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Doctor Who News, Articles, Cast and Crew Interviews

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    Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
    They literally did with season 6, only one Dalek featured...
    One too many..... haha.... Wasn't it just the eyestalk that the Doctor put on the bar counter?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      One too many..... haha.... Wasn't it just the eyestalk that the Doctor put on the bar counter?
      Nope. Opening post-credits scene of The Wedding of River Song, "Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, you looked up... and saw the face of the devil himself. Hello, Dalek."
      And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
      Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        Why can't they give the Daleks a rest one series?
        Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
        They literally did with season 6, only one Dalek featured...
        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        One too many..... haha.... Wasn't it just the eyestalk that the Doctor put on the bar counter?
        Originally posted by Sealurk View Post
        Nope. Opening post-credits scene of The Wedding of River Song, "Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, you looked up... and saw the face of the devil himself. Hello, Dalek."
        Excuse me but can the conversation and indeed ALL conversations be held in a more appropriate thread and this place kept strictly for news and interviews. Thank you.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          Her Universe: Doctor Who T Shirts

          A company specialising in merchandise for female fans have been granted a licence by BBC Worldwide to produce a range of official t-shirts themed around Doctor Who. Her Universe aims to feature images, characters and phrases from the Doctor Who universe all with fashion-forward designs for girls to look "Geek Chic", and launches the range on 11th July with three designs themed around River Song's high heels, Amy's experience with the TARDIS, and Van Gogh's painting of the 'cracked' TARDIS.

          Ashley Eckstein, founder of Her Universe, said

          Her Universe is a line for the fans. Many of our design choices and decisions are influenced by our fans and Doctor Who was the #1 requested license by fangirls for us to pursue next. It was truly a dream come true when BBC Worldwide asked us to do their female merchandise and I am beyond excited to share this extraordinary announcement with our girls today! In the words of the Doctor, I feel like screaming Geronimo!
          Items from the Doctor Who Fangirl Fashion Collection can be ordered from the Her Universe website, and will also be available from US national retail outlets.

          At last!! Doctor Who T shirts with V necks and designs that aren't on the chest area.


            2012 Doctor Who Title Tweak?
            June 30th, 2012

            As some of may have already noticed a few of the official Doctor Who websites have updated with slightly tweaked versions of the logo.

            Here’s how it was before:

            click image for larger version

            And after:

            click image for larger version

            The top one from the BBC site has a silver tint, while the one on the bottom from the Facebook page keeps the familiar blue scheme. The biggest change is obviously the moving of the “DW” to the right. Doctor Who Magazine have also followed suit.

            Whether this means the title sequence will be tweaked as well is guesswork at the moment. Perhaps this indicates some bigger changes to come as preparation for 50th anniversary?

            What do you think?

            Link to original article here:
            Last edited by Alan; 21 September 2022, 11:16 AM.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              I hadn't noticed the change on the magazine.

              Alan, you'll have to alter your sig.

              Once again Doctor Who proves it appeals to all ages.

              Look who's landed . . . pensioner's appointment with Doctor's assistant Amy Pond


              A LLANELLI pensioner swapped her usual morning routine for life on a film set when she spotted Doctor Who crews in her hometown.


              Ruth Edwards joined directors and cameramen to watch an episode of the sci-fi drama being filmed at Box Cemetery.

              And she was delighted to meet the cast afterwards, chatting to the Doctor himself — Matt Smith — as well as Karen Gillan, who plays Amy Pond.

              "It was really exciting," she said.

              "Only one scene was shot, and I can't say what happened, but the Doctor was quite scary.

              "I didn't realise how hard they work just to get one scene — it was repeat, after repeat, after repeat — and there were so many people involved."
              Last edited by Blencathra; 30 June 2012, 04:14 AM.


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I hadn't noticed the change on the magazine.

                Alan, you'll have to alter your sig.
                I don't think the logo for the magazine has actually changed yet and my sig will reflect the change after it débuts on TV...if it even débuts at all.

                Interview with ‘Doctor Who’ star Paul McGann
                By Neela Debnath
                Saturday, 30 June 2012 at 11:00 am

                Neela Debnath recently attended autograph convention, Collectormania in Milton Keynes where she interviewed actor Paul McGann about his time on ‘Doctor Who’.

                This is the most surreal interview I have ever done. I am sitting next to Withnail and I and Doctor Who actor Paul McGann at Collectormania, a convention where fans can meet their science fiction and fantasy heroes up close and get signed photos and memorabilia. The only thing is, I have joined McGann on the other side of the table while he meets fans. He hastily pulled up a chair for me so that I could sit next to him rather than leaning over the table.

                Somehow this feels wrong. I shouldn’t be on this side of the table which is reserved for television and film legends while the other is for the fans. I probably shouldn’t mention the fact that I’m a bit of a Whovian myself or that I had a massive crush on his Doctor as an eleven-year-old…

                ‘This is going to have to be an action interview,’ he tells me and he’s not kidding. The interview is conducted in the snatches of time between him meeting fans, signing autographs and getting up to take photos with adoring fans. At times he becomes so engrossed in meeting his fans that he loses the thread of the conversation and I have to remind of the question. But throughout he seems to have boundless energy as he flits between the interview and engaging with the people who have come to see him.

                Although McGann only played the Time Lord for six weeks while he filmed the 1996 Doctor Who film, it is something that has stayed with him throughout his career. The film was supposed to be a pilot for a television series, unfortunately the ratings were not as high as expected and it was a further nine years before the show would return to the small screen.

                I ask him whether he was asked to take on the mantle of the Time Lord again when the show was rebooted in 2005. The role eventually went to Christopher Eccleston. ‘No, I didn’t and in fact since we’d filmed the pilot, since ending the film, no one’s ever called me. I’ve never been invited aside from the audios which I do with Big Finish.’

                He tells me to hold that thought while he speaks to a fan who tells him how much they enjoyed Withnail and I. I then have to duck out of the way when they ask to have their photo taken with him. This is going to be a recurring theme throughout the interview. The woman assisting McGann with the signing and stocking him with pens and photos laughs as I try to hide from view.

                Next year is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who and there will undoubtedly be a celebration to mark the milestone. For the 20th anniversary of the show there was a specially-made film called The Five Doctors which featured five incarnations of the Time Lord. But McGann says he hasn’t heard anything about the celebrations for the 50th. ‘No, I mean, I know it’s imminent but no, there’s been no invites to or sounding out taking place but maybe it will happen, we don’t know.’

                On the topic of Doctor Who old and new, does McGann watch the new series? ‘I don’t have a television. No. So, I don’t watch anything. In fact some of my mates, particularly my gay mates, they say: ‘how do you live? What do you do?’ I’ve never seen an episode of Friends. I don’t know who the newscasters are.’ He sighs: ‘I just got out of the habit.’

                ‘Never watch myself. Sometimes you’re made to watch yourself. […] I’ve just about got used to the sound of my own voice, doing voice works. But actors are like everyone else, why would you want to look at yourself? See yourself leaving a room?’

                ‘But I know Matt Smith and I saw him the other day. It’s in safe hands, the kid’s obviously brilliant, a really, really good choice to take it on.’

                When McGann was drafted in to play the Doctor for the film, the television series had been off the air for seven years. It was a welcome return for Whovians missing the show but the character of the Doctor was quite prescriptive for McGann down to the costume.

                ‘I was only Doctor Who for six weeks, so there was very little latitude. We had to do the pilot and the pilot was for North America, just basically hit a lot of iconic beats. You know, a lot of it was compulsory.’

                He goes on to say: ‘For some reason it never made the ratings or it didn’t make the cut. It’s a shame, it’s showbiz. But if there’s any solace, any vindication, I think we were probably at least responsible for generating enough momentum to get the thing back on the box back in England. Because of that period, the interregnum, means that I was actually the longest-serving – by accident though’.

                I tell him not to let Tom Baker hear that. Baker is also at Collectormania and played the Doctor for seven years. He is possibly the most iconic incarnation of the Time Lord with his big hair and ridiculously long, stripey scarf. McGann retorts: ‘Bring him in! I’ll tell him myself!’

                McGann then turns his attention back to the fans and says: ‘Terrible wig, terrible wig, what were they thinking?’ He is referring to the lustrous mane that his Doctor had and there are a whole stack of photos of him with this bouffant barnet.

                He tells me that he used to watch the show back in the Sixties and that his Doctor was the first one, William Hartnell. ‘I’m pretty old but keep it to yourself,’ he adds conspiratorially before sharing a joke with another fan.

                From this side of the table you can see the eager but patient queue of people waiting for their turn to meet him. He is friendly, asking their name or shaking their hand and almost feeding off their positive energy. For fans, it makes meeting your hero something you’ll never forget.

                He turns back to me and has completely forgotten what we were talking about. I tell him that we were discussing his Doctor. ‘Was I? Oh yeah. So then there was only three channels on the telly anyway, so every kid watched Doctor Who. You came home from school and it was on all the time, you watched it.’

                ‘I was never a huge fan [...] but in fact since doing it I’ve really had to play catch up because there’s decades of mythology that you’ve got to learn and people with PhDs in it.’ McGann explains how he is quizzed on his knowledge of the show. ‘Yeah, they’re really tough. I’m always forever making mistakes and now they know I’m crap.’

                He adds: ‘I loved Hartnell. He seemed like a Victorian, someone kind of stern and paterfamilias about him. Something kind but scary, I like that.’

                At this point a fan holding a five-foot canvas depicting all eleven incarnations of the Doctor arrives at the table. He would like McGann to sign the painting and take a picture with it. This time I crouch under the table to avoid getting in the way.

                Traditionally, the relationship between the Doctor and his companions was strictly platonic but the 1996 film broke from this when McGann kissed his assistant Grace Holloway played by Daphne Ashbrook. ‘Yeah, it caused this brouhaha and I was completely nonplussed and of course Daphne Ashbrook, the girl who’d never heard of Doctor Who in the first place, was completely mystified.’

                ‘Like I said, I’m not that hot on the mythology, I didn’t know that. And could you imagine Pertwee kissing anything or anyone or Tom Baker? Tom Baker giving someone a snog, that would have to be after the watershed, wouldn’t it?

                I mention to McGann that his Doctor’s kiss is a tradition that has been carried on in the rebooted series. Audiences have seen Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor kiss Billie Piper’s companion Rose Tyler, while David Tennant has locked lips with each of his three main companions. Matt Smith’s Doctor has shared a smooch both with Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond and Alex Kingston’s River Song. ‘See what we started. See we broke new ground.’

                Before I go, McGann tells me he has a couple of projects lined up. He will be starring alongside Martin Clunes in a two-part ITV crime thriller called A Mother’s Son, about a woman trying to keep her family together despite her suspicions that her son could be a murderer.

                He will also be making a guest appearance in BBC drama Ripper Street which explores London in the aftermath of the Jack the Ripper murders. McGann says of his character in Ripper Street: ‘He’s this corrupt, self-aggrandising politician type. It’s going to be really good, I think. Doing that, doing a bunch of audios for this [Doctor Who]. Some other things which I’d tell you about but I’d have to kill you.’

                And on that note we finish up the interview which has been interesting to say the least. With conventions and crime dramas, it seems like it’s all go for McGann. I thank him before returning to the other side of the table. It’s certainly been an eye-opener, witnessing the convention experience from the perspective of a celebrity, however the side with the queue of fans is probably the right one for me.

                For information about Collectormania visit:

                Link to original article here:

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  Originally posted by Alan View Post
                  I don't think the logo for the magazine has actually changed yet and my sig will reflect the change after it débuts on TV...if it even débuts at all.

                  Interview with ‘Doctor Who’ star Paul McGann
                  By Neela Debnath
                  Saturday, 30 June 2012 at 11:00 am

                  Neela Debnath recently attended autograph convention, Collectormania in Milton Keynes where she interviewed actor Paul McGann about his time on ‘Doctor Who’.

                  This is the most surreal interview I have ever done. I am sitting next to Withnail and I and Doctor Who actor Paul McGann at Collectormania, a convention where fans can meet their science fiction and fantasy heroes up close and get signed photos and memorabilia. The only thing is, I have joined McGann on the other side of the table while he meets fans. He hastily pulled up a chair for me so that I could sit next to him rather than leaning over the table.

                  Somehow this feels wrong. I shouldn’t be on this side of the table which is reserved for television and film legends while the other is for the fans. I probably shouldn’t mention the fact that I’m a bit of a Whovian myself or that I had a massive crush on his Doctor as an eleven-year-old…

                  ‘This is going to have to be an action interview,’ he tells me and he’s not kidding. The interview is conducted in the snatches of time between him meeting fans, signing autographs and getting up to take photos with adoring fans. At times he becomes so engrossed in meeting his fans that he loses the thread of the conversation and I have to remind of the question. But throughout he seems to have boundless energy as he flits between the interview and engaging with the people who have come to see him.

                  Although McGann only played the Time Lord for six weeks while he filmed the 1996 Doctor Who film, it is something that has stayed with him throughout his career. The film was supposed to be a pilot for a television series, unfortunately the ratings were not as high as expected and it was a further nine years before the show would return to the small screen.

                  I ask him whether he was asked to take on the mantle of the Time Lord again when the show was rebooted in 2005. The role eventually went to Christopher Eccleston. ‘No, I didn’t and in fact since we’d filmed the pilot, since ending the film, no one’s ever called me. I’ve never been invited aside from the audios which I do with Big Finish.’

                  He tells me to hold that thought while he speaks to a fan who tells him how much they enjoyed Withnail and I. I then have to duck out of the way when they ask to have their photo taken with him. This is going to be a recurring theme throughout the interview. The woman assisting McGann with the signing and stocking him with pens and photos laughs as I try to hide from view.

                  Next year is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who and there will undoubtedly be a celebration to mark the milestone. For the 20th anniversary of the show there was a specially-made film called The Five Doctors which featured five incarnations of the Time Lord. But McGann says he hasn’t heard anything about the celebrations for the 50th. ‘No, I mean, I know it’s imminent but no, there’s been no invites to or sounding out taking place but maybe it will happen, we don’t know.’

                  On the topic of Doctor Who old and new, does McGann watch the new series? ‘I don’t have a television. No. So, I don’t watch anything. In fact some of my mates, particularly my gay mates, they say: ‘how do you live? What do you do?’ I’ve never seen an episode of Friends. I don’t know who the newscasters are.’ He sighs: ‘I just got out of the habit.’

                  ‘Never watch myself. Sometimes you’re made to watch yourself. […] I’ve just about got used to the sound of my own voice, doing voice works. But actors are like everyone else, why would you want to look at yourself? See yourself leaving a room?’

                  ‘But I know Matt Smith and I saw him the other day. It’s in safe hands, the kid’s obviously brilliant, a really, really good choice to take it on.’

                  When McGann was drafted in to play the Doctor for the film, the television series had been off the air for seven years. It was a welcome return for Whovians missing the show but the character of the Doctor was quite prescriptive for McGann down to the costume.

                  ‘I was only Doctor Who for six weeks, so there was very little latitude. We had to do the pilot and the pilot was for North America, just basically hit a lot of iconic beats. You know, a lot of it was compulsory.’

                  He goes on to say: ‘For some reason it never made the ratings or it didn’t make the cut. It’s a shame, it’s showbiz. But if there’s any solace, any vindication, I think we were probably at least responsible for generating enough momentum to get the thing back on the box back in England. Because of that period, the interregnum, means that I was actually the longest-serving – by accident though’.

                  I tell him not to let Tom Baker hear that. Baker is also at Collectormania and played the Doctor for seven years. He is possibly the most iconic incarnation of the Time Lord with his big hair and ridiculously long, stripey scarf. McGann retorts: ‘Bring him in! I’ll tell him myself!’

                  McGann then turns his attention back to the fans and says: ‘Terrible wig, terrible wig, what were they thinking?’ He is referring to the lustrous mane that his Doctor had and there are a whole stack of photos of him with this bouffant barnet.

                  He tells me that he used to watch the show back in the Sixties and that his Doctor was the first one, William Hartnell. ‘I’m pretty old but keep it to yourself,’ he adds conspiratorially before sharing a joke with another fan.

                  From this side of the table you can see the eager but patient queue of people waiting for their turn to meet him. He is friendly, asking their name or shaking their hand and almost feeding off their positive energy. For fans, it makes meeting your hero something you’ll never forget.

                  He turns back to me and has completely forgotten what we were talking about. I tell him that we were discussing his Doctor. ‘Was I? Oh yeah. So then there was only three channels on the telly anyway, so every kid watched Doctor Who. You came home from school and it was on all the time, you watched it.’

                  ‘I was never a huge fan [...] but in fact since doing it I’ve really had to play catch up because there’s decades of mythology that you’ve got to learn and people with PhDs in it.’ McGann explains how he is quizzed on his knowledge of the show. ‘Yeah, they’re really tough. I’m always forever making mistakes and now they know I’m crap.’

                  He adds: ‘I loved Hartnell. He seemed like a Victorian, someone kind of stern and paterfamilias about him. Something kind but scary, I like that.’

                  At this point a fan holding a five-foot canvas depicting all eleven incarnations of the Doctor arrives at the table. He would like McGann to sign the painting and take a picture with it. This time I crouch under the table to avoid getting in the way.

                  Traditionally, the relationship between the Doctor and his companions was strictly platonic but the 1996 film broke from this when McGann kissed his assistant Grace Holloway played by Daphne Ashbrook. ‘Yeah, it caused this brouhaha and I was completely nonplussed and of course Daphne Ashbrook, the girl who’d never heard of Doctor Who in the first place, was completely mystified.’

                  ‘Like I said, I’m not that hot on the mythology, I didn’t know that. And could you imagine Pertwee kissing anything or anyone or Tom Baker? Tom Baker giving someone a snog, that would have to be after the watershed, wouldn’t it?

                  I mention to McGann that his Doctor’s kiss is a tradition that has been carried on in the rebooted series. Audiences have seen Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor kiss Billie Piper’s companion Rose Tyler, while David Tennant has locked lips with each of his three main companions. Matt Smith’s Doctor has shared a smooch both with Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond and Alex Kingston’s River Song. ‘See what we started. See we broke new ground.’

                  Before I go, McGann tells me he has a couple of projects lined up. He will be starring alongside Martin Clunes in a two-part ITV crime thriller called A Mother’s Son, about a woman trying to keep her family together despite her suspicions that her son could be a murderer.

                  He will also be making a guest appearance in BBC drama Ripper Street which explores London in the aftermath of the Jack the Ripper murders. McGann says of his character in Ripper Street: ‘He’s this corrupt, self-aggrandising politician type. It’s going to be really good, I think. Doing that, doing a bunch of audios for this [Doctor Who]. Some other things which I’d tell you about but I’d have to kill you.’

                  And on that note we finish up the interview which has been interesting to say the least. With conventions and crime dramas, it seems like it’s all go for McGann. I thank him before returning to the other side of the table. It’s certainly been an eye-opener, witnessing the convention experience from the perspective of a celebrity, however the side with the queue of fans is probably the right one for me.

                  For information about Collectormania visit:

                  Link to original article here:

                  ^^^ That was a fantastic interview by the sounds of it. Nice post.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    ^^^ That was a fantastic interview by the sounds of it. Nice post.
                    Your welcome. And thanks for the green.

                    Doctor Who on the Olympic Playlist!
                    Meredith Burdett
                    – June 30, 2012

                    The London Olympics, a time for Britain to spend millions on making the capital look all shiny for a couple of weeks and clog up the train services to make them even more unbearable.

                    However, whilst it may be an overblown pat on the back it’s still a time to reflect on what makes England and especially London so wonderful.

                    As the preparations near their end, a massive 86 track playlist of music to accompany the opening ceremonies has apparently been revealed by the director of the opening ceremonies Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire). However, Olympic officials will not confirm if it is the soundtrack that will definitely be used. It does however give a good indication of what we can expect musically that will reflect London’s rich history, and Boyle being the television patriot he is, has included the Doctor Who theme!

                    Bear in mind that this has not been confirmed as the official playlist but how cool would it be as the ceremonies take place for the theme of a lifetime to be pumping through the speakers and listened to by millions all over the world?

                    Other artists on the list included The Beatles, Oasis, Coldplay, The Chemical Brothers, Muse, Blur and even the EastEnders theme but let’s face it, we’d watch all of the ceremonies just to see the Doctor Who theme play to make life a little bit more like Fear Her.

                    Link to original article here:

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      It had better be on the playlist, its one of the best things to come out of Britain!
                      Not sure on the possible title tweak, is it needed?


                        Apparently Doctor Who will be at Comic Con this year, hoping for a new trailer or release date to come from this!


                          Dame Diana Rigg and Rachael Stirling to star together in Doctor Who
                          Monday, July 02, 2012 - Posted by Chuck Foster

                          The BBC have announced on Twitter that Dame Diana Rigg is to appear in Doctor Who alongside daughter Rachel Stirling; lead writer Steven Moffat said:
                          Dame Diana Rigg, Rachael Stirling and a Mark Gatiss script - a combination of talents you could only get in Doctor Who! Frankly, I'm terrified already!

                          The script commences filming this week, with the pair "playing a mother and daughter with a dark secret". The story is set in Yorkshire, with filming kicking off today at Roath Lock Studios and Bute Town in Rhymney, which stands in for a village in the county.

                          Diana Rigg is of course best remembered as Emma Peel in the 1960s series The Avengers, and also became James Bond's short-lived wife in On Her Majesty's Secret Service; however the actress has had a long career covering stage, screen and television including The Assassination Bureau, Diana, Bleak House and The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries. She also hosted the PBS series Mystery! for some 15 years.

                          On her appearance in another sci-fi/fantasy institution, she said:
                          The first time Rachie and I will be working together is on an episode of “Doctor Who” specially written for us by Mark Gatiss. How lucky is that?

                          Meanwhile, her daughter's career has encompassed starring as Nan in the controversial BBC adaptation of Tipping the Velvet, with other television appearances including The Young Victoria, Boy Meets Girl and last year's Women in Love; she has also appeared in films such as Centurion, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and Snow White and the Huntsman. The actress is also no stranger to the world of Doctor Who, featuring alongside Tom Baker and Louise Jameson, playing Demesne Furze in the recently released Big Finish Fourth Doctor adventure Trail of the White Worm.

                          On her latest role, Rachael said:
                          What joy. I am looking forward to the madness of Doctor Who enormously. Mark Gatiss has written a gift of a script and an on-screen relationship between Ma and I that is truly delicious. We have never before worked together because the offers have not been tempting, but when such a funny and original script comes through you know the time has come.

                          Link to original article here:

                          Series 7 Preview at Comic Con 2012
                          July 2nd, 2012

                          It has been announced that Doctor Who will be at this year’s San Diego Comic Con on Sunday 15 July. As well as a panel with cast and crew, a preview of Series 7 will be shown. For those of us unable to attend let’s hope it also appears online like last year.

                          More details:
                          12:30-1:30 BBC America’s Doctor WhoThe Doctor and the Ponds land in San Diego. BBC America’s Doctor Who stars Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Arthur Darvill join award-winning lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat (Sherlock) and award-winning executive producer Caroline Skinner (The Fades) for a Comic-Con panel and Q&A. As fans eagerly await the new season’s premiere, BBC America is making sure Steven Moffat brings new footage to reveal on the big screens in Hall H. Ahead of the new season, BBC America will première new Doctor Who specials-The Science of Doctor Who, The Women of Doctor Who, The Timey-Wimey Stuff of Doctor Who, and The Destinations of Doctor Who-as part of the Supernatural Saturday programming block starting Saturday, August 4 at 9pm/8c. For those new to Who, the previous two seasons from Steven Moffat are available now on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download. Hall H

                          Link to original article here:
                          Last edited by Alan; 02 July 2012, 05:26 AM.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Bah, youve beaten me to it on both stories Alan!
                            I was right though about us getting new footage (hoping its a new trailer!) at Comic Con


                              By Shaun Kitchener On July 2, 2012
                              PHOTOS: Matt Smith And Jenna-Louise Coleman Get To Work On 'Doctor Who'

                              Stars shoot the new season

                              Matt Smith has been spotted on the set of Doctor Who shooting episodes for the upcoming season of the hit sci-fi show.

                              The popular actor was joined by new assistant Jenna-Louise Coleman and veteran actress Dame Diana Rigg for filming in Butetown, Cardiff today.

                              Brendan Patricks was also seen on the, erm, scene.

                              Coleman replaces Karen Gillan, who filmed her final scenes earlier this year. They will be broadcast near the beginning of the next run of episodes.

                              Take a look at snaps from the shoot below. We can't wait for the new season... feels like it's been years!

                              Link to article containing 5 photos containing Matt wearing yet another clothing variation (plus new hat) here:

                              Series 7 filming: Welcome to Sweetville
                              July 2nd, 2012

                              After several weeks of studio filming (aside from a couple of days spent on more “Cubed” reshoots), the Doctor Who production team have been back out in the open shooting Series 7 today.

                              This post may contain mild spoilers.

                              According to the clapperboard they are shooting episode 9 (rumoured title, The Crimson Horror). The episode appears to be set (or at least part-set) in a strange 19th century village.

                              Matt Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman and Diana Rigg were all on set.

                              It looks as though the Doctor will be adding yet another costume to his wardrobe! He was snapped in this little number wearing a bowler hat.

                              Jenna-Louise, meanwhile, was in period costume this time.

                              Below Matt Smith and Diana Rigg. She will be playing a character called Mrs Gillyflower (referred to as “the ice lady”).

                              A line of overheard dialogue: “There is something very odd about that factory – nobody who goes in seems to come back out. And there’s never any smoke.”

                              Brendan Patricks is also guest starring. He is playing Edmund and Jeremiah (presumably twins). Below he is in scene with Matt and Jenna.

                              RETURNING CHARACTER SPOILER!
                              Catrin Stewart was also spotted reprising her role as Jenny (From A Good Man Goes To War). No sign of her partner Madame Vastra but it would seem unusual if she didn’t turn up at some point now, as was rumoured.

                              [Thanks to Ryan Farrell]

                              Link to original article containing photos REMEMBER THERE ARE NO SPOILER TAGS SO ENTER AT OWN RISK here:
                              Last edited by Alan; 02 July 2012, 02:13 PM.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Alan Alan Alan... why are you so quick?
                                Interesting news regarding the spoiler.
                                Seems the Daily Star may get something right
                                All we need now is for Madame Vastra to turn up...

