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The Doctor/River Song Ship/Appreciation Thread (Spoilers for all aired episodes)

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    Alex got married in Rome yesterday, to TV producer Jonathan Stamp.

    Wishing them every happiness

    Apparently Matt Smith, Karen Gillan & Arthur Darvill are there for the wedding as well.



      Something just dawned on me. At SDCC Peter Capaldi mentioned that one of the episodes had

      I'm just watching Silence in the Library where River does her diary with the 10th Doctor and asks him if they had "done Asgard yet".


      Vikings??? Asgard????

      Fingers crossed.


        The Secrets of River Song’s Diary Revealed

        River Song - once again played by Alex Kingston - will make her audio debut for Big Finish in January with The Diary of River Song, an epic four hour saga which takes her, post-The Wedding of River Song, on a journey from 1920?s Earth to Outer Space on a mission to discover The Rulers of the Universe.

        “Steven Moffat had mentioned that he’d be happy for Big Finish to do stories with River Song” - says producer David Richardson, “and we leapt at the opportunity - and so did Alex Kingston! At every stage, this prouction had been swept along by excitement and enthusiasm. And that was reflected in the fact that #RiverSong trended for a few hours on Twitter when we first announced it.”

        The series is script edited by Matt Fitton, who says -”River Song is one of the stand-out creations of post 2005 Doctor Who, and so to have her join the Big Finish universe for some adventures of her own is an incredibly thrilling prospect.”

        The Diary of River Song begins with River drawn out of self-imposed academic exile by an archaelological dig on 1920's Earth. The Boundless Sea is written by Jenny T Colgan, who has been on my writing wish-list for a while and she’s created a funny, thrilling and scary adventure to kick-start River’s journey. From there, Professor Song heads to an impossibly glamorous gathering in Justin Richards’ I went to a Marvellous Party, where in true Melody Malone style, she’s called upon to investigate a murder. Next James Goss tells a brilliant twisted love story in Signs as River has some unexpected help in tackling the mysterious planet-killing SporeShips. The series finale is The Rulers of the Universe - written by me [Matt Fitton] - in which the Eighth Doctor is caught in the crossfire as River confronts both a manipulative elite secret society and an ancient and powerful alien force.”

        Joining Alex Kingston as River are Paul McGann as the Doctor, Alexander Vlahos as Bertie, Alexader Siddig as Gifford, Imogen Stubbs as Isabella, and Samuel West as the enigmatic “Mr Song”.

        River returns in March’s Doom Coalition 2, which continues the Eighth Doctor saga that begins in November. Paul McGann plays the Doctor, Nicola Walker plays Liv Chenka and Hattie Morahan is their new friend Helen Sinclair - and the travellers soon find that both the past and the future are catching up with them when a sinister force threatens all of reality.

        “River is more aware than most of the dangers of messing with the Doctor’s personal timeline,” says Matt Fitton, “so when she realises the ‘wrong’ Doctor is on the scene she must take steps. Along the way, she’ll get to meet his current companions and I think it’s fair to say she’ll be impressed with the company her future husband keeps.”

        - from Doctor Who Magazine 489


          News about The Diary of River Song is getting more & more exciting!

          An official announcement from Big Finish.

          Doctor Who: Meet River Song’s Husband!

          We’re delighted to reveal details of our eagerly-awaited Doctor Who: The Diary of River Song box set.

          Launching in January 2016, Doctor Who: The Diary of River Song continues the adventures of the Doctor's wife and Time Lady adventuress; once again portrayed by Alex Kingston. Already announced is Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor; but today we're pleased to reveal other key names.

          Opening the adventures will be Alexander Vlahos (Merlin, The Confessions of Dorian Gray) as Bertie, who will join River at an archeological dig in opening story The Boundless Sea, written by popular novelist Jenny T Colgan.

          'Jenny has been on my writing wish-list for a while,' says script editor Matt Fitton, 'and she's created a funny, thrilling and scary adventure to kick start River's journey'.

          From there, River heads to the most exclusive gathering in the middle of Hyperspace in Justin Richards' I Went to a Marvellous Party. There she meets Gifford (Alexander Siddig – Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Game of Thrones) and Isabella (Imogen Stubbs – Twelfth Night, Sense and Sensibility), a pair of socialites with connections to the mysterious Rulers of the Universe.

          Next James Goss puts River on the trail of mysterious, planet-killing Spore Ships in Signs, where we are also introduced to a handsome time-travelling stranger – her future husband Mr Song, played by Samuel West (Howard's End, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell, Doctor Who – Dimensions in Time).

          The series concludes with the Eighth Doctor's arrival in The Rulers of the Universe by Matt Fitton. River must contend with a secret society, an ancient alien force and a face-off between her future husbands!

          Doctor Who: The Diary of River Song is due for release in January 2016. Pre-order your copy today!

          River Song will return in March 2016 in Doctor Who: Doom Coalition 2.


          Knowing Big Finish like I do, there is bound to be some twist.

          Personally I wonder if he is the Nestene duplicate with swappable heads who River mentions in The Big Bang. "Face off" literally?
          Last edited by Blencathra; 28 July 2015, 12:07 PM.


            Someone on Tumblr e-mailed Big Finish & got this reply.

            Hi EK

            Thanks for getting in contact!

            I read your comments with great interest. It’s great that your so passionate about River and her place within the Doctor Who universe!

            I think the brilliant think about the character is that for the longest time, we’ve never really got to experience the truth of her relationship with the Doctor and their rich history together. We know that the Doctor and River got married in ‘The Wedding of River Song’, but we don’t really know if they take this commitment seriously; even if they do like to flirt about it with each other when they meet up.

            There’s plenty of aspects of their relationship from the Doctor’s side that we may never be privy to - just as we may never know about his family, or his other past loves, or just why he thought it would be a good idea to marry Queen Elizabeth!

            But for River it’s another story. Our upcoming releases will be revealing a lot more about her past; about her relationship with the Doctor, her own network of friends that we never meet on screen and more importantly just how she manages to get away with meeting the younger Doctor’s before she’s supposed to have met them! It’s going to be a rip-roaring saga; and it’s all being made under the supervision of Steven Moffatt and his team at BBC Cardiff. Everything we’ll be covering has been approved by him, and is 100% canon - so if you thought you knew the story of River Song, get ready to be surprised!

            Best Wishes of wishes to you, and I hope you enjoy the set when it’s released!


              OMG!!! YESSS!!!!!!!

              Official announcement from the BBC.

              The Doctor and River Song Reunite For A Spectacular Christmas


              Alex Kingston returns to Cardiff to reclaim her role as Professor River Song for the highly anticipated 2015 Doctor Who Christmas special, part of BBC One’s essential seasonal viewing.

              It’s Christmas Day in the future and the TARDIS is parked on a snowy village street, covered in icicles, awaiting its next adventure. Time traveller River Song meets her husband’s new incarnation, in the form of Peter Capaldi, for the first time this Christmas.

              Day one of filming the eleventh Doctor Who Christmas special starts this week and is written by Lead Writer and Executive Producer, Steven Moffat, produced by Nikki Wilson and directed by Douglas Mackinnon (Doctor Who, Sherlock).

              River Song made her first Doctor Who appearance in 2008 in ‘Silence in the Library’ and ‘Forest of the Dead’ and has appeared in 15 episodes to date.

              Award winning Alex Kingston comments on her reappearance, “To be honest, I did not know whether River would ever return to the show, but here she is, back with the Doctor for the Christmas special. Steven Moffat is on glittering form, giving us an episode filled with humour and surprise guest castings. I met Peter for the first time at Monday’s read through, we had a laugh, and I am now excited and ready to start filming with him and the Doctor Who team. Christmas in September? Why not!”

              Steven Moffat, Lead Writer and Executive Producer, adds, “Another Christmas, another special for Doctor Who - and what could be more special than the return of Alex Kingston as Professor River Song? The last time the Doctor saw her she was a ghost. The first time he met her, she died. So how can he be seeing her again? As ever, with the most complicated relationship in the universe, it’s a matter of time...”

              The witty line-up of guest cast joining Alex for a magical adventure on the TARDIS will be announced over the coming months.

              The BBC Cymru Wales produced drama will return to BBC One on Saturday, 19 September with a 12 episode series, followed by the Christmas special on Friday 25 December.
              Last edited by Blencathra; 02 September 2015, 02:58 AM.



                Trending worldwide!


                  You beat me to it, I was rushing over here just to share the good news. I just needed an hour or so to properly recover, lol! I'm just so EXCITED For AGES I've wanted to see how River and Twelve would interact and now I'm gonna get to see it
                  My Site || My Blog


                    Fantastic news! I'm really looking forward to seeing them too. It's so exciting! River & the 12th Doctor, and also River and the 8th Doctor in Doom Coalition and The Diary of River Song.

                    BTW I'm wondering if the BBC have had to make an announcement as Alex will be out and about filming in Cardiff in the upcoming days.

                    Edit - River Song is still trending worldwide on twitter and has been for hours.
                    Last edited by Blencathra; 02 September 2015, 11:45 AM.


                      The BBC have tweeted another pic.


                        I wonder if the pic has anything to do with the link I just saw on Facebook!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Scroll up. Yes it does.

                          Links to massive pics of the above -




                            For whichever reason, all I got before was the last post of Alex at the mirror.

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Hee! She's so gorgeous I can't say I blame you if you got stuck at that point.
                              Last edited by Blencathra; 02 September 2015, 02:30 PM.


                                I spotted this on Deviant Art by Umbridge1986. She's right. It is time.


