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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    O ~ Oshodi, Adeola - Adeola Oshodi was a scientist at Torchwood One in London and cousin to Martha Jones. She appeared in the 2006 story Army of Ghosts. When Torchwood One was infiltrated, she and her boyfriend Gareth were given earpods and were remote controlled by the Cybermen. She, and others under remote control, died when the Doctor cut off the signal. Martha mentioned her deceased cousin in the 2007 story Smith and Jones. Adeola Oshodi was played by Freema Agyeman.

    It was in the role of Adeola that Freema came to the attention of Doctor Who's Executive Producers Russell T. Davis, Phil Collinson, and Julie Gardner. Based on Freema's performance, they chose to cast her as Martha Jones for the following series.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      P ~ Paradox Machine - Designed by the Master in "The Sound of Drums", the device is constructed from the Doctor's TARDIS, centred around the main console with several large pipes leading into it, installed on the airborne aircraft carrier Valiant. The paradox machine uses the power of the TARDIS to prevent the universe from collapsing under the inherent logical contradiction of a grandfather paradox when the Toclafane kill their ancestors, modern day humans. When destroyed, it has the effect of reversing time up to the point immediately before it was originally activated. However, those in proximity to the device are immune to this effect by virtue of being in the "eye of the storm", the radius of which is at least sufficient to encompass the Valiant. It is destroyed by Jack Harkness who shoots it with a machine gun.


        Q ~ Queen Galleia - She ruled over the lost city of Atlantis with her husband King Dalios. Queen Galleia becomes indirectly responsible for the destruction of Atlantis and all its people when she allows herself to be fooled by the Master in unleashing the Chronovore Kronos unaware of. Queen Galleia appeared in the 1972 story The Time Monster and was played by actress Ingrid Pitt.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          R ~ Robot - Opened Season 12 and was the first full serial to feature Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, as well as Ian Marter as new companion Harry Sullivan. Jon Pertwee makes his final regular appearance briefly in the reprise from the previous story.

          With the newly-regenerated Doctor behaving erratically, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and UNIT have to contend with the theft of the plans for the new disintegrator gun by what seems to be a mechanical monster. However, the theft is only the beginning of a plot to hold the world to nuclear ransom. The culprits are certain members of staff that work at the Scientific Reform Society who have stolen the beast and taught it to kill.


            S ~ Sixth Doctor, The - This incarnation of the Doctor came in to existence after the 5th Doctor sacrificed his life to save that of companion Peri Brown by giving her all the cure for the deadly Spectrox Toxemia they'd both contracted. The 6th Doctor appeared briefly at the conclusion of the 1984 story The Caves of Androzani and his first full story was The Twin Dilemma. The 6th Doctor wore a multi-coloured, patch-work coat and had a badge in the shape of a cat on one of the lapels. The 6th Doctor's last full story was 1986's The Trial of a Time Lord but he appeared briefly in the pre-title sequence of the 1987 story Time and the Rani. When viewers see the 6th Doctor during this sequence he is completely unconscious the entire time due to an attack on the TARDIS. As a result of the attack he is seriously injured and regenerates into the 7th Doctor. The 6th Doctor was played by Colin Baker.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              T ~ Time-Flight - Missing Concordes lead the Fifth Doctor on a curious mission back in time where a deadly foe is seeking to seize control of the ancient powers of the Xeraphin.


                U ~ Unearthly Child, The - The first Doctor Who story which premièred on November 23rd, 1963. It starred William Hartnell as "The Doctor", Carole Ann Ford as "Susan Foreman", Jacqueline Hill as "Barbara Wright", & William Russell as "Ian Chesterton".

                The first part of this 4-part story deals with Ian and Barbara's discovery of the Doctor and his time-space ship the TARDIS in a junkyard in contemporary London. The remaining three parts are set in 100,000 BC, amongst a power struggle between warring Stone Age factions.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  V ~ Vervoids, Terror of the - 'Terror of the Vervoids' is the title commonly used for a serial that was part of the larger narrative known as 'The Trial of a Time Lord', emcompassing the whole of the 23rd season. This serial is the first appearance of Bonnie Langford as the companion Melanie Bush.

                  It is now the Doctor's chance to provide evidence for his defence. He produces the events on the Hyperion III to the trial, but has the Valeyard managed to corrupt the Matrix to show events in a different light?

                  An undercover agent working aboard the space liner Hyperion III contacts the Doctor and asks for assistance to help crack the case of a group of scientists carrying out experiments with mixing human DNA with plant based life. The Doctor and his companion Mel respond, only to find that the Captain of the liner is an old friend and that their contact has been killed. While Mel searches for clues as to the perpetrator of the crime, the Doctor takes the opportunity to lose a little weight in the Hyperion III gym ...


                    W ~ Wright, Barbara - Barbara Wright came from 1963. She was a teacher of history at Coal Hill School in London. Barbara became a companion to the 1st Doctor after accidentally discovering the TARDIS at a junkyard located at 76 Totter's Lane. Barbara has the distinction of being the first human to board the TARDIS. She made her first appearance in the 1963 story An Unearthly Child. Barbara made her last appearance in the 1965 story The Chase. She and fellow school teacher Ian Chesterton decided to leave the TARDIS at the conclusion of that story by using a Dalek time machine to return to Earth in 1963. Unfortunately the Doctor got the settings in the machine wrong and they both arrived on Earth in 1965. In the Past Doctor range of books, it is revealed that Barbara later became romantically involved with Ian, they married had a son together whom they named John. Barbara Wright was played by Jacqueline Hill.
                    Last edited by Alan; 08 April 2008, 02:23 PM.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      X ~ Xeros - Planet featured in the 1965 serial 'The Space Museum'.

                      Xeros, a subjugated planet in the Morok Empire, now home to a vast museum and a young, rebellious population.

                      The Doctor and his companions experience something strange after they land on the planet Xeros. Shattered glass mends itself, footprints fail to materialize in the sand, and everything is silent. And then, inside a gigantic museum, they find something even more alarming: themselves.


                        Y ~ Yegros Alpha - Planet mentioned in the 1980 story The Leisure Hive.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Z ~ Zolfa-Thuran - A cactus creature from the Forth Doctor Serial 'Meglos'.

                          The Fourth Doctor and the second Romana become involved with the plans of Meglos, the sole and last inhabitant of Zolfa Thura. The cactoid needs the Doctor as a pawn in his struggle with the neighbouring planet of Tigella in order to recapture the lost Dodecahedron, which is the secret energy source that will make Meglos feared throughout the galaxy.


                            A ~ Ashbrook, Daphne - Actress. Daphne Ashbrook played medical doctor "Grace Holloway" in the 1996 TV movie Enemy Within. Daphne returned to the world of Doctor Who in 2004 to voice a character named "Perfection" in a Big Finish audio adventure called The Next Life in which she was reunited with her Enemy Within co-star, Paul McGann for the first time in 8-years.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              B ~ Brain of Morbius, The - Years ago, the Time Lord known as Morbius tried to lead a revolution but was executed for his ambition on the planet Karn. When the Fourth Doctor and Sarah arrive on the planet, they discover that, thanks to Dr Solon, the dead may rise...


                                C ~ Courtney, Nicholas - (Actor. Nicholas Courtney played UNIT C.O. "Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart". His first appearance was actually in the 1965 story The Daleks' Master Plan in which he guest starred as "Space Security Agent Bret Vyon" alongside 1st Doctor actor William Hartnell. Courtney was remembered for this role and was brought back to guest star in the 1967 story The Web of Fear as "Colonel Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart" in which he acted along side 2nd Doctor actor Patrick Troughton. The character proved popular and Courtney was brought back again in 1968 to play "Lethbridge-Stewart" (now promoted to Brigadier) in the story The Invasion in which he was reunited with Troughton. Courtney became a regular cast member starting from the 1970 story Spearhead from Space. For the next few years he acts with 3rd Doctor actor Jon Pertwee until the 1974 story Planet of the Spiders. Following Planet of the Spiders, Courtney became a guest star in Doctor Who. He appeared in 4th Doctor actors Tom Baker's first story, Robot and returned for Terror of the Zygons.

                                After this, Courtney wasn't seen in the program for 8-years. He returned in the 1983 story, Mawdryn Undead in which he appeared with 5th Doctor actor Peter Davison. Courtney then took part in the 20th anniversary TV movie The Five Doctors in which he was reunited with Troughton, Pertwee, and Davison. After this, Courtney's next appearance was in 1988 in the story Battlefield in which he appeared with 7th Doctor actor Sylvester McCoy. Battlefield was Courtney's last appearance (to date) in Doctor Who but he has returned to voice the character in Big Finishes Doctor Who and UNIT audio adventures which gave him the opportunity to work with 6th Doctor actor Colin Baker, 8th Doctor actor Paul McGann, and David Tennant (albeit before Tennant was cast in the role of the 10th Doctor).

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

