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What Doctor Who episode did you watch today?

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    Originally posted by Spimman View Post
    The Doctor's Daughter - what I hope to see her again, so sad to see him remember his old family.
    she was hot, and i would have thought that somehow that the doctor could use that machine to remake many more time lords, and basically ensure that the time lords return, and with his guidence, he could be the founder of the new time lord empire

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      The Empty Child

      Interesting what a re-watch can do for an episode. When I first saw this episode over a year ago, I didn't like it very much. But now, after going through series one all over again, I've come to greatly respect Eccleston's work as the Ninth Doctor. His greatly contrasting performance to the Matt Smith's Eleventh is an great juxtaposition. 'twas a shame he wasn't on for a longer run.

      I loved how Jack commented on the Doctor's costume being similar to a U-Boat captain, which is pretty much the truth.


        The Long Game and Father's Day.

        It's a little jarring jumping from Eleven and Amy and Rory back to Nine and Rose. It's a very different dynamic.

        Actually, there's a lot of things I'm noticing that I didn't the first time through. For example, when I watched The Big Bang, I thought it was kind of contradictory that Amy could touch her younger self, but that bad things happened when Rose held baby Rose. But now that I've seen the episode again, it makes more sense - the problem with Rose and her baby self was the Reapers being there.

        And it's interesting noticing the differences in the Doctors. There's a pretty big difference in personality between Nine and Eleven.
        - Life after Stargate -
        Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
        Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


          Watching "The Doctor Dances" right now.

          Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
          The Long Game and Father's Day.

          It's a little jarring jumping from Eleven and Amy and Rory back to Nine and Rose. It's a very different dynamic.

          Actually, there's a lot of things I'm noticing that I didn't the first time through. For example, when I watched The Big Bang, I thought it was kind of contradictory that Amy could touch her younger self, but that bad things happened when Rose held baby Rose. But now that I've seen the episode again, it makes more sense - the problem with Rose and her baby self was the Reapers being there.

          And it's interesting noticing the differences in the Doctors. There's a pretty big difference in personality between Nine and Eleven.
          For myself, the biggest difference between Nine and Eleven would be that Eleven seems to have come to a place of acceptance about his role in the Time War and being the last of the Time Lords. His encounters with the Master, Davros, and others have made him more sure secure about what he did—that he was not a murderer but someone who did what was necessary to save all of creation. That survivor's guilt showed with the Tenth Doctor a lot and it's virtually absent with the Eleventh. I take that as the Doctor has grown, even after 900 years of existence. I dare say that the companions between Rose and Amy & Rory made as much impact on him as he had on all of them.


            Going to rewatch the whole of the revived continuation along with the available classics of the Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee eras. I finished watching all the way from Tom Bakers first to Paul McGanns' one and only a few months ago. I've seen a fair few of the Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee eras, but not all.

            Watching the avaiable 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Doctors adventures along side the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors travels should be an interesting contrast.
            Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

            Doctor: "And what is the question?"

            Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

            Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
              Doctor Who is change, embrace it
              Holy crap I'm superrr LATE on this reply Oh well *shrugs* XD
              I know it's change but.. I don't wanna embrace it. I only love the 10th Doctor, and that's that. lol
              My tumblr


                Doctor Who
                19.3 Kinda
                20.2 Snakedance

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  The Sarah Jane Adventures
                  2.2 The Day of the Clown

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    Time Flight.

                    I was much amused to see the TARDIS lying on it's side & the Fifth Doctor flicking a switch to make the interior right way up. Also who knew Concorde tyres were so small?


                      This week
                      Aliens Of London / World War Three (DW 2005 Series 1/Season 27) - DVD
                      The Aztecs (DW 1964 Season 1) - DVD
                      The Sensorites (DW 1964 Season 1) - BBC Worldwide Official YouTube page

                      It sucks that episodes 4 and 5 of The Reign Of Terror are still missiing as I would have liked to have seen DW set during the French Revolution.
                      Are episodes 1, 2, 3 and 6 of The Reign Of Terror on the Lost In Time boxset? Been meaning to pick that up.
                      Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                      Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                      Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                      Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                        The End of Time I & II


                          The Beast Below and Victory of the Daleks (Would you like a cup of tea?, thats got to be the best line Ive heard from a Dalek! and Would you persist from hitting me?) Some of my favourite Dalek lines are from this episode.
                          Forgotten how much I love Doctor Who and how good it is
                          Also forgotten how good Matt Smith is as the Doctor
                          Looking forward to Series 6 and the rest of my Series 5 rewatch, nothing beats a good old helping of new generation Doctor Who.

                          Never really gotten into the pre 05 Who.
                          Last edited by Teddybrown; 11 March 2011, 01:21 PM.


                            The Sarah Jane Adventures
                            2.3 Secrets of the Stars

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              Planet of the Dead

                              With that I have now watched all Doctor Who 2005 - present. I'm looking at watching some of the classics but don't know where to start and I'm not sure I'm ready for such a big task. That's a lot of Who to watch!


                                Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                                Planet of the Dead

                                With that I have now watched all Doctor Who 2005 - present. I'm looking at watching some of the classics but don't know where to start and I'm not sure I'm ready for such a big task. That's a lot of Who to watch!
                                Enjoy the adventures ahead! I recommend starting off with these adventures from the Doctor's first eight incarnations - An Unearthly Child, The Mind Robber, Spearhead from Space, Pyramids of Mars, The Caves of Androzani, Revelation of the Daleks, Battlefield, and The Enemy Within (aka The 1996 TV Movie).

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

