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What Doctor Who episode did you watch today?

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    Torchwood - Children of Earth Day One
    Originally posted by Jonzey
    Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


      Fires of Pompeii (still one of my favourites)
      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Torchwood - Children of Earth Day Two
        Originally posted by Jonzey
        Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


          DOCTOR WHO
          26.03 - The Curse of Fenric

          Notable firsts and lasts:
          • First story to show that the strength of Doctor's faith is in his belief in his friends and companions.
          • The Doctor doesn't know if he has any family left. When someone from the 1940's assumes it is because of the war with Nazi Germany the Doctor gives a half-hearted "yes" as a response.
          • The chess game the Doctor began to play in the study at Lady Peinforte's house in the story Silver Nemesis is revealed to be a part his battle against an evil alien entity called Fenric.
          • The time storm that Ace mentioned as taking her from Earth 1987 and depositing her on Iceworld in the distant future in the story Dragonfire is revealed as being a creation of Fenric so as to engineer Ace's meeting with the Doctor in order to use her as part of its battle against him.
          • Last appearance of Ace's home-made explosive, Nitro-9.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            Torchwood - Children of Earth Day Three
            Originally posted by Jonzey
            Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


              The Eleventh Hour
              Some fish fingers and custard anyone?


                Torchwood - Children of Earth Day Four
                Originally posted by Jonzey
                Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                  The Sound of Drums
                  Last of the Time Lords
                  The End of Time, Parts 1 & 2
                  The Doctor's Wife


                    DOCTOR WHO
                    26.04 - Survival

                    Notable lasts:
                    • To date, the last appearance of Ace (aka Dorothy McShane).
                    • Last appearance of the Master's Gallifreyan/Trakenite hybrid fourteenth incarnation.

                    Last edited by Alan; 11 July 2012, 03:39 AM.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Torchwood - Children of Earth Day Five
                      Originally posted by Jonzey
                      Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                        A Good Man Goes To War
                        Terror of the Autons
                        Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                        Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                        Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                        Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                          The Sarah Jane Adventures - Prisoner of the Judoon
                          Originally posted by Jonzey
                          Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                            Daleks in Manhattan


                              Turn Left
                              The Stolen Earth
                              Journey's End

                              The Eleventh Hour
                              The Beast Below
                              Victory of the Daleks
                              The Time of Angels
                              Flesh and Stone


                                SHAKEDOWN: RETURN OF THE SONTARANS

                                Notable firsts and lasts:
                                • To date, last appearance of a Rutan Host.
                                • To date, the only actual encounter seen between the Sontarans and the Rutan Host.
                                • First appearance of a Sontaran War-Wheel ship.


                                Notable firsts and lasts:
                                • First reunion between Sarah Jane Smith and Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart since The Five Doctors...although its possible that neither of them remember their last encounter.
                                • Last appearance of Victoria Waterfield.
                                • Second and last meeting between Victoria Waterfield and Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart since The Web of Fear.
                                • Victoria Waterfield and Sarah Jane Smith meet for the first time but only vaguely hint at each other as being friends and former companions of the Doctor.
                                • Last appearance of Professor Edward Travers.
                                • To date, last appearance of the Great Intelligence.
                                • To date, last appearance of the Yeti robots.

                                DOCTOR WHO
                                TV Movie #02 - The Enemy Within

                                Notable firsts and lasts:
                                • Last appearance of the Doctor's seventh incarnation.
                                  He is shot down and appears to die on a hospital operating table but, in actuality, fakes his death by stopping his hearts so he can be placed somewhere secluded to regenerate from his injuries.
                                  The Doctor regenerates for the seventh time.
                                • First, and to date only appearance of the Doctor's eighth incarnation.
                                • First and last appearance of the Master's 15th incarnation.
                                  He is exterminated by the Daleks presumably for his failure in starting a space war between the planets Earth and Draconia.
                                • First and last appearance of the Master's 16th incarnation which was a human body killed by a Deathworm and then implanted with the personality and memories of the Master.
                                • First appearance of the Doctor's second Sonic Screwdriver.
                                • The TARDISes Chameleon Circuit is referred to as a "Cloaking Device" for the first time.
                                • To date, the last appearance of the TARDIS Cloister Room.
                                • It is revealed that the TARDIS, and presumably other ships like it, have an aspect of the Eye of Harmony at their hearts which is their primary power source though it is not the same source as the Eye back on Gallifrey.
                                Last edited by Alan; 11 July 2012, 08:28 AM.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

