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Sci-fi shows and their downfalls: an analysis

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    Star Trek was good all around on all fronts. However, you can only take so many years of traveling in a starship doing essentially the same thing. The only exception is Deep Space 9, which was a welcome reprieve from the starships of all the other Trek series.


      As far as Star Trek goes...i think it went right into the crapper when GR died.

      TOS was great for it's time...was a good reflection of the politics and the morals of the time.

      TNG started off well but after GR died, and whatever creative control he maintained disappeared, it just seemed to slide quickly downhill into generally poorly thought out story ideas with little thought or creativity. DS9 and Voyager were both great ideas that suffered from incredibly bad execution. Paramount figured their audience was too dumb/apathetic to handle linear story lines (as opposed to episodic) and so great arcs like the gem hadar or travelling thru borg space/race 2685(i know that's not the numbers) were thrown in every now and then with leaps made from story to story but little explanation about what's really going on to get from one core ep to another....

      and don't get me started on the mirror universe....

      Enterprise....shoulda started on S3 and skipped the time travel....good concept...and as usual....crap execution.

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        With the repitition of the same events comes the downfall of most any show. I mean, how many more times could TPTB keep Apophis alive? I think he died the final death just in time to save the show from becoming farcicle. It would also be just way too much for any more ascensions for Daniel, or any of Sg-1, for that matter. On a similar note: I hope TPTB will stop playing with the timeline too; even O'Neill knows better than that.

        "We'll keep the light on for you."

