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    E ~ Eye of Harmony - The Eye of Harmony is the name given by the Timelords to the artificially created black hole that provides nearly inexhaustible amounts of energy to their home planet of Gallifrey and providing the power needed for time travel.

    (Spoiler'd for size).
    The Eye was originally mentioned in the Fourth Doctor serial 'The Deadly Assassin' (1976), where it was revealed as the source of power that sustained Gallifrey. According to the ancient records, the Eye was the nucleus of a black hole, which the legendary Timelord figure Rassilon captured and placed beneath the citadel of the Timelords on Gallifrey (known as the Panopticon). As the Doctor realises, and explains to Coordinator Engin, that Rassilon placed the nucleus of the black hole in an eternally dynamic equation against the mass of the planet Gallifrey itself. The benefit of this perfectly "balanced" condition, so that as long as the Eye existed, gave the Time Lords immense benefits; one of these being that they would "neither flux nor wither, nor change their state" so could be attributed to their regenerative abilities. Also, it provided an enormous potential in power generation - for the day to day maintenance of Timelord society and its operations, and it's likely that it was directly linked to the physical barrier that was the Quantum (quantum singularity) Force field that was the primary Security Screen for the planet itself.

    In addition, the Eye of Harmony would have likely powered the Transduction Barriers - transmitted energy shield - that prevented teleportation circumventing the Quantum Force field. Indeed, the Fourth Doctor, and K9, disabled the transduction barrier, enabling the Vardans to teleport in to the Panopticon, albeit in an out of phase state. The Doctor later, in an attempt to force full materialisation, by demonstrating both his fidelity and the Vardans own safety, had to puncture the Quantum Force field, allowing the Vardan Command Ship to settle over the Capitol. However, his actions could have easily disintegrated Gallifrey because this was manipulating the gravimetric wave guides of the Eye of Harmony itself, that probably functioned in 'harmony' with Gallifrey's own Van Allen radiation belts i.e. the natural gravimetric potential of the planet to deflect solar radiation. Despite these very real and vital benefits to Gallifrey and the Timelords, the true nature of the mythically named Eye of Harmony passed into legend of the Book of the Old Time, probably intentionally. Until the Fourth Doctor and the renegade Timelord known as the Master rediscovered it in 'The Deadly Assassin', the Timelords had forgotten its location, some even believing it to be mythical or no longer in existence. This seemingly lax mistake of the true nature and potential of the Eye of Harmony was probably a deliberate attempt to prevent future misuse and abuse of its by potential future Timelord despots like Morbius or as a matter of fact the Master.

    As seen in 'The Deadly Assassin', the Eye was linked to two other Gallifreyan artefacts, the Sash of Rassilon and the Great Key of Rassilon. The Sash was essential for the wearer to control/manipulate the Eye safely without being sucked into its gravity well. While the Great Key, which was an ebonite rod, that gave access to the Eye at its location on Gallifrey, and was likely a 'key' component of the Eye's containment/utilisation mechanism beneath the Panopticon i.e. a hexagonal obelisk link by four power conduits. Also the Doctor later speculated about the eventual fate of the Master, saying that there was a possibility that he had survived his disastrous mission by way of these two artefacts as they would have helped him to convert the enormous energy emanating from the Black Obelisk, and so proved to be of use in prolonging the Masters diminished life span which was his ultimate goal, secondary to destroying the Timelords and their society. The Great Key was later renamed the Rod of Rassilon in 'The Invasion of Time' (1978) to distinguish it from the other Great Key, or Great Key of Rassilon. This was the third artefact connected to the Eye and was probably the intended means, by design, with which the holder (Rassilon) could directly access, or tap the power of the captured quantum singularity without going to the extraordinary lengths the Master did, to accomplish the same end.

    In 'The Deadly Assassin' and the 1996 Doctor Who television movie, the Master tried to use the Eye to give himself a new set of regenerations. And it is this beneficial affect of the ambient radiation of the Eye of Harmony transmitted by the Key - "neither flux nor wither, nor change their state" was what the Master intended for himself. Conceivably there is a very real danger in this affect, because it would eventually corrupt the bearer. Indeed, there is a strong indication that the last known custodian of the 'true' Great Key of Rassilon, Chancellor Borusa became, eventually, tainted by this prolonged contact and sought another way to imbue himself with immortality('The Five Doctors'), presumably when he passed the Key on when he ascended to the Presidency of the Timelord High Council. For this very reason, coupled with the fact that the Key could be utilised to power the de-mat gun, the Key, and the Eye alike, were hidden or had their true purpose and potential obscured by myth. So that this use of the Key, and the necessary technical information, were kept separated by the fortunate strategy - that while only the President could access the construction blue prints, via the Matrix circlet, the Chancellor held and kept hidden the Key itself. So that neither could be reunited, except in extremis, and the Key put to use as a component of the De-mat gun. Later in the 'Trial of Time Lord' what resembles the Great Key is called the Key of Rassilon and is used primarily to physically penetrate the Matrix by the sixth Doctor in pursuit of the Valeyard, and the Master, who are hiding there. The interesting feature of this particular use of the Key implies a connection with the Eye of Harmony and the Matrix itself is. As the Keeper of Matrix claims, the Matrix is a micro universe, the repository for the sum total of all the gathered knowledge of the Timelords. Considering the enormity of this claim, and the use of the Key in its operational functionality its likely that it, the Matrix, was powered by the Eye of Harmony itself, given the necessary power requirements. Although the 'key' used to access this 'universe' was probably a copy of the original, to the extent that it granted access to the Matrix, rather than to full potential of the Eye of Harmony itself.

    One of the unexplored functions of the Great Key and the Eye of Harmony was that they discreetly gave access to alternate universes. As example, when Chancellor Borusa maintained vehemently that the Sontarans could never threaten time itself, and all the attendant alternate realities of time, while he had the Great Key in his possession, 'The Invasion of Time'. Which would go some way to explain his reluctance, and obfuscation, to tell its exact whereabouts to the Doctor/President, especially with the enemy literally at the door. Perhaps this was another, purposed, use for the artificially created black hole the mythic Eye of Harmony - to act as conduit to other universes. As the seventh Doctor declares quite clearly in the 'Remembrance of the Daleks', that, the Daleks had time corridor technology - travel along the time line- but it was very crude and nasty. And what the Daleks really wanted was the power of the Timelords, and that could only be obtained with the Hand of Omega. Which seems to indicate that the 'hand' was something more than just 'a remote stellar manipulator'. Rather it was capable of customising stellar bodies into quantum singularities in a very specific way so that they would act as junctions into other realities, other universes. This facility was eventually extended to the Timelords' TARDIS, and provided the facility to travel anywhere, any when and in any quantum reality of the Omni-verse. A technology that died with the Timelords when Gallifrey was destroyed and repeatedly lamented by the Doctor ever after. This is backed by the fact that the Daleks could not technologically reproduce this ability for themselves, in order to match the Gallifreyan dominance of the temporal mechanics. Which further illustrates the point that the Eye of Harmony was not a simple the utilisation of a quantum singularity as a power source. Presumably the Daleks could have harvested an existing black hole for their purposes if this was the case but it required the Hand of Omega to rival Timelord power . So this implies a deeper unresolved necessity of the Eye and is further illustrated by the Dalek reliance on a naturally occurring quantum fracture that was the Medusa Cascade, to penetrate other quantum realities in carrying out their stratagem. Again this shows their lacked of technical sophistication to (re)produce a device that could annihilate reality, in their version, by assembling a device comprising of 27 planets. While the Timelords could abolish existence, in their version, by way of the De-mat gun powered by the Eye of Harmony controlled by the Matrix.


      F ~ From Out of the Rain - 2008 episode of the second series of Torchwood.

      When an old cinema re-opens, past horrors emerge to stalk the streets of Cardiff. As bodies are found with a heart beat but no breath, Torchwood must act fast. Who are the Night Travellers? And how can Torchwood capture these mysterious breath takers?

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        G ~ Great Seal of Diplos - Seen in 'The Stones of Blood', an important artifact stolen by the criminal The Cessair of Diplos. It was actually one of the pieces of The Key to Time in disguise.


          H ~ Hand of Omega - The "Hand of Omega" is the mythical name for the remote stellar manipulator invented by Omega, the first of the Time Lords of the planet Gallifrey. Omega was a stellar engineer who used the Hand to create the supernova which would be the power source for the Gallifreyans' experiments and subsequent mastery over time travel. The attempt resulted in a supernova that apparently consumed Omega, but instead shunted him into an antimatter universe. The supernova subsequently collapsed into a black hole, the nucleus of which was harnessed by Omega's colleague Rassilon as the Eye of Harmony, and giving the Time Lords the power to live up to their name. In homage to Omega, and to live up to their apparent "infinite capacity for pretentiousness", the Time Lords dubbed the manipulator the "Hand of Omega".

          The Hand of Omega was removed from Gallifrey by the 1st Doctor prior to his self-imposed exile at some point before the very first story An Unearthly Child. He then hid it in a funeral parlour in London in the year 1963, as seen in the 1988 story Remembrance of the Daleks.

          The Hand resided in a casket that made it resemble a coffin. The casket had a dull, bronze appearance to it, but what material it was actually made from is unknown. Seemingly possessed of some basic intelligence, the Hand had the ability to levitate and follow simple orders. It was also able, on the Doctor's orders, to suffuse a baseball bat with energy, which the Doctor's companion Ace then used briefly as a weapon.

          The 7th Doctor returned to 1963, apparently to move the Hand to another hiding place. In truth, he was laying a trap for the Daleks and their creator, Davros. Davros had hoped to use the Hand to transform the sun of the Dalek homeworld Skaro into a power source for time travel. However, the Doctor had altered the Hand's programming so that instead of enhancing Skaro's sun, the Hand turned it supernova, obliterating Skaro and, presumably, the Daleks themselves. The Hand of Omega returned to Gallifrey afterward.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            I ~ Info-stamps - Dalek technology stolen by the Cybermen when the escaped the void in the 2008 Christmas Special 'The Next Doctor', they carry information about almost everything including the Doctor but they can be corrupted, for example Jackson Lake looked into one, making the Cybermen think he was the Doctor, it even backed fired on him causing him to lose his memory. The stamps can also be used as weapons by releasing an EMP bolt out of one end.


              J ~ Jaconda - Jaconda is the planet on which the 1984 story The Twin Dilemma is set. It was once a lush, green world with lush meadows and wooded countryside. It was also once well known for its friendly natives. However, in present times, it has become an almost dead, barren and arid planet, with little vegetation. It also smells of rotting vegetables. On some parts of the planet, forests of dead trees can be seen for miles.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                K ~ Key to Time - The Key to Time is the umbrella title that links all six serials of Season 16 of Doctor Who. The arc was originally conceived of by producer Graham Williams, who had proposed it as part of his application for the producer's job in 1976. The name refers to the powerful artifact whose segments the Doctor, Romana and K-9 are searching for during the season.

                A figure presenting himself as the White Guardian commissions the Doctor, Romana and K-9 to find all six segments of the Key to Time, a cosmic artifact resembling a perfect cube that maintains the equilibrium of the universe. Too powerful for any single being to possess, it has been split into six different segments and scattered across space and time, disguised by the raw elemental power within them into any shape or size. However, the Guardian claims that the forces balancing the universe are so upset that the segments of the Key must be found and assembled, to stop the universe so that he can restore the balance.

                The first segment is disguised as a lump of Jethryk on the planet Ribos. The second is actually the planet Callufrax, but that planet has been shrunk by the space-hopping pirate planet Zanak. The third is the Great Seal of Diplos, having been stolen by a criminal of that planet. The fourth is part of a statue on the planet Tara. The fifth has been consumed by the monster squid Kroll, causing it to grow to gigantic proportions. The final segment is in fact a female humanoid — Princess Astra.

                In the final episode, the purported White Guardian attempts to take the Key from the Doctor. However, the Doctor sees through the figure's charade, reveals him as the Black Guardian in disguise, and once again scatters the segments of the Key across time and space.


                  L ~ Lost Boy, The - 2007 finale story to the first series of The Sarah Jane Adventures.

                  A missing boy featured in a TV news report looks exactly like Luke! When Mr Smith confirms that the two are a genetic match, Sarah Jane reluctantly sends Luke to live with his real parents. But with no memory of his former life, Luke struggles to fit in, and when he tries to escape he makes a startling discovery.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    M ~ Movellan - The Movellans,who made their first and only appearance to date in the Fourth Doctor serial 'Destiny of the Daleks', originated from outside the galaxy and were adversaries of the Daleks.

                    The Movellans outwardly resemble physically attractive humans, of various ethnicities and both genders. All of the Movellan androids wear white, form-fitting uniforms and wear their hair in silver braids. Being androids, the Movellans are stronger and have more endurance than normal humans. However, the major weakness of the Movellan design is that each android's external power pack, carried on its belt, can be easily removed to completely shut down the android. The power pack circuitry can also be modified, reprogramming the android to obey human orders.


                      N ~ Next Doctor, The - 2008 TV movie starring David Tennant and David Morrissey.

                      Christmas Eve, 1851, and the Cybermen stalk the snow of Victorian London. When the Doctor arrives and starts to investigate a spate of mysterious deaths, he's surprised to meet another Doctor and soon, the two must combine forces to defeat the ruthless Miss Hartigan. But are the two Doctors enough to stop the rise of the Cyber King?

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        O ~ Optera - The Optera appeared in the First Doctor story 'The Web Planet'. These caterpillar-like creatures were once Menoptra, but they elected to instead burrow under the ground and abandon the world of light and flight above. It is implied that they may have been driven there by the malevolent Animus.

                        They have larger eyes than their Menoptra brethren, and have no wings. However, they have numerous arms and appear to "hop" in a stylised way (although whether or not they actually have legs is unclear). They speak with inflection different to that of their bee-like cousins, but their speech is a strange dialect of the language of the "upper world" and words and phrases they have coined for themselves (for example, when they refer to how they plan to dig a hole in a wall they say, "We shall make a mouth in it.")

                        At the story's end, the Animus is defeated and the Optera are persuaded to return to the surface, where they look forward to their children learning the joys of flight; implying that once back on the surface the Optera will redevelop wings. It is assumed that all of species indigenous to Vortis are now living peacefully together.


                          P ~ Pirate Planet, The - 1978 story that served as the second chapter to the Key to Time storyline. Starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor", Mary Tamm as "Romana", and John Leeson as "K-9".

                          The Doctor and Romana find that the second segment to the Key to Time is on the planet Calufrax. Yet they arrive on a planet called Zanak, which has been hollowed out and fitted with hyperspace engines, allowing its insane half-robot Captain to materialise it around other smaller planets and plunder their resources.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Q ~ Quark - The Quarks appeared in the Second Doctor serial 'The Dominators' (1969).

                            The Quarks were used on Dulkis by the Dominators to enslave and terrorise the indigenous Dulcian population to ensure the drilling of bore holes through the planet's crust. The Dominators planned to use their technology to fire seeds down the holes which would force the core to erupt, thus providing a new fuel source for their fleet.

                            The Quarks were rectangular in shape, with four arms: one pair which folded into the body, the other pair being retractable. On the end of each arm was a solitary claw. The legs extended out below the Quark body. The spherical head was visibly divided into octants; the upper four octants formed the sensory hemisphere, which detected changes in light, heat and motion. At five of the corners of the octants were directional crystal beam transmitters (the sixth corner joined with the robot's extremely short neck). Quarks communicated by means of high-pitched sound waves. Their major weakness was a tendency to run out of energy rather quickly.


                              R ~ Ribos Operation, The - 1978 story which served as the first chapter of the Key to Time storyline. Starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor", John Leeson as "K-9", and Introducing Mary Tamm as "Romana".

                              The Doctor is recruited by the White Guardian to seek the six segments of the Key to Time, and given a new assistant, the Time Lady Romana. The quest for the first segment takes them to Ribos, a medieval planet that galactic confidence trickster Garron is trying to sell to the Graff Vynda-K.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                S ~ Scarf - The Fourth Doctor's long, multicolour-striped scarf, which he claimed was knitted for him by Madame Nostradamus (described by the Doctor as "a witty little knitter"), is one of the images people generally associate with the character. He had more than one in similar designs and during the time he travelled with Romana, he could be seen wearing one while another was hanging on the Console Room hatstand. The scarf the Doctor wore during his regeneration at the end of 'Logopolis' was unravelled by the Fifth Doctor in the beginning of 'Castrovalva'. A Fourth Doctor-style scarf was seen hanging in the TARDIS Wardrobe Room in the Tenth Doctor special 'The Christmas Invasion'. The Seventh Doctor wore a smaller paisley scarf. Romana wore a white version of the scarf during 'Destiny of the Daleks'.

