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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    Y ~ Yeti - The Yeti encountered by the Doctor, although resembling the cryptozoological creatures also called the Yeti, are in actuality alien robots. Their external appearance, that of a huge hairy biped, disguises a small spherical mechanism that provides its motive power. The Yeti serve the Great Intelligence, a disembodied entity from another planet, which tried to form a physical body in order to conquer the Earth. The Yeti are initially a ruse to scare off curiosity seekers, and later form an army serving the Great Intelligence.

    They appeared in the 1967 story The Abominable Snowmen, the 1968 story The Web of Fear, briefly in the 1983 story The Five Doctors (in all three alongside Patrick Troughton as "The Doctor"), and in the straight-to-video production Downtime in 1995 which starred Elisabeth Sladen as "Sarah Jane Smith", Nicholas Courtney as "Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart", and Deborah Watling as "Victoria Waterfield".

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Z ~ Zolfa-Thuran - A cactus creature from the Forth Doctor Serial 'Meglos'.

      The Fourth Doctor and the second Romana become involved with the plans of Meglos, the sole and last inhabitant of Zolfa Thura. The cactoid needs the Doctor as a pawn in his struggle with the neighbouring planet of Tigella in order to recapture the lost Dodecahedron, which is the secret energy source that will make Meglos feared throughout the galaxy.


        A ~ Axos, The Claws Of
        The Claws of Axos is a serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts from March 13 to April 3, 1971.
        The Axons land on Earth, desperately in need of fuel. They propose to exchange the miracle substance they call Axonite for some much needed energy. Axonite is a "thinking" molecule that can replicate any substance... or so they claim. As it turns out, the ship is a single organism called Axos whose purpose is to feed itself by draining all energy through the Axonite (which is just a part of itself), including the energy of every life form on Earth. The deception about the Axonite's beneficial properties was to facilitate the distribution of Axonite across the globe.

        Meanwhile, the Master, who was captured by Axos and used his knowledge of Earth as a bargaining chip for his life and freedom, escapes Axos and makes his way to the Doctor's TARDIS — his own having been seized by Axos. He plans to repair it to escape from Earth.
        Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

        Doctor: "And what is the question?"

        Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

        Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


          B ~ 'Battlefield' - First broadcast in four weekly parts from September 6 to September 27, 1989.

          The TARDIS materialises in the English countryside near the village of Carbury, where a nuclear missile convoy under the command of UNIT's Brigadier Winifred Bambera has run into difficulties. Lying on the bed of the nearby Lake Vortigern is a spaceship from another dimension containing the body of King Arthur, supposedly held in suspended animation, and his sword Excalibur.

          Ancelyn, a knight from the other dimension, arrives on Earth to aid the King but is followed by his rival Mordred and the latter's mother, a powerful sorceress named Morgaine. They all recognise the Doctor as Merlin - a fact that the Time Lord attributes to events in his own future.

          A battle breaks out between UNIT and Morgaine's men. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart has come out of retirement to assist in the crisis and ends up using silver bullets to kill the Destroyer - an awesomely powerful creature unshackled by Morgaine to devour the world - although he himself is almost killed in the process.

          Morgaine tries to fire the nuclear missile but is overcome by shock when the Doctor tells her that Arthur is in fact dead. She and her son are then taken prisoner by UNIT.


            C ~ Castrovalva - 1982 story starring Peter Davison as "The Doctor", Matthew Waterhouse as "Adric", Sarah Sutton as "Nyssa", and Janet Fielding as "Tegan Jovanka".

            It was the first full story to feature Peter Davison as "The Doctor". Tom Baker makes his final appearance as "The Doctor" in the teaser before the opening credits, which reprised the ending of his final story, Logopolis.

            The freshly regenerated Doctor is in a vulnerable state, and the Master has escaped after the events of Logopolis. His regeneration failing, the Doctor and his companions go to the city of Castrovalva to let him recover, but a trap waits for them there.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              D ~ 'Daemons, The' - Serial from the Jon Pertwee era, first broadcast in five weekly parts from May 22 to June 19, 1971.

              Near the village of Devil's End, an archaeological dig is set to break into an ancient tomb. However, the Third Doctor senses something is wrong, and his instincts prove correct. Gargoyles are coming to life, a coven led by an old enemy is performing occult rituals beneath the village church, and what they are about to awaken might just signal the end of the human race.


                E ~ End of the World, The - 2005 story starring Christopher Eccleston as "The Doctor" and Billie Piper as "Rose Tyler".

                The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year Five Billion. The Sun is about to expand, and swallow the Earth. But amongst the alien races gathering to watch on Platform One, a murderer is at work. Who is controlling the mysterious and deadly Spiders?

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  F~ Fear Her: 2006 story starring David Tennant as the Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler. The Doctor takes Rose to London for the 2012 Summer Olympics. There's a young girl named Cloe Webber who is able to trap people in drawings.
                  I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                    G ~ Gunfighters, The - 1966 story starring William Hartnell as "The Doctor", Peter Purves as "Steven Taylor", and Jackie Lane as "Dorothea 'Dodo' Chaplet".

                    The TARDIS arrives in Tombstone, Arizona in 1881. The Doctor, suffering from toothache, seeks out the local dentist - the notorious Doc Holliday. Meanwhile, Steven and Dodo decide to explore the town, and soon find themselves in the Last Chance Saloon...

                    Tensions are running high between the feuding Clanton family and Doc Holliday, whilst the local lawman, Wyatt Earp, struggles to keep the peace. When legendary gunman Johnny Ringo comes to town, events start to escalate...

                    Can the Doctor, Steven and Dodo do anything to stop the situation getting any worse? Or will there be a gunfight at the OK Corral?

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      H ~ Haemovore - Haemovores appeared in the Seventh Doctor story 'The Curse of Fenric' (1989).

                      Vampiric creatures that fed on blood, they were the end result of human evolution in a possible far future, caused by millennia of pollution. As part of his final game against the Doctor, the entity known as Fenric (Fenrir ) transported the most powerful Haemovore (called the "Ancient One") through time to Viking Age Northumbria. There it waited, trapped beneath the North Sea for centuries, occasionally drawing victims into the water and transforming them into Haemovores.


                        I ~ Ice Warriors - The Ice Warriors is the name given to an extraterrestrial race of reptile-like beings. The name Ice Warrior is not the name of their species, but was applied to them by an Earth scientific team in the Martians'.

                        The Ice Warriors appeared in the 1967 story The Ice Warriors, the 1968 story The Seeds of Death, the 1972 story The Curse of Peladon, and the 1974 story The Monster of Peladon.

                        They've also appeared in the books Mission to Magnus, Legacy, GodEngine, and The Dying Days.

                        Ice Warriors also featured in the Big Finish Audio stories Red Dawn, Frozen Time, The Bride of Peladon, and in the Doctor Who spin-off audio series Professor Bernice Summerfield story The Dance of the Dead.

                        In the Doctor Who comic strip published in the Radio Times magazine in 1996, an Ice Warrior named Ssard became a companion to the 8th Doctor, together with the human Stacy Townsend.
                        Last edited by Alan; 28 April 2008, 07:13 AM.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          J ~ Jethrik - An extremely valuable mineral. A small piece can power an entire fleet of battleships. One of the pieces of The Key to Time was disguised as a lump of Jethrik in 'The Ribos Operation'.


                            K ~ Kroll - Kroll was a giant squid-like creature that lived in the swamps of the moon Delta Magna. The local primitive humanoid species (known as "Swampies" by a human expedition) worshipped Kroll as their god.

                            In the 1978 story The Power of Kroll, the Doctor travelled to the moon of Delta Magna in search of the fifth segment to the Key to Time. The Doctor soon realised that the segment had been swallowed up by Kroll and using a device called the Tracer device, he was able to retrieve the segment and Kroll was reduced in size to that of a embryo-sized squid.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              L ~ Laser Screwdriver - A weapon used by the Master in "The Sound of Drums" which resembles the Doctor's sonic screwdriver. It can kill with a directed laser beam or artificially age a target using the Hypersonic Sound Wave Manipulator technology designed by Professor Richard Lazarus. It is built with isomorphic controls, preventing anyone but the Master from using it. A toy version has been produced to go alongside the toy Sonic Screwdriver.


                                M ~ Melkur - Melkur was the name given by the people of the planet Traken to the calcified statues of evil beings which visited their planet. The people of Traken looked after these creatures and tended to them.

                                In the 1981 story The Keeper of Traken, the Master arrived on Traken and his TARDIS' Chameleon Circuit disguised his ship in the shape of a Melkur statue. From within, the Master was able to make his Melkur-shaped TARDIS walk. The Master was seeking the power of the bioelectric source on Traken in order to save himself after reaching the end of his regeneration cycle. The Doctor foiled this plan and the Master's Melkur-shaped TARDIS was destroyed in the process.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

