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Doctor Who?! (no I am serious)

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    Doctor Who?! (no I am serious)

    The title says it all.. but I will explain anyway

    Picture 28.jpg
    'Do you remember your first doctor'
    *oh yeah and i am new to photoshop.. cant you tell xD

    After acquiring this shirt I thought to myself.. what about a little game. And yeah thats it. Case closed.

    the game (if you can call it that) is WHO was your first doctor. Hence the title which is satirically the shows name..... Doctor Who???

    get it get it

    Okay I will start.
    I am new to the whoniverse *rants*
    Mine was the 9th ECCLESTON. I miss him.. but i am growing to like tennant :3

    THE END.

    nows your turn.

    *edit: just noticed image is back to front... x'D
    *double edit: 'my' doctor would be mcgann or mccoy
    Last edited by iJOKE; 09 April 2012, 05:18 AM.
    Sherlock; the only one in the world + The Doctor; the last of his kind = THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME


    - Doctor Who (series 7)
    - Arrested Development (season 3)

    - Sanctuary (season 5)... but wont get.. RIP Sanctuary, thanks for the memories!
    - Sherlock (season 3).....MOFFAT!
    - Arrested Development (season 4 and the movie)... can't wait!


    Tricky question.

    Technically my first Doctors were Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and Peter Cushing (the non-canon Doctor of the horrific dalek movies), as I remember seeing those episodes and movies as a child. For the longest time (we're talking the age of 6 here), Cushing was a pretty definitive form of Who for me. I'd see one episode of Pertwee's Destiny of the Daleks, and seen the Revenge of the Cybermen story with Baker. But I was so young, it's all a mismatch.

    However, within Whovian fandom, it's not necessarily who your first Doctor was, but who YOUR Doctor is. Ie, the Doctor of your era.

    Despite seeing some old Doctor Who as a child, they were repeats, and never MY Doctor.

    The first time I actually sat down and watched new Doctor Who, and understood it for what it was, was the Paul McGann Doctor Who - The Movie.

    McGann is MY Doctor, and he will, despite only appearing in one TV adventure, be the definitive Doctor for me.

    "Five Rounds Rapid"



      "My" Doctor is 5...

      I know I would have seen some of Tom's during their first screening here in Oz, but who I remember was Peter, as I was only about 4-5...

      The Five Doctors was huge in my childhood life, as was Caves, when I lost him...

      Then though is 7... 7 was reigning when I started becoming a fan, buying DWM, creating multimedia databases... etc...
      back on YouTube -
      "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
      "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
      and lots more!


        Ok. :: Thinks ::

        I can remember watching... Peter Cushing in the Dalek movies.
        Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davidson, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann on television.

        I have enjoyed watching Christopher Eccelston (SP?), David Tennant. And I'm enjoying watching Matt Smith.

        But who is my Doctor...? :: Thinks :: Tom Baker. He was the Doctor of my youth.
        "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
        Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
        Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
        Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
        I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
        To thy own self... Be true
        May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


          My first Doctor was Christopher Eccleston.
          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


            The first Doctor I saw was Tom Baker... but he is my second favourite. My favourite is Jon Pertwee.
            The actual Doctor from my era is Matt Smith, and he's my third favourite.


              My first Doctor was William Hartnell from the original airings of the show. The first four Doctors are the ones I grew up with.


                Sylvester McCoy... (7th)
                Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                  My first Doctor would be Eccleston, had never heard of Doctor Who (well may have heard the name and bits and bobs but not actually known of it) before this...
                  Yes, I am ashamed to admit that...
                  Weird to think how my life would be if I hadnt watched Doctor Who.


                    My first Dr was Ecclestone.
                    I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                      I can remember Tom Baker but I suppose I may have seen some Pertwee before that. We were a single TV household, so I'd have had to be "allowed" to see it.


                        My first Doctor was Jon Pertwee (Spearhead From Space) but he used to frighten me. The Doctor that first got me REALLy into Doctor Who was Tom Baker, so I consider him to be My Doctor. However, my favourite Doctor (which I consider to be different from My Doctor) is Matt Smith.


                          William Hartnell in The Chase. I recall being a wee little pre whovian being up in the middle of the night and the local PBS showing one of the episodes...I think it was the episode with the haunted house.
                          All I can really recall is being mesmerized by seeing and hearing the Tardis dematerialize.

                          I made my own tardis out of blocks and cardbord the next day.
                          I like Sharky

