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Ianto Jones/Gareth David-Lloyd Thunk and Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by rosey_angel View Post
    Ianto the builder, can he fix it??? Ianto the builder, yes he can!
    If Ianto were still alive, he'd have the Hub back and running in no time
    Loving the pics! I REALLY don't know why photobucket and firefox don't get along.. well, at least when it comes to uploading pics..

    And Ianto IS ALIVE!!! He just got pulled through a "crack" in the rift when the Hub blew up.. What we saw happen after the fact was a physical "echo" created by the rift... We just have to find him, that's all.. Ianto is in PERFECT health... well, except for the cut on his cheek..

    .... Think I'm in denial?

    Okay, question: In my idea I posted earlier, I was thinking of having the Hub rebuilt.. Invisible lift, cog door (polished and shiny) and basically the same design but.. newer..! Besides, if you look at the hole in the plaza.. there's NO way that the entire place was destroyed!! if so, there would've been a bigger hole and probably the whole Millennium Centre would've fallen in.. but that's just me.. Thoughts on my rant.. well, the rebuilding part?


      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
      well the way RTD set it up there really can't be a s4 because he basically went in with the mentality 'since I'm leaving no one else can have the show that I created' (at least that's how it looked to me). it wasn't even a TW-centric story, it's like the plot-line was already created and he just stuck the characters in as an after-thought (and actually he has admitted to such).

      what me bitter? how can you tell?
      Well, bitter or not (and really, I think the bitterness is somewhat justified ), it's not just you. I only started watching Torchwood after all of CoE aired (because I like fan controversy, and it made me curious... it's like watching a train wreak and being unable to look away ). And as an outsider to the whole fandom, it was obvious to me that CoE was not supposed to be a Torchwood story. It was a political story that RTD wanted to tell, and he forced it into a Torchwood framework. And I also got the impression that RTD was trying to make it impossible to resurrect the show. The entire thing looked like RTD was tired of the show and wanted it to go out with a bang and a tragic whimper.

      So I agree. I don't see how they could possibly make a season 4. And with no Ianto, Owen, or Tosh... I'm not sure why Torchwood fans would want to watch it anyway.

      Although, if anyone wants to stay in denial, that's even better. I'd like to pretend I didn't waste five hours of my life on CoE.

      So that's my two cents as a Torchwood newbie.
      Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

      Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
      Hallowed are the Optimi.


        Okay.. so I've got a FEW pics edited and fought with photobucket (had to upload one by one ) but here are a few samplers! ENJOY! Hopefully more to come.. not necessarily soon cuz I've got 4 folders and MAYBE 300-ish pics i took... of Gareth alone!

        These first seven were taken inside at Cricketers Arms Pub during the Convention Launch Party..aka "The Wake of Ianto Jones". Sorry for the way they look, I was kinda in the back of the room (even though it was a small, kinda dark room )

        THis one was taken outside a bit later. MAN I LOVED THIS CONVENTION!! You could eat/drink/hangout/etc with the stars!! How many cons can you do that at?!
        And this next pic, I give you Gareth, and the soon to be Mrs. Gareth David-Lloyd! aka Gareth and his beautiful fiance Gemma!
        Last edited by Atlantean2005; 11 November 2009, 05:41 PM.


          Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
          There are a million and a half other ways for me to get my JB fix.

          Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
          ...I say if even though I have heard it has been approved for a 4th.
          I saw a post on LJ about that as well and I want to know what the frig!?

          RTD was saying that TW has a the potental for more stories and that just made me want to bash my head against the wall. And plus if it were really really true then I'm sure the fandom (well those who are left) would be up in arms about it because, lets face it, having more after CoE would be a giant slap in the fact to Ianto and every thing that happened.


          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


            If you want to know what I think, read the post I just made in the news section regarding a series 4. Someone may think it's funny.


              Because we haven't seen any Season 1 Ianto Whump in a while! (To try and put CoE out of our minds for a few seconds! )

              For size to be on the safe side


                ^ohh pretty
                *throat punch*
                My blog:
                LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                  poor Ianto *air hugs*

                  I think he didn't shave for awhile after that...

                  It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                    Okay, so I JUST got this idea a few minutes ago while walking to check our mail box.. Wouldn't it have been awesome if, during the last 6 eps of Torchwood Season 2 they switched up with the opening monologue? You know Jack's

                    Torchwood: outside the government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes. And Torchwood is ready.
                    Well what if they would have done, starting at episode 8, they switched up who was doing the opening. Basically the same thing starting with Jack BUT when it's time for the "And Torchwood is ready" part, go to the person who is saying said part. And on the last ep it shows the whole team with Jack saying "We're Torchwood" and then in unison, everyone says "And we're ready!" huh?

                    Couldn't you just see it now? A close up on Ianto as he says "And Torchwood is ready" ? I don't have ANY idea where I come up with these things?!


                      Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                      Let me ask this.. Hypothetically Speaking, if Torchwood came back for a 4th season (I say if even though I have heard it has been approved for a 4th.) how would you react if they brought everyone back in flashbacks but that was new material? And if it were enough for them to be listed in the credits as regulars? If I'm remembering correctly, I think there was a show I used to watch that did that once.. Granted not for a whole season but for a few eps..
                      At this point, I kind of don't want Ianto back. I can walk away from the show now because everything I loved about it is dead (), but bring Ianto back and I might have to actually pay attention to another season of Rusty's nihilistic garbage.

                      Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                      and then in unison, everyone says "And we're ready!" huh?
                      And then, Darth Helmet from Space Balls shows up and says "fooled you'" because Torchwood? So not ready. At all.

                      Originally posted by Khentkawes View Post
                      Although, if anyone wants to stay in denial, that's even better. I'd like to pretend I didn't waste five hours of my life on CoE.

                      So that's my two cents as a Torchwood newbie.
                      I'll live in denial-land with you. For Owen and Ianto are alive and well there, snarking at each other and being secret-BFFs.

                      A Torchwood newbie you may be, but I 100% agree with you.

                      Secret-BFF love.
                      <3 <3 <3
                      Originally posted by Callista
                      Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                      Originally posted by HPMom
                      She saw the candle light as many things.


                        Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                        ...Torchwood? So not ready. At all.
                        I have to agree with you...


                          Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                          I have to agree with you...
                          I as well!

                          as they say denial ain't just a river

                          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                            Okay, so I don't know if anyone has already talked about this or not but has anyone heard of, picked up, listened to the audio book "The Sin Eaters"? I've only recently heard about it and looked it up. And to me, the idea sounds interesting so I'm hoping to be able to get a copy at some point in the future. here's a link to the page where it can be purchased.. Oh, did I mention, it's narrated by Gareth? There's also a little snippet for a preview on there too! Enjoy...


                              Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                              Okay, so I don't know if anyone has already talked about this or not but has anyone heard of, picked up, listened to the audio book "The Sin Eaters"? I've only recently heard about it and looked it up. And to me, the idea sounds interesting so I'm hoping to be able to get a copy at some point in the future. here's a link to the page where it can be purchased.. Oh, did I mention, it's narrated by Gareth? There's also a little snippet for a preview on there too! Enjoy...
                              I have it and it's actually quite good. Very much highlighting the J/I and the Gwen/Rhys awesomeness to a fabulous degree. I was really impressed with GDL's voice work, every character was different and you could always tell them apart. And his Jack was amazing (particularly when compared to Eve Myles, who I thought did a great job with the reading but made me cringe everytime she did Jack). He'll always have a future in voice acting I think.

                              I especially love the bit where they're out in the ocean and Ianto doesn't want to carry a gun so he can swim away fast...or hold Jack's hand if he gets scared.

                              Plus, GDL's accent...
                              Originally posted by Callista
                              Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                              Originally posted by HPMom
                              She saw the candle light as many things.


                                New news from FedCon:


                                James Marsters will be atteding as well.

                                Ckick on link for full story.

