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    Time Beetle is a member of the Trickster's Brigade, a group of aliens that serve the Trickster. The Time Beetle, similar to the Trickster himself, feeds on time energy and can cause a victim to change a decision they made in the past, thereby altering history. The change in history is usually very minor, affecting only the person the beetle attaches to, and the universe usually "compensates" for the discrepancy.

    When the beetle attaches to Donna in "Turn Left", it prevents her from ever meeting the Doctor, resulting in disaster for Earth. The Doctor, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, and Torchwood staff Ianto Jones and Gwen Cooper were all killed, the city of London was completely destroyed when the Titanic crashed into Buckingham Palace, Captain Jack Harkness was taken to the Sontaran homeworld, and millions of people died from threats the Doctor would have otherwise prevented. If the alternative future had continued, reality would have been destroyed by Davros. In the alternate timeline, the beetle was attached to the back of the alternate Donna Noble who traveled back in time and set history right. Afterwards, the beetle dies when Donna is restored to the correct timeline.


      UNIT - UNIT stands for Unified Intelligence Taskforce (formerly United Nations Intelligence Taskforce). Following the "Shoreditch Incident" in 1963 and the attempted invasion by the Great Intelligence and its army of robots disguised as Yeti in 1965, it was felt that a division was needed to investigate the unknown and defend against any threats both terrestrial and non-terrestrial and so, in 1968, UNIT was created.

      UNIT's UK branch was commanded by Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart from 1968 to 1976 and again, briefly, in 1997.

      UNIT had its baptism of fire in 1969 fighting off an attempted invasion by the Cybermen. Since then, UNIT has investigated and combated various threats including the Nestene Consciousness and its deadly plastic Auton army, Silurians, Axons, Daleks, Zygons, Sontarans, and the 456.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Vashta Nerada (literally: the shadows that melt the flesh) are microscopic swarm creatures which, when present in a high enough concentration, are totally indistinguishable from shadows, and use this to their advantage in approaching and attacking prey. They are described as the "piranhas of the air", able to strip their victims to the bone in an instant in high enough densities. The Doctor says that almost every planet in the universe has some, including Earth, and claims that they can be seen as the specks of dust visible in unusually bright light. He states they are the reason most sentient creatures have an instinctual fear of the dark. On most planets, however, Vashta Nerada exist in relatively low concentrations, feeding primarily on carrion, with attacks on people being comparatively rare. In the episode "Silence in the Library", an unusually high concentration of Vashta Nerada had completely overrun the 51st century "Library", resulting in the apparent death of everyone inside at the time.

        Vashta Nerada normally live in forested areas, and reproduce by means of microscopic spores which can lie dormant in wood pulp. In the episode "Forest of the Dead", this is revealed to be the reason for their unusual prevalence in The Library, as it is made known that the books and The Library itself was constructed of wood from the Vashta Nerada's native forest feeding grounds. Individually, Vashta Nerada are non-sentient, but if a large enough concentration come together, they can form a group mind of human-level intelligence capable of communication.


          Warriors' Gate - Fifth story of the 18th series of Doctor Who. It stars Tom Baker as "The Doctor", Lalla Ward as "Romana", Matthew Waterhouse as "Adric", and John Leeson as the voice of "K-9".

          This story is the third and final chapter of the 'E-Space Trilogy'.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            X and the Daleks
            What’s it about: ‘Subject is called Molly O’Sullivan. An inhabitant of Earth. Born Earth year 1891. Has travelled in space and time with Time Lord known as the Doctor.’ With Straxus and his TARDIS destroyed, the Doctor and Molly have tracked the mysterious ‘X’ to the planet Srangor. It is here that the truth of the threat to the universe will finally be revealed. What is the Dalek Time Controller’s ultimate plan? What exactly is the space-time projector? Who will survive this epic battle for survival
            no means no, and so does pepper spray
            Sig by The Carpenter


              Yo-yo - A round toy which is spun up and down a piece of string. The Doctor was particularly fond of playing with yo-yo's and occasionally used them for testing the local gravity on planets and space stations.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                Zagreus sits inside your head,
                Zagreus lives among the dead,
                Zagreus sees you in your bed,
                And eats you when you're sleeping.

                Zagreus at the end of days,
                Zagreus lies all other ways,
                Zagreus comes when time's a maze,
                And all of history is weeping.

                Zagreus taking time apart,
                Zagreus fears the hero heart,
                Zagreus seeks the final part,
                The reward that he is reaping.

                Zagreus sings when all is lost,
                Zagreus takes all those he's crossed,
                Zagreus wins and all is cost,
                The hero's hearts he's keeping.

                Zagreus seeks the hero's ship,
                Zagreus needs the web to rip,
                Zagreus sups time at a drip,
                And life aside, he's sweeping.

                Zagreus waits at the end of the world,
                For Zagreus is the end of the world.

                His time is the end of time,
                And his moment time's undoing.

                Yeah I happen to like that particular story...

                or alternatively:
                Zarbi "cattle-like" giant ants from the planet Vortis. Were previously docile until the Animus arrived. They communicated by dancing.

                Yeah sorry two obvious choices, but I love that Zagreus rhyme!


                  Oops double post (curse the dodgy internet cable - I think I reconnected in the middle of this)


                    Ace - Ace is a friend and former companion of the Doctor. Her real full name is Dorothy Gale McShane. She was born in Perivale on August 20th, 1970. Whilst at school experimenting, Ace was suddenly swept up by a time storm and found herself on the planet Svartos around the year 2,000,000. She got herself a job as a waitress on Svartos and whilst serving people she first met the Doctor and he invited her to travel with him in the TARDIS. Eventually their travels together took them to Earth in 1943 and it was here that Ace learned that she was deliberately sent to the planet Svartos to meet the Doctor as part of an evil entities plan to trap and destroy the Doctor but eventually failed.

                    At some point Ace parted ways with the Doctor. Another of the Doctor's friends and former companions, Sarah Jane Smith, did research in to the other people that have travelled with the Doctor and discovered a "Dorothy something" and that she was now running a company called A Charitable Earth which had raised billions.

                    Originally posted by Vetinari View Post
                    Zagreus sits inside your head,
                    Zagreus lives among the dead,
                    Zagreus sees you in your bed,
                    And eats you when you're sleeping.

                    Zagreus at the end of days,
                    Zagreus lies all other ways,
                    Zagreus comes when time's a maze,
                    And all of history is weeping.

                    Zagreus taking time apart,
                    Zagreus fears the hero heart,
                    Zagreus seeks the final part,
                    The reward that he is reaping.

                    Zagreus sings when all is lost,
                    Zagreus takes all those he's crossed,
                    Zagreus wins and all is cost,
                    The hero's hearts he's keeping.

                    Zagreus seeks the hero's ship,
                    Zagreus needs the web to rip,
                    Zagreus sups time at a drip,
                    And life aside, he's sweeping.

                    Zagreus waits at the end of the world,
                    For Zagreus is the end of the world.

                    His time is the end of time,
                    And his moment time's undoing.

                    Yeah I happen to like that particular story...
                    Yes, Zagreus. The 40th anniversary audio story from Big Finish. A lot of fans weren't particularly fond of it as I recall. Whilst it has been a long time since I listened to it I seem to recall that I didn't mind it too much. I thought it was okay.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Billie Piper
                      Actress to play companion Rose Tyler.


                        Coal Hill School
                        The school that Susan attended.
                        no means no, and so does pepper spray
                        Sig by The Carpenter


                          Dalek - 5th story (6th episode) from the 27th series of Doctor Who. It stars Christopher Eccleston as "The Doctor", Billie Piper as "Rose Tyler", and introduced Bruno Langley as "Adam Mitchell".

                          When the TARDIS is pulled of course by a distress signal and materialises in the underground space museum owned by a wealthy American billionaire, the Doctor finds himself face-to-face with an enemy he has thought long since dead. An enemy that, if let loose, can potentially cause the deaths of millions - a Dalek.

                          This episode reveals that the war the Doctor and the Time Lords fought in was against the Daleks.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            the Doctor's favorite planet
                            no means no, and so does pepper spray
                            Sig by The Carpenter


                              Frontios - 3rd story from the 21st series of Doctor Who. It stars Peter Davison as "The Doctor", Janet Fielding as "Tegan Jovanka", and Mark Strickson as "Vislor Turlough".

                              When the TARDIS drifts too far in to the future and is forced to materialise on the Earth colony of Frontios, the Doctor and his friends begin to help the people there who're under near constant threat from meteorite strikes...but colonists are disappearing and the Doctor and his friends quickly become suspects. The TARDIS appears to be destroyed and the Doctor discovers a threat deep beneath the grounds of Frontios...

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Great Intelligence
                                Although the Great Intelligence has no physical form it is capable of both communicating, by itself or through possession, with other characters within the series. The Great Intelligence tries to form a physical body so as to conquer the Earth, making use of Yeti robots that resemble the creatures.
                                no means no, and so does pepper spray
                                Sig by The Carpenter

