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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    X ~ Xenon - Xenon was the home planet of the shape-changing species known as Whifferdills. The Doctor's companion Frobisher came from this planet. It is in Mutter's Spiral.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Y - Yeti, although resembling the cryptozoological creatures also called the Yeti, are in actuality alien robots. Their external appearance, that of a huge hairy biped, disguises a small spherical mechanism that provides its motive power. The Yeti serve the Great Intelligence, a disembodied entity from another dimension, which tried to form a physical body in order to conquer the Earth. The Yeti are initially a ruse to scare off curiosity seekers, and later form an army serving the Great Intelligence.


        Z ~ Zero Room - The Zero Room was an important room in the the Doctor's TARDIS (and presumably of other models of TARDIS).

        Zero Rooms were used by the Time Lords in times of difficult regeneration. It was cut off from the influences of the rest of the universe. It had a calming, restful atmosphere. As the Doctor demonstrated to his companions, some physical laws had not as much influence here as in the rest of the universe. For instance, he could levitate here at will.

        The Doctor had to use the Zero Room in his TARDIS to recover and stabilise himself following his fourth regeneration. Unfortunately he wasn't able to complete his recovery because after the TARDIS fell into a trap set by the Master, the Doctor was forced to jettison it in order to escape.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          A - Alan Bennion is a British actor. He is best known for his work on the science fiction television series Doctor Who and the police drama Z-Cars. He made a total of five appareances on Z-Cars, and appeared in the Doctor Who serials The Seeds of Death, The Curse of Peladon and The Monster of Peladon, each time playing an apparently different "Ice Lord".


            B~ Bambera, Winifred - Winifred Bambera is a member of UNIT. She held the rank of Brigadier and commanded the UK branch from 1989, taking over from Brigadier Charles Crichton. In 1997 she fought against Mordred when he and his knights came across a dimensional gateway in Carbury. It was during this incident she met her future husband Ancelyn.

            Bambera commanded UNIT to resist against an Ice Warrior invasion force.

            In 1997, Bambera resigned from UNIT after discovering she was pregnant. She was succeeded as the UNIT-UK's Commanding Officer by Colonel Ross Brimmicombe-Wood.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              C - Caxtarids are humanoids with metallic red hair and eyes, who appear in the Virgin New Adventures novels Return of the Living Dad and The Room with No Doors, both by Kate Orman. They come from the star system Lalande 21185, and are expert torturers. Amongst the planets they have conquered is Kapteyn 5, home of more than sixty sentient species including avians and butterfly-people.

              The Caxtarids were wiped out by a virus that destroyed DNA. This was created by the government to be used against "the rebels". The Doctor attempted to prevent its use, but it was activated ten years after his involvement, during another rebellion.

              A green-eyed Lalandian, who says she is a "different caste" from the Caxtarids, appears in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Seeing I, by Orman and Jonathan Blum. The same book states that the Caxtarids (or Ke Caxtari) do not deal in weapons, but do trade in people.


                D ~ Doctor, The - The Doctor comes from the planet Gallifrey. He is a Time Lord and the last of his kind. The Doctor says he's 907-years old but this is by no means accurate. He's very likely to be much older. He has a granddaughter named Susan which suggests that he's been married and had children on Gallifrey. His family were all lost in the Time War but he does have a daughter named Jenny and she was created after his DNA was extracted by force at gunpoint.

                The Doctor originally left Gallifrey because he was "bored". He wanted to explore the life of all the many planets in time and space rather than watch it as his Time Lord peers preferred to do but by becoming involved in their affairs he broke the non-interference law. The Doctor was placed on trial for this and found guilty. He was exiled to Earth in the 20th century and became scientific advisor to UNIT. His exile was ended after three years and the Doctor went back to travelling through time and space.

                The Doctor was called back to Gallifrey to fight in their Time War against the Daleks. He came into possession of "The Moment" and used it to destroy the Daleks and his own people after seeing that the Daleks would never stop until they gained full control of Time Lord technology and after seeing how ruthless the Time Lords became after they resurrected Rassilon and what he planned to do after the war.

                The Doctor continues his travels through time and space. He is currently in his eleventh incarnation.

                The Doctor's first appearance was in An Unearthly Child. He also appeared on spin-off show The Sarah Jane Adventures in the third series story The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.
                Last edited by Alan; 19 May 2010, 10:17 AM.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  E - Everlasting matches first appeared in the Target novelization Doctor Who and the Daleks, in which the First Doctor states that they are "an invention of his". They subsequently appeared in the Virgin New Adventures novel Sanctuary, the Virgin Missing Adventures novel Venusian Lullaby and the Telos Publishing novellas Time and Relative and The Cabinet of Light. The latter includes a brand name Promethean Everlasting Matches, made by the Eternity Perpetual Company (which also made the everlasting generators in Carnival of Monsters).

                  The Doctor carries a box of everlasting matches in the New Series Adventures novels The Resurrection Casket and The Nightmare of Black Island. In The Resurrection Casket he explains they are made from Umbeka wood, which comes from the planet Umbeka, where winter lasts for centuries, and the summer is very hot and only last a couple of weeks. The heat from the flame makes the wood grow as fast as the flame consumes it, so the match never burns down.


                    F ~ Frontios - 1984 story starring Peter Davison as "The Doctor", Janet Fielding as "Tegan Jovanka", and Mark Strickson as "Vislor Turlough".

                    In the far reaches of the future, the Doctor's TARDIS crash-lands on the planet Frontios in the Veruna system, where the last remnants of humanity have fled the collision of Earth with the sun. Gruesome tales of a hungry earth stalk the struggling settlement, and a bombardment of meteors from an unseen enemy hold the future of humanity in a precarious balance. At a crucial point in history, with the future still unknown, the Doctor is unable to intervene for fear of violating the laws of Time itself. But when the TARDIS is destroyed in an attack on the colony, he may have no choice.

                    • The humans seen in this story are said to be survivors of Earth's falling in to the Sun just as the human survivors seen in the 1966 story The Ark were. It was later revealed in the 2005 story The End of the World that the National Trust saved the planet from that fate and kept Earth preserved until its money ran out. Earth was finally destroyed by the sun in the year 5.5/Apple/26 (the year 5,000,000,000).

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      G - Gallifrey is the home planet of the Time Lords. It was first seen (but not named) in The War Games and first named (but not seen) in The Time Warrior. It was destroyed in a Time War, wiping out nearly all of the Time Lord race. It had burnt-orange skies and snow-covered mountains, silver-leafed trees and red grass. Fragments of Gallifrey revolve around its system's two suns in the form of a ring of rocks and dust. The Time Lord council attempted to restore the planet beyond the Time War from within the time lock, using the Master and a white point star to form a physical connection beyond the time lock, but the Doctor destroyed the link.


                        H ~ Haemovore - Haemovores appeared in the Seventh Doctor story 'The Curse of Fenric' (1989).

                        Vampiric creatures that fed on blood, they were the end result of human evolution in a possible far future, caused by millennia of pollution. As part of his final game against the Doctor, the entity known as Fenric transported the most powerful Haemovore (called the "Ancient One") through time to Viking Age Northumbria. There it waited, trapped beneath the North Sea for centuries, occasionally drawing victims into the water and transforming them into Haemovores.


                          I - Info-stamps are storage devices created by the Daleks. Cybermen that escaped the Void used stolen info-stamps containing information about many subjects, including the Doctor. When Jackson Lake ("The Next Doctor") looked into an info-stamp, details about the Doctor were embedded in his memory and he came to believe he was the Doctor's next incarnation. The info-stamp backfired, leading the Cybermen to also believe that Lake was the Doctor. Info-stamps can be used as weapons by removing the cover and releasing an electromagnetic pulse.


                            J ~ Juggernauts, The - Big Finish audio story starring Colin Baker as "The Doctor" and Bonnie Langford as "Mel Bush".

                            In a small mining colony on the dark and distant planet of Lethe, events are occurring -- the results of which could dramatically affect things on a universal scale. For within the dingy corridors of the artificial biosphere, the lone survivor of a devastating crash has expertly wormed his way into the lives of the colony's personnel.

                            A scientist known as Davros.

                            Separated from one another across space and time, the Doctor and Mel find themselves in very different predicaments: Mel has been employed on Lethe, while the Doctor has been imprisoned aboard an alien spacecraft. Both situations are inexorably linked, however, and at the apex of the two sits Davros and the terrifying possibility of a new threat even more powerful than the Daleks!

                            Rescuing Mel and stopping Davros should be the Doctor's primary goals, but could it be that this time, Mel does not wish to be rescued? And might Davros actually be working on something for the benefit of the civilised galaxies...?

                            • The Mechanoids, last seen in the 1965 story The Chase, return.

                            • This story acts as a sequel to the 1985 story Revelation of the Daleks.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              K - Koh-i-Noor Diamond, A large diamond that had been re-cut several times for use as an element in a telescopic device designed to focus a beam of moonlight to trap and eventually destroy the physical form of a werewolf in "Tooth and Claw".


                                K ~ Karn - Karn is home to the Sisterhood of the Flame. It is an almost barren world with a mountainous terrain that is often bombarded by fierce lightening storms, as seen in the serial 'The Brain of Morbius'. Through extensive research into the original series, it is suggested that Karn sits closer to its system's suns then its neighboring planet of Gallifrey, which lies in the same solar system as Karn.

