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Big Finish Audio Dramas

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    I do like the sound of these anniversay releases.

    Big Finish - Doctor Who 2015: The Locum Doctors!

    It's back to the future for Big Finish's main range of Doctor Who - with news of next year's main range anniversary...

    There have been a lot of audio anniversaries recently - 50 years of Doctor Who in 2013, 15 years of Doctor Who at Big Finish in 2014, and in 2015 the Doctor Who monthly range clocks up its 200th release!

    'I find it almost incredible that we've got this far,’ says executive producer Nicholas Briggs. ‘The Doctor Who main range has been our backbone for so long.'

    And so, in April, May and June, for releases 198,199 and 200, the company is doing something very special indeed, which is all the masterplan of script editor Alan Barnes.

    ‘For some time, I'd been thinking it was a shame we couldn't make more use of the first three Doctors' companions in the Main Range,” says Alan. ‘Continuity permitting (or even not!), we can always have the Fifth, Sixth or Seventh Doctors meeting up with friends they said 'goodbye' to years before... but there have been a fair few School Reunion-type stories now, and they're great, but I couldn't help wondering: can't we do something different?

    ‘Then I thought: what if the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors turned up bang in the middle of earlier, unseen adventures – standing in for their 'proper' selves, who've gone AWOL for some reason or other...? Locum Doctors, if you will! ‘And that's what we've done!’

    First up is The Defectors by Nicholas Briggs, which pairs Sylvester McCoy with the Third Doctor’s companion Jo Grant, while Richard Franklin also appears as Captain Mike Yates. The guest stars in this first story of the trilogy are David Graham (Thunderbirds, Doctor Who - Dalek and Cybermen voices, and Kerensky in City of Death) and Barnaby Edwards (Dalek).

    ‘The challenge is to put your displaced Doctor into an adventure which feels like it comes from another era, and he has to work out why he’s here and what he’s supposed to do,’ says Nick Briggs. ‘It brings up lots of questions about what makes the Doctors different. This one is a different spin on the “base under siege” scenario, set on a remote island, but still involving lots of government and UNIT shenanigans.'

    May’s release is Last of the Cybermen, which is written by Alan, and reunites Colin Baker with Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury. ‘It finds the Sixth Doctor joining forces with Jamie and Zoe to explore a strange citadel that holds the secret of the Cybermen's ultimate destruction,’ says Alan.

    Finally, release 200 itself is Eddie Robson's The Secret History – in which the Fifth Doctor, trapped with Steven and Vicki in sixth century Constantinople, at last learns the reason why he's being dragged back into the lives of his former incarnations. Peter Davison, Peter Purves and Maureen O’Brien are joined by guest stars Lysette Anthony (Dark Shadows, Oliver Twist) and Tony Millan (Citizen Smith).

    But if any of those Doctors changed their own past, even in the smallest way... what might happen to their future?’ Alan teases.

    Doctor Who - The Defectors, Doctor Who - Last of the Cybermen, and Doctor Who - The Secret History are all available to pre-order now, or can be purchased as part of either a six- or twelve-story subscription at a special price along with unique extras...


      Hmm... sounds like a pretty fun idea, but could be a dumb gimmick.
      "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


        Listening to 'Doctor Who: The Highest Science'... loving it!!!

        I really hope (futilely, I suspect) that Benny gets to get a screen debut and join Twelve whilst still retaining her existing continuity... she is Officially my favourite companion ever!

        Nb. The Brigadier is not a companion.

        "Five Rounds Rapid"



          Highest Science is still somewhere in transit to me. Oddly, a BF order that I placed after I got my Highest Science ship notification has arrived, but HS itself has not.

          Ah well, it can wait.

          I've been having another go through Dalek Empire, and been digging it as much as I did the first time around too. Also been thinking of a Seven revisit now that the Hex storyline has concluded; the way Signs and Wonders wrapped up will transition much better into Love and War than Afterlife would have. Seeing as how last time through I skipped the Benny stuff because I couldn't figure out where it happened!
          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


            Big Finish have Masters of Earth as a free download...


            or here


            I haven't been listening to the Doctor Who range just recently, I've been catching up on their Blake's 7 stuff (which I'm enjoying immensely )


              How is that? I've never seen the show, much less checked out the BF entries!
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                You should really watch it Digi! It's a fantastic show. If you like Doctor Who in the late 70s then you will like Blake's 7, same writers, lots of the same actors, and defintiely the same clay pits pretending to be alien planets. Just don't be tempted to dive into the Big Finish stuff first (as the BF stories slot in between the TV stories and you may get spoiled) and whatever you do, don't look at spoilers for the series finale, as something major happens.

                And now I'll shut up, because as FB found to his cost, I could happily rabbit on and on about Blake's 7 until the cows come home.

                Oh, and the entire thing is on You Tube (52 episodes, each 50 minutes long).

                Starts here -


                  I'm a sucker for old sci-fi; maybe I'll give it a shot sometime soon. It all being on YouTube is extra handy!
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                    Can't go wrong with Colin Baker with an earring...
                    "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                      Big Finish has paired up with Humble Bundle for a holiday charity drive (Humble Bundle link) (Big Finish link)

                      - Pay ANY amount to receiver Dalek Empire series 1 & 2, plus unlocks for Doctor Who Legacy
                      - Pay more than avg (currently about $13) to get tier 1 + Dalek Empire series 3
                      - Pay more than $15 to get tiers 1 & 2, plus Doctor Who Lost Stories series 1
                      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                        Day 1 of 12 Days of Big Finish has arrived:

                        For the next 48 hours only, you can get Big Finish's Dorian Gray story, This World Our Hell as a download for absolutely free:

                        Paris, 1900. One of Dorian Gray's oldest friends is on his deathbed, locked away in a room at the notorious Hotel D'Alsace, where he is fighting a duel to the death. And when Dorian comes to visit him one last time, both men realise they may never be allowed to check out…
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                          Day 1 of 12 Days of Big Finish has arrived:

                          For the next 48 hours only, you can get Big Finish's Dorian Gray story, This World Our Hell as a download for absolutely free:

                          Paris, 1900. One of Dorian Gray's oldest friends is on his deathbed, locked away in a room at the notorious Hotel D'Alsace, where he is fighting a duel to the death. And when Dorian comes to visit him one last time, both men realise they may never be allowed to check out…
                          'Purchased' Will download at some point soon.

                          I've just finished listening to one of the best Lost Stories installments (well... other than those of the Seventh, but that's a given) and one of my favourite Sixth Doctor stories to date.


                          This is a genuinely fantastic story, and one which sees the Sontarans truely used effectively and explored as a race. My only regret is that it's unlikely we'd ever see this story hit the screen. It is that good. The Sontarans are one of my favourite races in Doctor Who (possibly for obvious reasons), and I love the way Big Finish has developed a wonderful medium between those seen in the classic series, and the style presented in New Who.

                          On the subject of Six - I'd also reccommend 'Masters of Earth', one of the more recent main range adventures, which sees Six turning up on Earth a year before the Dalek invasion is thwarted by his first incarnation in 2163...

                          "Five Rounds Rapid"



                            Oh, that good was it? I picked up First Sontarans (digital) a while back when they were having one of their super cheap flash sales but haven't gotten around to listening to it. Another thing on my to-do list

                            Speaking of good solid Lost Stories entries, I grabbed the Fourth Doctor Box Set when it was on sale a month or two back.

                            The first story (The Foe from the Future) started off strong, but then really dragged on. Plus, Tom Baker's performance was...odd. He actually sounded like a tired old man for the entire story; I'm kind of wondering if maybe he was unwell during recording.

                            The second story in the set though (The Valley of Death) was a lot more engaging. Shot through it fairly quickly, and the performances (including TBaker's) were spot-on. I gather this was a Hinchcliffe-penned story, so maybe that's why I liked it so much.

                            But I digress--I'll have to check out First Sontarans sometime soon!
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              Day 2 of 12 Days of Big Finish:

                              On the second day of Christmas, Big Finish offers you: Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Auntie Matter - £2.99 - download only for 48 hours...

                              Click here to buy Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Auntie Matter with (Tom Baker as the Doctor and Mary Tamm as Romana) as a Download for £2.99:

                              England in the 1920s.

                              Whilst K9 is off in the TARDIS leading the Black Guardian on a wild goose chase, the Doctor and Romana are enjoying a leisurely lifestyle as the Lord and Lady of a London townhouse. But trouble never stays away from them for long, and before they know it a chance discovery of alien technology leads them deep into the heart of the English countryside where a malign presence lurks.

                              As the Doctor dodges deadly butlers and ferocious gamekeepers, Romana is faced with a malevolent Aunt and an even deadlier peril - marriage...
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life



                                Your thoughts on the Fourth Doctor box set kinda mirror my own. I really found Foe to be quite tedious after the misdirection of the initial ghost story (which was far more interesting), I also - rather ashamedly- found myself rather nauseated throughout it.. the whole hybrid thing and the way it was presented actually made me feel quite ill. This is not at all usual for me. For these two reasons, its one of my least favourite offerings of Who in general, and I will not be listening again in a hurry...

                                I simply must recommend the Unbound story - Masters of War, in which an alternate third Doctor and The Brigadier travel to Skaro. What follows is one of the best and most original dalek stories Ive come across. Its rare that a story manages to portray the dales in a fresh light and on recent times only Dalek and Into The Dalek have really managed it... this is fantastic and frankly would be well worth adapting into a TV episode, which given its AU nature, is totally viable and would work very well with Capaldi...

                                "Five Rounds Rapid"


