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Doctor Who RPG

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    Doctor Who RPG

    here are the rules to the game:

    -I'll start a quest and give three options
    -the next person chooses one of the options and continues the quest
    -that person finishes his post by offering three more options
    -the next person comes in and continues the cycle
    -no foul language
    -this thread is meant to be funny and/or hilarious
    have fun

    you're in the TARDIS and you notice in error in its system. Do you:

    A. try and fix it
    B. go tell the Doctor
    C. get mad that you can't fix it and break the ship

    C. the TARDIS crashes. You open the door and look out into a barren wilderness in allmost total darkness. Do you:

    A. Now go get the Doctor.
    B. Attempt to fix the TARDIS without his help.
    C. Go exploring on the alien planet.

    By the way, which Doctor is it in this RPG?
    Last edited by pbellosom; 20 June 2006, 03:31 AM.


      C. You go exploring on this world and come across a blue three headed monster.
      Do you...
      A. Run to fetch the Doctor
      B. throw rocks at it and attack it
      C. ask it for directions
      Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

      Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


        C. The alien seems confused. It decides to take you to it's leader and picks you up.

        Do you...

        A. Scream like a little girl.
        B. Punch it in the eye.
        C. Ask it politely to put you down.
        "There's no point in growing up if you can't be childish sometimes." ~Doctor Who, Robot~

        SGA Fanfiction


          C. You politely ask the blue three headed monster to put you down. The monster says "dreadfully soory old chap. I was just taking you to meet my leader. We have urgent need of the one called the "Doctor." Our legends tell that he shall come in a blue box."

          Do you:
          A. Announce, "I'm the Doctor. What's your problem?"
          b. Go back to the TARDIS. Tell the doctor and risk his wrath for breaking the TARDIS.
          c. Run back to the TARDIS, lock the door and attempt to fix it and get off the planet before the Doctor realises what is going on.


            A, you pull out the sonic screwdrive you stole from the Doctors jacket and grin cheesily. The aliens start crying and mumbling something about their vending machines not working.

            Do you..

            A. Laugh and run away
            B. Try and help them with their vending machine problem, pretending you're the Doctor.
            C. Aplogise for lying, take them to the TARDIS with the Doctor and explain the situation.
            Steve Hanmer

            Stargate Omega


              Originally posted by Hanmer
              B. Try and help them with their vending machine problem, pretending you're the Doctor.
              You fix the machine. It dispenses a can of fizzy drink.

              A. the aliens prostrate themselves in praise and admiration.
              B. the aliens turn on you because there's no Diet Coke.
              C. the aliens hoist you up on their shoulders and carry you off to their village.
              "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                C. As the aliens carry you to their village, you ask them why they're taking you there. Apparently the legend states that after fixing the vending machines the Doctor would regenenerate due to a lethal dose of electricity. As that didn't happen they are going to electrocute you untill you regenerate. What do you do:

                A. Attempt to escape from the aliens.
                B. Tell the aliens the truth.
                C. Very quickly learn to regenerate.
                D. Pull out your "Superphone" and call the doctor for help.


                  C.You are electrocuted but are regenerated into a brand new person learning that you actually are adopted and an ancestor of the timelords who survived. the beings are amazed. do you

                  A. Become a god to them,
                  b. leave, never looking back
                  c. attempt to take an alien wife
                  Last edited by TheGreatLordGeorge; 20 June 2006, 11:31 AM.


                    You know need a ship do you...
                    A-use the tardis
                    B-take the tardis to find a new ship
                    C-attmept to make a ship using the sonic srcewdriver
                    Oh, believe me its not the first time we tried it
                    I shot him...

                    in the leg...
                    I'm invulnerable!
                    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten.



                      the TARDIS malfunctions and takes you to an unknown point in spacetime. Do you:

                      A. go exploring
                      B. hide in the corner of the TARDIS indefinately
                      C. entertain yourself by messing around with the sonic screwdriver


                        C. But while playing with it the sonic sound it creates draws the locals like a dog whistle. do you

                        A. Tardis out of here
                        B. Run
                        C. Fight them off.


                          B run
                          You run away, and bump in to the Doctor, Who asks you who you are and why his Tardis is broken, and why you have HIS sonic screwdriver.
                          do you
                          A) Tell him your his companion just regenerate, and hope he belives you
                          B) Throw the Sonic screwdriver at him and run like hell
                          C) Pretend you dont understand anything and claim this is all the Masters dirty work.




                            he doubts you and decides to find the truth by sacrificing you to the Daleks and see if you'll die and regenerate. Do you:

                            A. kick the Doctor in the shins and run like heck
                            B. let youself be killed so the Doctor will rescue you after you regenerate
                            C. hide yourself in a metal dome and pretend to be a Dalek


                              C, your actualy very good at being a Dalek, and are promoted to Dalek Supreme
                              do you
                              A, try and impress your new friends by exterminating the doctor
                              B, Leg it and run back to the doctor
                              C, Try and blow up Skarro in a terra-giga-atomic explosion


