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Doctor Who Series 6 Speculation/Discussion Spoilers for all aired episodes

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    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    < river song type of voice >
    < /river song type of voice >

    The episode opens with the Doctor in France getting caught posing nude for a female painter, then it cuts to Rory reading out what goes down out of a history book to Amy in what appears to be their new (and very modern looking) home while Rory has Laurel and Hardy on. When they aren't looking the doctor wearing a fez comes up to the screen and waves. Anyways the mail comes and they recieve a TARDIS blue envelope that has the number 3 on the back, the envelope just has the date and coordinate for Utah, USA. It cuts to the Stormcage where River gets her mail and recieves the same envelope but with a 2 on the back and she escapes. So Rory and Amy arrive in Utah and meet up with The Doctor who sent the envelopes, cue Stetson line and River arrives, they stop at a diner and compare diaries. This Doctor and River seem pretty in sync, so they have a picnic, he mentions they have a mission in 1969 regarding the moon.

    Amy askes how old he is and says he is now 1103, Amy states last time they saw him two months prior he was only 808 (I think thats how old she said). So this Doctor is the Future Doctor – 300 years in the future. Amy looks a cliff and sees a Silent and flips out but she looks down and forgets. Anyways he says the line about he needs to stop running, and when he looks at a cliff he sees an old man standing there, turns around and the Spaceman is in the water.

    He approaches the Spaceman and says it's ok I know who you are and what you are going to do. As he opens the Spaceman's visor the camera pans so you don't see who it is. Amy, Rory and River wondering from a distance who it is. Then next thing you know BAM! The Spaceman fires a laser gun at him. BAM! Again fires more shots. He looks at his hands as they start to glow gold and I think he said I'm sorry its happening again. And right before he was about to burst in regenerative energy BAM! He gets shot one more time. They run to him all flipping out and River is furiously firing her gun at the Spaceman, Amy seeing The Silent again, The Doctor is dead. No life signs, no regeneration. Just dead.

    The old man comes down. He has a TARDIS blue envelope as well. His is numbered 4. It's an aged Canton Everett Delaware The 3rd. And he brought a can of kerosene/gasoline to burn the Doctor's body. Rory decides to do it "with honour" as he spots a rowboat. They place the doctor's body inside and set it on fire and push it out into the water. When they head back to the diner, Amy notices another TARDIS blue envelope with the number 1, they ask the diner who it is and he just says some guy but he is in the bathroom, River surmises who it is and askes who does the Doctor trust the most. The door opens and out pops The Doctor. Looking goofy as ever saying he just went to get his favorite straw because it makes drinks more fizzy. River calls him cruel, Amy and Rory are in shock. River tells Amy to ask how old he is and he says he is 808, so essentially this is the Past Doctor/Current Doctor. Also Canton Everett Delaware is basically a full companion for the entire 2 parter, multiple TARDIS trips and everything.

    At the end of episode 1 you find out who Amy shoots. It's the girl calling Nixon, she is trapped in the spacesuit which can move on its on. She is a human prisoner (at least I think she is) of the Silents. Amy and Canton go to investigate the home she is from, Amy find her room and see her pictures but she gets captured by the Silents One of which is Amy holding a baby (I know right). Rory and River have to save the Doctor from NASA because he got arrested. She disappears for the rest of the episode until the final scene in 1960s NYC.

    The Doctor goes to the Silences base which River and Rory found in episode 1 (its the Lodger TARDIS or at least a duplicate) and The Doctor pretty much lays down the law. Saying he hates guns but River not so much. She would easily kill 8 of them without hesitation. Stuff happens River starts killing Silents, Rory tries to save Amy, the Doctor sonics her free and then joins River in the onslaught amd uses the Sonic Screwdriver as a weapon shooting energy blasts. They return Canton to the White House and then are on their way and you cut to the final scene....

    You see a hobo going through the trash and she comes stumbling through. He asks " are you alright little girl?" and she says "No ::cough cough:: I'm dying..." The homeless man sounds startled and confused "... but it's ok" she says "because it's starting" her hands and body starts to glow bright orange and energy starts to float off of her, the hobo gets scared and runs away and WOOOOOOOOSH! This unknown 6-8 year old girl starts regenerating. And then it cuts to the credits.

    In summary: Future Doctor – dead, and unknown girl starts to regenerate at the end

    Pretty awesoem hey?
    Argh, my eyes are being drawn to that spoiler tag!!
    I dont want to look and spoil the episode for myself, but I also really want to know more about what happens in the episode lol
    Im going to try and stay strong lol
    Kind of spoiled myself by reading the last line though, but it didnt make much sense, so Im semi spoiled, but I dont know enough to be really spoiled


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      How can it be Jenny...She was a woman in her 20s when we saw her last.

      Oh and I can't recall where I got that it was just there... in my email, from here.
      You really do need spoiler quotes.
      And another possible spoiler/remark to what you said
      Well if she actually is a Time Lady then she could of regenerated into someone that appears younger, the Doctor seems to be regenerating into someone appearing younger almost all of the time.

      Originally posted by Zarius View Post
      You know I despise people who post spoilers even IF there hidden, I just do, you sap all the fun out of watching this show it's despicable.
      And it even says Spoilers in the title of the thread so you should at least expect there to be properly tagged spoilers.


        The BBC released two new "Radio Silence" trailers:

        Trailer 1

        Trailer 2

        Neither trailer is geo-locked.

        Originally posted by Alan View Post
        The BBC have also released two preview clips from the series 6 opener The Impossible Astronaut

        PREVIEW CLIP 1 -

        May not play outside of United Kingdom

        PREVIEW CLIP 2 -

        May not play outside of United Kingdom

        Just got around to watching these... and wow.


          Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
          Argh, my eyes are being drawn to that spoiler tag!!
          I dont want to look and spoil the episode for myself, but I also really want to know more about what happens in the episode lol
          Im going to try and stay strong lol
          Kind of spoiled myself by reading the last line though, but it didnt make much sense, so Im semi spoiled, but I dont know enough to be really spoiled
          I wanted to read the spoiler originally but when I saw the massive wall of writing, I thought I'lled just wait for the episode



            New trailer from the BBC


              BBC One Trailer #2:

              Some photos from The Impossible Astronaut:

              And more photos:


                Originally posted by Carter1994 View Post
                Ooo, looks like theres a clip from the scary bathroom scene in there
                The Silence seem to be able to produce bolts of energy from there fingers, wonder what that does...


                  OMG! That was awesome!!


                    I dunno what to put in here now..


                      You know the man in chains and has a beard in the trailer, is it me or does that look like the Doctor?
                      Episode 2 looks awesome!!!


                      Episode 2 trailer


                      Episode 2 clip 1


                      Episode 2 clip 2

                      Also, is it just me or did the Doctor Who site release 2 spoiler photos this morning, heres the link
                      Last edited by Teddybrown; 23 April 2011, 02:08 PM.


                        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                        I don't blame you, they're a bit hard to spot. I didn't notice them in my first time through.

                        In The Pandorica Opens, when the Doctor is shouting at the assembled fleet in the sky challenging them, look to the left side. In the shots when he's looking up (as in, when the shot is of the sky rather than the Doctor) you can see one of their ships on the left side of the screen. AFAIK this is the only point that they're in it.

                        Though I don't have the faintest idea what their beef with him is. He caught an escaped prisoner for them.
                        This may already have been covered, but as for the Atraxi, they wouldn't necessarily need to hate the Doctor to join the alliance, they would merely have to be convinced he was going to destroy the universe. The races that hate him might have formed the core, but that doesn't mean there weren't others who might not even have had knowledge of the Doctor prior to the Alliance.


                          Originally posted by locavera View Post
                          This may already have been covered, but as for the Atraxi, they wouldn't necessarily need to hate the Doctor to join the alliance, they would merely have to be convinced he was going to destroy the universe. The races that hate him might have formed the core, but that doesn't mean there weren't others who might not even have had knowledge of the Doctor prior to the Alliance.
                          The even bigger question is who seeded the idea of the alliance. I wonder if that was the Silents? They put the idea into everyone's head thus seeding the idea and the rest just happened, they designed the Pandorica and put it in place, but the thing with Doctor Who is that if the Silents were always around why dind't they act sooner and more directly?
                          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                            Some random stuff......

                            Amy managed to reset the universe by remembering her ragedy Doctor and bringing him back from oblivion ala deus ex machina.......Even Rory remembers being an Auton.... So it's safe to say they remember the Daleks and other stuff.

                            Here's my question..... With the universe reset will all those other aliens now be a bit pissed off the Doctor evaded the Pandorica?
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              Originally posted by padr49904 View Post
                              Spoiler for the post above, and btw where did you get that?
                              Is it Jenny, I really really hope that it is Jenny. And am really sad that they know the age when the Doctor dies, because it means he won't really regenerate again unless he looks the same, unless it wasn't really him.
                              The Doctor wont die. Either time will change so that the events of that episode don't ever come to be, or time changes so that the events surrounding his death differ, thus giving him the opportunity to regenerate. Matt Smith wont be the last Doctor.
                              It's Probin' Time!


                                Technically i doubt anyone but the Doctor/River/Rory/Amy will remember the events of TPO/TBB, as the timeline was reset once the Pandorica hit the TARDIS, it was only Amy's special brain and remembering stuff that they remember the events.

                                As the cracks in time were closed its safe to assume there was never any need for the alliance.


