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Other races' time travel technology

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    Other races' time travel technology

    Obviously Time Lords are made out to be the grand masters of time travel technology, but how proficient is the tech that other races use?

    The Daleks have obviously had it for a while, but all that I've personally seen of them so far are remnants from the Time War, and not at the height of their technological potential.

    The humans of the 52nd century possess it, but non after that? Are we really to believe that Humans live on for 99.5 trillion more years and never advance time travel technology past what they had 3000 years from the present day? They should be able to surpass the time lords by then.

    What others are there?

    It's a little difficult to judge because we're kind of having to look at two different histories--pre- and post-Time War.

    Now we know in the pre-Time War era, when the Time Lords were still around, time travelling technology was policed by Gallifrey (The Two Doctors). So it's entirely possible that nobody outside of Gallifrey ever learned the secrets of time travel without the express permission of the Time Lords.

    When you start to factor in the Daleks though, things seem to get a little hazy. The Daleks used time travel technology a few times in the series prior to the 2005 resuscitation, but it's still somewhat debatable how advanced that was. In addition, it seems as though they limited themselves to smaller actions rather than trying to affect anything on a grand, cosmic scale.

    And then along comes the Time War and it gets a lot harder to judge. It seems as though both the Time Lords and the Daleks took the gloves off to fight each other, but it doesn't seem as though they've involved any of the lower races (remember, the Sontarans were "forbidden to participate" and the Daleks exterminate all races other than themselves).

    But what I find even more murky (as if that were possible) is that we don't really know how either of these events (the pre-Time War and the Time War itself) affected the timeline that we're now seeing. It's as likely as not that the influence of the Time Lords in restricting temporal technology is still affecting the timeline, even though they, directly, are not. And with the conflict being time-locked, it seems unlikely that any Gallifreyan or Dalek technology ever made it into the hands of other races.

    As to the Time Agency....that's really the only indication we have of anyone, anywhere, ever developing temporal technology. We've seen the wristband of that period on numerous occasions (Jack, Captain John, River), but never beyond. I've taken this to be because that civilization was wiped out (Torchwood, series 2) by some unknown belligerent. Who did this--and their motivation--remains a mystery.
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      we already know Jack people built the wrist band vortex manipulator and we know his people was fighting a war with someone.

      We know that in the same time period that the Doctor seem to have become an enemy of a section of humanity. We do not know why yet.

      An we know someone out there is experimenting with technology to create there own Tardis. We can guest it may not be the Silence as they only take and use other people technology and do not create it themselves.

      If we put all that together, I have to guest that the Doctor is the one that cause the war between Jack people and there enemy and he did it to limit or destroy there time technology and the potential for them to become the new time lords.

      Considering what the old Time lords became, I could see him doing this. Especially if they were the ones that original unleash the Silence and gave them the technology to create the vortex that was destroying the universe last season.

      We also know the Doctor does not like other people to process time technology, and in the past I believe we have seen him prevent people from obtaining such technology and knowledge and he constantly made sure to disable Jack wrist band when ever they met each other.

      So I think at some point in the future we will see the Doctor destroy Humanity chance to become the new time lords and that when he become some what hated in the 51 century.

      An as revenge they set about creating a new weapon to fight the Doctor and seek revenge and that is Melody Song.
      Last edited by knowles2; 08 June 2011, 05:32 AM.


        Originally posted by Archaeis View Post
        The humans of the 52nd century possess it, but non after that? Are we really to believe that Humans live on for 99.5 trillion more years and never advance time travel technology past what they had 3000 years from the present day? They should be able to surpass the time lords by then.
        While it makes sense human technology would advance, to say they should surpass Time Lords isn't a sure thing. Time Lords have innate abilities to understand time built into their physiology so unless humans evolve to the point where they are no longer human than passing Time Lords seems unlikely.


          Originally posted by Spimman View Post
          While it makes sense human technology would advance, to say they should surpass Time Lords isn't a sure thing. Time Lords have innate abilities to understand time built into their physiology so unless humans evolve to the point where they are no longer human than passing Time Lords seems unlikely.
          We been told that the Time lords only possessed that ability because they were expose to artron energy, over millions of years.

          If human developed time travel technology then they would be expose to the same energy and when that happens it seems we develop the same DNA strand similar or identical to the Time Lords. As demonstrated in the last episode. It seem to happen a lot faster when someone is conceived why travelling through the Time Vortex.

          This is why I think the Doctor will somehow stop us becoming Timelords and that why he somewhat hated in the 51 century. I like the idea of humans on the verge of becoming Time Lords and the Doctor stopping us is what behind the hate.

          I also like the idea that the Time stream or vortex needs someone to protect it, and so it created River as a replacement for the Doctor who is killed at the beginning of this season.
          Last edited by knowles2; 08 June 2011, 05:29 AM.


            Humans = Kind of a temporal teleporting wristband
            Daleks = Time Corridors, assume space version of point to point train tracks.

            Time-Lords = Imagine time as the ocean and Time-Lords with TARDII as oceanic creatures.

            As for evolution, ive touched upon this somewhere on GW, cant remember which thread though. I have been disappointed about the lack of shown evolution for humans for almost 100 trillion years.

            Whilst its safe to assume humans dont manage to get TARDIS technology, which is a bit silly considering how much the human race and the Doctor and his TARDIS have interacted with us, just a little wristband.

            In a way i suppose its human though, the Doctor has a Time-Ship basically, a 4 feet by 4 fee wooden box with its own unlimited dimension inside that can contain anything the user could desire and need for extended journeys or just to live. The human version is a slap on your wrist Temporal Rolex, easy and simple something we strive for day in and day out, make things easier, more accessible and more gadgety



              Originally posted by Nth Chevron View Post
              As for evolution, ive touched upon this somewhere on GW, cant remember which thread though. I have been disappointed about the lack of shown evolution for humans for almost 100 trillion years.
              i don't have the best memory so excuse if i am wrong but when the doctor traveled o the end of time he said that the humans evolved into gas and then into information or something like that .
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                Originally posted by Nth Chevron View Post
                As for evolution, ive touched upon this somewhere on GW, cant remember which thread though. I have been disappointed about the lack of shown evolution for humans for almost 100 trillion years.
                And as I said in the 32.07 thread, that's a completely baseless complaint:

                Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                False. We saw primitive cavemen humans in An Unearthly Child, modern humans (obviously), machinery-enhanced trans-humans in the episodes set in 200000 and 200100, learned from Cassandra that there were few to no Humans left who hadn't mingled with alien races around the year 5 billion, and in Utopia the Doctor stated that had evolved into gases and energy a few times but always returned to the same basic form.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Which basically means, after trillions of years, we still look exactly the same as we would today?

                  Lack of imagination if i may say so



                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    False. We saw primitive cavemen humans in An Unearthly Child, modern humans (obviously), machinery-enhanced trans-humans in the episodes set in 200000 and 200100, learned from Cassandra that there were few to no Humans left who hadn't mingled with alien races around the year 5 billion, and in Utopia the Doctor stated that had evolved into gases and energy a few times but always returned to the same basic form.
                    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                      Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                      We been told that the Time lords only possessed that ability because they were expose to artron energy, over millions of years.

                      If human developed time travel technology then they would be expose to the same energy and when that happens it seems we develop the same DNA strand similar or identical to the Time Lords. As demonstrated in the last episode. It seem to happen a lot faster when someone is conceived why travelling through the Time Vortex.

                      This is why I think the Doctor will somehow stop us becoming Timelords and that why he somewhat hated in the 51 century. I like the idea of humans on the verge of becoming Time Lords and the Doctor stopping us is what behind the hate.

                      I also like the idea that the Time stream or vortex needs someone to protect it, and so it created River as a replacement for the Doctor who is killed at the beginning of this season.
                      I guarantee you that won't last.


                        Still, you have to figure that all the races who gathered in "Pandorica Opens" weren't necessarily from that time period.

                        And the 52nd century humans must have a pretty good understanding of time travel to be able to broadcast the AmyGanger signal through all points of space and time (and even outside of the universe to House) that she may go with the Doctor.


                          I would think that since the Time Lords are now "gone" all kinds of strange twists to history,and continuinty should be rampant with out the TLs to put a stop to other races getting time travel and thus mucking about with the universe.
                          I like Sharky


                            They were still overlords of the temporal continuum in Doctor who up until the Time-War started, so there is only a limited window of time, that grows as time progresses, that Time-tech species can use to change things, but then there is still the Doctor and his sexy knows almost everything about time.



                              actually, it's quite clear that Humans surpass Time Lords technologically <<

                              Granted, it's at the end of the universe, but in "Utopia" The Doctor had NO CLUE what the Human Technology even was, pretty much. He even admitted it himself.

