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Big Finish Audio Dramas

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    I've got a few of the BBC books, but I mainly have 3rd and 4th Doctor stories. Last of the Gaderene and Corpse Marker are my favourites.

    I finished the Fifth Doctor Box Set...

    Psychodrome was an OK story. I was mostly interested in the relationship between the characters. It fitted in very well after Castrovalva and I was interested to hear how they gradually come to like and trust each other, as is shown in Four to Doomsday. The story at first had a little too many characters and I had a bit of difficulty at first in sorting them all out in my head., but when they were shown to be the same characters, I understood it more. 5/10

    Iterations of I was brilliant. I really, really liked that one. Seriously creepy. I physically jumped in one or two places. The I are an excellent concept and I loved the way they gradually took people over, particuarly Nyssa. I've been absolute rubbish at maths since the age of 11 (thanks to a crap Maths teacher) but I found that didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the story. BTW I was a little confused at the beginning, as the cover sleeve shows Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland whereas the setting of the play is actually Ireland. 9.5/10

    In both stories I thought Matthew Waterhouse sounded a little odd, but I think he can be forgiven as he is now 53 and it must be hard to sound like a teenager. It didn't spoil the story for me at all.

    Adric irritated me beyond belief when I was younger, as I found him to so insufferably smug and a know it all, but I have to say he's grown on me a lot and I think these stories have improved my perception of him even more. I also liked the music on these stories very much, which is so completely like that of the 5th Doctor era.


      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
      Aha, I've mostly managed to steer clear of DW prose to date. The only thing I've read has been the War Doctor novel, Engines of War.
      It's probably safer that way... bring prose into the equation and the expanded universe increases substantially. I did enjoy Engines of War though - thought it was an excellent novel, and tbh I'd go so far as to say it's essential reading for all Doctor Who fans.

      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      I've got a few of the BBC books, but I mainly have 3rd and 4th Doctor stories. Last of the Gaderene and Corpse Marker are my favourites.

      I finished the Fifth Doctor Box Set...

      Psychodrome was an OK story. I was mostly interested in the relationship between the characters. It fitted in very well after Castrovalva and I was interested to hear how they gradually come to like and trust each other, as is shown in Four to Doomsday. The story at first had a little too many characters and I had a bit of difficulty at first in sorting them all out in my head., but when they were shown to be the same characters, I understood it more. 5/10

      Iterations of I was brilliant. I really, really liked that one. Seriously creepy. I physically jumped in one or two places. The I are an excellent concept and I loved the way they gradually took people over, particuarly Nyssa. I've been absolute rubbish at maths since the age of 11 (thanks to a crap Maths teacher) but I found that didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the story. BTW I was a little confused at the beginning, as the cover sleeve shows Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland whereas the setting of the play is actually Ireland. 9.5/10

      In both stories I thought Matthew Waterhouse sounded a little odd, but I think he can be forgiven as he is now 53 and it must be hard to sound like a teenager. It didn't spoil the story for me at all.

      Adric irritated me beyond belief when I was younger, as I found him to so insufferably smug and a know it all, but I have to say he's grown on me a lot and I think these stories have improved my perception of him even more. I also liked the music on these stories very much, which is so completely like that of the 5th Doctor era.


      I completelt agree reference Interations of I. I found myself completely and utterly hooked. By and large I enjoy the majority, if not all, of Big Finish audios, but every now and then they produce something that is is absolutely astounding. The audio equivilant of 'Blink' or 'Listen'. This is one of them. I love the way that, despite how long sci fi has been going, Doctor Who still manages to come up with totally original and innovative adversaries (The 'I', the 2D creatures in Flatline, the Weeping Angels)... I found the concept of the I to be so very fascinating and yet chilling at the same time. I don't think I could sing it praises enough. Particularly as I wasn't all that enthusiastic about the boxset, given the return of Adric, who frankly I think is a little ****.

      "Five Rounds Rapid"



        What's so great about Listen?
        "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


          I don't know if anyone here is interested but Big Finish will be doing an audio version of The Prisoner.

          I do keep meaning to get the DVD of the original. I've only seen one or two episodes on TV in the past, but I was a bit too young to understand it and thought it really weird. I think I'd appreciate it much more now I'm a bit older *cough*.


            BBC Audio Awards - Big Finish Shortlisted!


            We're delighted to be nominated for two categories in the BBC Audio Awards, with two of 2014 biggest hits up for honours...

            Continuing the ongoing New Years Celebrations, we've just heard that Frankenstein's Alex Jordan has been nominated for the BBC Audio Award for Best Actor or Actress in a Debut Role, for his turn as Captain Robert Walton.

            And the first story in our Survivors: Series 01 boxset, Revelation by Matt Fitton, is nominated in the Best Online/Non-Broadcast catagory!

            The awards pay tribute to the cultural importance of audio drama, on air and online, and are intended to give recognition to the actors, writers, producers, sound designers and others who work in the genre.

            This year’s winners will be announced at a ceremony to be held on Sunday 1 February 2015 in the Radio Theatre at BBC Broadcasting House in central London, hosted by Helen Boaden, Director of BBC Radio.

            Both nominations follow Big Finish's success last year, with a win for Doctor Who: Dark Eyes in the Best Online/Non-Broadcast shortlist.

            Congratulations once again to Alex, Matt and the wonderful teams behind these fantastic releases!

            Catch up on these critically acclaimed releases today; Frankenstein can be purchased now for just £25.00 (plus P&P) for the special CD edition, or £20.00 on download. The Limited Edition CD is also still avaliable. Survivors: Series 01 is avaliable for £30.00 (plus P&P) as a boxset, or just £25.00 on download.


              More good news from Big Finish: Day 13 of their 12 Days of Christmas has come...

              If you missed any of the deals from the Christmas event, you are very much in luck. For the next 24h (from time of BF posting), all 12 of the download deals are back on! These include:

              Dorian Gray - This World Our Hell (free)
              Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Auntie Matter (£2.99)
              Vienna - The Memory Box (£2.99)
              Sherlock Holmes - The Tangled Skein (£2.99)
              Doctor Who - The Companion Chronicles: The Scorchies (£2.99)
              Doctor Who - Love & War (£2.99)
              Doctor Who - The Lost Stories: The Queen of Time (£2.99)
              Doctor Who - Plague of the Daleks (£2.99)
              Blake's 7 - The Liberator Chronicles: The Turing Test (£2.99)
              Doctor Who - The Companion Chronicles: The Beginning (£2.99)
              Doctor Who - Short Trips Volume 3 (£2.99)
              Doctor Who - Destiny of the Doctors (£2.99 each, all 11 Bundled for £30)
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I don't know if anyone here is interested but Big Finish will be doing an audio version of The Prisoner.


                I do keep meaning to get the DVD of the original. I've only seen one or two episodes on TV in the past, but I was a bit too young to understand it and thought it really weird. I think I'd appreciate it much more now I'm a bit older *cough*.
       first aired 18 years before I was born
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Listened to Plague of the Daleks the last couple of days (got it during the Xmas sale). Well, that was one great big bag of 'meh.'

                  The First Sontarans, on the other hand, was quite good. I'm not a fan of Six, and it's astonishing that Nicola Bryant's 'American' accent is still so atrocious 30 flippin' years later, BUT it's a testament to how good the story was that I enjoyed it so much. What a terrific shift in perspective on the Sontarans!
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    Listened to Plague of the Daleks the last couple of days (got it during the Xmas sale). Well, that was one great big bag of 'meh.'

                    The First Sontarans, on the other hand, was quite good. I'm not a fan of Six, and it's astonishing that Nicola Bryant's 'American' accent is still so atrocious 30 flippin' years later, BUT it's a testament to how good the story was that I enjoyed it so much. What a terrific shift in perspective on the Sontarans!
                    I concur reference Plague.

                    Glad you enjoyed The First Sontarans. Six has grown on me since I started listening to the audio dramas. You're right, it really does change the whole perception of the Sontarans and adds much needed insight and back story. But then, I just love anything with Sontarans in it.

                    In other news...

                    The New Adventures Of Bernice Summerfield Volume 2: The Triumph of Sutekh

                    A familiar Big Finish hero is back for a new outing in 2015... Opposing a familiar Doctor Who villain...

                    We're delighted to announce that June this year sees the release of The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield - Volume 2: The Triumph of Sutekh boxed set, teaming occasional Doctor Who companion, and full time archaeologist Bernice (Lisa Bowerman) with her friends the Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) and Ace (Sophie Aldred). They will confront one of the most powerful Doctor Who villains of all time across four new adventures:

                    The Pyramid Of Sutekh

                    Professor Bernice Summerfield, archaeologist and adventurer, has discovered a Pyramid on Mars. Inside she finds her old friend the Doctor is fighting a battle with the Osiran God Sutekh. One he is losing.

                    The Vaults Of Osiris

                    Egypt in 2015 is an unsettled place. The trade in stolen antiquities is a murky one, and it's about to get a whole lot worse, as an ancient and terrible force enters the market.

                    The Eye Of Horus

                    Ancient Egypt is enjoying a golden age - peace, prosperity and a powerful Pharaoh. But something is moving through the sands. A forgotten god requests an invite to the feast.

                    The Tears Of Isis

                    Russell Courtland prophesied the world would end on Tuesday. No-one was more suprised than he was when it did.

                    The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield - Volume 2: The Triumph of Sutekh is released in June and can be ordered at a special pre-release price of just £20.00 on both CD and Download (+P&P where relevant). The four disc set is accompanied by a fifth disc of extras, also available on download to all purchasers.

                    A small teaser is already available as a free download on the story's page, and was premiered in the most recent Big Finish podcast. More news, including the cover and trailer will follow soon.

                    For those interested in the wealth of Big Finish adventures of Bernice Summerfield, check out the full range here, including last year's The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 1, and her recent adventure with the Seventh Doctor, Doctor Who - The Highest Science...

                    HELL BLOODY YES! I love Bernice Summerfield!

                    (I actually think I have a bit of a crush on her... )

                    And the first lot of New Adventures was fantastic!

                    "Five Rounds Rapid"



                      Hoorah! I will be pre-ordering that just as soon as I'm off this crappy work computer and on to something more reliable!
                      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                        I've just finished a couple of Fourth Doctor Adventures, Desination: Nerva and Trail of the White Worm.


                        I was rather disappointed with Destination Nerva.

                        It started off referencing The Talons of Weng Chiang, but then left that so there was no apparent reason for mentioning the events there, then the Doctor & Leela headed off to Nerva beacon.

                        I thought there would be a good reason for them being on Nerva, and some mention of the events in The Ark in Space - the cryogenic storage facility or the Wirrn, but there was nothing. The action might as well have taken place on a completely unrelated space station. The story was just your standard "people getting taken over & becoming a single entity" type thing. So disappointing really. It seems that Nick Briggs just tossed Nerva into the title to grab people's attention. My score - 3/10

                        The second, Trail of the White Worm was a little better but not great. The humour is forced and seems out of place with the Fourth Doctor & Leela. It seems more like that of the Douglas Adams era. The main villain was barely used, and the focus should have been much more on him. Also some parts of the story are really silly. My score - 4/10

                        Such a shame, because all the acting was great in both stories.

                        Now I'm just starting The Justice of Jalxar and hoping for something better.

                        Last edited by Blencathra; 09 January 2015, 03:05 AM.


                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          I've just finished a couple of Fourth Doctor Adventures, Desination: Nerva and Trail of the White Worm.


                          I was rather disappointed with Destination Nerva.

                          It started off referencing The Talons of Weng Chiang, but then left that so there was no apparent reason for mentioning the events there, then the Doctor & Leela headed off to Nerva beacon.

                          I thought there would be a good reason for them being on Nerva, and some mention of the events in The Ark in Space - the cryogenic storage facility or the Wirrn, but there was nothing. The action might as well have taken place on a completely unrelated space station. The story was just your standard "people getting taken over & becoming a single entity" type thing. So disappointing really. It seems that Nick Briggs just tossed Nerva into the title to grab people's attention. My score - 3/10

                          The second, Trail of the White Worm was a little better but not great. The humour is forced and seems out of place with the Fourth Doctor & Leela. It seems more like that of the Douglas Adams era. The main villain was barely used, and the focus should have been much more on him. Also some parts of the story are really silly. My score - 4/10

                          Such a shame, because all the acting was great in both stories.

                          Now I'm just starting The Justice of Jalxar and hoping for something better.


                          Yes... I seem to recall listening to Destination Nerva whilst in the gym. I wasn't particularly impressed... seemed a little too generic for my liking. I think you're right about using the Nerva name to try and draw a crowd, but frankly, Tom Baker was enough to do that.

                          In contrast, I genuinely liked White Worm and the role of the Master. Bare in mind, that it's part 1... part 2 is The Oseiden Adventure, and frankly I think it's a good conclusion to the first series of 4th Doctor Adventures give it a try!

                          "Five Rounds Rapid"



                            Drat it. I haven't got The Oseiden Adventure & I can't afford to buy it until next month.

                            I enjoyed The Justice of Jalxar. Reminded me a tinsy bit of The Inquisitor from Red Dwarf. (Like all who stand before the Inquisitor...your judge shall be yourself! Rimmer: Oh, smeg.) Great to hear Jago & Lightfoot meeting Romana.


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              (Like all who stand before the Inquisitor...your judge shall be yourself! Rimmer: Oh, smeg.)

                              I love Red Dwarf so much!
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                                So do I. If I feel a bit down I only have to read a few quotes from Red Dwarf and it brightens up my whole day.


                                Big Finish are having a Special Offer on some of their David Warner CDs.


