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Doctor Who News, Articles, Cast and Crew Interviews

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    LOL. Another great gif from you Nolamom.

    BBC Books re-issue eleven novels for 50th Anniversary

    BBC Worldwide have announced the re-issue of eleven books featuring all eleven Doctors as part of the celebration of Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary, each featuring a new cover and special introduction.

    The books hail from various periods in the history of Doctor Who in print, and feature a variety of well-known authors:

    The First Doctor: Ten Little Aliens, by Stephen Cole (2002)
    The Second Doctor: Dreams of Empire, by Justin Richards (1998)
    The Third Doctor: Last of the Gaderene, by Mark Gatiss (2000)
    The Fourth Doctor: Festival of Death, by Jonathan Morris (2000)
    The Fifth Doctor: Fear of the Dark, by Trevor Baxendale (2003)
    The Sixth Doctor: Players, by Terrance Dicks (1999)
    The Seventh Doctor: Remembrance of the Daleks, by Ben Aaronovitch (1990)
    The Eighth Doctor: Earthworld, by Jacqueline Rayner (2001)
    The Ninth Doctor: Only Human, by Gareth Roberts (2005)
    The Tenth Doctor: Beautiful Chaos, by Gary Russell (2008)
    The Eleventh Doctor: The Silent Stars Go By, by Dan Abnett (2011)


      In SFX Issue 233. (Out Now)

      There are articles about Dr Who.
      Jenna-Louise Coleman talks to SFX. And the Executive Producer spills new series and 50th anniversary secrets.

      Or you could try the following link...
      "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
      Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
      Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
      Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
      I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
      To thy own self... Be true
      May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


        Will Whithouse be Moffat’s Successor?

        Toby Whithouse has spoken about the possibly of taking over as the next head writer when Steven Moffat hands over the reins.

        Whithouse previously penned Doctor Who episodes School Reunion, The Vampires of Venice, The God Complex and last year’s A Town Called Mercy. His own show, Being Human, concluded last night after five series.

        On the rumours of him working full time on Doctor Who in the future, he said: “I have heard the rumours. I’ve been hearing them for years now. In terms of what Matt and Steven are planning after the anniversary, I do know the answers to those things, but there is absolutely no way I can tell anyone.

        “In terms of my future on Doctor Who, this kind of speculation only takes place in the heads of the fans. I’m going to be busy doing The Game for however long that lasts and I think Steven is doing incredible work on Doctor Who and I’d much rather he stay there. No-one from the BBC has said anything to me. Whether or not it’s something the BBC is considering, I genuinely have no idea.

        “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by the idea, but also it would be terrifying. It’s definitely something I’d be really tempted by but I’m genuinely not in any hurry to do it. And why do people assume the BBC would want me? I’m sure there are much stronger contenders than me!”


          Wow, suprised no ones posted this yet

          Clara back in Series 8

          Doctor Who Pointless special!

          Sedgwick on his 50th Anniversary short story.


            McCoy on 50th Anniversary


              Season 7 Part 2 DVD update


                I don't know if you guys have seen this, but I thought it was great fun.



                  Thank you for posting that...
                  "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                  Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                  Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                  Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                  I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                  To thy own self... Be true
                  May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                    Alex Kingston: “I Will Always Say Yes.”


                    River Song herself, Alex Kingston, is interviewed in the current issue of Radio Times, dated 16th- 22nd March 2013.

                    In the Q&A, My Watchlist, the actress, who recently appeared in Who Do You Think You Are? and NCIS, reveals that she’d definitely be up for the return of River:

                    I’m so attached to that character. I never expected her to grow and develop in the way she has. You never know whether she’s going to be hard-ass or good. As long as Steven Moffat has storylines that include her, I will always say yes.
                    Alex has played River Song since 2008’s Silence in the Library/ Forest of the Dead, written by current-showrunner, Steven Moffat – in which she died! – and has since appeared in stories like The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, A Good Man Goes To War and The Angels Take Manhattan.

                    Edit - Loved the vid!!
                    Last edited by Blencathra; 12 March 2013, 04:08 PM.


                      Ive seen that vid before but I watched it again as it is epic! Also havn't been watching NCIS lately & didn't know Alex was in it, until I found out on Facebook, where she has lines that link her to Doctor Who! god I need to catch up fast & watch that episode!
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        Its a good episode!
                        And damn Blen, coming back and beating me!


                          Caroline Skinner leaves Doctor Who...


                            That's unexpected! How very strange.

                            Edit - Just thought I'd say that since this announcement the silence from the all the Doctor Who people I follow on twitter has been deafening. Not a single " Goodbye" or "Good luck with your new job" ... just.... nothing.
                            Last edited by Blencathra; 14 March 2013, 01:59 AM.


                              I've just spotted something of interest which may or may not be true.

                              Despite it being reported that filming for the 50th anniversary starts on 18th March, Doctor Who Locations have had a tweet from someone saying that they spotted Matt Smith filming on 9th March

                              in the dark on Ogmore beach.

                              And we're off! (Hopefully)

                              Edit - Update on Twitter from Tom Spilsbury, Editor DWM

                              @dannylavery says

                              rumours are the 50th shoot is delayed from 18/3 after 5live on Monday. Any truth? When's the readthrough do you know
                              Reply from Tom

                              @dannylavery It's starting shooting in April, I believe. Date changed after we went to press in Feb. Don't know when the readthrough is.
                              Last edited by Blencathra; 14 March 2013, 02:04 AM.


                                Doctor Who: never-before-seen scripts uncovered in Kent


                                A cache of never-before-seen Doctor Who scripts, including one for a serial that was replaced by the first Daleks story, have been unearthed in Herne Bay in Kent.

                                They were discovered by local prop maker Jason Onion, who found them while researching the town’s links with the BBC sci-fi drama.

                                The scripts were nestled in a box of papers belonging to the late writer and TARDIS creator Anthony Coburn, who used to live in Herne Bay.

                                Onion said that he wasn’t initially aware of the significance of his find and believed the scripts to be copies of existing Doctor Who screenplays.

                                “With the consent of Anthony's wife, Joan Coburn-Moon, and other family members, the family lent me a box of his work and I saw the scripts, but put them to one side,” he told “When I scanned the cover later I realised it didn't have the right title for the first episode.

                                "I had a look and as soon as I saw the first few pages I knew it was not the episode that had been televised. I just sat there, and stared and stared. I wanted to cover them with glass. They are unbelievably precious, and I had them in my hand.”

                                The collection includes two versions of Doctor Who’s very first episode, An Unearthly Child, an alternative second episode and another three scripts including a story about the Masters of Luxor, which was replaced by 1963’s The Daleks.

                                "You can see that the template for the Daleks came from Anthony,” Onion said. “You can see in these episodes a device to unlock TARDIS, which became the sonic screwdriver, and the science and regeneration and renewal of the body, which were all created in Anthony's mind.

                                “This find completes the genesis of Doctor Who from Anthony Coburn's imagination. The drafts explain the mystery of Doctor Who, his origins, his people and all the background.”

                                The scripts are currently being held at a secret location and Onion is seeking permission from Coburn’s family to exhibit them publicly later this year.

                                "It may be possible to arrange something for the 50th anniversary of the series in November,” he said. “It would be fantastic to celebrate Herne Bay's connection and give Anthony Coburn the credit he deserves."

                                Pictures of some of the pages of the scripts here ->

