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Doctor Who News, Articles, Cast and Crew Interviews

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    So do I. Fingers & everything crossed.

    Doctor Who themed Christmas cards

    The Doctor Who Appreciation Society is pleased to offer some brand new ‘Doctor Who’ themed Christmas cards for 2015.

    These are A5, printed in full colour on high quality card, each supplied with a white C5 envelope.

    The profit from the sale of the cards will be donated to Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital Trust, of which Colin Baker is Vice President.

    Five cards and envelopes cost £6.49 inc UK delivery.
    One card with envelope costs £2.25 inc UK delivery.


      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      So do I. Fingers & everything crossed.

      Doctor Who themed Christmas cards
      These look great!

      Doctor Who spin-off Class will focus on “brand-new” characters, says creator – but will Peter Capaldi appear?
      Novelist Patrick Ness is currently writing the school-set sci-fi series - and apparently we won't be seeing many familiar faces
      By Huw Fullerton
      Thursday 5 November 2015 at 3:50PM

      It’s safe to say that Doctor Who spin-off Class is a bit of a mystery. While we know what it’s about (the students of Doctor Who mainstay Coal Hill School) and who’s writing it (Young Adult author Patrick Ness), we’re still pretty hazy about exactly what will be going on when it airs in 2016.

      Luckily, however, has now had a chance to have an exclusive chat with Ness, who has revealed a few choice details about the 8-part series – including the fact that we probably shouldn’t be expecting any Doctor Who characters to pop up in the spin-off. We know, we’re slightly gutted too.

      “The main character is someone brand-new,” Ness told “There’s lots and lots and lots of brand new.

      “Because that’s what I want to see. I want to see somebody come up with something new. Lots and lots of brand new.”

      Somehow we get the sense they're going for a "new" feel – which sadly means we probably won’t be seeing the return of Doctor Who’s featured Coal Hill student Courtney, First Doctor companion Ian Chesterton (now on the school’s board of governers) or even Jenna Coleman's English teacher-cum-Companion Clara Oswald (which would have been tricky after she leaves Doctor Who this year, in fairness).

      But surely there’s one Whoniverse figure who won’t be left out? A certain grumpy Scottish Coal Hill caretaker whose character (as played by David Tennant and Matt Smith) has popped up multiple times in youth-centric spin-offs before? In short, will the Doctor be walking the corridors in Class?

      “I can neither yet confirm nor deny,” Ness teased. “But I’m a big Peter Capaldi fan, let’s put it that way.”

      “It’s funny – I’m not gonna answer that question. I’ve already started ignoring the sort of baiting, trolling tweets of ‘We’ve heard this!’ and ‘my sources say!’

      “And I just laugh, I mean like Wow, because some of the stuff I’ve seen is so wildly wrong. I think ‘Oh, this could be a fun year.’”

      For now the secrets of Class will have to remain locked in the mind of Ness, who says he's got it all planned out even if he hasn’t finished writing the series.

      “The way I write books, is….I know the last line of the book, and I already know the last line in the first season of Class,” he said.

      “And I know there are things on the way that I’ve already written, or I can’t wait to write. So I’ve got all the episodes plotted out. I’ve got many many things written – and it’s really exciting!

      “I wish I could tell you details, but it’s too early for details.”

      That’s OK – the speculation and anticipation for these shows is half the fun, right? Right? Right…

      God, it’s going to be a long wait until 2016.

      Doctor Who continues on BBC1 this Saturday

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        The Zygon Inversion clip 2
        Hints and teasers


          Tweet from BBC Entertainment News Team

          Peter Capaldi, talking to @lizo_mzimba, denies reports there'll be half the number of @BBCDoctorWho episodes in 2016.
          (little vid at the link)


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Tweet from BBC Entertainment News Team


            Peter Capaldi, talking to @lizo_mzimba, denies reports there'll be half the number of @BBCDoctorWho episodes in 2016.
            (little vid at the link)

            Thank you for the link, Blen. Thank you Peter Capaldi for putting an unquestionable and undeniable end to THAT ridiculous rumour.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              There's a little bit more about that at the end of the this article.

              Doctor Who being used as scheduling pawn by BBC, says Peter Capaldi


              Peter Capaldi has criticised the BBC for treating Doctor Who “as a pawn in a Saturday night warfare”.

              The Scottish actor, showrunner Steven Moffat and writer Mark Gatiss all expressed concern about the show’s post-8pm Saturday night slot.

              When Russell T Davies revived the much-loved programme in 2005, it was broadcast in a teatime spring slot.

              However, the ninth series premiered with The Magician’s Apprentice at 7.40pm on 19 September.

              Subsequently, it has been given the post-Strictly Come Dancing time slot, meaning episodes are finishing at a time pushing 9pm. The third episode, Under The Lake, had a start time of 8.25pm on 3 October.

              The 57-year-old star said: “I feel it’s slightly used as a pawn in a Saturday night warfare. I feel as if it should go out at 7.30pm or around that time.”

              Capaldi added: “I see a lot of kids and a lot of families and these families who all love Doctor Who want to sit down and watch it together. I used to do that with my daughter when it came back so it has to be on at a time that’s reasonable for them to do that.”

              “And once you get past 8.15pm, you’re getting yourself into adult territory and although a lot of adults really like it, at its heart, it’s designed to do a lot of entertaining of children as well. So I think it begins to move into a zone it doesn’t quite belong in. I feel it’s a shame they’re not given that opportunity,” he said.

              Executive producer Moffat called the scheduling “not smart”.

              He also defended the show’s viewing figures, which have fallen to overnight ratings as low as 3.7 million, by pointing out the difference once time-shifting is factored into the numbers.

              “I don’t think 8.25pm is brilliant for Doctor Who,” he said.

              “I’m not blasting the BBC or getting cross or anything, but that’s not smart. I don’t think anyone thinks that’s smart. If there’s a slight, and it’s only a slight, drop off, it’s I think, that’s not where Doctor Who’s meant to be.”

              Moffat added: “Doctor Who’s not designed and built to go out at 8.25pm – that’s Sherlock o’clock. It’s for earlier in the evening. We’re doing fine, once you put the consolidated and then if you do the wicked thing that you’re not supposed to do of adding on iPlayer as well, we’re doing fine.”

              He continued: “Stop reporting the overnights as if they’re the ratings. They’re not. Please, please start doing this – could you please start reporting football matches with the scores in the middle of the game, as if that was the final score? You know it’s not true. We’re fine.”

              On the subject of the scheduling, Gatiss, who has written the ninth episode Sleep No More for this series, stated: “It’s a show I adore, but there’s nothing I can do. I think it’s too late: I think everybody does.”

              The co-creator of Sherlock added: “I would like it to be where Pointless is because I think that’s its slot, but you’ve got a packed schedule with things like Strictly and then the rugby and all these things, it’s difficult. But it’s important to not just treat it as part of the furniture, not take it for granted.”

              Moffat rubbished claims suggesting the BBC had commissioned only a half-series order of six episodes for 2017: “People just sit in rooms and make this s**t up. That’s absolutely untrue.”

              Capaldi confirmed he has signed for a full series. “I’m doing next year, then I don’t know,” he said. “It depends what the show is. It’s important if you do the show that you’re committed to it. I feel as if I’ve just started. I just find it amazing that it’s gone so fast.”

              Doctor Who is broadcast on Saturday 7 November at 8pm.


                And another.

                Steven Moffat can "confirm absolutely" that there will be a full series of Doctor Who next year


                Steven Moffat has strongly denied tabloid reports that Doctor Who will run next year with a reduced number of episodes.

                The denial comes in response to a newspaper story which alleges that next year's series of the BBC1 sci-fi show will be halved so that lead actor Peter Capaldi can turn director on other projects – including a film based on his time in Glasgow punk band The Dreamboys and two episodes of US sitcom Veep. However, speaking to, Moffat said that the story was "bunk," and that he could "confirm absolutely" that he is not making fewer episodes.

                "We’re making a full series. I can confirm that," said Moffat. "I’m making a full series of 12 episodes, plus a Christmas special. I don’t know when it goes out. That’s up to someone else. And even if I did know – which I genuinely don’t – I wouldn’t be allowed to say so as I have absolutely no say in it whatsoever.

                "[But] it’s not being reduced in size. We’re not making fewer episodes. That’s all complete bunk. I can confirm that absolutely."

                Rumours of a reduced 2016 series have been swirling for a few months, with Private Eye first reporting in August that in lieu of a full series there will instead be several specials – a la David Tennant's swan song in 2009 – allegedly due to Moffat's commitment to his other series Sherlock, which goes into production next year.

                Moffat is not the only one denying the claims, though, with Capaldi himself also having responded to a question about the possibility of a shorter series by confirming "That's not what I've been told... that's not what I'm contracted for."


                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                  There's a little bit more about that at the end of the this article.

                  Doctor Who being used as scheduling pawn by BBC, says Peter Capaldi

                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                  And another.

                  Steven Moffat can "confirm absolutely" that there will be a full series of Doctor Who next year

                  Double thank you. Blen. Treat yourself to a jelly baby or several.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    You're welcome.

                    P. S. I'm having wine gums.


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      You're welcome.

                      P. S. I'm having wine gums.


                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        Downtime update
                        Friday, 06 November, 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster

                        KochMedia have now released a trailer for their forthcoming release of the unofficial Doctor Who spin-off from 1995, Downtime.


                        FIND THE LOCUS! ON DVD 16TH NOVEMBER (pre-order from Amazon)

                        Downtime is a unique British 1995 sci-fi movie from the Doctor Who universe (but unofficial) featuring treasured characters and talent from the franchise and only now released on DVD - it's a must see for fans of the Time Lord.

                        We follow The Brigadier (Nicholas Courtney - Doctor Who) and Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen - Doctor Who, The Sarah Jane Adventures) of UNIT who investigate New World University; a sinister school run by Victoria Waterfield and Professor Travers. The technology obsessed University holds a gateway to Earth made by classic foe the 'Great Intelligence'. Fighting alone this time - without their famous time-travelling scientific advisor - The Brigadier and Sarah Jane are hard pressed to decide who is friend or foe as they search for a missing Locus, which binds the Intelligence's power. The battle is broadened when the Brigadier's own family is threatened and UNIT faces a powerful new breed of Yeti!

                        Downtime is an unofficial sequel to the Second Doctor serials The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear written by celebrated Doctor Who author Marc Platt.

                        Starring Nicholas Courtney, Deborah Watling, Jack Watling and Elisabeth Sladen reprising their roles as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Victoria Waterfield, Professor Edward Travers and Sarah Jane Smith, respectively. Written by Mark Platt and Directed by Christopher Barry and Keith Barnfather.
                        To be in with a chance to win a copy of the DVD of Downtime courtesy of Koch Media, simply answer the following question:

                        Downtime also features roles for John Leeson and Geoffrey Beevers, but which characters are they better known for playing in Doctor Who itself?

                        Please send your answers along with your name, address and where you heard about the competition (news site, news app, other website, etc.) to [email protected] with the subject "The Internet is virally infected!". The competition is open to UK residents only, and closes on 23rd November 2015. Only one entry per household will be accepted.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          UNIT - EXTINCTION

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Steven Moffat talks Doctor Who Series 10


                            Yesterday, Blogtor sat down with Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat to chat about this year's finale and the 2015 Christmas Special (more details to come over the next few weeks). I asked Steven when Series 10 would start filming and if he could comment on its scheduling in 2016, he told me:

                            "No, I’m not even allowed to! [Laughs] Scheduling, that’s up to BBC One.

                            I know that what I’ve signed on to do is 13 more episodes of Doctor Who, including a Christmas special. I’m trying to argue for slightly more than that but we’ll see."
                            I then asked if writers had been sourced for Doctor Who Series 10.

                            "Oh yes, it’s all in action! They’re not that long away! [Laughs] It’s really close, given that we’re doing Sherlock as well."
                            Steven also revealed that, at the moment, the new co-lead (or companion) for Doctor Who has not yet been cast. When asked if Osgood could be the new companion, the writer commented that she would not be the right person to get on board for a "relaunch" of the show; and a previously-seen character from Who is not the direction the production team are currently taking for the role.

                            "My genuine belief is that it will be someone new. To throw away the chance to say you can start here is foolish. If it's somebody you have to know all about then you've lost that. I think particularly when you get a new companion, more so than a new Doctor, you are sort of saying, 'This is the beginning, this is where it starts - you could join in here.'"


                              Heaven Sent – Official Synopsis


                              The BBC has released the official story synopsis for Heaven Sent, the eleventh and penultimate episode of Series 9.


                              Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives. One final test. And he must face it alone. Pursued by the fearsome creature known only as the Veil, he must attempt the impossible. If he makes it through, Gallifrey is waiting…

                              Writer: Steven Moffat. Director: Rachel Talalay. Producer: Peter Bennett

                              It premieres Saturday 28 November on BBC One, with the time to be confirmed.


                                Cover of DWM 493


