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New Episodes on BBCAmerica

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    New Episodes on BBCAmerica

    Just saw the announcement of the new episodes on BBC America. It mentioned "new episodes" and "eight adventures".

    Does that mean-

    1. Only 8 new episodes -or-
    2. Eight different arcs, spread out over a whole season?

    This is my first time seeing a new season from the start, so I am not sure. Only started watching Dr. Who halfway through last season, plus all the reruns of the previous doctors.

    I think thats referring to the fact theyre showing an episode from Doctors 1 - 8...


      It's difficult to say without seeing the advert. I'm in the UK so haven't seen it.

      It could refer to the "classic" episodes they are showing as Teddy says. I understand BBCA have lately shown The Aztecs (First Doctor) and will show one story per Doctor. Don't know if they will finish with the Eighth Doctor in the movie. Incidentally. the format was different back then. Each story comprises of a few or several half hour episodes. For example, The Aztecs has four episodes. Although having said that I believe the episodes are being shown back to back.


      It could be the eight new episodes that comprises series 7.5 (note: it's British series, not season You have to have the proper Whovian terminology. ) This starts on 30th March. These will be the same format as last year. Each episode will have one story or adventure. I guess there will be a loose arc as we try to identify Clara.

      So it could be either....

      Anyway, welcome to the wonderful world of Doctor Who!
      Last edited by Blencathra; 02 February 2013, 02:32 AM.


        Ok, thanks. I will just have to wait and see.

        I saw the special about the 1st Doctor and the 4 epsidoes, merged into one. Hope they will show more of the other doctors soon.

