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Doctor Who on the Big Screen - in Australia!

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    Doctor Who on the Big Screen - in Australia!


    This is the second big-screen screening of WHO here in Australia this year, to celebrate 50 years of WHO...

    I missed the first one (though wasn't that enthralled), but this time round I decided I couldn't go past a fairly decent Dalek story - with Asylum and Manhattan double-featuring...

    I'll be attending the Sunday screening in Geelong... Looks like it's Saturday most other places.

    Might have to bust out the scarf... and my son can wear his too...


    back on YouTube -
    "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
    "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
    and lots more!

    Australia is a littlebit too fare away for a a daytripp ... Hm, but maybe if I start digging now, I could take the shortcut in time
    Nobody asked me, if I wanted to live. So don't anyone tell me how I shoul lead my life.



      I know there's a few Aussies on here... Not sure if any are from Geelong. (About 1 hr drive from Melbourne, the capital city of the state of Victoria, for the unaware).

      Back in 1999 I really wanted my local cinema to show the telemovie on New Year's Eve, as it was of course set on that day... Actually - I'd still love to see that on the big screen! Maybe one day if they ever convince Universal to let them access the original film prints for a BluRay...
      back on YouTube -
      "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
      "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
      and lots more!


        Yeah, I know that you where talking to the other Aussies, but since there wasn't any other reply yet, I coulnd't resist the joke
        Nobody asked me, if I wanted to live. So don't anyone tell me how I shoul lead my life.


          Well, been there done that...

          As above, I've wanted to see Doctor Who on the big screen for a long time... Born too late to catch the Dalekmania movies at the cinemas, never known of tv episodes to make it to the big screen any other time...

          I "ignored" the chance when the episodes they were screening was Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon, but thought I'd at least enjoy seeing Asylum of the Daleks (even though Manhattan doesn't thrill me). Have to admit it was a bit of a thrill to see "Dr. Who S7 4:00PM" on the digital display at the ticket office... And whilst the cinema wasn't packed when we walked in, I assume they would have turned a profit.

          In the end, jimhobo (5yo) and I didn't wear our scarves... Probably for the best - of the probably 100+ people in attendance, I saw 1 person wearing a fez, and that's about it in terms of dressing up. Compared with the Doctor Who Symphony in Melbourne last year, where easily 50% of attendees would have either been wearing a Doctor Who tshirt, if not a fez, or actual Doctor costumes, etc etc... it clearly wasn't up with that level of excitement.

          Clara got a few nice laughs at the appropriate times, and Rory's comment about always dying in Manhattan did likewise, though apart from that, the audience wasn't terribly engaging with the text. Also not terribly engaging with the experience was my 5yo, who, whilst mostly enjoyed (and sat mostly still during) Asylum, really lost interest during Manhattan. No real surprise there though - if he does choose to watch a S7 story, it's one of these two - however Manhattan never holds his attention like Asylum does.

          Was the experience worth $40? Nah. I don't plan on repeating it for any other possible screenings during the year... Ultimately, it wasn't as overpowering as I'd hoped, and as a "special event" at $20 a ticket, I could have purchased 4 Colin Baker DVDs at JB-HIFI instead...

          (Also - on a technical note - I don't know if it was the cinema's fault, or the content, but the audio felt as though it was only 2.1 rather than 5.1 (or 7.1)... Very front-biased... Usually the cinema experience is very encompassing, especially the audio, and sadly it just didn't feel right in that regard...)
          back on YouTube -
          "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
          "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
          and lots more!


            Oh, I'm sorry to hear it wasn't as good as you hoped. I no what it can do to a good show, if the audience seems rather uninteressted. But thanks for telling us about your experiance. At least they did oranice something like that. In my country I can only dream of Who an a big screen.

            (uh, this whole comment sounds like it's from in self-help-group. Wasn't intendet to, though )
            Nobody asked me, if I wanted to live. So don't anyone tell me how I shoul lead my life.


              Help me... HELP ME!!!

              back on YouTube -
              "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
              "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
              and lots more!

