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Doctor Who Series 6 Speculation/Discussion Spoilers for all aired episodes

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    Prequel to Episode 13...


      Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
      Yeah, I think the eyepayches have something to do with them too, probably so they can remember them, but we will have to wait and see.
      Given the guards in Area 52 (in The Prequel) also seem to be wearing them, looks like the fans have been right: something to do with an anti-Silence device.


        As for the now-aired trailer for "The Wedding of River Song", I know it's all timey-wimey and SM's writing (which could mean anything) but the "who was in the astronaut suit" is looking fairly narrowed down... and in the direction that was widely? thought to be "too obvious"...

        Edit: in the final moments "Confidential", SM himself emphasizes the "known for ages" fact that she kills a good man, and that such a good man was inevitably the Doctor and that she was getting into the suit. I could be wrong, but there was just a hint of "but" waiting to be said...
        Last edited by Quizziard; 24 September 2011, 11:48 AM.


          Originally posted by Quizziard View Post
          As for the now-aired trailer for "The Wedding of River Song", I know it's all timey-wimey and SM's writing (which could mean anything) but the "who was in the astronaut suit" is looking fairly narrowed down... and in the direction that was widely? thought to be "too obvious"...

          Edit: in the final moments "Confidential", SM himself emphasizes the "known for ages" fact that she kills a good man, and that such a good man was inevitably the Doctor and that she was getting into the suit. I could be wrong, but there was just a hint of "but" waiting to be said...
          Im still holding out on a but... moment lol
          The eye patches being anti silence were a bit obvious, especially with spoilers Id read.
          I get the feeling by the end of the episode, the Silence wont be allied with Kovarian... I think they will have ulterior motives...

          Some pictures from next weeks finale
          Last edited by Teddybrown; 24 September 2011, 02:28 PM.


            If the eyepatches are an anti silence device why does Kovarian have one?

            And I hope she gets killed off at some point.

            And how can the Doctor be traveling around and yet held prisoner at Area 51? and no don't say "Timey wimey" that has become a writer's crutch
            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


              If the eyepatches are an anti silence device why does Kovarian have one?
              I'm guessing that the eyepatch allows you to remember them when not looking at them, essential if you are working with them.
              Although bow ties are cool, the scarf is cooler!


                Trailer breakdown

                Moffat explains the reveal, but something seems off...


                  Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                  Moffat explains the reveal, but something seems off...
                  Whilst watching it I was yelling "...but..." ".... but...." at the screen. As the article says, too easy and he was just a little too something to be 100% straight


                    I just read a wild fan theory that better not be correct...

                    I just read a fan's theory that River kills the real Doctor then she somehow regenerates into the Doctor's image to become the new Doctor taking over his TARDIS and going out to save the universe in his memory. Part of her idea came from that line "So they made you a Doctor today".

                    If she's right I will be quite angry.
                    Although bow ties are cool, the scarf is cooler!


                      Originally posted by 4thDoctor View Post
                      I just read a wild fan theory that better not be correct...

                      I just read a fan's theory that River kills the real Doctor then she somehow regenerates into the Doctor's image to become the new Doctor taking over his TARDIS and going out to save the universe in his memory. Part of her idea came from that line "So they made you a Doctor today".

                      If she's right I will be quite angry.
                      Its a good idea, but I dont like it either.
                      Yeah, I reckon its a bit too obvious for them to show her as who kills the Doctor the episode before...
                      We cant say who it definately is till we have seen the episode
                      Whoevers in the spacesuit, the Doctor knows there in there...


                        Teasers for the finale

                        There are some unexpected (truly unexpected) returning characters
                        Wonder who this could be...

                        There’s a moving tribute to an old friend
                        Sarah Jane?

                        The eye patch is explained
                        Thought they would.


                          There’s the return of an old look for the Doctor
                          "Knitting for Girls" = long scarf?
                          Although bow ties are cool, the scarf is cooler!


                            This weeks Radio Times


                              I just thought of something, since the Doctor, Amy, River & Rory rebooted the universe did Doctors 1-10, Gallifrey or the Time Lords ever exist in this new rebooted universe? We've seen flashback images of the earlier Doctors, but those were all in episodes before the universal reboot. Which leads me to wonder if they ever existed at all in the new universe?
                              Although bow ties are cool, the scarf is cooler!


                                Originally posted by 4thDoctor View Post
                                I just thought of something, since the Doctor, Amy, River & Rory rebooted the universe did Doctors 1-10, Gallifrey or the Time Lords ever exist in this new rebooted universe? We've seen flashback images of the earlier Doctors, but those were all in episodes before the universal reboot. Which leads me to wonder if they ever existed at all in the new universe?
                                I think they would since the reboot contains every molecule that ever existed of that old universe if I understood the wacky explanations given in the last two episodes.
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

