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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    E - 'Earthshock' ~ The TARDIS arrives on Earth in the 26th Century in a cave system containing numerous dinosaur fossils. The Doctor's party comes under suspicion from a military force, led by Lieutenant Scott, who are investigating the disappearance of a group of palaeontologists and geologists. They are all then attacked by androids - the true culprits - under the control of the Cybermen.

    The Doctor manages to deactivate a bomb intended by the Cybermen to destroy an imminent peace conference. He then follows the bomb's activating signal to an approaching space freighter, commanded by Captain Briggs, on board which it transpires that an army of Cybermen are concealed.

    An attempt by Adric to thwart the Cybermen's plans result in the freighter being inadvertently sent millions of years into the past, where it explodes and causes the extinction of the dinosaurs - and also the death of Adric. The Doctor destroys the Cyber Leader by forcing into its chest unit some gold fragments from a badge previously worn by Adric.


      F ~ Full Circle - 1980 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor", Lalla Ward as "Romana", John Leeson as the voice of "K-9", and introducing Matthew Waterhouse as "Adric".

      The story is the first of three loosely connected serials known as the E-Space Trilogy.

      The Doctor discovers the TARDIS has fallen into E-Space, an alternate universe, and landed on the planet Alzarius. The Doctor and Romana find its only inhabitants are living on a vast, crashed spaceship they have been repairing for generations to return to their home planet, Terradon. But Mistfall, a mythical time of terror, is coming again to Alzarius, and an eerie menace is rising out of the misty marshes.

      But why have huge poisonous spiders begun to appear in the Alzarian food supply? And what is the secret of the strange marshmen? The Doctor and Romana must solves these riddles and more if they are to have any chance of returning to their own universe.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        G ~ Great Vampire - Appeared in "State of Decay". The Great Vampire is one of the many Vampire lords. It is the last of its kind, the rest of them where killed by being shot with large metal spears, as said by K-9. The Doctor killed the last one with a rocket ship.


          H ~ Hand of Fear, The - 1976 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor" and Elisabeth Sladen in her last regular appearance as "Sarah Jane Smith".

          Eldrad was once hailed as the saviour of the world of Kastria. He erected force-barriers around the planet, preventing its imminent destruction. However, when the Kastrians refused to submit to his dictatorship, he removed his force-fields, condemning an entire civilisation to a slow and agonising death. For this, the mightiest of crimes, the people of Kastria sentenced Eldrad to obliteration.

          Millions of years later, the Doctor's TARDIS materialises in an English quarry. A freak accident traps the Doctor's young friend, Sarah Jane Smith, under tons of rock. When she is rescued, she is frantically clinging to a large stone hand. Taken to a local hospital, it soon becomes clear that Sarah has been possessed.

          After she goes missing - still clutching the hand - the Doctor follows the trail of death and destruction to a nearby atomic power station.

          What strange power does the hand have over Sarah? Why has she fought her way to the very core of the nuclear reactor? How can she possibly survive the normally lethal radiation? To answer these questions, the Doctor must travel across the galaxy to a long-dead world - after which, life will never be quite the same again...

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            I ~ Isolus - The Isolus are empathic beings of intense emotion that first appeared in "Fear Her"; when their spores are birthed from their mother, their need for each other sustains them for the thousands of years they need to grow to maturity. Each Isolus travels inside a pod, riding the heat and energy of the solar tides, and use their ionic power to create virtual worlds to play in, feeding off each other's love.

            The ionic power of an Isolus to create these virtual worlds can bring inanimate objects like drawings to life, as well as transform living things into drawings. Even when reduced to inanimate forms, those transformed appear to be capable of limited movement and can, to an extent, communicate with the outside world.

            The Isolus can also draw power from others' emotions, and even when dormant the Isolus pod absorbs all the heat it can. In the episode, the emotions surrounding the passage of 2012 Olympic Games torch were enough to recharge the Isolus pod and send it on its way back into deep space.


              J ~ Jones, Martha - Former companion to the 10th Doctor. Currently a doctor and Medical Officer to the Unified Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT). She also acts as UNIT's liaison to Torchwood Three.

              Martha first appeared in the 2007 story Smith and Jones. When the hospital she works at is teleported to the Moon, medical student Martha helps save the day alongside an alien time traveller known only as the Doctor. To thank her for her help, the Doctor invites her to join him for a supposed single trip in his time machine the TARDIS, but later accepts her as his full-time "companion" at the conclusion of the story The Lazarus Experiment, admitting that she was "never just a passenger". He gives her the key to the TARDIS in the story 42.

              In the story The Sound of Drums, in which the Doctor's nemesis the Master takes over planet Earth, capturing both the Doctor and fellow companion Captain Jack Harkness, Martha is left alone to save the world. On the run from the Master, she spends a year travelling the world in a plan which restores the incapacitated Doctor and reverses time, undoing the Master's actions. Martha then leaves the TARDIS of her own accord, telling the Doctor that she cannot waste her life pining after someone who doesn't feel the same way, but promises that she will see him again.

              Martha then appeared in the Series 2 of the spin-off series Torchwood. Sometime has passed for her as she is now a full doctor and working for UNIT. In the episode Reset, she is called in by Captain Jack to help Torchwood Three in their investigations. Martha briefly joined the Cardiff-based Torchwood Three as its medical officer following the death of Owen Harper, but later leaves the organisation in the episode A Day in the Death once she is satisfied that Owen is fit to return to duty following his resurrection.

              Martha returned in Series 4 of Doctor Who. In the 2008 story The Sontaran Stratagem, Martha calls in the Doctor and his new companion Donna Noble to Earth to help UNIT investigate ATMOS and later defeat the war-like species, the Sontarans and stop them from turning the Earth into a planet for cloning and creating new soldiers.

              In the next story The Doctor's Daughter, Martha is aboard the TARDIS when it is propelled into the 61st century. She helps the Doctor and Donna bring peace to the planet Messaline and they then return her to 21st century Earth to resume her life.

              Martha Jones is played by Freema Agyeman.
              Last edited by Alan; 18 May 2008, 04:58 PM.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                K ~ Krillitane - The Krillitanes are an alien race that first appeared in the 2006 episode "School Reunion", featuring Anthony Head as the leader of the Krillitanes. They had infiltrated the Deffry Vale comprehensive school on present day Earth, increasing the intelligence of the pupils with Krillitane oil. Using the children as part of a giant computer programme, they hoped to crack the secrets of the Skasis Paradigm, the Universal Theory that would give them control over the basic forces of the universe and turn them into gods. Their scheme was foiled by the Tenth Doctor and his companions, though not before they attempted to ask the Doctor to join them in remaking the universe. This conversation showed that the Krillitanes were aware of the Time War, of the Time Lords and of their fate. This ruse failed as miserably as the main plot of the Krillitanes.

                The Krillitanes are a composite race who pick and choose physical traits they find useful from the species they conquer, incorporating them into their own bodies. When the Doctor last encountered them they looked like humans with very long necks, but by the time of "School Reunion", they possessed a bat-like form which they obtained from the conquest of Bessan ten generations prior. However, they were able to maintain a morphic illusion of human form, which could be discarded if needed.

                A side effect of their rapid evolution made the very oil they were using to enhance the intelligence of Deffry Vale's children toxic to their own systems, reacting with them like an acid. As bat creatures, they sleep in a way similar to Earth bats, hanging from a ceiling with wings covering their bodies. Like Earth bats, they are sensitive to loud or high frequency noises, as demonstrated when they were temporarily disabled by the school's fire alarm. They are also carnivorous and have no qualms in devouring other sentient lifeforms for food.


                  L ~ Logopolis - 1981 story starring Tom Baker in his last regular appearance as "The Doctor", Matthew Waterhouse as "Adric", Sarah Sutton as "Nyssa", and introducing Janet Fielding as "Tegan Jovanka" and Peter Davison as "The Doctor".

                  Haunted by a shadowy watcher, the Doctor's bound for Logopolis in search of a new chameleon circuit for the TARDIS, with a dangerous stowaway on board.

                  Now in a new body, and bent on Universe domination, his arch enemy the Master is back with a vengeance. His plan could rock Logopolis, the keystone of all life. Could this mean the unravelling of the causal nexus and the end of the universe itself?

                  The Doctor must pit his wits against the Master in a desperate battle to thwart his plans aware that this might be a fight which could easily spell the end of his life.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    M ~ 'Meglos' - Was first broadcast in four weekly parts from September 27 to October 18, 1980.

                    The Doctor is invited to visit the planet Tigella by its leader, Zastor, who has become concerned about disputes between his people's two opposing factions, the religious Deons and the scientist Savants.

                    The TARDIS is intercepted by the megalomaniacal xerophyte Meglos, last survivor of the planet Zolfa-Thura, and trapped in a chronic hysteresis - a time loop - but the Doctor and Romana manage to free it.

                    Meglos, using the body of a kidnapped Earthling, transforms himself into a duplicate of the Doctor and steals the Tigellans' power source - a mysterious dodecahedron. He plans to use this to power an apocalyptic device with which he intends to destroy Tigella.

                    The Doctor, although hindered by the activities of a group of Gaztak mercenaries hired by Meglos, ultimately brings about the xerophyte's destruction by tampering with the dodecahedron's controlling computers.


                      N ~ Nightmare of Eden - 1979 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor", Lalla Ward as "Romana", and David Brierley as the voice of "K-9".

                      The TARDIS lands at the site of a hyperspatial collision between two spacecraft, the Empress and the Hecate. As a result, neither ship is dimensionally stable, risking the lives of all those aboard. The Doctor, K-9 and Romana offer to help out.

                      When a crewmember is found dead, his face lacerated by huge claws, it seems something deadly has been released by the accident. But how is the death linked to the discovery that the killer drug Vraxoin has been smuggled aboard - and where has the supply come from?

                      The Doctor soon realises that the aliens stored in a projection machine may hold the answers - and that the cages holding these specimens are anything but secure as the savage Mandrels, hideous swamp-creatures from the planet Eden, tear through the corridors of the helpless spaceships...

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        O ~ Ood - The Ood are a humanoid species with coleoid tentacles on the lower portions of their faces. In the distant future (circa 42nd century), the Ood are a slave race to humanity, performing menial tasks, and it is claimed that every human has an Ood servant. According to human characters in their first appearance, the Ood offer themselves for servitude willingly, having no goals of their own except to be given orders and to serve. It is also claimed that they cannot look after themselves, and if they do not receive orders, they pine away and die. However, mention is made of a group called the "Friends of the Ood" who are apparently lobbying for Ood freedom. Ood also have purple blood.

                        The Ood require a translator device, a small sphere connected to their "mouths" by a tube, to facilitate speech between them and humans. The tube was originally connecting their external brains to their body, but to use the creatures, far future humans would amputate the brain and instead fix the translator sphere where the brain used to be. There appears to be no gender differentiation among the Ood, and they say they require no names or titles as they are "one", but they do have designations such as "Ood 1 Alpha 1". The Ood are empaths, sharing among themselves a low-level telepathic communication field, rated at "Basic 5" (with "Basic 30" being the equivalent of screaming and "Basic 100" meaning brain death). When reaching out with their telepathic fields, it can be heard as singing. According to the Official Doctor Who Annual 2007 the Ood live on a planet in the Horsehead Nebula where they were governed by a Hive Mind but it was destroyed by Human colonists. According to the monster book Creatures and Demons, published in 2007, it says they come from the "Ood Sphere", close to the "Sense Sphere" planet, home to the Sensorites, who share a similarity with the Ood. With no hive mind the Ood offered themselves to the Human colonists and became a slave race.

                        When encountered by the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler in "The Impossible Planet", a large number of Ood accompanied a human-led expeditionary force on the planet Krop Tor, orbiting a black hole. The empathic nature of the Ood seemed to make them susceptible to psychic possession by the Beast, who formed the Ood on the base into his "Legion". While possessed, the Ood 'zapped' and killed two human security guards by throwing their translation spheres at them.

                        The Ood were defeated when Danny Bartok, the expedition member in charge of them, broadcast a telepathic flare which reduced their field to "Basic Zero", creating a "brainstorm" which caused them to collapse. However, the telepathic field began to reassert itself after a time. When Krop Tor was sucked into the black hole, the Doctor was unable to save any of the Ood on the base, who had been freed of the Beast's control, and all of them perished.

                        On the return of the Ood in the 2008 story "Planet of the Ood", it was revealed that they are not, in fact, born to serve, but are an enslaved race, with the translation spheres actually replacing their hind brain which had contained their individual personalities. The Doctor aids and successfully frees the race by releasing the main Ood brain, which links all Ood with a telepathic link. Before this time it had been encapsuled for 200 years by those profiting from the Ood slave trade. Over that time the brain adapted, allowing it to influence the Ood's actions. It made some feral and vengeful, causing their eyes to glow as possession by the Beast did, while another it controlled to genetically reengineer the head of the slave trading company into an Ood. Once the Hive brain was freed, the Oods' song could be heard throughout the Human Empire, by Ood and Human alike. After this, all Ood were freed and sent back to the planet of the Ood.


                          P ~ Planet of the Daleks - 1973 story starring Jon Pertwee as "The Doctor" and Katy Manning as "Jo Grant".

                          Planet of the Daleks follows on directly from the conclusion of the previous story, Frontier in Space.

                          Injured after a shoot-out between his old nemesis the Master and the Ogrons, slaves to the evil Daleks, the Doctor sends a message to the Time Lords, asking them to pilot his TARDIS and follow the Daleks to their new base. After he slips into a coma, it falls to his assistant Jo Grant to explore the planet where the TARDIS finally materialises.

                          Not only must the Doctor contend with the Daleks' new stratagem, but he must try to stop them unleashing a plague that will exterminate all organic life. When a rescue ship of Thals arrive, they bring with them darker news still - somewhere on Spiridon 12,000 Daleks are waiting to emerge and take what they believe is their rightful place as the Universe's supreme beings!

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Q ~ Quarshie, Hugh - Hugh Quarshie played Solomon in 'Daleks in Manhattan' and 'Evolution of the Daleks'. Outside of Doctor Who, he is perhaps best known for playing Captain Panaka in 'Star Wars: The Phantom Menace'.


                              R ~ Remembrance of the Daleks - 1988 story starring Sylvester McCoy as "The Doctor" and Sophie Aldred as "Ace".

                              London, 1963. The Doctor returns - with his new companion Ace - to tackle some unfinished business.

                              Once again, unusual events are unfolding at Coal Hill School and Totters, Lane junkyard. The Doctor discovers that his oldest foes, the Daleks, are on the trail of hidden Time Lord technology - technology that he himself left behind on Earth all those years ago. The Daleks are planning to perfect their own time-travel capability in order to unleash themselves across all of time and space. Can the Doctor, even with the help of the local military, stop the Daleks from stealing Gallifreyan secrets? Or are things even more complicated?

                              Two opposing Dalek factions meet in an explosive confrontation with the fate of the entire Universe at stake!

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                S ~ Sontarans - The Sontarans were a race of belligerent and militaristic clones who waged eternal war throughout Mutter's Spiral against the Rutan Host.

