erm well I can't really remember a lot else about it, it was a while ago you know!
                            Atlantis I definitely thought lived up to the first part, and I agree with you about Die Hard, but he's missing that whole blood stained white vest thing that Bruce Willis seems to love so much. And now they have a Genni instead of a wraith... she's no Steve but she does have pretty hair! *giggles*
                            Oh me too, lots of pretty ribbon , well except mum’s, I’ll have to do that tomorrow!
                            So, wrapping pressies,'d that go? Did you make everything all pretty? Not that it really matters now seeing as it'll all have been dumped & whatnot......
                            ROTFL! Now that is a very cool slogan! And at only £2.99, I am sure they would be snapped up in a second!
                            Hehe! Depending on which agent was actually being sold off I guess.....
                            Although the thread appears to have emptied out again! Come back everyone!!!!
                            Well it is Christmas, er....was Christmas! Anyone get a search party under the tree or anything??? might be useful!
                            We can indeed! Speaking of what’s on, I have see that ER starts on E4 on the 6th of January! And I have seen that Sky thing for what’s coming soon and they showed 24. And the bad side, even though we haven’t got Dead like me, I hear it has been cancelled in the US! There is a thread on it in here I think!
                            So that's another thing to watch this week then . And I think 24 starts at the end of January. And yeah, I read on dark horizons that Dead Like me was dead. Shame, 'cos the first season was excellent...really funny!
                            LOL! Nope, my gloves are black! It’s a big shock isn’t it?
                            Wow! That is shocking, could it be you're going off pink?! *giggles* Still I guess you need to have some contrast with your coat, scarf, watch.....




                              Yay .... we are back on the first page!

                              So as you suggested I am going to clog up the thread with a post (not pointless though ) and I have found a piccie, it is small and hopefully it will work! So here goes......

                              Did it work? Did it work?

                              If it did, I know it is one we have seen before! But hey, he looks hot! I'll try and find a nice Jean one tomorrow!

                              (((((((welcome back to the thread huggles))))))))))


                              P.S Like I said in the pm, I will reply to this post soon!

                              By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                              My Livejournal

                              My Myspace


                                Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                                Yay .... we are back on the first page!

                                So as you suggested I am going to clog up the thread with a post (not pointless though ) and I have found a piccie, it is small and hopefully it will work! So here goes......

                                Did it work? Did it work?

                                If it did, I know it is one we have seen before! But hey, he looks hot! I'll try and find a nice Jean one tomorrow!

                                (((((((welcome back to the thread huggles))))))))))


                                P.S Like I said in the pm, I will reply to this post soon!
                                Yay indeed!

                                See, didn't I say i'd reply?(even if I did do it a really screwy way) And I don't think lovely pics such as the one above, which worked btw(otherwise i'd be raving on about a box with a little red x in & I don't think i'm that strange), can ever be called pointless. I was going to add to the non pointlessness & post a nice Jean one but I can't seem to find one that'll work . Hope you have more luck!



