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What Doctor Who episode did you watch today?

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    The Night of the Doctor
    Victory of the Daleks


      Smith and Jones.

      Why does Martha's boss just happen to have a set of binoculars in his office? I never noticed that before...
      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


        This was all actually yesterday:

        DOCTOR WHO
        31.01 - The Eleventh Hour
        - Introduction of Amy Pond and Rory Williams.
        Mini-Ep#04 - Meanwhile in the TARDIS 1
        31.02 - The Beast Below
        - First appearance of Liz Ten.
        31.03 - Victory of the Daleks
        - Reappearance of the Daleks. First appearance of Winston Churchill.
        31.04 - The Time of Angels
        - Return of River Song & the Weeping Angels. First appearance of The Church.
        Mini-Ep#05 - Meanwhile in the TARDIS 2
        31.05 - The Vampires of Venice
        - Rory joins the TARDIS crew.
        31.06 - Amy's Choice
        - Rory dies in a hallucination.
        31.07 - The Hungry Earth
        - Reintroduction of the Silurians. Rory dies for the first time.
        31.08 - Vincent and the Doctor
        - First appearance of Vincent van Gogh.
        31.09 - The Lodger
        - First appearance of Craig Owens and Sophie.
        31.10 - The Pandorica Opens
        - Return of various enemies; Rory and River Song. Reappearance of Vincent van Gogh, Winston Churchill, and Liz Ten. Rory is brought back to life.
        TVM#11 - A Christmas Carol
        Mini-Ep#06 - Space
        - Part 1 of 2
        Mini-Ep#07 - Time
        - Part 2 of 2

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          The Time of Angels
          Flesh and Bone


            The Brain of Morbius


              The Bells of Saint John
              The Rings of Akhaten (whilst eating jelly babies no less)
              Last edited by Sealurk; 17 November 2013, 08:55 AM.
              And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
              Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


                The Christmas Invasion
                School Reunion
                The Girl in the Fireplace


                  The Bells of St. John
                  The Rings of Akhaten

                  (de ja vu, Sealurk!)


                    DOCTOR WHO
                    Mini-Ep#08 - The Impossible Astronaut: Prequel
                    - Introducing Richard Nixon and the Silence.
                    32.01 - The Impossible Astronaut
                    - First formal appearance of the Silence and Madame Kovarian. Return of River Song.
                    Mini-Ep#09 - The Curse of the Black Spot: Prequel
                    - Introducing Captain Hank Avery.
                    32.02 - The Curse of the Black Spot
                    - Reappearance of Kovarian.
                    32.03 - The Doctor's Wife
                    - Reappearance of the Ood.
                    32.04 - The Rebel Flesh
                    - Reappearance of Kovarian and introduction of the Flesh concept.
                    Mini-Ep#10 - A Good Man Goes to War: Prequel
                    - Introducing the Headless Monks.
                    32.05 - A Good Man Goes to War
                    - Return of River Song, along with the Judoon, Silurians, Kovarian, The Church, Headless monks, and Dorium. First Appearance of Vastra, Strax and Jenny. The primary universe Cybermen appear for the first since 1988 and have now adapted their parallel universe counterparts appearance except they no-longer bear the Cybus Industries logo on their chest units.
                    Mini-Ep#11 - Let's Kill Hitler: Prequel
                    32.06 - Let's Kill Hitler
                    - Return of River Song. First appearance of the Teselecta.
                    32.07 - Night Terrors
                    32.08 - The Girl Who Waited
                    32.09 - The God Complex
                    - Amy and Rory leave the Doctor. Cameo appearance of the Weeping Angels.
                    Mini-Ep#12 - Night and the Doctor: Up All Night
                    - Prequel to Closing Time. Reappearance of Craig Owens and Sophie. The Doctor does not appear.
                    32.10 - Closing Time
                    - Reintroduction of the Cybermats and return of Craig Owens, Sophie, the Cybermen, River Song, Madame Kovarian and the Silence.
                    Mini-Ep#13 - The Wedding of River Song: Prequel
                    32.11 - The Wedding of River Song
                    - Reappearance of River Song, Winston Churchill, Charles Dickens, Dorium, the Silence and Kovarian.
                    Mini-Ep#14 - Death Is the Only Answer
                    - Appearance of an Ood
                    Mini-Ep#15 - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe: Prequel
                    TVM#12 - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
                    Mini-Ep#16 - Night and the Doctor: Bad Night
                    Mini-Ep#17 - Night and the Doctor: Good Night
                    Mini-Ep#18 - Night and the Doctor: First Night
                    - Part 1 of 2. Reappearance of River Song.
                    Mini-Ep#19 - Night and the Doctor: Last Night
                    - Part 2 of 2. Set immediately before River and the Doctor's final meeting (from the Doctor's perspective) and Silence in the Library from River's.
                    Mini-Ep#20 - Good as Gold
                    - Reappearance of a Weeping Angel.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Where do you find all those mini-episodes? I've only seen a few.
                      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                        Last of the Time Lords




                            Cold War


                              Doctor Who

                              The Unquiet Dead
                              Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                                All the Doctor Who Confidentials for Christopher Eccleston's episodes, and all the Confidentials for David Tennant's first series.

