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Fox developing an American version of Torchwood

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    Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
    CoE Jack would fit perfectly on American television; his sexuality was already watered down. He didn't flirt. There was no sexual banter. He turned down end of the world sex.

    I guess it just bothers me a bit to hear how America is going to ruin this "great thing" when the very changes that are being protested happened in the British version first. I'm being weirdly defensive about this...
    Oh, I understand perfectly what you're saying. And I think you have a valid point. Until you mentioned it, I hadn't even thought about how reserved Jack was in CoE (relatively speaking), but you're right.

    I just have this feeling that if Jack's sexuality is toned down for an American version of Torchwood, RTD (or whoever ends up being in charge) will claim that it's because they want the new Torchwood to be more "serious" and that the sexual banter doesn't fit with the "dramatic style" they are going after. But that's just a hunch on my part. *shrug*
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    Hallowed are the Optimi.


      they'll find a way to spin it that isn't 'we're afraid we'll tick off the conservative homophobes in the viewing audience, thus we toned him down'

      the thing is, no matter what they do, some group somewhere will protest it. So just make the show and don't fuss over silly things like sexuality. don't make a big deal about it, just let it be, and i bet half the time by the time whatever group that doesn't like it finds out about it, the show will have been airing for weeks/months.

      in a way, this is a thumbing of the nose to Barrowman. Captain Jack's omnisexuality spoke to his centuries long experiences, and his - at times - borderline mental instability. he's seen so much, experienced so much, lost so much, that there are times when he's almost overcome with the mental stress. so he learned to live life for the day, throw caution to the wind, not get mired down in 'what if's' and become very open to trying about anything.

      by making him straight, they will lose that part of him. that 'devil may care' attitude. it's too bad to see that
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        I think it's also "a thumbing of the nose to Barrowman" on a personal level. The UK love him as do international Who/Torchwood fans for his role as Captain Jack, but not only are they changing one of the most important aspects of the character, but Barrowman is gay too and is basically being told by Fox that being gay is a bad thing.



          Well, Barrowman doesn't need Torchwood, but Torchwood needs him, so imagine it will all work out in his favor.
          Originally posted by Callista
          Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
          Originally posted by HPMom
          She saw the candle light as many things.


            that's what i meant, changing captain jack's sexuality is a bit of an insult to barrowman. 'ewwe, he's the hero, he CAN'T be *whispers* gay

            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              'Children of Earth' worked because it was an adult story told well. Jack's sexuality only came into it because of the daughter and grandson. If the US version deals with the paranormal and not the personal lives of the Torchwood Nebraska team, then there shouldn't be a problem. Well... Torchwood Nebraska is a problem in itself, but still...
              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                'Children of Earth' worked because it was an adult story told well. Jack's sexuality only came into it because of the daughter and grandson. If the US version deals with the paranormal and not the personal lives of the Torchwood Nebraska team, then there shouldn't be a problem. Well... Torchwood Nebraska is a problem in itself, but still...
                Well, I disagree completely about CoE being an adult story told well, but I have to say, TW in a small town is actually something I could get behind. I don't know, it would have a very different feel to it, something new. Actually, I think as long as it's not set in Cardiff, I could get behind most cities. I think Chicago is a city that a lot of fans are speculating about.

                As long as we don't get Barrowman attempting any southern/mid-western accents again. *shudders*
                Originally posted by Callista
                Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                Originally posted by HPMom
                She saw the candle light as many things.


                  nonono, i was so traumatized by the true blood vampires with bad southern accents that i gave up on it.

                  we dont' ALL twang. just have him do your generic american and he'll do fine
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    nonono, i was so traumatized by the true blood vampires with bad southern accents that i gave up on it.

                    we dont' ALL twang. just have him do your generic american and he'll do fine
                    That vampire porn series doesn't impress me but I what truly traumtized me and probably drove all true vampire lovers up the wall were those Maybeline "vampires" from Twilight. I can live with vampires who speak some sort of English I can only understand half of the time. I love accents and dialects in general and wouldn't mind a nice little accent.
                    He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
                    He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
                    And he's wonderful.


                      well, for me, the twang was so poorly done that it was painful to my ears

                      i know and live with midwest twang, and do it myself when i get drunk

                      but this fake southern accent just grated on my nerves. couple that with - to me - an overabundance of unnecessary sex and nudity, i just saw no reason to carry on.

                      it wasn't like the tudors, where sex was there when teh story demanded it, it was like the story was built around 'how many titty shots can we get in there'

                      now, Torchwood

                      IMHO, sex and sexuality was only a focus when it needed to be. such as that female alien going after tosh, or jack's relationships blowing upin his face. or owen and gwen's little one night stand. jack's homosexuality was less a part of teh show as it was, to me, just in there. it was just a part of him and handled as such rather than 'weeeeee, look at meeeeeeeeee!!! look how hip we are to have a gay character!!!!!!!'

                      maybe we, as a world, would make less of a fuss over someone's sexuality if the media stopped making it such an issue
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        it was like the story was built around 'how many titty shots can we get in there'
                        LOL that was exactly what I was thinking in the few episodes I have seen.

                        Jack is not just plain ol' homosexual. He is PANsexual. He jumps anything that in his opinion was pretty and worth jumping and it didn't matter wether it was a man, woman or an insect like Chantho and I love him for that If that is taken away from him and he become a "gay only by name" then we have a neutered version of Jack.
                        He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
                        He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
                        And he's wonderful.


                          i caught a glimpse of his stint on desperate housewives...and he's such a toned down character i'm afraid that's what he'll be in US Torchwood. He was just another pretty actor playing a role.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            IMHO, sex and sexuality was only a focus when it needed to be. such as that female alien going after tosh, or jack's relationships blowing upin his face. or owen and gwen's little one night stand. jack's homosexuality was less a part of teh show as it was, to me, just in there. it was just a part of him and handled as such rather than 'weeeeee, look at meeeeeeeeee!!! look how hip we are to have a gay character!!!!!!!'

                            maybe we, as a world, would make less of a fuss over someone's sexuality if the media stopped making it such an issue
                            Owen and Gwen had a one night stand? Don't think I remember episode, perfect excuse to re-watch. I think the best thing about us making a fuss over someone's sexuality is the fact we want him gay. We don't want him to be made straight, because of our love for the character and respect for the actor. That to me is something good, even if Fox can't see that.

                            I like Jack a lot, he's like a bisexual Captain Kirk, but unlike Kirk he's willing to stay committed in a relationship and doesn't screw everything that moves.



                              jack is perennially lonely and 'tragic' in that he outlives every single person he loves. thus he loves as much as he can to enjoy what he can while he can. and he doesn't care if it's man or woman, villian or hero, he loves the person, not the gender.

                              as such there was a vivacity and liveliness to him. the devil may care attitude that made him very lovable. if they take that out of him, they might as well recast the role, because he won't be captain jack harkness, he'll be the brit dude that's kickstarting Torchwood North Dakota
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                jack is perennially lonely and 'tragic' in that he outlives every single person he loves. thus he loves as much as he can to enjoy what he can while he can. and he doesn't care if it's man or woman, villian or hero, he loves the person, not the gender.

                                as such there was a vivacity and liveliness to him. the devil may care attitude that made him very lovable. if they take that out of him, they might as well recast the role, because he won't be captain jack harkness, he'll be the brit dude that's kickstarting Torchwood North Dakota
                                Recasting the role would probably be best, because the more distance fans can put between UK Jack and US Jack, the better. Even if we believe the show won't get past the pilot, rather not have Barrowman act as a different version of Jack. If he can't be Jack, he shouldn't try being someone else for it.

                                I'd like to believe the best thing to do is have a Captain Jack cameo, like an O'Neill/Jackson cameo in SGA/U. Something happens, Jack shows up, does his thing, leaves, and lets the new Torchwood team he'd have formed take over.

                                They can have a straight white leader, throw in a sexy colleague for that leader to flirt with to add sexual tension, throw in a black woman, an asian guy and maybe a Native American so they can have an ethic rainbow and when some LGBT (I think that's the right order) group complain because they cut out the gay character, they can magically make one the black woman lesbian because lesbians seem to be more acceptable than gay men.


