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Torchwood Episode Discussion (Spoilers for all eps aired in the UK)

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    Sorry folks, was supposed to post this in the episode discussion thread... Spoilers for Dead Man Walking

    Ah..... Dead Man Walking.

    What a marvelous little gem of an episode! Torchwood meets the Grim Reaper! Genius! I was well entertained with this installment, that was very bold and savage, and definitely one of the more chilling stories thus far.

    Jack's perilous infiltration of the church guarded by a horde of sleeping Weevils was nail-biting! And clearly an homage to Indiana Jones. He also has a mystic contact in the form of a young girl, seen sitting in some sort of kooky fantastique club. Weird, but brilliant.

    Speaking of kooky, how about that glove? Thing from 'Addams Family' in armour. Owen as Death was highly disturbing. Just perfect. Tosh and Owen pash! Ianto and his hockey stick? Owen's upside-down projectile vomit move, turns heads every time.

    The visual FX for the Reaper were so-so. It would have been better to use live black smoke with a motion-capture suit as the skeleton and then tidy up the rest with keyframing. Also, more attention should have been given to the skull, it's eyes and mouth. Oh well, I guess not every show can have million dollar digital creations.

    The ending felt a little rushed, and there was a distinct absence of sound editing during the final confrontation and subsequent defeat of the dark entity.

    But all in all a classic 'Torchwood' episode that will be remembered for some time.

    Next week: Owen the undead kamikaze? I wonder how this plot thread will evolve? It will also be the final appearance of Miss Martha Jones for this season. But not to worry, we'll be seeing her soon, in the upcoming fourth season of 'Doctor Who'.
    Last edited by Dusk; 22 February 2008, 04:01 PM.


      you might wanna put most of that^ in spoiler tags.... BCCA won't be airing the ep for atleast another two weeks... and not everyone has instant access to the internet posting....
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        I was struck by the possibility that the Weevils are dead people; that they are in some weird way the afterlife, or an afterlife. My thought was basically that after the darkness - if you don't come back - you get spat out again, stripped of reason by the void, hence:
        a) the bestial violence,
        b) the response to the death spirit,
        c) the response to Owen's id dominance hoopla in the Weevil Club episode.

        And did anyone else think that if that many weevils are slipping through the net, Torchwood are doing their job very badly?
        Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
        - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


          Originally posted by Mr Prophet View Post
          I was struck by the possibility that the Weevils are dead people; that they are in some weird way the afterlife, or an afterlife. My thought was basically that after the darkness - if you don't come back - you get spat out again, stripped of reason by the void, hence:
          a) the bestial violence,
          b) the response to the death spirit,
          c) the response to Owen's id dominance hoopla in the Weevil Club episode.

          And did anyone else think that if that many weevils are slipping through the net, Torchwood are doing their job very badly?
          I think they kinda let them just do whatever as long as they don't cause any problems for the human population and keep a low profile.
          Cogito ergo dubito.

          "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

          An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


            Originally posted by uknesvuinng View Post
            I think they kinda let them just do whatever as long as they don't cause any problems for the human population and keep a low profile.
            I agree. In episode 1 series 1, Jack told Gwen the weevils live in the sewer but every once in a while they come out and cause trouble. Sounded as if they only deal with the bothersome ones.


              I just hope that
              Owen doesn't stay in that wierd walking dead/zombieish state. That's just too weird for me.

              It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                Ah..... Dead Man Walking.

                What a marvelous little gem of an episode! Torchwood meets the Grim Reaper! Genius! I was well entertained with this installment, that was very bold and savage, and definitely one of the more chilling stories thus far.

                Jack's perilous infiltration of the church guarded by a horde of sleeping Weevils was nail-biting! And clearly an homage to Indiana Jones. He also has a mystic contact in the form of a young girl, seen sitting in some sort of kooky fantastique club. Weird, but brilliant.

                Speaking of kooky, how about that glove? Thing from 'Addams Family' in armour. Owen as Death was highly disturbing. Just perfect. Tosh and Owen pash! Ianto and his hockey stick? Owen's upside-down projectile vomit move, turns heads every time.

                The visual FX for the Reaper were so-so. It would have been better to use live black smoke with a motion-capture suit as the skeleton and then tidy up the rest with keyframing. Also, more attention should have been given to the skull, it's eyes and mouth. Oh well, I guess not every show can have million dollar digital creations.

                The ending felt a little rushed, and there was a distinct absence of sound editing during the final confrontation and subsequent defeat of the dark entity.

                But all in all a classic 'Torchwood' episode that will be remembered for some time.

                Next week: Owen the undead kamikaze? I wonder how this plot thread will evolve? It will also be the final appearance of Miss Martha Jones for this season. But not to worry, we'll be seeing her soon, in the upcoming fourth season of 'Doctor Who'.


                  Originally posted by Dusk View Post
                  Next week: Owen the undead kamikaze? I wonder how this plot thread will evolve?
                  Me too. Could someone explain to me how Owen became that way and how he died? Im waaay behind on Torchwood, unfortunatly.

                  Originally posted by Dusk View Post
                  It will also be the final appearance of Miss Martha Jones for this season

                  Originally posted by Dusk View Post
                  But not to worry, we'll be seeing her soon, in the upcoming fourth season of 'Doctor Who'.

                  This pic was made by the Hyper-Intelligent being known as.....Metarock Sam!


                  This fabulous sig made by Myn McGeek, Third Sentinel


                    Originally posted by orii7 View Post

                    ALRIGHT!!! We get the fact you don't like Martha,


                      what's wrong with martha anyway? personally i think she's way better than rose or donnor and she seems to fit in well with the torchwood gang.
                      Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                        Originally posted by P-90_177
                        what's wrong with martha anyway? personally i think she's way better than rose or donnor and she seems to fit in well with the torchwood gang.
                        Definately better than Donna, but if anything only on par with Rose and not better than.


                          Resisting the urge to debate this, Martha's the only one who's really on topic for Torchwood. She's my top pick, but I understand how people can hate her since there were things I didn't like about her, too. Most of 'em related to the Doctor, though, so that shouldn't be much of a factor here.

                          I love Martha, but if Owen were to die (irrevocably and in an unanimated way) I wouldn't want her to replace him. She's got a good gig already and Torchwood would be a decided step down. I'd say bring in a new character entirely, but I'm probably betraying my deep desire to have Owen gone from the show by even discussing such possibilities. I hate Gwen more, but if Owen's the one more likely to depart, I'm happy to see him go and willing to welcome in someone new. Of course, there's always a chance that the new character will be as bad- or worse- than Owen, but it's a chance I'm willing to take. *sigh* I just wish it was likely to happen.


                            The majority of the people hate Martha because she's not Rose the same way people are prepared to hate Donna because she's not Rose either, never mind the fact that Donna's character has probably had a major overhaul since the Runaway Bride (The same was Owen's has). I didn't have a lot of time for Rose, especially in the second series, all the shippy claptrap really made me sick and the Doctor's constant mooning over her ruined a lot of series 3 for me. At least Martha's got over her unrequited love for the Doctor, that's made her a lot more bearable in my eyes, it's a shame the way people are prepared to hate new character's because they're not their favourite (See Sam Carter taking over from Elizabeth Weir) or because another character has moved in on their favourite ship (See Gwen and Jack)


                              Does that mean there actually are people other than TPTB who ship Gwen and Jack? Huh. I suppose it isn't really a surprise, people will ship anything, but still. I guess I have commitment issues, because if two people are in a committed relationship (and engaged is pretty damn committed) I don't think one of the people should be making moo eyes at someone else.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                Does that mean there actually are people other than TPTB who ship Gwen and Jack? Huh. I suppose it isn't really a surprise, people will ship anything, but still. I guess I have commitment issues, because if two people are in a committed relationship (and engaged is pretty damn committed) I don't think one of the people should be making moo eyes at someone else.
                                There's a handful of people out there that ship Gwen and Jack, 98% of the fandom prefer Jack and Ianto tho

