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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    L ~ Laser spanner A device which was owned by the Doctor until it was stolen by Emmeline Pankhurst, whom the Doctor referred to as a "cheeky woman". Martha Jones initially believed she had coined the term as a joke upon being introduced to the sonic screwdriver.


      M ~ Movellans - Outwardly resemble physically attractive humans, of various ethnicities and both genders. All of the Movellan androids wear white, form-fitting uniforms and wear their hair in silver braids. Being androids, the Movellans are stronger and have more endurance than normal humans. However, the major weakness of the Movellan design is that each android's external power pack, carried on its belt, can be easily removed to completely shut down the android. The power pack circuitry can also be modified, reprogramming the android to obey human orders.


        N ~ Nitro-9 An explosive substance created and used by the Seventh Doctor's companion Ace, often carried around in her backpack in aerosol spray cans, despite the Doctor's warnings.


          O ~ Opera Glasses - These are a small set of binoculars that the Doctor carries with him in 'The Empty Child', as well as in the novel 'The Nightmare of Black Island'. In the latter, he uses them to gain a closer view of Ynis Du's lighthouse. The actual origin of the glasses are unknown; however, the fact that they are described as having "computer-enhanced lenses" suggests that they are a product of some future time.


            P ~ Preacher Gun (Mk II) A large energy gun, capable of destroying a Dalek. They were used by Jackie, Mickey and Rose in "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End". They are likely to be an upgrade of the guns used by the Preachers in "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday", which were unable to destroy a Dalek even when modified by the Doctor with the sonic screwdriver.


              Q ~ Quantum-locking - Quantum-locking is a feature gained by species through evolution. The only known species to evolve this ability were the Weeping Angels who appeared in 'Blink'.

              If a creature is quantum-locked, then they are turned to stone whenever they are observed. However, if the observer turns away, blinks or stops observing them in any way, the creature can move for the time until the observation resumes.

              If two creatures are quantum-locked and are facing each other, they must be careful to cover their eyes before they are turned to stone. If they don't, they risk looking at each other, and being that they are both being observed by the other, they would be trapped in stone form.


                R ~ Reality Bomb A device created by Davros and the Daleks which they prepared to use in "Journey's End". It was meant to disrupt the electrical bond between all atoms in every form of matter, using Z-neutrino energy compressed into a single string by an alignment of 27 planets, therefore destroying the whole of the universe and all other universes via a rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade. It was, however, disabled by Donna.


                  S ~ Slyther - The Slyther was a monster that served the Daleks. It was seen in episodes four and five of 'The Dalek Invasion of Earth' (1964), guarding the Dalek mines in Bedfordshire. After the Slyther attacked a small group of humans, killing Ashton, Ian hit it with a rock, causing it to fall down a pit to its death.


                    T ~ Tegana the Warlord seen in Marco Polo played by Derren Nesbitt, accompanies Marco Polo on his caravan to Peking in 1289. He urges Polo to have the Doctor and his companions, Susan, Barbara and Ian, killed when they encounter them in the Himalayas, believing them to be fabled "evil spirits" who live on the mountains and can take human form, but Polo accepts them as travellers from England and welcomes them aboard his caravan. Tegana remains highly suspicious of "the magician" and his companions and of their "flying caravan" (the TARDIS). During their travel to Peking, Tegana attempts to bring about the death of Polo and his company by sabotaging their water supply and organising an attack on them by bandits. His attempts fail but the Doctor and his companions realise that Tegana is working against Polo. Tegana's ultimate plan is to assassinate Kublai Khan and seize control of Cathay. Lunging for Kublai Khan with his sword, Tegana misses and kills Khan's Vizier. Convinced of Tegana's duplicity by the Doctor and his companions, Polo arrives in just in time to prevent Tegana from killing Khan too. Polo battles Tegana in a sword fight and eventually disarms him. Khan sentences Tegana to death, but Tegana commits suicide by grabbing a guard's sword and impaling himself.


                      U ~ UNIT - UNified Intelligence Taskforce (formerly known as United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) was formed in 1967 following the incidents in Shoreditch in 1963 ('Remembrance of the Daleks') and the London Underground in 1965 ('The Web of Fear'). The main base is in New York and the UK branch was originally under the command of Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart from 1967 until his retirement in 1976. In 1969, UNIT had its baptism of fire when the Cybermen attempted to attack and invade Earth ('The Invasion'). UNIT is still going strong 40-years later and has defended Earth from alien threats such as Autons ('Spearhead from Space', 'Terror of the Autons'), Silurians ('The Silurians'), Axons ('The Claws of Axos'), Daleks ('Day of the Daleks', 'The Stolen Earth'), Zygons ('Terror of the Zygons'), & Sontarans ('The Sontaran Stratagem').

                      UNIT first appeared in the 1968 story 'The Invasion'.


                        V ~ Voga also known as the Planet of Gold was a planet with an extremely high gold content. It contained more gold than in the rest of the known galaxy and with rocks being 50% gold, sometimes even higher. Because of this, golden objects were not considered impressive on the planet.

                        Voga was originally a full sized planet, inhabited by the Vogans. During the Cyber-Wars, the Vogans started supplying the gold dust which would be used in the manufacturing of glitterguns. The Cybermen tried to stop this by destroying the planet, but one emergency bunker survived, which started drifting in space. Centuries later, it was captured in Jupiter's orbit. The Cybermen later discovered the planet again and attempted to destroy the remaining gold ('Revenge of the Cybermen').


                          W ~ Warpstar - A small crystalline device carried by Sarah Jane Smith in 'Journey's End' that looks like a necklace, but is in fact a highly explosive device (a "Warp-fold conjugation") inside a carbonised shell. According to Sarah Jane, it was given to her by a Verran soothsayer to be used at "the end of days". Jack Harkness wires it into the Dalek Crucible's mainframe and threatens to use it; however, he does not get the opportunity as the Daleks swiftly transmat Jack, Sarah Jane, and their companions away.


                            X ~ Xana - Xana was the lover of Kane.

                            She was a member of Kane's criminal gang on Proamon. She killed herself to avoid being arrested and tried for her crimes. Her image and history were recalled in a archive within the Dragonfire creature. Kane had a ice statue erected in her honour but it melted in an assassination attempt on him.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              Y ~ Yana - Human personality that the Master hid behind to save himself from the Time Lords' Time War with the Daleks. Yana ceased to exist after the Master's personality reasserted itself after he opened his Chameleon Arch in 'Utopia'. Yana was played by Derek Jacobi.


                                Z ~ Z-Neutrino - Z-neutrino energy is a type of energy which was used by the New Dalek Empire. The power source at the core of the Dalek flagship called the Crucible consisted of Z-neutrino energy. It was used along with the planetary alignment field of the 27 planets which were taken by the Empire to create Davros' Reality bomb. The energy was flattened by the planetary alignment field into a single stream, canceling out the electrical charge of every single atom in the universe outside the planetary alignment field.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

