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    I ~ Invasion of the Bane - 2007 opening TV movie of The Sarah Jane Adventures starring Elisabeth Sladen as "Sarah Jane Smith", Yasmin Paige as "Maria Jackson", Thomas Knight as "Luke Smith", John Leeson as "K-9", and Alexander Armstrong as "Mr. Smith".

    Sarah Jane is fascinated by Bubbleshock, a strangely addictive organic drink that is taking the world by storm. She is almost oblivious to the arrival of her new neighbour, Maria, a young girl starting a new life with her father.

    Maria becomes intrigued by the strange goings on at Sarah Jane's house but, before she can investigate, she's whisked away by her new friend, Kelsey, to the brightly coloured, but sinister, Bubbleshock factory.

    As Sarah Jane tries to find out what the mysterious Mrs Wormwood is doing at the factory, Maria and Kelsey embark on a tour which leads them into the path of a monstrous creature and a strange young boy with no name or past."

    When Sarah Jane and Maria discover the secret ingredient of Bubbleshock, they realise they are the only ones who can stop Mrs Wormwood and her evil plans for the human race.

    • This TV movie marks the start of the second Doctor Who spin-off show The Sarah Jane Adventures.

    • First appearance of Maria Jackson.

    • First appearance of Luke Smith.

    • First appearance of Mr. Smith.

    • K-9 is seen briefly and revealed to be attempting to plug a black hole created in Switzerland. He would be seen again in the Series 1 finale story The Lost Boy and Doctor Who's 4th series finale story The Stolen Earth. K-9's involvement with the black hole would eventually be concluded in the story The Mad Woman in the Attic and become a regular character during The Sarah Jane Adventures 3rd series.

    • First appearance of the Bane and Mrs. Wormwood. They would return in the Series 2 story Enemy of the Bane.

    • An Arcateenian (previously seen in the Series 1 Torchwood episode Greeks Bearing Gifts) appears.
    Last edited by Alan; 18 May 2010, 10:45 AM.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      J - Jake Simmonds, is a fictional character played by Andrew Hayden-Smith in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. He originates from a parallel Earth.

      In "Rise of the Cybermen" Jake is a member of a resistance group called "the Preachers" along with Ricky Smith and "Mrs Moore". By the time of "Doomsday" he is in the employ of the parallel Earth version of Pete Tyler.
      Last edited by Spimman; 18 May 2010, 11:45 AM.


        K ~ Karn - Karn is home to the Sisterhood of the Flame. It is an almost barren world with a mountainous terrain that is often bombarded by fierce lightening storms, as seen in the serial 'The Brain of Morbius'. Through extensive research into the original series, it is suggested that Karn sits closer to its system's suns then its neighboring planet of Gallifrey, which lies in the same solar system as Karn.


          L - Logopolitans of the planet Logopolis were featured in the episode of the same name. The Logopolitans were a race of strange looking mathematicians concerned with entropy to make sure heat death of the universe did not occur. This was disturbed by the Master and the Logopolitons were killed, although the universe was saved.


            M ~ Mark of the Rani, The - 1985 story starring Colin Baker as "The Doctor" and Nicola Bryant as "Peri Brown".

            The TARDIS is drawn off course and materialises close to the Killingworth coal pits in the north of England during the early nineteenth century. The Luddite rebellion is in full swing as workers fight to prevent their jobs being taken by machines.

            The Doctor and Peri quickly learn that they are not the only time travellers in the area - the Doctor's old adversary, the Master, is attempting to disrupt a meeting between some of Britain's foremost scholars and scientists, including George Stephenson and Michael Faraday. The violence among the miners is in part caused by the interference of another renegade Time Lord, the Rani, who is extracting chemicals from their brains to serve her own nefarious purposes.

            The Doctor must avoid the vicious attacks of the mortals, halt the Rani's immoral experiments and thwart the Master's plot to hijack the industrial revolution...

            • First appearance of the Renegade Time Lord, the Rani.

            • The Master returns. He had last been seen in the 1984 story Planet of Fire although a vision of him had appeared to the Doctor during his regeneration in The Caves of Androzani.

            • The Rani is seen to use a device called a Stattenheim Remote Control to control her TARDIS. The Doctor would be given one in The Two Doctors and the Master seems to use something similar in The Trial of a Time Lord.
            Last edited by Alan; 18 May 2010, 12:00 PM.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              N - Nestenes are among the oldest beings in the Doctor Who universe, described as creatures which existed in the "Dark Times", along with the Racnoss, Great Vampires and Carrionites. Eventually, they sought to invade the Earth, Spearhead from Space, using more human-looking Autons to replace key government figures, although these plans were thwarted by UNIT with the help of the Doctor, who also destroyed their invasion form, a multi-tentacled cephalopod.


                O ~ Ogros - Ogros a planet of Tau Ceti notable for its amino acid swamps. The Ogri originate from Ogros. Mentioned though not seen in 'The Stones of Blood'.


                  P - Prizoner Zero is a shapeshifting alien resembling an eel that hid in the house of Amy Pond for twelve years in a room she never noticed.


                    Q ~ Queen Bat - Queen Bats are large, hairy bats that live in the caves of Androzani Minor. They have a three year life cycle, some of which is spent in a chrysalis. These chrysalis have a large supply of unrefined Spectrox, which is refined and used by the Humans of Androzani Major. These bats were killed or driven out by the mining androids, which caused them to move into the airless caves deep underground to die.

                    In the 1984 story The Caves of Androzani, the Doctor needed the milk from a Queen Bat to cure himself and his companion Peri from the deadly Spectrox Toxaemia but only acquired enough to save her.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      R ~ Rutans - The Rutans were a race of amorphous green blobs who waged a millennia-long war with the Sontarans.

                      In their natural forms, the Rutans were shaped somewhat like jellyfish, with a green glowing body and many light-green tendrils. They were amphibious and could cling to sheer vertical surfaces, with considerable mobility out of the water despite their shape. Rutans could see, even without visible eyes, but their vision was limited and monochromatic. They could also speak by forming vocal apparatus, giving them a harsh, tinny, male voice. Rutans reproduced by binary fission, with two identical Rutans being produced.

                      Rutans were considerable fighters, even when they had weapons. Rutans could generate lethal biolelectrical shocks to defend themselves and seem to be able to absorb electrical energy directly for sustenance. They could also use this energy to produce a force field to absorb energy from weapons, though this required great effort. Though they preferred colder environments, Rutans could survive almost anywhere, including the vacuum of space.


                        S - Skith are ice-based, telepathic aliens. They see themselves as explorers and seekers of knowledge, but their methodology is to pull information from the minds of others. They appear as humanoid figures made of blue ice, except the Skith Leader, who is a larger figure made of red ice, and the Mindcore, which transmits telepathic information to and from the Worldmind on their homeworld, and resembles a giant, tentacled head, made out of blue ice. Those infected by Skith telepathic ice gradually become Skith-like drones themselves.

                        They first appeared in the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip "The First" (#s 385-389), where they are based at the South Pole, and intercept the Ernest Shackleton expedition, before being stopped by the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. In the story "Age of Ice" (#s 408-410), the surviving Skith Leader reappears in present-day Australia, when he believes his people have come to rescue him. However, in the time that has passed since "The First", the Skith philosophy has changed, and they are now initialising a fullscale invasion. Based on the information absorbed from the Doctor's mind in the earlier story, they have constructed a duplicate TARDIS. As with all spin-off media, the canonicity of this information is uncertain.


                          T ~ Telos - Telos is an arid and mountainous planet, with little sign of vegetation. Beneath its surface, however, are the legendary tombs of the Cybermen. The planet was featured in the serials 'The Tomb of the Cybermen' and 'Attack of the Cybermen'.

                          Telos was originally covered entirely in ice, and inhabited by the Cryons, humanoids who could survive only in the cold. As temperatures rose, the Cryons were forced underground, building giant refrigerated cities as shelter. When the Cybermen entered the Telos system, they took over the planet, using the cities as cryogenic facilities.

                          The Cybermen disappeared sometime in the 21st century, following defeats around human-occupied space. Although the rest of the galaxy presumed them to have died out, they had, in reality, retreated into hibernation in the tombs of Telos to await discovery and reactivation.

                          Sometime around the 25th century, a team of archeologists, led by Professor Parry and financed by the Brotherhood of Logicians, embarked on an expedition to Telos, believing it to be the Cyberman homeworld and hoping to discover artefacts amongst its ruins. No Cryons were encountered during these events and it is not known what the Cryons were doing during the Cybermen's long sleep.

                          Uncovering the entrance to the tombs, Eric Klieg of the Brotherhood brought the Cybermen out of hibernation in an attempt to ally the Brotherhood with them. However, the Cybermen were intent on converting all of the expedition and once more begin their expansion. The Second Doctor and companions Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield were on hand to help the survivors of the expedition escape the tombs and then reseal them.

                          However, this respite was short-lived, as by the 26th century the Cybermen had once again developed into a galactic threat. When the Sixth Doctor arrived on Telos inside the tombs, the Cyber Controller captured and imprisoned him in a refrigeration chamber. There, he met Flast, the leader of a Cryon rebellion against the Cybermen, who revealed the presence of stores of vastial in the chamber, an unstable mineral that became explosive at temperatures above 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Using a sonic lance, they ignited the vastial, destroying the Cyber Control. With the Cybermen destroyed, the Cryons regained their planet.


                            U - Usurians from the planet Usurius are a species that abandoned military conquest in favour of economic conquest. They enslaved humanity after their engineers made Mars suitable for human habitation, humans having depleted the Earth's resources. Once humanity had depleted Mars's resources as well, the Usurians engineered Pluto so that humans could inhabit it. They created six artificial "Suns" around it and installed the Collector, seen in The Sun Makers, to oversee the collection of taxes from their human workforce. They intended to abandon Pluto and leave humanity to become extinct once the humans had exhausted its resources, there being no economically viable planet to relocate humanity to once more. The humans on Pluto revolted against the Collector and seized control of Pluto. The revolutionaries intended to relocate to Earth as the Doctor assured them it would have regenerated in their absence.

                            The Usurians have knowledge of the Time Lords, graded as "Grade 3" in their "latest market survey", considering it to be of low commercial value. Usurians can adopt a humanoid form but in their natural state they resemble seaweed. Shock can force them to revert to their natural form. According to the Doctor, Usurians are listed in a "flora and fauna" of the universe written by a Professor Thripthead under poisonous fungi.


                              V ~ 'Vengeance on Varos' - First broadcast in two weekly parts from January 19 to January 26, 1985.

                              The Doctor visits the planet Varos to obtain supplies of a rare ore called zeiton 7, vital to the functioning of the TARDIS. Varos was once a colony for the criminally insane and the descendants of the original guards still rule, while the poverty-stricken people are kept entertained by screenings of public torture from the Punishment Dome.

                              Their Governor has been trying to negotiate a better export price for zeiton ore from Sil, an envoy of the Galatron Mining Corporation, whose reptilian body is supported and kept cool by a mobile water tank.

                              The Doctor and Peri meet two rebels, Jondar and Areta. Peri and Areta are captured and almost reshaped into beast-like creatures by Quillam, the Dome's sadistic commandant, but the Doctor saves them and tells the Governor the true value of zeiton 7.

                              Quillam and Varos's Chief Officer, who are in the pay of the Corporation, try to kill the Doctor and the Governor but are themselves despatched. Sil plans an invasion of Varos by a force from his home world, Thoros-Beta, but the Corporation veto this and instruct him to buy the zeiton ore at any price.


                                W - Waterhive is the description given to an unnamed alien race from the New Series Adventures novel The Feast of the Drowned. They are composed of water and can take over the body of a drowned being. The body is thus preserved, although the eyes of their host will become "pearly", forcing glasses to be worn. They infiltrated the high ranks of the Navy in order to send sailors and their loved ones to their watery graves. Their plan was to use the living drowned as human incubators for their larvae, this failed when the doctor reduced the hive to atoms.

