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Doctor Who News, Articles, Cast and Crew Interviews

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    Blog by Graham Kibble White, writer for DWM, who was at the announcement today

    “My God – back on the screen again!”

    The Enemy of the World (1967) and The Web of Fear (1968) (with a reconstructed episode three) are now available to download from iTunes at

    Seems incredible, doesn’t it? Almost as unbelievable was the way this news was revealed to the press, a full-on PR launch at London’s Soho Hotel held on 10 October 2013 at midday. Hosted by Dan Phelan, Head of Communications for BBC Worldwide in the UK, we were repeatedly advised everything we were about to see and hear was embargoed until 12.01am on Friday.

    Mark Gatiss was in attendance. “On Mark’s Twitter profile page he describes himself as actor, writer, strangler,” said Phelan. “But I’ve agreed with Mark that he’s come here today only in the first two capacities… as long as everyone agrees to stick to our midnight embargo.”

    The event began with Roy Robinson, the archive coordinator at Television International Enterprises Archive Limited (TIEA) reading out a statement from Phillip Morris – the man who is responsible for the recovery of these episodes…

    Phillip Morris’ statement

    Welcome everybody to this historic occasion. Firstly I would like to thank everybody at BBC Worldwide and BBC Television for their mammoth support during this project. What you’re about to see has not been seen since its original transmission in 1968, which was 45 years ago. It is my greatest pleasure, in the 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who, in a joint project between my company TIEA and BBC Worldwide, to unveil two classic adventures.

    Sadly due to other archive commitments overseas, I am unable to be with you today. My work, as you appreciate, is endless, and as you know the search must continue.

    I would like to dedicate these episodes to everyone who has ever worked on the show and to all Doctor Who fans around the world. I have the Doctor Who fans’ best interest at heart, believe you me. On behalf of myself and everyone at TIEA, thank you for your continued interest and I hope our paths will soon cross again.
    Does that final sentence portend to further discoveries?

    The statement was followed by a short video interview with Morris. Here’s the transcript…

    Phillip Morris’ video interview

    I’m the Director of Television International Enterprises Archive Limited, and we assist overseas stations with the storage and migration of their material, and on the outside of that, we recover lost British television programmes.

    I wouldn’t describe myself in the manner that other people say. They normally describe me as “the Indiana Jones of the film world”.

    Christmas seems to have come early for Doctor Who fans, in the 50th anniversary of the show. We’ve managed to recover two Doctor Who stories, The Web of Fear and The Enemy of the World, starring Patrick Troughton, from the late 1960s. I think they’re pretty much classic adventures. Probably the largest haul of missing episodes recovered in the last 25, maybe 30, years. We’re very pleased to return them.

    These episodes were discovered on a project we were working on in Nigeria. And they were found in a TV station in Jos, just sitting on the shelf. I remember, now, seeing a piece of masking tape, it said ‘Doctor Who‘ on it. And I thought, “Oh, that’s interesting”. I pulled the cans down. I read the story code. Instantly, of course, recognised what the stories were – The Web of Fear and The Enemy of the World – and realised they were missing from the BBC’s archive. A lot of Doctor Who fans around the world are going to be very happy. So it was a very pleasing discovery, really.

    I can remember when I was probably about six or seven years of age, my mum used to buy me the Target novels of the stories. They were something that one day I hoped I would see. And, guess what? Now I can.

    These episodes come from Hong Kong and had been on what’s called a bicycle system, so they traveled from this country to the next country. And they came to be in Nigeria through this bicycle system. Not at the station in Nigeria they were actually sold to – they were at a relay station.

    The kind of condition that those programmes were in when we found them, we were quite lucky considering the temperatures which can be the upper 30 degrees. Fortunately in this case they have been kept in the optimum condition.

    I think the work the BBC does now with its archive and the restoration and recovery of these programmes is second-to-none. The quality they restore these programmes to for a new audience – as it were – is phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal.

    I think the best thing about it, and the most fantastic thing is, these things that people thought were gone forever – no they’re not. They’re back, and you can enjoy them now. So, get watching…
    And then an instalment from each was screened; episode one of Enemy and episode two (one already existed) of Web. There will be plenty of analysis of both out there – doubtlessly concentrating on Patrick Troughton’s hilarious dip in the sea in Enemy and his flirtation with Mary Peach’s Astrid. So let’s cut to the after-screening Q&A with Frazer Hines, Deborah Watling and Mark Gatiss.

    A jolly affair – here are the edited highlights.

    Deborah [on Pat rushing into the sea]: I remember the take. He said, “I’m not going to enjoy this”. But he did it. But, I remember, “Oh dear, it was freezing!”

    Frazer: But I remember it was his idea to strip down to his long-johns. And that was it. It was cold and windy – you can see the wind was blowing our kilts and hair.

    Deborah [on seeing the episodes again]: It’s not a foreign land to me, not at all. The music started, there was Pat’s face – and we went into the scene and I knew it. Extraordinary, after all these years. At one point, when Victoria was talking, I knew the next line she was going to say. Now that is eerie.

    Frazer: You didn’t know it on the set, did you? It’s taken you 45 years to do the bloody line!

    Deborah: Jack Watling – my father! He had a big part in that one. It was good. Saw my dad again on the screen – that’s brilliant. Lovely.

    Deborah [on what made Troughton such a good Doctor]: Pat had a wonderful sense of humour and he always had a twinkle in the eye. And he was like – how can I describe it? – comic in a way. But he was a very, very good actor. He combined everything into that. And it came across on screen as you can see today. We all got on so well – we were like a family. And Pat was always to me like another dad or an uncle. We had a chemistry and I don’t think you can beat that. I think it showed today.

    Frazer: He was that sort of an actor, he wasn’t, “I’m an ac-tor”. He never took himself seriously. We were always looking for a gag. Looking at that today, Patrick, when he’s flirting with Mary Peach, which, you know, on the page it would just say, “The Doctor looks at her”, but Patrick would add that sort of thing. “I might be attracted to her”. So he would add little bits like that.

    Mark: It’s worth saying how much you miss from reconstructions and stills and soundtracks. You think you’ve got the whole story until you see it on screen. With Patrick it’s the tiny nuances of his performance and the little flirtations. And the deathless, never celebrated line [from Enemy of the World when Astrid is asking our hero if he's a doctor of law or philosophy]: “Who’s law? Who’s philosophy?” That’s the Doctor, that’s it. No one’s ever talked about that before.

    Deborah [on learning the episodes had been returned]: When I heard, I couldn’t quite believe it. There have been hoaxes before, let’s face it… But then after a few days it was sort of confirmed-ish. And I thought, “I’m still not going to believe it. I’m not going to raise my hopes thank you very much after all these years”. And then I got it from a higher authority and I thought, “My God – back on the screen again!” All these years later and I can see some of the work I did as a young 19-year-old. And it’s amazing. And I love watching it, and it brought back so much to me – and the people I worked with as well. I’m thrilled – that’s all I can say. I’m thrilled.

    Frazer: Me too. Patrick was disappointed a lot of his stories were missing, but this gives me hope that more stories of Patrick’s will come out of the woodwork, so to speak… I found out – Debbie was at a convention. She said, “Have you heard the news?” I said, “What news?” “Oh, I can’t tell you”. So I gave her a Chinese burn. “Alright, I’ll tell you! We’re going to the Soho Hotel on Thursday to watch Doctor Who“.

    Deborah: And he said, “I’m not booked! I’m going away, I’m going to Scotland!” I said, “No you’re not!”

    Mark [on whether or not Doctor Who could do another story set on the underground]: We are due a return to the London Underground. In fact, the first episode of Sherlock – because I’m obsessed with the tube and I think it all comes from that story from when I was a kid – is explicitly about the London Underground for exactly that reason. Because I love The Web of Fear. But Doctor Who? Yes, I’m sure. Why not?


      A little thread spamming in an effort to make sure folks aren't caught off guard this weekend

      Heads up re the next Server Move:

      Estimated downtime will be 3-4hrs between the 11th and 14th of October.
      Changes to DNS settings will be nearly instantaneous for most of us, but propagation (ie reconnection to the new server address) may take hours,or as much as 24-48 hours to reach everyone, since it depends on your ISP.

      If there are any changes to that schedule,or any other info,we'll try to let you all know in advance via the Ask the Mods thread ,this thread ,the Alphasite and/or GW Twitter.

      Thanks in advance for your patience!

      Feel free to pass the info around.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Ditto. Obviously the BBC Shop even couldn't take the galactic shift the Whoniverse has taken with the return of so many episodes. LOL Hopefully more luck tomorrow.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          Provisional artwork and details for DVD release.


            I can't make up my mind what to order - just the DVD or the DVD & limited edition T shirt.

            Interview with Deborah Watling and Frazer Hines



              I'll wait for the DVDs. I don't "do" iTunes.
              Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
              To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

              Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
              And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                I don't either. I can never get the bloody thing to work properly. Also I want the DVD on my shelf with the rest of my collection & I can't afford to buy both.

                Here's the link to pre-order Enemy DVD at the BBC Shop -

                and Web of Fear -

                Enemy can also be ordered with a limited edition T shirt -

                A little bit about the 50th. I think everyone knows about this casting and character but spoilered to be on the safe side.


                Joanna Page on Elizabeth I Role in 50th


                Joanna Page was a guest on ITV’s Loose Women [via] yesterday and spoke briefly about her role as Elizabeth I in The Day of the Doctor.

                She said: “You don’t expect three weeks after giving birth for them to phone and say ‘Will you play Elizabeth I?’ I said ‘Yes, OK, but [my daughter]’s coming with me, and I think they knew not to mess with me, I was like a lioness. I was ‘I’m feeding, this is when she gets fed, she’s coming on set, she’s coming everywhere with me’, and that’s what happened. But everyone was just great.”

                She adds: “One day I was about to get on the back of a horse with David Tennant and James, my husband, drove in in the car with Eva, said ‘She needs feeding’ so I got off the horse, got in the back of the car, ripped open the bodice and Elizabeth I was breast feeding! That’s a working mum for you.”


                  Whonatic have a little vid of Matt saying thank you to everyone for voting for Doctor Who in the TV Choice awards.


                  Ben Wheatley For Doctor Who Series 8?


                  It appears that British director Ben Wheatley will be working on an episode of Series 8 next year.

                  A retweet earlier today from Empire Magazine said: “Exterminate List… Just overheard in the office: Ben Wheatley to direct upcoming episode of Dr. Who.”

                  The director is best known for his critically-acclaimed films ‘Down Terrace,’ ‘Kill List,’ ‘Sightseers,’ and this year’s ‘A Field in England.’

                  Wheatley is a fan of the show remarking in an interview with Uncut that he found Tom Baker’s era particularly creepy:

                  “All the Doctor Who stuff is really scary around that period. I’ve been re-watching a lot of the Tom Baker stuff with my son, and it’s so spooky. They’re actually shooting on location in nuclear power stations, running around inside these reactors… I’m ready to be proved wrong by legions of Whovians, but it certainly looks like it to me, it looks dangerous wherever they are. I was watching Genesis Of The Daleks this morning. It’s so moody!”

                  Is a Dalek story perhaps in his future?


                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                    Ben Wheatley For Doctor Who Series 8?


                    Is a Dalek story perhaps in his future?
                    There's going to be a Dalek story in some director's future that's for certain. Peter Capaldi will undoubtedly be meeting them sooner rather than later...or on the other hand, maybe not? Other Doctor's never met the Daleks in their first series (Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, and Sylvester McCoy). Have to say I'm looking forward to Peter Capaldi's first meeting with them...whenever it is!

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      I admit. I'm looking forward to watching the Documentries and Episodes which start on Watch here in the UK this afternoon.

                      I never seen 'The Aztecs' with William Hartnell.
                      "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                      Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                      Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                      Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                      I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                      To thy own self... Be true
                      May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                        I like that one. I've never liked the historical eps as much as the future ones, but I think The Aztecs is really good.



                          I've just seen this. Kasterborous website, a story on 7th October.


                          Scroll down the comments until you get to one by Owen Hayward
                          I don’t know if any newspapers or Who fans have tried what I’ve just did one hour ago, but its made me laugh alot to think I’ve just gotten away with it.

                          I got the phone number for and e-mail too [in Nigeria]. I e-mailed them asking for any details and got no reply so I decided to call them! I spoke to a woman on the switch board who said she’d heard nothing about the station holding missing Doctor Who episodes, so I asked her if I could speak to someone who might know. There was a bit of mumbling in the background and finally some guy came on the phone and after I asked him for some details, god bless him he told me straight that their archive had up to very recently held over two hundred BBC films. These had been shipped off to the UK, the frist shipment going out in 2011. He would not say which specific stories were in the shipment since he didn’t bother asking his colleagues dealing directly with the details but he did tell me that there were a considerable number of Doctor Who episodes among the films and that if I was a fan I’d be extremely happy.

                          I couldn’t believe this either – I asked him hwo many people had phoned the station since the story broke – he told me no-one! So there – I cut through all this red tape nonsense, and gossip with a simple phone call to the source!

                          Now that fits is very neatly with these articles in Bleeding cool news back in June.


                          That's the story that 3 tons of film had been sent from Lagos in Nigeria in a 20 foot shipping container in September 2011.

                          It was followed by Phillip Morris issuing a denial that he'd found any Doctor Who epsisodes and that "THEY ARE NOT MISSING BUT DESTROYED. THE END"



                          What with these articles from Bleeding Cool, the guy phoning Nigeria and many comments on Gallifrey Base by people who seem to know, I am absolutely convinced that many missing episodes have been found, not just the nine we know about.
                          Last edited by Blencathra; 12 October 2013, 01:22 AM.


                            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                            I've just seen this. Kasterborous website, a story on 7th October.


                            Scroll down the comments until you get to one by Owen Hayward

                            Now that fits is very neatly with these articles in Bleeding cool news back in June.


                            That's the story that 3 tons of film had been sent from Lagos in Nigeria in a 20 foot shipping container in September 2011.

                            It was followed by Phillip Morris issuing a denial that he'd found any Doctor Who epsisodes and that "THEY ARE NOT MISSING BUT DESTROYED. THE END"



                            What with these articles from Bleeding Cool, the guy phoning Nigeria and many comments on Gallifrey Base by people who seem to know, I am absolutely convinced that many missing episodes have been found, not just the nine we know about.
                            Lets hope so.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              If these are Who episodes I guess there is a good chance some of them are ones the BBC has already in it's archives. But I'm sincerely hoping there are a lot they haven't got. *fingers & everything crossed*

                              It will be interesting to see if any other long lost episodes from other shows pop up, Dad's Army etc.


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                If these are Who episodes I guess there is a good chance some of them are ones the BBC has already in it's archives. But I'm sincerely hoping there are a lot they haven't got. *fingers & everything crossed*

                                It will be interesting to see if any other long lost episodes from other shows pop up, Dad's Army etc.
                                I was just about to make the same comment. Great minds think alike, Blen.
                                Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                                To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                                Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                                And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.

