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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    O ~ Opera Glasses - These are a small set of binoculars that the Doctor carries with him in 'The Empty Child', as well as in the novel 'The Nightmare of Black Island'. In the latter, he uses them to gain a closer view of Ynis Du's lighthouse. The actual origin of the glasses are unknown; however, the fact that they are described as having "computer-enhanced lenses" suggests that they are a product of some future time.


      P ~ Planet of Giants - 1964 story starring William Hartnell as "The Doctor", Carole Ann Ford as "Susan Foreman", Jacqueline Hill as "Barbara Wright", & William Russell as "Ian Chesterton".

      Whilst trying to return Ian and Barbara to the twentieth century, the Doctor attempts an unorthodox new technique, causing the TARDIS doors to open in mid-flight, setting alarms ringing inside the craft.

      Arriving on Earth, the time-travellers discover that they have all been reduced in size - they are now minute people in a world of giant objects. The TARDIS has landed them between the cracks in a garden patio - a garden teeming with giant worms, ants and cats. All deadly hazards for the miniature travellers.

      To make matters worse, the TARDIS crew are caught up in the trials of a deadly new insecticide - DN6. A chemical so deadly that all insect life is threatened - a chemical that is also lethal to minuscule time-travellers... )

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Q ~ Quantum-locking - Quantum-locking is a feature gained by species through evolution. The only known species to evolve this ability were the Weeping Angels.

        If a creature is quantum-locked, then they are turned to stone whenever they are observed. However, if the observer turns away, blinks or stops observing them in any way, the creature can move for the time until the observation resumes.

        If two creatures are quantum-locked and are facing each other, they must be careful to cover their eyes before they are turned to stone. If they don't, they risk looking at each other, and being that they are both being observed by the other, they would be trapped in stone form


          R ~ Randomiser - The Fourth Doctor fitted this device to the TARDIS Console in 'The Armageddon Factor' to randomise his travel coordinates and prevent the Black Guardian from finding him. The Randomiser was removed from the TARDIS and left on the planet Argolis in 'The Leisure Hive'.


            S ~ Singing Towers, The - The Singing Towers of Dorillian was the place where the Doctor spent what he knew would be his last night with River Song. (Forest of the Dead)


              T ~ Time Ring - Given to the Fourth Doctor in 'Genesis of the Daleks' by the Time Lords so that he could escape Skaro on successful completion of his mission to avert the creation of the Daleks. The Doctor, Harry Sullivan, and Sarah Jane Smith use the Time Ring at the end of the adventure and are taken to the Nerva station where they go on to participate in the events of 'Revenge of the Cybermen'.


                U ~ Underwater Menace, The ~ 1967 story starring Patrick Troughton as "The Doctor", Anneke Wills as "Polly Wright", Michael Craze as "Ben Jackson", & Frazer Hines as "Jamie McCrimmon".

                When the TARDIS lands on a deserted volcanic island the Doctor and his companions find themselves kidnapped by primitive sea-people. Taken into the bowels of the earth they discover they are in the lost kingdom of Atlantis.

                Offered as sacrifices to the fish-goddess, Amdo, the Doctor and his companions are rescued from the jaws of death by the famous scientist, Zaroff.

                But they are still not safe and nor are the people of Atlantis. For Zaroff has a plan, a plan that will make him the greatest scientist of all time - he will raise Atlantis above the waves - even if it means destroying the world...

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  V ~ Validium - A living metal created on Gallifrey that has the power of life and death. It appears in the serial 'Silver Nemesis'.

                  The Doctor explained that Validium was created on Ancient Gallifrey by Omega and Rassilon as the ultimate defence, Some of it however left Gallifrey.


                    W ~ Wright, Barbara - School teacher at Coal Hill School in Shoreditch, London in 1963. Barbara first appeared in the première story An Unearthly Child. Barbara and her fellow teacher Ian Chesterton became unwilling companions to the 1st Doctor whilst investigating their pupil and the Doctor's Granddaughter, Susan Foreman.

                    Barbara made her last appearance in the 1965 story The Chase. She and Ian used a Dalek Time Ship to return to 1963 - but it instead took them to 1965. Barbara and Ian were worried about how they would explain their absence to Coal Hill Schools headmaster but, unbeknownst to them, he had been killed in 1963 when he was used as an agent for the Imperial Daleks in the 1988 story Remembrance of the Daleks.
                    Last edited by Alan; 16 November 2008, 06:26 AM.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      X ~ Xeros - Planet featured in the 1965 serial 'The Space Museum'.

                      Xeros, a subjugated planet in the Morok Empire, now home to a vast museum and a young, rebellious population.

                      The Doctor and his companions experience something strange after they land on the planet Xeros. Shattered glass mends itself, footprints fail to materialize in the sand, and everything is silent. And then, inside a gigantic museum, they find something even more alarming: themselves.


                        Y ~ Yana - This human who lived in the year 1 Trillion was actually a disguise the renegade Time Lord the Master used to hide behind so as to escape his people's war with the Daleks. Yana was helping the last of humanity to escape to Utopia so as to survive the end of the universe. When the Doctor and his companions Martha Jones and Captain Jack Harkness arrived and talked about the TARDIS, regeneration, and time travel the memory blocks caused by his Chameleon Arch began to break down. Yana ceased to exist when the Master, buried deeply within his subconscious, managed to break through the memory blocks and convinced him to open up his Chameleon Arch fob watch allowing him to restore his true memories, personality and Time Lord physiology.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Z ~ Zolfa-Thuran - A cactus creature from the Forth Doctor Serial 'Meglos'.

                          The Fourth Doctor and the second Romana become involved with the plans of Meglos, the sole and last inhabitant of Zolfa Thura. The cactoid needs the Doctor as a pawn in his struggle with the neighbouring planet of Tigella in order to recapture the lost Dodecahedron, which is the secret energy source that will make Meglos feared throughout the galaxy.


                            A ~ An Unearthly Child - The beginning. This story, starring William Hartnell as "The Doctor", Carole Ann Ford as "Susan Foreman", Jacqueline Hill as "Barbara Wright", and William Russell as "Ian Chesterton", was broadcast on November 23rd 1963 and started a legacy that has continued for almost 45-years.

                            London 1963. Teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright are intrigued by mysterious pupil Susan Foreman. Following her home one night after school, they discover she lives in a strange junkyard. And in a corner of this junkyard is a police box. Their investigations are disturbed by a mysterious old man who emerges out of the London fog and moves toward the police box. They learn he is Susan's grandfather. He is the doctor. But Doctor Who?

                            Forcing their way past the Doctor, the two teachers enter the police box, where they suspect Susan is being held against her will. They soon discover that this is no ordinary police box, what they find inside will change their lives forever. However, now that they know its secrets, can the Doctor afford to let them leave?

                            Carrying the Doctor, Susan and its reluctant new passengers, the TARDIS begins its journey. Travelling back in time, the crew encounter an ancient tribe who have lost the secret of fire.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              B ~ Bessan - Bessan was a planet conquered by the Krillitanes around 1750. The people of Bessan had some of the traits of the current Krillitanes, such as bat-like wings, which the Krillitanes took. There was also a population of at least a million. (DW: School Reunion)


                                C ~ Caves of Androzani, The - 1984 story starring Peter Davison as "The Doctor", Nicola Bryant as "Peri Brown", and introducing Colin Baker as "The Doctor".

                                Arriving on the barren world of Androzani, the Doctor and Peri find themselves embroiled in a long-running underground war.

                                Military troops mount an armed blockade whilst gunrunners bring in weapons for the sinister, masked renegade, Sharaz Jek. Meanwhile, lethal androids guard the caves, a deadly creature lurks in the shadows, killing all in its path. At the heart of the conflict is a substance called Spectrox — the most valuable item in the universe... and the deadliest!

                                The very presence of the Doctor and Peri on Androzani sets in motion a chain of events that will have dramatic consequences for everyone involved. As the situation gets even more desperate, the Doctor realises time is running out - both for Peri and himself.

                                Will the Doctor make the ultimate sacrifice to save his young friends life..?

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

