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    This whole "good news bad news" bit is so annoying! You can't be properly pissed off, but you're not happy either!
    Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    Yes, I am!
    Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
    Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
    Peter Pan R.I.P


      I think I'd rather have a proper series of 13, but with DT leaving partway through to regenerate. Only three stories all year? Hmph.

      Still, being deprived of stuff you like is supposed to be good for the soul. Or so I've always understood the purpose of Lent.... Naah, I'd rather be indulged. There's no silver lining.



        Am I the only one who can't see a problem with this
        Yes only 3 episodes is a pain, but having to choose between DT leaving and only three episodes I know what I'd go for. Do we know if they're going to be 'feature length' episodes i:e about 90 minutes and this could also mean an apprearence by the Doctor in Torchwood, it's something to look forward to


          Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
          Y'know, I usually fill with dread when a telly channel starts messing around with the format of one of its shows. I just get the feeling that they don't really care for it any more.
          I think that not caring about Doctor Who is probably one of the last things you could accuse the BBC of.


            I only just saw this, what is going on with the BBC? I like David heaps but Doctor Who shouldn't (and doesn't) need David to continue *ducks* why not just get a new actor in?

            I would rather as an Australian see a full 13 eps, as it is likely the ABC will stick the specials on at any old time, it may even mean they lose the rights to it all together it might end up on cable *no!* And what about selling it to O/S markets? This must mess that up.

            This is the sort of stuff that ended up getting Doctor Who AXED! in the 80s.

            I think it sucks.

            I might also add that I use to be a fan of a few UK shows until they messed around with the amount of eps or moved to specials only the problem becomes you lose interest, other shows come along... I think this will make those Johnny come latelys give up the show after the next series, David Tennant or not.

            EDIT: This could be good news for my David Hewlett for Doctor Who campaign! LOL!


              Buffy/Doctor Who fans! Check out the first panel on the second last page of today's Buffy season eight issue ( #6, the one with Faith on the cover) to see
              two characters resembling the tenth Doctor and Rose walking down a street in London in front of a red telephone booth.

              Always knew the two universes were connected.


                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                Buffy/Doctor Who fans! Check out the first panel on the second last page of today's Buffy season eight issue ( #6, the one with Faith on the cover) to see
                two characters resembling the tenth Doctor and Rose walking down a street in London in front of a red telephone booth.

                Always knew the two universes were connected.
                Do you have a picture?
                Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                  Originally posted by Billz View Post
                  Do you have a picture?
                  Yup- and see my avatar.


                    Woohoo! I wonder if Joss put that there or if it was another writer or artist. I'm nursing this secret hope, you see, that when Joss comes to Britainland to do Ripper, someone points out that while he's here he might want to write a script or two for Doctor Who; and if he rates the show anyway I can get my hopes up that much more...



                      Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                      Woohoo! I wonder if Joss put that there or if it was another writer or artist. I'm nursing this secret hope, you see, that when Joss comes to Britainland to do Ripper, someone points out that while he's here he might want to write a script or two for Doctor Who; and if he rates the show anyway I can get my hopes up that much more...
                      This issue was the first written by Brian K. Vaughn- so presumabley it was either him or George Jeanty (the artist) who put it in, but yes! Fingers crossed Joss would ever write something for Doctor Who.


                        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                        Yup- and see my avatar.

                        Heehee, that is good, I guess they couldn't use a blue police box for copyright issues... this way it is left open to conjecture as to whether it is The Doctor, I mean it is, but for copyright reasons they can deny it. Nice find.

                        I am in two minds on Joss ever writing for Doctor Who, if any show needs Joss at the moment it is Torchwood not Doctor Who! LOL


                          IGN have named Doctor Who as the Best Summer Program (on US TV).

                          ... It's just that Doctor Who has become the show that stands out as consistently smart, entertaining and unlike virtually everything else on TV... While the third season had a bit of a lull, it's picked up tremendously in the last few episodes... It's this kind of mad creative spirit that kept the show on the air for so long in the UK, and why it was brought back to such universal acclaim. Also, for our money, you won't find a better actor than David Tennant anywhere on television... And if you're not watching (and it looks like a good many of you might not be) then give it a shot.


                            Yeah, we knew The Doctor would cream anything else out there


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                              I am in two minds on Joss ever writing for Doctor Who, if any show needs Joss at the moment it is Torchwood not Doctor Who! LOL
                              I agree with Willow on this one. Torchwood especially needs the likes of Joss Whedon especially when he comes up with great storyline and dialogue too. Just look what he did with Buffy and Angel.
                              Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                              and Captain Jack Harkness
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                              Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                              Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
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                                Pic from filming in Rome! (spoilered for size)

