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Doctor Who - March 31st

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    As well as Who, does anyone know when the actual series for the Sarah Jane Adventures starts?
    You go ahead, I'll be right behind you (In an F-302)
    And now for a completely unconnected series of random smilies:


      Originally posted by Pitry View Post
      I'm not completely the person to speak, but I thin the old show treated companion/ doctor changes differnetly from the new one. The only Doctor change I've seen was #3 to #4, and they didn't put any emphasis on it. Likewise, the only companion change I've seen was Leela staying on Gallifrey, again, the show itself didn't make a big deal out of it. The new show is different - they spent a whole Christmas special on the Docotr changing, then the next Christmas special on coming to terms with the companion leaving, not even itnroducing the new companion. Likewise, we have both Sarah Jane and Jack, who make it quite clear leaving the Doctor was a big deal to them (not to mention Rose's tearful goodbye). - so I'm not sure these can be treated as the exact same thing...
      Well I agree the new series is going in strange and odd directions and maybe that reflects more on the fact that a lot of younger viewers are growing up quicker and also viewing Soap Operas, I really got the whole Soapy vib from Rose and The Doctor. Have to say my least favourite thing about the new series is the over-emphasis on the companion's personal life but they obviously think pandering to the Soapy set in the UK is the way to go, and you know what they seem to be right.

      I still think it was mostly the "shippers" who were really upset with Rose leaving. I have to say I did not cry at all. And at least I can say I still like Rose, if she stayed on I could see myself hating her and that would not be good.

      I do disagree that The Doctor was not upset he just underplayed it in the Classic series, you have to remember men have really only recently been allowed to express on screen their "softer" sides. The 1970s was still the rein of keeping it all under wraps, not giving in and definitely not crying!


        Originally posted by Billz View Post
        Very busy when you are working the night shift

        Looking forward to the new season but Im hoping that the black dalek only appears in one episode. They stretched the whole dalek thing too far in the last 2 seasons if you ask me.
        I heard somewhere it was a going to be a two parter story line with the daleks.

        Carter: Sir I've been thinking.
        O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you stopped Carter


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
          Well I agree the new series is going in strange and odd directions and maybe that reflects more on the fact that a lot of younger viewers are growing up quicker and also viewing Soap Operas, I really got the whole Soapy vib from Rose and The Doctor. Have to say my least favourite thing about the new series is the over-emphasis on the companion's personal life but they obviously think pandering to the Soapy set in the UK is the way to go, and you know what they seem to be right.

          I still think it was mostly the "shippers" who were really upset with Rose leaving. I have to say I did not cry at all. And at least I can say I still like Rose, if she stayed on I could see myself hating her and that would not be good.

          I do disagree that The Doctor was not upset he just underplayed it in the Classic series, you have to remember men have really only recently been allowed to express on screen their "softer" sides. The 1970s was still the rein of keeping it all under wraps, not giving in and definitely not crying!
          oooh, I never ever meant he wasn't upset. I just meant the show didn't really spend time on his feelings on the matter. Granted, the new show afrom the get go had a more angsty premise to it, the time-war, that didn't exist in the original, which adds to the emphasis. See, that's where I have to disagree with you about the "soapy" bit. Torchwood is soapy. DW isn't. They started with a premise of guilt for the Doctor and worked a lot about that, and really season 1 is much more about the Doctor's guilt voer the timewar than it is about ship. The ship entered in season 2 - as the guilt transformed into lonliness. It might be my non-shippy way of seeing things, but the whiole Doctor/ Rose angle for me is more abuot a way to accentuate how lonley the Doctor is rather than to throw in soap/ ship/ whatever. Which is also exactly what the finale and Runaway Bride did - and also the one episode that would have thrown the show in a non Rose/ Doctor direction, Girl in the Fireplace.

          ...then again, I enjy the whole Tyler family bit, so it might be just my excuse to try and say I'm not into the soapy bits! (honeslty tho! The soap is what bothers me most about Torchwood!)
          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
          Yes, I am!
          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
          Peter Pan R.I.P


            I wonder if I get Direct TV could I start watching the new series on Saturday?
            "It's a blast door"


              Originally posted by Julez View Post
              I wonder if I get Direct TV could I start watching the new series on Saturday?
              Not sure. How would that work? Is it like a 'signal booster' or something?
              Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

              Doctor: "And what is the question?"

              Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

              Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                Well I agree the new series is going in strange and odd directions and maybe that reflects more on the fact that a lot of younger viewers are growing up quicker and also viewing Soap Operas, I really got the whole Soapy vib from Rose and The Doctor. Have to say my least favourite thing about the new series is the over-emphasis on the companion's personal life but they obviously think pandering to the Soapy set in the UK is the way to go, and you know what they seem to be right.

                I still think it was mostly the "shippers" who were really upset with Rose leaving. I have to say I did not cry at all. And at least I can say I still like Rose, if she stayed on I could see myself hating her and that would not be good.

                I do disagree that The Doctor was not upset he just underplayed it in the Classic series, you have to remember men have really only recently been allowed to express on screen their "softer" sides. The 1970s was still the rein of keeping it all under wraps, not giving in and definitely not crying!
                I was just annoyed she didn't actually die...

                "Five Rounds Rapid"



                  Originally posted by Billz View Post
                  I completey forgot about the next season! LOL. Looks like I'll have to fire up the old VHS recorder (damn my job, gotta work untill 9pm on saturdays, piece of s**t Homebase!!!)
                  OMG i used to work at homebase, still have my uniform

                  anyway, also really looking forward to new series

