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Doctor Who News, Articles, Cast and Crew Interviews

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    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Tweet from Doctor Who Official @bbcdoctorwho


    Goodness knows what that is about.
    Curiosity levels have risen! Exciting! Love the Daleks!

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Has to be involved with
      the classic and modern Daleks teaming up in the trailer.

      Also, about the vote... Eliza Taylor is getting more of them than Peter Capaldi(I love that he's reading a Jon Pertwee comic). Wow.
      "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


        Series 9 Episode Previews (SFX)

        The latest issue of SFX Magazine (out this week) features an episodic preview of Series 9 with Steven Moffat and he reveals some new details.

        Note: Extreme spoilerphobes may want to avoid.

        [To be honest they don't give anything away that we don't know already from the trailers - Blen]


        Episodes 1 & 2

        “This is the opening two-parter. It features lots of Daleks and this time we mean it! Clara receives a mysterious summons and has to team up with Missy to search for the Doctor in a very, very old place.”

        Episodes 3 & 4

        “This two-parter is written by Toby Whithouse and features an underwater base plagued by creeping ghosts and an island that is about to be submerged in water. But who or what is doing this and how can the Doctor stop it? It’s very scary, atmospheric and claustrophobic, much like some classic episodes.”

        Episodes 5 & 6

        “Those two are exceptional! Doctor Who meets Game of Thrones! Well, only because Maisie Williams is in them. The first part features Vikings fighting mercenary robots (and a dragon!) and the second one sees a group of Highwaymen dealing with a Norse god”.

        Episodes 7 & 8

        “This one is written by Peter Harness and Day of the Doctor acted as a prologue to it. In it, the Zygons made peace with the Humans, but not every Zygon decided it was okay so they’ve been raising an army, silently and now they’re rising against UNIT! We’ve been planning this forever and Osgood is in it! But how is that possible you’d ask? Missy killed her! Who knows? Well, we know.”

        Episode 9

        “This is a very unique Doctor Who story from Mark Gatiss. It wasn’t possible to do such an episode ten years ago, when the show came back and Mark has been rewriting it over and over again to make it perfect. It’s a beautiful story, very eerie and special, I think it’s going to be an instant classic.”

        Episode 10

        “An episode which leapt out as “why haven’t we done this already? This is so Doctor Who we should be doing this immediately”. And when Sarah Dollard walked in with the finalised script, it was even better! Really, this is going to be a fan-favorite, everyone will want to rewatch it.”

        Episode 11 & 12 (Finale)

        “A challenge. I won’t say anything else because it would be too spoilery, but when you’ll watch it, you’re going to ask how exactly the Doctor and Clara are going to pull it off.”

        And a couple of trailers from BBC America.



            Ooo, interesting teasers. Now where's my TARDIS?


              Some articles in various newspapers and pics from filming today. All very similar.

              Though in typical tabloid style they are concentrating on what Jenna is wearing and her legs.

              Warning: Spoilers for location.




              Some pics on Flickr -


                Cover of the new issue of DWM.



                  Doctor Who Mission Dalek


                  Mission Dalek – tell the Time Lord’s Greatest Tale!

                  The Doctor is about to face his oldest and greatest enemies… the DALEKS.

                  Lost in space and time without his TARDIS, the Doctor is trying to make contact. The only clues as to where he is are in his 2000 Year Diary, located in the TARDIS Core. Use these clues to create your very own #MissionDALEK adventure to tell us how the Doctor comes face-to face with the Daleks once again.

                  Unleash your digital creativity! Be it video, animation or image editing …. Use the range of clips and images we’re supplying or create your own story from scratch. Throw in animation! Voice overs! Cosplay! Go bananas! Just tell your story digitally.

                  Check out the ‘how to’ videos and digital tools to get you started if you need them. [Vids at the link]

                  So what are you waiting for? There are worlds of adventure to be created… The Doctor is waiting!


                    DWM 490


                    OF DOCTOR WHO, EXCLUSIVELY IN DWM 490!

                    Doctor Who Magazine spoke to the show’s executive producer and head writer, Steven Moffat, to give us a taste of what’s in store over the next 12 episodes…

                    “Why not start with a blockbuster?” says Steven of the two-part opening story, The Magician’s Apprentice and The Witch’s Familiar. “Why leave it till the last two weeks? So yes, it’s like starting with a finale, and having a big, grand, movie-sized story, as opposed to a 45-minute story.”

                    What does Steven like about the longer format? “It allows you to play with certain things,” he replies. “There’s a kind of scale that you can attain in a two-parter, that you can’t have in 45 minutes. It’s a scale that we’re not used to at the moment, as we haven’t done two-parters for quite a while. And in a way, it’s sort of advertising the fact that we’ve got two-parters back this year. We do things in that first episode that I would say are very ‘two-parter-y’.”

                    ALSO INSIDE ISSUE 490…

                    - THE SECRET DIARY OF THE MASTER!
                    He’s mad, bad and dangerous to know… and now, DWM has discovered the secret diary of the Master, which reveals the insane thinking behind his… er, her every scheme!
                    - LOST IN TRANSLATION
                    Why does nearly everyone in Doctor Who speak English? Steve Lyons investigates the mystery of universal translation throughout the history of the series – and comes to some intriguing conclusions…
                    - THE NAME OF THE DOCTOR?
                    Showrunner Steven Moffat answers more readers’ questions – and presents a brand new scene which explores what the Doctor called himself during the Time War…
                    - THE VAMPIRE MUTATIONS
                    The Fourth Doctor and Romana encounter creatures with a thirst for blood – and an ancient enemy of the Time Lords – as the The Fact of Fiction explores the 1980 story State of Decay.
                    - THE RETURN OF DANNY PINK
                    Clara has a shocking reunion with her boyfriend in the brand-new comic strip adventure, Spirits of the Jungle, by Jonathan Morris, illustrated by John Ross.
                    - TRAILS AND TRIBULATIONS
                    Novelist, fan girl, and mum Jacqueline Rayner celebrates the joy of a new Doctor Who trailer in her regular column, Relative Dimensions.
                    - IT’S THE END…
                    The Time Team embark on a marathon viewing session as they sit down to watch David Tennant’s swansong as the Doctor: The End of Time.
                    - THE COMPLETE HISTORY
                    DWM takes a look at a landmark new series of books, which begins in September: Doctor Who The Complete History.
                    - ON THEIR WAY…
                    DWM talks to the people involved in the latest Doctor Who CD and book releases, including Dan Starkey, James Goss and Gary Russell.
                    - THE UNEXPLAINED
                    The Watcher examines some of the many unanswered questions in Doctor Who and celebrates a feisty equine talent in Wotcha!.
                    - PLUS! All the latest official news, reviews, competitions and The DWM Crossword.

                    Doctor Who Magazine 490 is on sale from Thursday 20 August 2015, price £4.99.


                      Mission Dalek Competition (UK Residents Only)


                      Win a trip to the Doctor Who set, and a chance to meet the Doctor!

                      Once you have made your digital creation, telling the story of how the Doctor comes to face the Daleks once again, enter it in our competition for the chance of a lifetime – a visit to the Doctor Who set and chance to meet the Twelfth Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi, on the 24th September 2015! Winning entries will also be featured here!

                      How to Enter

                      - Look for the clues in the Doctor’s 2000 Year Diary in this video as a starting point to create your idea. -
                      - Your stories should be told digitally. Create anything from video, animation and images, even submit original digital artwork.
                      - You can create your own adventure from scratch or download a range of Doctor Who assets to get cracking.
                      - Need some help to get started? Check out the Make it Digital website for some useful tips and tools to help you start creating, or learn from the experts in our ‘How To’ videos.
                      - Upload your entry to ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM and send us a LINK in an E-MAIL to [email protected], with the subject line MISSION DALEK COMPETITION.

                      The things to remember

                      - This competition is for UK residents only, and is open from 23:59 on Tuesday 18th August.
                      - Entries must be sent together with your name, age and confirmation of UK residency, before midnight on Wednesday 9th September 2015. After that time, no entries will be accepted.
                      - Entries can be you own video, animation, mash-up, digital artwork or graphic.
                      - You can use our rights-cleared assets (see link above) or create your own original content only. Digital works that feature imagery or clips from past Doctor Who episodes that are not included in the cleared assets on this website, cannot be featured.
                      - Entries can be anything up to 90 seconds in length.
                      - Winners must be available on Thursday 24th September - the date of the prize set visit.
                      - Don't forget to read our full terms and conditions, FAQ and judging criteria before sending us your digital creations.
                      - The competition is only open to UK residents 16 years of age or older, but you can enter as a family if under 16.
                      - When you are sending us the link to your entry, please make sure it works properly and is available for us to access easily.
                      - Please make sure that you or anyone appearing in your entry (e.g. performing in a piece or cosplaying) is aware of what it's for and has agreed to do so, and given permission for us to use their inclusion in that entry for the purposes of this competition.

                      Your entry will be judged on the following criteria:
                      • Storytelling. How well is the story told? How inventive is the narrative?
                      • Digital Creativity. How strong and accomplished are the design elements of the piece?
                      • Technical aptitude. How accomplished is the piece technically, using digital forms? E.g. How well shot/ edited is it, how well animated is it?

                      [Terms and conditions & FAQ at the link above.]


                        BTW even if you have no intention of entering the #MissionDalek competition, the vid is worth watching as it has a couple of clips from S9 (presumably) that I haven't seen before - the guitar makes another appearance!



                          SFX 265


                          The latest edition of SFX features a special look at the forthcoming series of Doctor Who, chatting to its stars Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, and lead writer Steven Moffat.

                          Talking about the evolution of the Doctor, Peter Capaldi said:
                          What I find interesting is that the Doctor is still sort of looking for himself. So he’s changed to some degree. He still has the same concerns and worries and darkness, if you like, but he’s embracing the present. But that’s really because he has a profound knowledge of the past and the future.
                          Jenna Coleman on Clara:
                          In a way she doesn’t fear as much because she’s got nothing to lose anymore. Because she’s kind of lost everything (since Danny's death) and luckily the Doctor came back. But I think she no longer fears her own mortality in a way. Which obviously makes her a very reckless companion. ... Clara in part thinks she’s a bit of the Doctor, and she really isn’t. She’s obviously human, and is obviously gonna get herself in a lot of trouble if she starts to think like that.
                          Talking about how far the format of the show can be pushed, Steven Moffat observed:
                          You have to treat the show like you own it. I don’t just mean me – I mean every writer, every director and every actor that comes onto this show. I’m always saying, “It’s not a fancy heirloom. You’re not carrying this carefully to the next room. You’ve got to engage with it like you own it, otherwise it’s not a TV show, it’s a perfectly tended mausoleum.” At the same time I actually feel quite strongly that there is only so far you can go.
                          The magazine also includes a brief summary of what to expect during the twelve episode run; as to how the stories will be presented, he said:

                          Aside from having a lot more two-parters this time, we blur the lines between what’s a two-parter and what’s not: taking one strand of plot over two stories, that kind of thing. So you don’t quite know that everything is going to wrap up when you hit 43 minutes.
                          You can read the full interviews in the latest edition, out on Wednesday 19th August.


                            Doctor Who Series 9 news and set report [SPOILERS!]


                            It was a rainy Tuesday in June when Blogtor took the trip to a deserted (well, almost) army base in Caerwent, via a stop-off at Newport and then an exciting bus journey with fellow scribes, for a set visit on Doctor Who Series 9. The setting was not unlike a scene out of classic Who, abandoned buildings, eerie surroundings and Wales.

                            At that time, an adventure featuring the return of the Zygons and Osgood was being filmed (title revealed below) and we were treated to an indoor scene featuring the classic alien and actress Ingrid Oliver. The atmosphere on set was relaxed with plenty of laughing and joking taking place, which was enhanced by the sunny disposition of Executive Producer Brian Minchin.

                            Brian enthusiastically ran us through what was happening on set (detailed below) and then indulged us with the lowdown on Doctor Who Series 9 (some of it too juicy and spoilery to share here).


                            I asked if there was to be a cinema launch for Series 9, in the same way that Deep Breath kicked off Series 8 in cinemas around the world last year, but due to the big, and Brian stressed BIG, cliffhanger it was decided not to, as the production team didn't want to show it as a two-parter together.

                            The story will feature a snake made of other snakes and the Doctor and Missy will be on on the same side, sort of. There are also many other surprises in store in this ep.

                            EPISODES 3 & 4
                            This two-parter from Toby Whithouse gives us ghosts in an underwater base.

                            THE GIRL WHO DIED / THE WOMAN WHO LIVED
                            Starring Maisie Williams, we'll see vikings in space and highwaymen.

                            On set we witnessed a Zygon chasing down Osgood in Mexico, while she texts The Doctor for help. It's pitched as a "sequel" to the 50th Anniversary Special, The Day of the Doctor and features the whole world and rogue Zygons.

                            EPISODE 9
                            This will be unlike any other Doctor Who story ever broadcast, utilising a style previously unused in the show - it certainly makes for a fascinating idea and something I'm sure fans will get excited about (it's NOT a musical episode, btw). Controversially, this episode might not feature the Doctor Who title sequence.

                            EPISODE 10
                            This was simply described as "invasion of invisible streets".

                            EPISODE 11
                            The big news about the penultimate episode of Series 9 is that it's what's known in the business as, a "one hander". This means it is set to star Peter Capaldi, by himself (a photo from the official Doctor Who Instagram account did hint at this when they took a picture from the read through, with only Peter's name visible).

                            Finally, I pointed out to Brian that he didn't tell us anything about the last instalment of Doctor Who Series 9. With a wry smile he turned and replied, "That's right, I didn't". I guess some secrets are worth saving and waiting until December for.


                              INTERVIEWS: Peter Capaldi and Ingrid Oliver talk Doctor Who Series 9


                              It was a wet old June day in Caerwent, Wales when Blogtor got chance to to visit the set of Doctor Who Series 9 and interview both Peter Capaldi and Osgood herself, Ingrid Oliver. First up was Peter, who came in especially on his day off to spend time with the press.


                              As soon as he enters the room, Peter is all smiles and beaming - and says a cheery individual "Hi" to everyone assembled. Typically, he jokes throughout, opening with, "Welcome to the army base where we do a huge amount of work. All sorts of corners of this place end up in Doctor Who!"

                              With much discussion from fans regarding Capaldi's new appearance(s) witnessed from filming on Doctor Who Series 9, I ask him about the new look.

                              Your hair, if you don’t mind me saying, is quite incredible…

                              "So’s yours! It just grey naturally." [Laughs]

                              ... was it a conscience move with the bigger hair and different costumes for Series 9?

                              "I really always wanted it to be longer but everyone felt it was important to make a decisive change. It always happens in the first season of the new Doctor, you make a very decisive change - a contrast to what's gone before. Matt being so friendly and open, they wanted it to be quite different to that.

                              Some people think I’m going for the full Jon Pertwee bouffant [laughs], and I may well do that.

                              I have to approve toys and things that come out at Christmas, so they bring me the toys to look at. There’s a Mr Potato Head coming out so I had to approve my own Mr Potato Head! [Laughs] I kept going, ‘Is the hair right? It’s very grey? Is it supposed to be grey?’ and they said, ‘Your hair IS grey!’ [Laughs] I think my hair’s brown, your colour.

                              With the Christmas Special [2014's Last Christmas], we were in the Antarctic so I thought I’d better put a hoody on. [Laughs] And I quite liked that, it looked quite good so I thought we’d get more of those. He’s loosening up a bit more but there’s still sometimes when he goes back to his more severe sort of look.

                              And there are some specific trousery things that are happening, for specific reasons. That will become clear to you when you watch the show."

                              Before we spoke to Peter, we were treated to watching a scene from the new Zygon two-parter. I suggest that Invasion of the Zygons is quite an old-skool title.
                              "[Laughs] I love an invasion. Been a while since we had one.

                              We had a great scene. We chased a Zygon around a supermarket, he hid among the pizzas. This is what we do, this how we roll - we get Zygons into a supermarket and chase them.

                              They’re fantastic. They look amazing. I was very lucky, I made a film many years ago with a very little part called Dangerous Liaisons with Glenn Close and John Malkovich which was set in the 18th century and had the most beautiful costumes. The costume designer was James Acheson, who had created the Zygons. Because he worked on Doctor Who, before he went on to great success and acclaim in the movies, all I wanted to do was talk to him about Zygons! [Laughs] He created those things with limited resources, I think it’s a great testament to his talent.

                              That happened a lot in those days. You had people that worked at the BBC and moved on to movies. Because the BBC was a great place where people could learn in a very demanding environment how best to deploy their skills.

                              It’s great there are so many people who are fans of the show and who love the show who make it.

                              That’s why, and I think it’s always been the same since it came back, that’s why it’s been successful. Because despite the fact it’s become a worldwide brand, it’s essentially made by people who love it. And that also means they will go the extra mile than if you were working on something you were less connected to, you might not put in the extra time or the extra effort to try and make it look better or sound better. There’s a lot of big fans on the show."

                              Peter describes the story as "very urban, handheldy and modern. Realistic," and further explains:
                              "This one’s quite dark. One of the things the show hasn’t done in its current invention is to reflect current events very much but I think this one does. It’s a good thing. You’ll see some fundamentalist arguments - it’s very interesting to play with that."

                              Also starring in the Zygon story is Ingrid Oliver, returning as fan-favourite Osgood.
                              "I think she’s brilliant, Ingrid’s amazing. it’s a wonderful character, so audacious - what a brilliant idea to create a Doctor Who fangirl. She’s clever and so funny. There are a lot of people who could come in to the TARDIS quite easily, we’re playing around with a lot of offers…"

                              I ask if she could be a future companion.
                              "She could well be..."

                              Peter is asked about the "new" UNIT family that seems to have been established once more with Kate Stewart and Osgood.
                              "It’s lovely having them all, it’s great. We even had ‘Five Rounds Rapid’ the other day!"

                              Doctor Who Series 9 has more two-parters than usual, I asked Peter how he felt about the new structure.
                              "It’s great because you get cliff-hangers. So that’s lovely, it’s always fantastic to have Doctor Who cliffhangers, the screeching sound of the soundtrack - that’s brilliant.

                              It sort of gives you a bit more time, there’s more places to go [with the story] and more character development. I think it’ll be good. Some of them are three-parters. And there’s one parters. It’s a good development, it allows the writers a bit more time with their characters and story.

                              The thing about Doctor Who is you must never trust Doctor Who. His knowledge of the past and future is comprehensive, deep and not quite human. So, in his human form, I think he’s decided, knowing how dark it can get outside, that he’s going to have a good time.

                              But, as always in Doctor Who, no good time is left unpunished. [Laughs]

                              Peter chats about Jenna Coleman and Clara.
                              "She’s great fun. We have a wonderful time. I just think she’s brilliant. We work in very similar ways. I love that she’s from Blackpool, my favourite place.

                              What she does a lot this season is she helps the Doctor relate more effectively with human beings because he can’t be arsed. [Laughs] She has little strategies to help him be better - which is good fun."

                              And then moves on to discuss another co-star Michelle Gomez as Missy.
                              "Our relationship is slightly different in that story [The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar], than it was before. We’re sort of on the same side."

                              I query if we'll see a Doctor / Master team-up?
                              "… not quite… [Laughs]

                              I love the Master. It’s good to have him/her back. And Michelle is the perfect person to play that part. I think Steven has THE most audacious ideas, he’s very brave with them and I think that it works."

                              Now that some time has passed since Series 8, I ask Peter if he has any stand out episodes from 2014.
                              "I always have a soft spot for Listen. It’s a very different kind of episode. It’s about what the Doctor does when he’s not having adventures. What does he think about, what does he get on with? But I like all of them, they’re all great. It’s a shame just to pick one."

                              Like Peter, Ingrid Oliver is a smiler and giggler. Often she gushes adorably about how lucky she is not only to be in Doctor Who, but to have returned. Self effacing at every turn, Ingrid mentioned how upset she was to "die" in the Series 8 finale Death In Heaven and how lead writer Steven Moffat didn't let on about her rebirth.

                              Immediately, I get the elephant in the room out of the way - is she playing the REAL Osgood?
                              "Well… The Doctor asks me that question as well several times and I don’t tell him the answer to that either…

                              I knew that’s the question I’d get asked [laughs] and I was trying to prepare. but basically, no comment. [Laughs]"

                              Invasion of the Zygons sees Oliver don a McCoy era tank-top, I ask if she gets input into referencing previous Doctors.
                              "It’s always in the script. Steven [Moffat, lead writer] knows what he wants. If I ever came back again, would we have to go through all the Doctors? And then thinking about Colin Baker’s outfit - what would THAT be like? I’d love that, to have a go at all of them at some point. It would get more difficult as it went back to the very beginning."

                              From what we've seen of the Zygon story, Osgood has a prominent role - I ask if she is playing more of a companion role in the adventure.

                              "I get to spend quite a lot of time with the Doctor, which is nice. So that’s good. It’s funny, because of having watched a lot of Who you know when filming to slot in behind, slightly to the right. [Laughs] That’s the classic look. You know that’s the natural order of things.

                              Ingrid is asked if she would like to be the new companion.
                              I wouldn’t answer a hypothetical question like that... [Laughs] She worships the man, so I’m pretty sure she’d follow him anywhere.

                              I ask if we can expect an Osgood action figure.
                              "Since day one, I’ve had the 360 photograph thing [a scan performed on actors for action figure production] but as far as I’m aware, I have no figure yet. I’ve not seen anything.

                              I know that I got a Top Trumps card, which was one of my career defining highlights ever. But it’s also one of the worst cards [laughs], the values are so poor! My terror value was zero! [Laughs]."

                              Finally, Ingrid discusses the popularity of Osgood.
                              "It’s bizarre and brilliant. I got sent a YouTube clip by my friends - you know when fans film reactions to them watching an episode - and there was this little kid watching this bit when Osgood got killed and he got really upset. No, NO! And he was really angry for quite a while. In the grand scheme of things I wasn’t in it for that long so it was lovely that people cared.

                              I got sent this photo from Gallifrey One [an annual North American Doctor Who convention] of twenty Osgoods. There was a 60 year old man dressed as Osgood, it was brilliant."


                                Great interviews & scoops by Blogtor.

                                So episode 7 is Invasion of the Zygons and Episode 8 is Inversion of the Zygons. I like it. Sounds very old Who.

                                New pics too!

                                Last edited by Blencathra; 18 August 2015, 03:43 PM.

