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    TV Movie #06 - The Next Doctor

    Notable firsts and lasts:
    • First appearance of a Cyber Lord.
    • To date, the first and only appearance of a Cyber King.
    • To date, the first and only appearance of Cyber Shades.
    • To date, the last appearance of the Cybermen's controlling earpods.
    • First story to hint at events in time being erased from history.

    TV Movie #07 - Planet of the Dead

    Notable firsts and lasts:
    • First appearance of the primary timeline version of UNIT Captain Erisa Magambo although an alternate timeline version of her appeared in the Series 30 story Turn Left.
    • The Doctor is warned once again that his song is ending and "that something is returning through the dark" and that someone will "knock four times".

    03.01 - Children of Earth: Day One

    Notable firsts and lasts:
    • Gwen Cooper discovers she is pregnant.
    • Martha Jones is mentioned and is said to now be married and on her honeymoon.
    • Last appearance of the Torchwood 3 base, the Hub.
    • Last appearance of the Torchwood 3 SUV.
    • First appearance of Lois Habiba.
    • First appearances of Alice Carter and her son Steven. They are Captain Jack Harkness' daughter and grandson.
    • First appearances of Rhiannon Davies, her husband Johnny and their children Mica and David. They are Ianto Jones' sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew.
    • First appearance of UNIT Colonel Augustus Oduya.
    • First appearance of Bridget Spears.
    • First appearances of John Frobisher, his wife Anna, and their two children Holly and Lilly.
    • First appearance of MI5 Specialist Dekker.
    • First appearance of Agent Johnson.
    • First appearance of Clem McDonald.
    • First appearance of British PM Brian Green.

    03.02 - Children of Earth: Day Two

    Notable firsts and lasts:
    • First, and to date, only time to show the full extent of Jack's abilities to come back from the dead even after being blown to pieces.

    03.03 - Children of Earth: Day Three

    Notable firsts and lasts:
    • First appearance of the 456.
    • First appearance of American newsreader Trinity Wells in Torchwood. She previously appeared in the Doctor Who stories Aliens of London, The Christmas Invasion, The Sound of Drums, The Sontaran Stratagem, Turn Left (alternate timeline only), and The Stolen Earth and she also appeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures story Revenge of the Slitheen.

    03.04 - Children of Earth: Day Four

    Notable firsts and lasts:
    • Last appearance of Ianto Jones.
      He is killed by the 456 whilst making a stand against them.
    • Last appearance of Clem McDonald.
      He is killed by the 456.
    • Last appearance of Trinity Wells in Torchwood.

    03.05 - Children of Earth: Day Five

    Notable lasts:
    • Captain Jack Harkness leaves Earth over the guilt of feeling responsible for the deaths of his grandson Steven and his Torchwood 3 co-workers and friends Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, and Suzie Costello.
    • Last appearance of the 456.
    • Last appearance of Lois Habiba.
    • Last appearance of Alice Carter.
    • Last appearance of Steven Carter.
      He is used by Jack to defeat the 456 and is killed in the process.
    • Last appearances of Rhiannon Davies, her husband Johnny and their children Mica and David.
    • Last appearance of UNIT Colonel Augustus Oduya.
    • To date, the last appearance of UNIT in Torchwood.
    • Last appearance of Bridget Spears.
    • Last appearances of John Frobisher, his wife Anna, and their two children Holly and Lilly.
      John kills his family and himself to stop them being a part of the 456's plans.
    • Last appearance of MI5 Specialist Dekker.
    • Last appearance of Agent Johnson.
    • Last appearance of British PM Brian Green.
      For his actions during this incident, he is deposed as Prime Minister.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Torchwood - End of the Road
      Originally posted by Jonzey
      Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


        "An Unearthly Child".

        Yep, just the first part. Was going to continue, but the missus said "Haven't I sat through enough!?" or words to that effect. Not a fan of b&w Who... (Not a fan of any really but she has no choice to some degree, especially now as our son loves watching some Troughton.)
        back on YouTube -
        "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
        "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
        and lots more!


          Torchwood - The Gathering

          Originally posted by Jonzey
          Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


            03.01 - Prisoner of the Judoon

            Notable firsts and lasts:
            • First and only appearance of the Judoon in The Sarah Jane Adventures.
            • First appearance of the Veil lifeform named Androvax.
            • A clone version of a ship that originally crashed in Roswell in 1947 appears but this is its only appearance in The Sarah Jane Adventures.
            • First appearance of an Ionic Fusion bar but its only appearance in The Sarah Jane Adventures.

            03.02 - The Mad Woman in the Attic

            Notable firsts and lasts:
            • First regular appearance of K-9 Mk. IV.
              He is finally freed from his duty to close the black hole opened by scientists in Switzerland when an alien spaceship uses it to power itself.
            • Sarah Jane Smith is shown visions of her times with the one encounter she hasn't had yet.

            03.03 - The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith

            Notable firsts and lasts:
            • The Doctor appears to help rescue Sarah Jane Smith escape a trap set by the Trickster. This is his first appearance in The Sarah Jane Adventures.
            • First appearance of the TARDIS in The Sarah Jane Adventures (not counting Sarah Jane's vision of it in The Mad Woman in the Attic.
            • Third and final appearance of the Trickster.
            • Sarah Jane Smith's third and final encounter with the Trickster.
            • The Doctor's one and only encounter with the Trickster.
            • The Doctor is told by the Trickster that the "gate is waiting" for him...
            • The Doctor meets Luke Smith for the second time. They met briefly over communication channels in the Doctor Who Series 30 story The Stolen Earth.
            • The Doctor meets Clyde Langer for the first time.
            • The Doctor meets Rani Chandra for the first time.
            • Second and last appearance of Travist Polong. He had previously appeared in the Series 2 story The Mark of the Berserker.
            • Clyde Langer absorbs an amount of Artron Energy from the TARDIS...

            01.01 - Regeneration

            Notable firsts and lasts:
            • Last appearance of K-9 Mk. I. The model of K-9 that travelled with the Doctor and Leela from the Doctor Who Series 15 stories The Invisible Enemy to The Invasion of Time.
              He has survived the Last Great Time War that raged between Gallifrey and Skaro. He has many adventures before eventually arriving on Earth in London in the year 2050 where he self-destructs to defeat members of a species called the Jixen.
            • First appearance of K-9 Mk. I-A (aka K-9 Mk. 2). He is brought in to existence following the activation of a piece of Time Lord technology that survived K-9 Mk. I's self-destruct but he has lost all his memories of everything before arriving on Earth in 2050.
            • First appearance of Jorjie Turner.
            • First appearance of Starkey.
            • First appearance of Darius Pike.
            • First appearance of Professor Alistair Gryffyn.
            • First appearance of June Turner. She is Jorjie's mother and a member of the Department.
            • First appearance of Darius's sentient London Taxi Cab, Mariah.
            • First appearance of the Department. They are a brutal, totalitarian government agency that dominates Great Britain during this time period and have turned at least part of the world into one giant dystopia.
            • First appearance of CCPC's. A robotic police force controlled by the Department.
            • First appearance of the Jixen species.
            • First appearance of Professor Gryffyn's Space-Time Manipulator device.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              Torchwood - The Blood Line
              Originally posted by Jonzey
              Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.



                Generally I'm an easy to please WHO fan, especially classic eps... and this is pretty groovy but...

                If all it takes is sending 2 psycho guards armed to the teeth to go bring back the dragonfire, why'd Kane wait 3,000 years to do it... :}

                Ok, so... he was building an army of frozen zombies... But... even so... 3,000 years?!

                AND - despite running a space port, Kane had never heard that his home planet had been wiped out?!
                back on YouTube -
                "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
                "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
                and lots more!


                  Night Terrors
                  Originally posted by Jonzey
                  Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                    THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES
                    03.05 - Mona Lisa's Revenge

                    Notable firsts and lasts:
                    • The Mona Lisa painting becomes the centre of attention for its one and only appearance in The Sarah Jane Adventures but it had previously been the centre of attention in the Series 17 Doctor Who story City of Death.

                    DOCTOR WHO
                    TV Movie #08 - The Waters of Mars

                    Notable firsts and lasts:
                    • Second and, to date, last Doctor Who story to be set on the planet Mars. It had previously featured in the Series 13 story Pyramids of Mars.
                    • Last appearance of the Doctor's Sanctuary Base Six spacesuit. It had previously been seen in the Series 28 story The Impossible Planet.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Pond Life, pt. 1
                      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                        Pond Life (part 1)
                        And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
                        Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


                          THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES
                          03.06 - The Gift

                          Notable firsts and lasts:
                          • Last regular appearance of Luke Smith.
                          • Last regular appearance of K-9 Mk. IV.
                          • First and only appearance of the Raxacoricofallapatorian family and cousins to the Slitheen Family - the Blathereen.

                          DOCTOR WHO
                          Anime Story #02 - Dreamland

                          Notable firsts and lasts:
                          • The type of alien spaceship that was last seen in The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 story Prisoner of the Judoon makes its second and final appearance, but its first and only appearance in Doctor Who.
                          • Second and final appearance of an Ionic Fusion Bar after its previous appearance in The Sarah Jane Adventures story Prisoner of the Judoon but its first and only appearance in Doctor Who.
                          • First appearance of the Alliance of Shades robotic agents, Men in Black but their only appearance in Doctor Who.

                          TV Movie #09 - The End of Time, Part One

                          Notable firsts and lasts:
                          • The Master, last seen being cremated after being shot and killed in the Series 29 story The Sound of Drums, is resurrected.
                          • Wilfred Mott, last seen in the Series 30 story The Stolen Earth, returns.
                          • Rassilon, the first and greatest of Time Lords returns. He was last seen in the very first TV Movie, The Five Doctors.
                          • First appearance of the Woman.
                          • First appearance of the Visionary.
                          • Donna Noble appears. He memories of travelling with the Doctor are still blocked. She is engaged to be married.
                          • Donna's mother, Sylvia, appears.
                          • First appearance of Donna's fiancé, Shaun Temple.
                          • Last appearance of Lucy Saxon.
                            She is killed whilst attempting to stop the Master's resurrection.
                          • First appearance of Addams and Rossiter of the Vinvocci species.
                          • First appearance of Joshua Naismith and his daughter Abigail.
                          • First appearance of the Ood Elder.
                          • First appearance of the Immortality Gate.

                          TV Movie #10 - The End of Time, Part Two

                          Notable firsts and lasts:
                          • Last appearance of the Doctor's tenth incarnation. His tenth regeneration is brought about after his body absorbs a fatal amount of radiation.
                          • First appearance of the Doctor's eleventh incarnation.
                          • To date, the last appearance of the Master. He seems to disappear back in to the last day of the Time War.
                          • The drum sound that has plagued the Master since childhood is revealed to have been implanted in his mind by Time Lords from the future so they can escape their destruction at the end of the Time War.
                          • Last appearance of Wilfred Mott. He is revealed to be the man that the Ood say will "knock four times".
                          • Last appearance of Donna Noble. Her memories remain blocked and she marries her fiancé. The Doctor leaves her a winning lottery ticket which her deceased father, Geoffrey Noble, contributed a £1 too.
                          • Last appearance of Shaun Temple, Donna's husband.
                          • Last appearance of Sylvia Noble.
                          • Last appearance of Rassilon.
                          • Last appearance of the Woman.
                          • Last appearance of Gallifrey. It is the "something" that the Ood said would return but the Doctor returns the planet back to the end of the Time War where, in the past, he destroys it, his people and the Daleks.
                          • Last appearance of Ood Sigma.
                          • Last appearance of Ood Elder.
                          • Last appearance of the Ood Sphere.
                          • Last appearance of news reporter Trinity Wells.
                          • Last appearances of Addams and Rossiter of the Vinvocci species.
                          • Last appearances of Joshua Naismith and his daughter Abigail.
                          • The very last appearance of Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who.
                          • Last appearance of Luke Smith in Doctor Who.
                          • To date, the last appearance of Martha Jones. She has left UNIT and is now married to Mickey Smith.
                          • To date, the last appearance of Mickey Smith. He and his wife Martha are now freelance alien investigators and hunters.
                          • Rose Tyler appears. The Doctor visits her months before he actually first met her in the Series 27 story Rose.
                          • Jackie Tyler appears. This is a version of Jackie before her first meeting with the Doctor.
                          • To date, the last appearance of Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who. He is seen in an alien bar on the planet Zog drowning his sorrows following the death of his lover Ianto Jones in the Series 3 Torchwood episode Children of Earth: Day Four.
                          • Last appearance of Midshipman Alonso Frame whom was last seen in Voyage of the Damned.
                          • Last appearance of an Adipose.
                          • Last appearance of Raxacoricofallapatorians in Doctor Who.
                          • Last appearance of the Hath in Doctor Who.
                          • The Doctor's Chameleon Arch human personality John Smith's diary 'A Journal of Impossible Things' has been put in to print by the granddaughter of the woman John Smith fell in love with in Human Nature.
                          • Last appearance of the Immortality Gate.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            The Girl Who Waited
                            Originally posted by Jonzey
                            Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                              DOCTOR WHO
                              31.01 - The Eleventh Hour

                              Notable firsts and lasts:
                              • First full appearance of the Doctor's eleventh incarnation.
                              • First appearance of Amelia 'Amy' Pond. She joins the Doctor on-board the TARDIS even though she is due to be married soon.
                              • First irregular appearance of Rory Williams. He is a nurse and Amy's boyfriend.
                              • First appearance of the Atraxi.
                              • Last appearance of the Doctor's third Sonic Screwdriver.
                              • First appearance of the Doctor's fourth Sonic Screwdriver.
                              • This is the second, and to date last time the Doctor is seen to open the TARDIS doors just by clicking his fingers. The first time he showed this ability was in the story Silence in the Library.
                              • First appearance of the Cracks in Time.
                              • The Doctor is warned that "silence will fall when the Pandorica opens".

                              31.02 - The Beast Below

                              Notable firsts and lasts:
                              • First appearance of Liz 10.
                              • First appearance of Winston Churchill.
                              • This is the third and, to date, last story to focus on survivors of the Earth's devastation by solar flares in the 29th century. The two previous stories to focus on survivors was the Series 12 stories The Ark in Space and The Sontaran Experiment.

                              31.03 - Victory of the Daleks

                              Notable firsts and lasts:
                              • Last appearance of the impure Daleks that Davros created from his own Kaled DNA and featured in the Series 30 story The Stolen Earth.
                              • First appearance of Daleks spawned from pure Dalek DNA.
                              • First appearance of the Scientist rank of Dalek.
                              • First appearance of the Strategist rank of Dalek.
                              • First appearance of the Eternal Dalek.
                              • First appearance of Professor Edwin Bracewell.
                              • First appearance of anti-gravity shielded Spitfires.
                              • For some reason Amy has no memory of the 2009 Dalek invasion and their moving Earth across space in The Stolen Earth...

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Pond Life, pt. 2
                                Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                                To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                                Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                                And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.

