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What Doctor Who episode did you watch today?

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    K-9 - Hound of the Korven
    Originally posted by Jonzey
    Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


      Series 7 trailer many many times...


        K-9 - The Eclipse of the Korven
        Originally posted by Jonzey
        Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


          DOCTOR WHO
          29.01 - Smith and Jones

          Notable firsts and lasts:
          First appearance of Martha Jones.
          First appearance of the Judoon.
          First appearance of Slabs but their only appearance in Doctor Who.
          First appearance of Tish Jones. She is sister to Martha and Leo
          First appearance of Leo Jones. He is brother of Martha and Tish.
          First appearance of Leo's girlfriend Shonara and their daughter Keisha Jones.
          First appearance of Clive Jones. He is father to Martha, Tish, and Leo.
          First appearance of Francine Jones. She is mother to Martha, Tish, and Leo.
          First appearance of medial student Oliver Morgenstern.
          The Doctor's second Sonic Screwdriver is destroyed.
          First appearance of the Doctor's third Sonic Screwdriver.
          Vote Saxon posters appear.

          29.02 - The Shakespeare Code

          Notable firsts and lasts:
          Last appearance of William Shakespeare. He previously appeared in the story The Chase.
          Last appearance of Queen Elizabeth I. She previously appeared in the story The Chase.

          29.03 - Gridlock

          Notable firsts and lasts:
          Second and last appearance of the Macra. They previously appeared in the story The Macra Terror.
          Last appearance of the Face of Boe.
          Last appearance of Novice Hame.
          To date, last appearance of the Catkind species.
          Last appearance of the planet New Earth.
          The Face of Boe passes on his secret to the Doctor. He tells him "You Are Not Alone".

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            The Sarah Jane Adventures - The Nightmare Man
            Originally posted by Jonzey
            Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


              DOCTOR WHO
              29.04 - Daleks in Manhattan

              Notable firsts and lasts:
              • Last appearance of three members of the Cult of Skaro - Daleks Thay, Jast, and Sec.
              • Dalek Caan escapes using the Emergency Temporal Shift.

              29.05 - The Lazarus Experiment

              Notable firsts and lasts:
              • Technology that affects the ageing process is developed
              • Martha's mother, Francine, is warned that the Doctor is people working for Harold Saxon.

              29.06 - 42

              Notable firsts and lasts:
              • First appearance of Miss Dexter, an agent of Harold Saxon.
              • Harold Saxon is revealed to have an interest in the Doctor.
              • Francine Jones begins working for Harold Saxon.
              • Martha Jones' phone is made in to a 'Superphone'.
              • First mention of the Arkangel Network.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                The Stones of Blood


                  The Sarah Jane Adventures - The Vault of Secrets
                  Originally posted by Jonzey
                  Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                    DOCTOR WHO
                    29.07 - Human Nature

                    Notable firsts and lasts:
                    • The Chameleon Arch is introduced - a device on-board TARDISes that enables a Time Lord to change their biological and mental make-up to create a disguise so good that they forget who they are. The essence of a Time Lord is kept within a Gallifreyan fob watch which is hidden by a Perception Filter to stop the disguised person from opening it prematurely.
                    • First mention of Time Agents using devices called Vortex Manipulators to move through time and space.
                    • First appearance of John Smith's notes that make up a book he calls 'A Journal of Impossible Things'. The notes he makes are the Doctor's memories seeping through whilst John is asleep.

                    29.08 - Blink

                    Notable firsts and lasts:
                    • First appearance of the Weeping Angels.
                    • To date, this is the last time the TARDIS projects a holographic message from the Doctor.
                    • First and, to date, only time the TARDIS is seen to dematerialise but not take its occupants with it.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      The Sarah Jane Adventures - Death of the Doctor
                      Originally posted by Jonzey
                      Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                        DOCTOR WHO
                        29.09 - Utopia

                        Notable firsts and lasts:
                        • Captain Jack Harkness is reunited with the Doctor and meets his new friend Martha Jones. Jack reveals that after the battle with the Daleks on Gamestation he travelled to Earth in the past but ended up in 1869 instead of the 21st century and has lived through the 20th and 21st centuries waiting for the Doctor. This means that whilst the events of the story Boom Town unfolded, there was a future version of Jack Harkness in Cardiff waiting for a version of the Doctor that coincided with him.
                        • The Doctor reveals that he left Jack behind on Gamestation because he felt that he had changed.
                        • Jack learns that he became back to life after the Daleks exterminated him because the Doctor's former companion Rose Tyler used the power of the space/time vortex to resurrect him but, being unable to control the forces, Rose brought him back forever and made him immortal.
                        • The Master returns. Using his Chameleon Arch he changed himself in to a human named Yana and lived in the very distant future. His memories return when information provided by the Doctor and his friends allows the Master's consciousness to break through and tempt him to open the fob watch. He steals the Doctor's TARDIS and his severed hand but not before being mortally wounded and regenerating in to his eighteenth incarnation.
                        • The hand the Doctor lost in The Christmas Invasion was used by Jack to detect the Doctor's presence. This was seen in the Torchwood episode End of Days.
                        • Jack Harkness' wrist strap is identified as a Vortex Manipulator.
                        • Last appearance of the Chameleon Arch fob watch.
                        • To date, the last story in which the TARDIS uses the Cardiff Rift to refuel.

                        29.10 - The Sound of Drums

                        Notable firsts and lasts:
                        • Last regular appearance of Martha Jones. She leaves the TARDIS to look after her traumatised family and to complete her medical training.
                        • Captain Jack Harkness is revealed to be leader of a section of Torchwood based in Cardiff. He says that following the loss of Torchwood One in London during the Battle of Canary Wharf he took control and reshaped the Institute in honour of the Doctor. He returns to his team.
                        • Harold Saxon, the politician that ordered the destruction of the Racnoss spaceship and showed such an interest in the Doctor, is revealed to be the Master.
                        • The Master is killed and cremated. A ring he is wearing survives and is collected from the pyre.
                        • First appearance of the UNIT flying aircraft carrier, the Valiant.
                        • The Arkangel Network is revealed to be used by the Master to send a hypnotic signal to force the population of Great Britain to vote for him as Prime Minister.
                        • The technology developed by Professor Richard Lazarus in The Lazarus Experiment is reversed by the Master to age people rather than make them young.
                        • Last appearance of Tish Jones.
                        • Last appearance of Leo Jones, his girlfriend Shonara, and their daughter Keisha.
                        • Last appearance of Clive Jones.
                        • First appearance of Lucy Saxon.
                        • First appearance of the Starship Titanic.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          The Sarah Jane Adventures - The Empty Planet
                          Originally posted by Jonzey
                          Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                            Paradise Towers

                            *Shakes* It's so awful!
                            Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                            Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                            Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                            Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                              Rose and The End of the World
                              I'm an absolute beginner


                                The Sarah Jane Adventures - Lost in Time
                                Originally posted by Jonzey
                                Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.

