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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    T ~ Time and the Rani - 1987 story starring Sylvester McCoy as "The Doctor" and Bonnie Langford as "Mel Bush".

    After being attacked by the renegade Time Lord the Rani, the TARDIS crash-lands on the planet Lakertya. On the floor of the console room, the Doctor begins his sixth regeneration...

    In his post-regenerative confusion the Doctor is separated from his young companion Mel and tricked into assisting the Rani in her megalomanic scheme to construct a giant time manipulator.

    Lost on the barren surface of the planet, Mel has to avoid the Rani's ingenious traps and her monstrous, bat-like servants, the Tetraps. She joins forces with a rebel faction among the Lakertyans, desperate to end the Rani's control of their planet.

    The Doctor must recover his wits in time to avoid becoming a permanent part of the Rani's plan to collect the genius of the greatest scientific minds in the Universe...

    • First appearance of the Doctor's seventh incarnation. The regeneration is brought upon following the absorption of a lethal dost of Chronon energy in the Past Doctors Adventures novel Spiral Scratch and a near fatal head wound gained after falling against the TARDIS console room.

    • Second and, to date, final appearance of Kate O'Mara as "The Rani". She had last appeared in the 1985 story The Mark of the Rani.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      U ~ Utopia Project

      The Utopia Project was created by the Science Foundation to preserve humanity after the collapse of reality. It was created sometime thousands of years before the year 100 trillion. It resulted in the creation of the planet Utopia, which the humans scattered across the universe would go to by tracking the gravity of planets.


        V ~ Vincent and the Doctor - 2010 story starring Matt Smith as "The Doctor" and Karen Gillan as "Amy Pond".

        During a visit to an art gallery with Amy, the Doctor's interest is caught by a painting of a church by Vincent van Gogh: there's a face in the window of the church – a curious, shadowed creepy face with a beak and nasty eyes. The Doctor is worried, and is sure he has seen the face somewhere before. There is only one thing for it: a trip in the TARDIS back to 1890, so the Doctor can find out from the artist himself.

        • First appearance of Tony Curran as "Vincent van Gogh". He would make a brief return appearance in The Pandorica Opens.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          W ~ Weeping Angel

          Weeping Angels are a species of winged humanoids from the early universe, so called because they cover their faces, giving them a weeping appearance, to prevent trapping themselves in stone form for eternity. The Weeping Angels also had a unique and nearly-perfect defense mechanism, quantum-locking, which caused them to turn into stone when being observed. It could also be done at will, when they believed they were being watched. When not being observed, they could move incredibly fast to catch their victims. However, this meant that they had to cover their eyes when in their stony form; otherwise if they saw each other they would be trapped forever.


            X ~ Xeriphas - Xeriphas was the homeworld of the psychic Xeraphin race. 140,000,000 years ago, Xeriphas was caught in the cross-fire of the Vardon-Kosnax War and devastated by radiation. The fleeing Xeraphin merged into a gestalt and left for Earth. By the early 1980s Xeriphas had returned to a normal state and the Doctor so that they could return. The Master ended up trapped there. Here, he found the android Kamelion, who he decided to use for his own purposes.

            Xeriphas had been mentioned in the 1982 story Time-Flight and the 1983 story The King's Demons.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              Y ~ Yana

              Yana appeared to be a Human scientist, who was in reality an incarnation of the renegade Time Lord known as the Master. During the Last Great Time War, the Master was resurrected by the Time Lords and was assigned to protecting the Cruciform from the Daleks. He failed his task and became scared, so scared that he ran from the war to the end of the universe and used a chameleon arch to become human.


                Z ~ Zygons - Zygons were solidly built humanoids with large, cone-shaped heads. Their heads, arms and torsos were covered in suckers, and they had deeply inset faces. Zygons had dark red blood and spoke in a gurgling whisper. Zygons were stronger than humans and could live for several centuries. They also had an earthy, iron smell. Zygons had the ability to sting people using venomous barbs on their palms. These stings could be used to stun, maim or kill, and would leave severe welts on the affected area.

                One of the most important Zygon discoveries was their body-print technology. The Zygons would capture a specimen, such as a Human, and put them in a special receptacle. A Zygon could then take the form of this specimen, mimicking both voice and appearance. This body-print needed to be renewed every 2 hours, which meant the prisoners were kept alive but unconscious. Though they generally take the forms of humanoids, they could also mimic creatures of different sizes and shapes.

                Zygons appeared in the 1975 story Terror of the Zygons and the novels The Bodysnatchers and Sting of the Zygons.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  A ~ Amy Pond

                  Amelia Jessica Pond, known simply as Amy, was a young Scottish redheaded woman who was the primary companion of the Eleventh Doctor.


                    Blathereen - A family group that is from Raxacoricofallapatorius and cousins of the Slitheen family. They appeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 finale story The Gift and the 2005 Ninth Doctor Adventures book The Monsters Inside.

                    In 2009, two members of the Blathereen family attempted to turn the Earth in to a farm world for a plant called Rakweed of which the spores proved harmful to human life but they were defeated by Sarah Jane Smith and her friends.

                    In 2501, the Doctor (in his ninth incarnation) and Rose Tyler encountered other Blathereen family members and stopped their plan to use Justicia's sun as a massive, mobile flamethrower to destroy planets and use the remains as nuclear fuel.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      C ~ Cult of Skaro

                      The Cult of Skaro, named after the Dalek homeworld, was a secret group of four Daleks made up of three "Standard" Daleks and one Supreme Dalek. The four members of the cult were Jast, Thay, Sec, and Caan.


                        Day of the Daleks - 1972 story starring Jon Pertwee as "The Doctor", Katy Manning as "Jo Grant", and Nicholas Courtney as "Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart".

                        World peace hangs in the balance. Sir Reginald Styles, a high-ranking diplomat is the only person that stands between mankind and a third and final World War. But a mysterious and savage guerrilla force from the 22nd Century believe Styles is the agent that shaped their terrifying future and therefore must die...

                        The Doctor and Jo find themselves flung into the guerrillas' world; a brutal dictatorship policed by the merciless and ape-like Ogrons. The Daleks have invaded Earth, enslaved the population and face certain triumph unless the Doctor betrays all he believes in and condones the cold-blooded murder of Styles in an attempt to change the course of history... irrevocably.

                        • The Daleks return. Their last appearance before this had been in the 1967 story The Evil of the Daleks.

                        • First appearance of the mercenary species the Ogrons. They would appear again in the 1973 story Frontier in Space.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          E ~ Edwin Bracewell

                          Dr. Edwin Bracewell was an android modelled after a Scottish human made by the Daleks after they landed in 1941. He was placed in a War Room alongside Winston Churchill. He was unaware of his origins, and was implanted with memories of a human life and the creation of the Daleks as a weapon called an 'Ironside' for Britain.


                            F ~ From Out of the Rain - 2008 episode from Series 2 of Torchwood. Starring John Barrowman as "Captain Jack Harkness", Eve Myles as "Gwen Cooper", Burn Gorman as "Owen Harper", Naoko Mori as "Toshiko Sato", and Gareth David-Lloyd as "Ianto Jones".

                            When an old cinema re-opens, past horrors emerge to stalk the streets of Cardiff. As bodies are found with a heart beat but no breath, Torchwood must act fast. Who are the Night Travellers? And how can Torchwood capture these mysterious breath takers?

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              G ~ Gallifrey

                              Gallifrey was the homeworld to the Gallifreyans and to the Time Lords, foremost amongst them the Doctor. The literal translation of Gallifrey was "They that walk in the shadows."


                                H ~ Happiness Patrol, The - 1988 story starring Sylvester McCoy as "The Doctor" and Sophie Aldred as "Ace".

                                The Doctor has heard stories of strange and sinister goings-on on Earth colony Terra Alpha. Citizens have disappeared without trace, and strange creatures lurk in the pipes and sewers under the capital city. Believing it is high time someone got to the bottom of the mystery, the Doctor declares to his young companion Ace that tonight will be the night...

                                He discovers that Terra Alpha is ruled by the tyrannical Helen A, a dictator who requires her subjects to be happy... or die. Her roving death squads - the Happiness Patrol - are empowered to kill on sight anyone displaying signs of sadness, gloom or melancholy.

                                However, it is not just the sadistic Happiness Patrol that the Doctor and Ace must contend with. Before they can discover the dark secret of Helen A's regime, they must face the fearsome bloodlust of her savage pet, Fifi, and the lethal surprises cooked up by her chief executioner - and confectioner supreme - the Kandy Man.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

