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    SDCC: Jenna Coleman On ‘Doctor Who’ Season Nine And Working With Maisie Williams
    Monday, July 13th, 2015 at 8:58am PST - by Kristy Puchko

    By the end of “Doctor Who”s eighth season, the first starring Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor, Clara Oswald had lost the love of her life and rediscovered her devotion to traveling in the TARDIS with her funny new Doctor. In Season Nine, this lust for life borders on sheer recklesness. And at Comic-Con International in San Diego, Jenna Coleman herself told us all about it in a roundtable interview. Plus, she gave us an insight into what it was like working with “Game of Thrones” Maisie Williams and what fans can expect from the BBC series when Season Nine gets underway in September.

    So what’s different about Clara this year from Season Eight? Has she let go of her Earthly connections and embraced travelling a little bit more?

    Jenna Coleman: Exactly, yeah! Exactly that, well guessed. [Laughs] Yeah, I think since she’s lost Danny, she’s kind of cut ties a little bit to Earth, her perspective has changed. And all she wants to do is travel and have fun and meet some aliens and enjoy everything time and space has to offer. So it’s kind of a freedom and an adrenaline-seeking high that she’s always running towards, which obviously creates some danger along the way.

    Does that mean the tone of the season is a little more rompy perhaps?

    I wouldn’t say “rompy,” but a lot more seizing the moment and adrenaline-fueled. Because you know, the nature of some of the episodes are darker. There’s some really provoking episodes, actually. But each episode has its own feel. But it’s definitely the glory days of Clara and The Doctor.

    What do you mean by “really provoking” episodes?

    What do I mean without telling you (too much)? I suppose something that has a relevance to some stuff kind of happening today, really interesting, makes you think, provoking. It feels like a new kind of episode for “Doctor Who,” maybe more political.

    Will her new attitude make her more reckless? And will the doctor appreciate that?

    Yes, absolutely. Yeah, he’s totally with her. They’re both pretty reckless; they’re both having the time of their lives living in the TARDIS—nothing to lose, seemingly. So yeah, it’s definitely got that reckless abandon about it.

    And their relationship is–

    Solid, yeah. I mean, I’m sure there’s some slaps in there somewhere and they obviously disagree, but I’d say they’re much more on an even keel, I suppose. And there’s a lot more give and take. She can tell him off, and vice versa, and then they’ll kind of forget it and carry on. It’s a really lovely relationship. They’ve definitely found their groove together.

    Is it true that you’re about to be the longest running companion?

    I don’t know, someone told me yesterday I was the fourth, after Sarah Jane. I don’t know.

    You’re definitely up there.

    How much until I get to number one? How many more?

    Is that an ambition, you want to stick around that long?

    It’s not really an ambition. I mean, I love the show and, you know, there really isn’t any time to get bored. Every episode is so, so different. But it’s really nice to have the history of having known The Doctor for so long, and having worked with Matt [Smith] and met some of the other doctors and the character going through a time stream. So that kind of history of knowing that character for so long and being his friend for so long, it’s really nice to have that.

    When it happens, how would you like to see Clara go?

    I have no idea. I really don’t. I mean, I think the problem is that she loves the Doctor so, so much. I have no idea what it would take to make her leave! [Laughs] I mean, I supposed when you’ve seen all of time and space and you’ve been given those opportunities, how do you just go back to your own life? How do you go back to teaching? Because suddenly you’ve opened your eyes to the universe? So really, I have no idea.

    So she’s sticking around the whole season?

    You’ll have to watch to see.

    So you worked with “Game of Thrones'” Maisie Williams this season. Can you talk about what she was like and what that episode was like?

    Yes, she was brilliant and the three of us have a really good dynamic. Peter was so outnumbered. It was brilliant! And the three of us we recently went to the Glastonbury Festival and we taught Peter some new cool terminology. I was trying to be cool the first day she arrived. I think she’s brilliant and sharp and honest and just really cool as well. We’ve kind described her performance as metamorphic.

    Did you two share deep dark secrets about each other’s shows?

    No! We refused to let her. We didn’t want any spoilers about “Thrones” at all.

    What terminology were you teaching Peter?

    The word “ape” and “sick.” That means when something’s really good, that’s ape.

    That’s new to us too. Is sick good or bad now?

    It’s good now.

    Is Peter using them now?

    Yeah, yeah after a take he says, ‘That was ape.’

    Yeah, he’s completely different from his character.

    So different! I think people expect him to be growly and moody and a bit mean, maybe. But he’s so the opposite of that. He does it really well.

    He just turns it on and off?

    Yeah, I think it’s the Scottishness as well.

    Does he ever divert to the character we know him for so well and just curse like “In The Loop”?

    Does he revert to Malcolm Tucker? No, no he’s very far removed from that character. But he does improvise a lot. Sometimes, in between scenes, the two of us will improvise a lot together and let the cameras roll and then work our way into the scene a bit. So there’s quite a lot of that kind of stuff that goes on. But he’s great. He just throws (himself into it). He’s so unvain. Is that the word? Unvain, is there a better word?

    Like not self-conscious?

    He’s not self-conscious, but also, he has like no ego and he’s willing to look stupid. He’s so generous and he will go into a scene and try a million things and isn’t afraid to be right or wrong. It makes him such an interesting actor. He’s like a rocket in this series. He’s like an absolute firecracker with the performances that he’s pulled out, which is so funny but also really deep and moving and striking as well. It’s quite a good journey for the Doctor this series.

    Is there anything from Season 7 that was improvised that you can think of?

    There was actually. It didn’t have to do with me, but I’ll tell you everybody else’s secrets. The scene with Tom Baker and Matt in the 50th has a bit of it there. The whole “thank you very much,” that bit was improvised.

    Do I remember correctly hearing the Christmas episode was written differently at the end? It had written you out originally and you changed your mind?

    No, it was very confusing, but my contract was up. But much earlier [than the Christmas special was shot], I decided to stay and do another series with Peter.

    So it probably only got to the draft stage?


    So the rumor that the ending (of “Last Christmas”) where you’re old, that was never on its own the original ending?

    I don’t know. But it was decided much earlier that we would stay and do Season Eight.

    So you never saw a script where it ended there?


    It feels like so much of the news around “Doctor Who” is like, who’s parting and who’s coming on. And I’m curious, is that at all frustrating? Constantly being asked if you’re quitting your job?

    Mmm that’s something I was really very aware of when I started, because you literally start and people say ‘When are you going to leave?’ When Peter was cast people were like ‘Who’s going to be the next Doctor?’ and he’s like give me a week! But I suppose it’s the nature of the show and it’s what makes the show really exciting. But as I came in Arthur [Darvill] and Karen [Gillan] were leaving, so there was that in the air, and obviously Matt left soon after. So I think you’ve always aware of the ticking clock, I suppose. And enjoy it while it lasts because it’s really a one of a kind job.

    It seems like the opposite is true too. Like, a lot of fans want you to break records, want you to stay as long as Sarah Jane and want someone to break Tom Baker’s record as longest running doctor.

    What is it like 7 years?

    I mean, I doubt anyone is going to do that.

    Who knows?

    You worked with some female directors this year as well, like in the season finale. Can you talk about that and what the finale was like?

    Oh of this series? This series we haven’t done the finale yet, we’re mid-shooting, we’re literally on episode 11. So we haven’t even seen episode 12. That’s quite good actually, so it’s not like I even have to pretend (that I don’t know things).

    So you haven’t even seen the script for 12?

    No, we go back to shoot it in a couple of weeks. We’ve had Hettie MacDonald in episode 1 and 2, who is brilliant. It’s hard because I actually haven’t seen them yet. But in terms of on set, working with Hettie and Michelle there’s a lot of days where it’s the three of us. It’s been rare we’ve had some female directors, but she’s strong and a brilliant storyteller, visually really interesting.

    “Doctor Who” Season Nine begins September 19.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      BBC Worldwide Annual Review

      Doctor Who features prominently in the annual BBC Annual Review, published today.

      Lord Hall, Director General of the BBC and the Chairman of BBC Worldwide, the Corporations commercial arm, singled out Doctor Who as one of the success stories for BBC Worldwide, which allows audiences in the UK to enjoy investment in programmes at a higher level than the licence fee alone can provide. Series 8 of Doctor Who, which was seen in the UK by an average consolidated audience of 7.4m, has now aired in over 70 other countries, and achieved record ratings on BBC America and Space channel in Canada.

      Doctor Who is one of the BBC's best selling brands, along with Top Gear, Orphan Black and Life Hall and Series 8 has been licensed to 189 territories in the year

      One stand out achievement listed in the report is Doctor Who: The World Tour which took place last summer.

      Building on the success of the 50th anniversary we embarked on a 12-day global promotional tour for series eight. We visited South Korea, Australia, USA, Mexico and Brazil introducing the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, and companion Clara, Jenna Coleman, to international fans. This was a first for a British TV series and featured a creative social media programme with activity on Facebook generating 130m post impressions and more than 2m video views across Facebook and YouTube.
      The report highlights new licensing deals for core BBC brands including a Doctor Who partnership with LEGO.

      The report highlights that the launch of series eight on BBC America delivered the show’s highest ratings to date for the channel, up 19.7% versus prior series, with an average of 2.2m viewers each week. Meanwhile licensing sales on the title returned year-on-year growth in North America.

      Doctor Who remains the number one TV brand on Tumblr and ranks among Twitter’s top five most-tweeted about original dramas.


        Doctor Who Series 10 Confirmed
        Tuesday, 14 July, 2015 - Reported by Marcus

        Hidden away on page 32 of the BBC Worldwide Annual Review, published today, is the first official confirmation of the commissioning of Doctor Who Series 10

        On page 32 of the report, detailing with Corporate governance the text reads
        During the year matters under review included plans to launch the global genre brands BBC First in Australia and New Zealand on Foxtel and BBC Brit and BBC Earth in Poland; and investments in The Musketeers S3 and Doctor Who S10. Additionally, during the year WEx reviewed people policies and development opportunities across the company.

        Full report on the review here

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          Steven Moffat defends BBC

          Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat is one of a number of Hollywood stars and TV professionals to write to the British Prime Minister in defence of the BBC.

          The Corporation is currently the subject of a review of its scope and purpose in the period leading up to its charter renewal in 2016. The new Conservative government has many Members of Parliament who think the BBC does too much and should reduce in size, concentrating on public service output and ceasing to supply popular entertainment and drama. It's a view held by many of the BBC's commercial rivals.

          The BBC is funded by a licence fee of £145 per year, levied on all Televisions in the United Kingdom. Last week the Corporation was told to take on the cost of supplying free TV Licences to those over 75, a move which will cost it over £500 million.

          The government has appointed eight people to work on the renewal of the BBC's royal charter, many of whom have previously called for the licence fee to be cut and to consider charging for website output.

          The Director General, Lord Hall on Tuesday defended the BBC saying the government must not meddle with the BBC's creative output and that it is one of this country's most precious assets.

          The letter, which is also signed by many stars of stage and screen including David Attenborough, Brian Cox, Richard Curtis, Judi Dench, JK Rowling and Daniel Craig is a statement of support for the Corporation and for its long term future.

          We have seen that the Government has pledged to modernise the licence fee, return funding that had been diverted to pay for broadband roll-out, and increase the licence fee in line with inflation in return for the BBC taking on the costs of Licence Fees for the over 75's.

          The Government and the BBC are now entering the Charter Review. We are writing to place on record at the very start of the process our concern that nothing should be done to diminish the BBC or turn it into a narrowly focused market-failure broadcaster.

          In our view, a diminished BBC would simply mean a diminished Britain. The BBC is a very precious institution. Like all organisations, it has its faults but it is overwhelmingly a creative force for good.

          Britain's creative economy is growing and enjoying unprecedented success. The BBC is at the heart of this as the global showcase for our creative industries. The BBC is trusted and loved at home by British audiences and is the envy of the world abroad.

          During the course of the Charter, we will continue to make the case for a strong BBC at the centre of British life and will be vocal in making the case for the BBC as it approaches its centenary.


            Originally posted by Alan View Post
            Doctor Who Series 10 Confirmed
            Tuesday, 14 July, 2015 - Reported by Marcus


            Hidden away on page 32 of the BBC Worldwide Annual Review, published today, is the first official confirmation of the commissioning of Doctor Who Series 10

            On page 32 of the report, detailing with Corporate governance the text reads
            During the year matters under review included plans to launch the global genre brands BBC First in Australia and New Zealand on Foxtel and BBC Brit and BBC Earth in Poland; and investments in The Musketeers S3 and Doctor Who S10. Additionally, during the year WEx reviewed people policies and development opportunities across the company.

            Full report on the review here
            Good news!


              RIP Olaf Pooley


              Olaf Pooley was Doctor Who’s oldest surviving actor until he passed away yesterday at the grand old age of 101.

              As ever with people who have crossed paths with the famous Time Lord, there was much more to him than his 7 weeks as the obstinate Professor Stahlman in the Jon Pertwee classic Inferno (1970). That said, it’s a terrific turn – a plausible villain whose motivation is utterly believable and who never strays into caractature. Pooley was reluctant to don the make-up required to transform him into one of the monsters of the piece – a Primord (basically Lemmy from Moorhead after being bitten by a werewolf member of ZZ Top) – but this didn’t stop him from delivering an entirely committed and serious performance as the testy and driven scientist impatient to crack the Earth’s core. When the Doctor is transported to a parallel world Stahlman’s alternative counterpart is crueller and more powerful, not afraid to have pesky, interfering time traveller erased by the military regime in charge of the totalitarian state. Inferno is indisputably one of the show’s true classics and Pooley is an essential part of it’s dark, gritty and tense DNA.

              Born in Dorset during the First World War he spent much of the Second in Rep at the Liverpool Playhouse and Theatre Royal, Bristol and also appeared in the very first UK production of Twelve Angry Men at the Queen’s Theatre, London. He had, though, originally studied architecture and painting and enjoyed much success as an artist, exhibiting all over the world and spending his final days, still wielding his brush, in Santa Monica.

              He is one of a small but illustrious bevy of actors to have appeared in both Doctor Who and Star Trek (the Voyager episode Blink Of An Eye). He had emigrated to the USA in the 1980s and so much of his CV is taken up with the likes of MacGyver (1985), Hill Street Blues (1986), LA Law (1992) and Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman (1996).

              More at the link above.


                Ianto Jones returns - some Big Finish/Torchwood news here on the Big Finish thread -



                  As long as the BBC entertains and educates, don't touch it.
                  Also, such a shame about Pooley. I loved him in Inferno, he was brilliant.
                  "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                    Originally posted by rushy View Post
                    As long as the BBC entertains and educates, don't touch it.
                    Also, such a shame about Pooley. I loved him in Inferno, he was brilliant.
                    Hear, hear.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Tweet from the British Monarchy (@BritishMonarchy) - John Hurt at Windsor Castle after receiving his knighthood.


                      Or should I say Sir John Hurt.


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        Tweet from the British Monarchy (@BritishMonarchy) - John Hurt at Windsor Castle after receiving his knighthood.


                        Or should I say Sir John Hurt.
                        Many congratulations to Sir John Hurt on his Knighthood!

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Another pic



                            io9 Video Interview
                            Exclusive: Peter Capaldi thinks the Doctor knows he made the Daleks worse:


                            io9 Video Interview
                            Exclusive: Jenna Coleman tells us why she wasn't quite ready to leave the Doctor behind:


                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              Interview with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman (Berlin, 17th July 2015)
                              Saturday, July 18, 2015 - Reviewed by Pascal Salzmann


                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Tweet from Doctor Who Magazine.

                                Issue 489 of Doctor Who Magazine is out in shops this Thursday (23 July). Here's a first look at the front cover!

