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Terra Nova (Fox) - News/Discussion/Speculation SPOILERS

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    Originally posted by Ukko View Post
    Dont know those, but i remember this.
    You thnk that is weird check this out
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      I think I'm rooting for the dinosaurs in this. Not that I'm pro human extinction or anything, I just find the characters so annoying, especially the teenage son.

      Maybe it will improve, Falling Skies certainly did, but even though Falling Skies had a pretty mediocre pilot, there was a spark of something, it felt like the show could go places, and I felt it did. The teenage son in Falling Skies was a likeable character for example, where as in this, I'm just sitting there hoping for the teenage son in Terra Nova to become dino chow.


        Originally posted by Perelandra View Post
        Re: the 118 days: Yeah that threw me, too, but I took it as meaning that what seemed like a few minutes to those following going throught the event horizon took 118 days for Taylor(Like Star Trek 2009 when Spock follows 25 years after Nero when he went through right after him)
        Yeah, but (if I'm reading from you right) that shouldn't have been the case. Everyone should have always arrived together, from the minute they stepped through the portal until the point they exited it. Seems like an automatic jump, one minute you're in 2149, the next, you're in 85 million BC.

        Originally posted by Perelandra View Post
        Re # 3 the Moon- Yeah I thought of that, too, why hadn't they colonized Mars?
        Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
        Doesn't solve the resources problem. If they have hard time coming up with fresh water and good agricultural land on earth imagine on the moon or mars.
        Whilst it is true that the Moon wouldn't have provided resources upon colonization, if you've got the technology to travel through time, you'd have thought you'd have the technology to terra form or something? Prop up some domes, get some gardens growing. Least of all it would have helped with population problems, be them settlers on the Moon, Mars or both.

        Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
        It would be the lamest stuff ever. It would make them some frivolous graffiti on some rocks. Hopefully, the identity of the one who wrote them and their purpose are more interesting.
        It would be lame, you're right, but I get the sneaky suspicion this was what they were trying to say with the pilot episodes. Should this be the case, everything makes sense (to some regard anyway). No doubt there is more going on than we're aware of. Maybe Taylor forced his son to come back in time with him when he didn't want it, and now his son is looking for a way home? That, or his son was part of some faction from the future and Taylor 'rescued' his son from this future faction (for a second chance at a new life) though his son merely wants to return to what he knows?

        Originally posted by tomstone View Post
        I guess those Equasions are in order to prepare for a way home. I could make a guess why all this is done, but its just as good as any. They dont plan to make a new start, rather they want to take everything they need from that Planet and bring it back to their Time. They would have a whole Planet in order to grow Food without a need to leave their own world. Maybe its even possible to transfer some of the Athmosphere.
        If they're going to drain the past of its resources (which is one probable theory) they're still eventually going to have the same problem as they've got in 2149 now. Doesn't seem... logical.

        Originally posted by Gollumpus View Post
        3.) The "Sixers". I wouldn't have started off with them already being splintered off from the main group. I would have them just getting started to stage their revolution. This would allow for easier incorporation of Josh flirting with the idea of joining the Sixers, should that be deemed a desirable story line.

        It will be interesting to see just what is the agenda of the Sixers. To get as many people as they did into just one single pilgrimage, suggests that there should be something more going on than just a group of people who all got together to make a better world.
        I would probably have to agree with this. They introduced these rebels far too soon into the show. Should have left it for a mid-season breaker or something.

        In regards to the parallel timeline and planet thing: I find it highly unlikely that they are on any planet other than Earth. Unless I'm mistaken, Dinosaurs don't exist anywhere else, nor have they existed anywhere else except Earth. That is, unless a Ha'tak landed one day and a Goa'uld decided to make use of a T-Rex?

        Originally posted by dosed150 View Post
        i dunno why people had to ask, I mean their 85 million years back theyve got 20 million years left, thats 100 times longer than humans have been around.
        Be fair, one of the first questions people are going to think about a show like this is "well what about that meteorite that nearly killed everything". They're not going to look at the 85 million years against the 65 million years ect. Numbers aren't going to be the first thing to pop into everyone's head. Actual events (such as the meteorite impact) are.

        Someone quoted this link ( back a few pages, one of the spoilers on that link:
        There will be several fatalities throughout the first season, and a series regular will die by the end of the first season.
        My money is on Taylor himself, or Skye. Also mentioned:
        The 11th pilgrimage of settlers to Terra Nova will arrive at the end of the first season.
        What's the bet that Josh's girlfriend will be on of them?
        This is my bet going off the first two episodes.

        Originally posted by KEK View Post
        These threads are getting much more traffic than the Alphas folder does.
        That's because Alpha's isn't very good. ~ In all seriousness though, I watched the first two episodes of Alphas, and it just didn't draw me in.

        Also, time for more inconstancies? Unless I'm mistaken, there was a Carnotaurus featured in the double-launch episode (the one that 'ate the gunner' and nearly ate Taylor). That predator is from the late-Cretaceous. We also clearly saw a Brachiosaurus too, and they're from the late-Jurassic.

        The two Dinosaurs we saw (assuming I'm right about the species) shouldn't have ever met.
        It's Probin' Time!


          Originally posted by Aerilon View Post
          Whilst it is true that the Moon wouldn't have provided resources upon colonization, if you've got the technology to travel through time, you'd have thought you'd have the technology to terra form or something? Prop up some domes, get some gardens growing. Least of all it would have helped with population problems, be them settlers on the Moon, Mars or both.
          They discovered the crack in time, they didnt create it so its not their tech that allows them to travel back. It would take a hell of alot of effort and resources (that they most likey cant spare) to "prop some domes" on mars or the moon, and then on top of that moving a significant number of earths population to the domes to ease earths population troubles enough to have any kind of positive effects on the planet.


            I saw the youtube links a few posts up and was surprised to not find this posted. The Land Before Time was one of my favourites and definitely a classic.



              Originally posted by Aerilon View Post
              In regards to the parallel timeline and planet thing: I find it highly unlikely that they are on any planet other than Earth. Unless I'm mistaken, Dinosaurs don't exist anywhere else, nor have they existed anywhere else except Earth. That is, unless a Ha'tak landed one day and a Goa'uld decided to make use of a T-Rex?
              Everything is possible in Sci-fi, and this wouldnt be the first show to put Dinos on another Planet. One I remember pretty well was also about a secound earth. I cant remember the Title of the Series, but there was one Episode that kind of scarred me. They had Animals in Tubes and one of the Kids broke a Tube and everyone was fascinated by the resulting Horse which got ill for some reason.

              My point being that the Idea of Dinos on other Planets is not new. Also I never heard of those Bugs that scared the Dad while he was working including the Giant Leeches. The thing that bugs me more is the Moon. If it was another Planet, there should be at least some difference to our Solar System.

              Originally posted by Aerilon View Post
              If they're going to drain the past of its resources (which is one probable theory) they're still eventually going to have the same problem as they've got in 2149 now. Doesn't seem... logical.
              Not neccesarily, at least I would imagine that there should be enough space to grow food for everyone, till the Situation gets better. It sounds like the Adults still saw the Sun sometime, so maybe reversing whats happening on their Planet might not be that hard. Well done, both Worlds could survive, altough thinking about it, I am not so sure if they could manage to Build them a way back before the situation on Earth goes critical.
              Last edited by tomstone; 30 September 2011, 12:14 PM.
              Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt old,
              Fuzzy Wuzzy gotten bald
              There was Fuzzy no more Wuzzy


                From my is supposed to be an alternate timeline Earth. So, there could be dinos there. Just like they said in an alternate universe...there are things that are similar and things that are just a little different.


                  I don't think the statement that earth is the only planet with dinosaurs to be accurate simply because it cant be until we visit every other planet in the universe and search for fossils.

                  Life is so tenacious on earth and with the billions of planets it's a statistical impossibility for there to be nothing else out there and for lifeforms similar to those on earth to not exist.

                  As to the 118 hours, is it possible that Taylor went back, they realized that it had worked THEN they sent others? In other words, he's been played in some way since day one.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    As to the 118 hours, is it possible that Taylor went back, they realized that it had worked THEN they sent others? In other words, he's been played in some way since day one.
                    I chalked that up to their technology, they were unable to channel the kind of energy needed to send through so many people at once so had to recharge every second and it just ended up that way. They said they knew that it sent them back in time and that it was a different timeline. Plus they DO have communication, or some sort of communication both ways as Taylor mentioned that he hadn't told Hope Plaza about the Sixers (if it was an alternate timeline, he couldn't simply write in on rocks for them to find it)

                    Taylor never said he went back, he just waited around for the others. Not sure if each traveler had to wait 118 days for the next group or like i said, the technology may not have been as advanced and the size of the group may have only been small.


                      Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                      Eh, this has a mix of good and bleh. Nothing special. I will watch next week though.

                      The teenage rebellion brat is annoying x 10. Why must there always be one of these? Why such crappy vehicles? And why did those dinos not kill that girl and bite off that one guy's foot. I was cheering for the dino to knock off some of those annoying teenagers.

                      I like the time line split and the mystery part. Though I'm guessing this rift is like an open wormhole on Stargate where you can't go back but radio waves, etc. can because at first I was confused as to how they knew what was on the other side.

                      I feel the same.
                      It was large scale and impressive...but I think the story has some improving points.


                        Why did they buld the camp so far from the portal? Why not a bridge from their to the camp. Instead they have to hike through dino infested jungle.
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          As to the 118 hours, is it possible that Taylor went back, they realized that it had worked THEN they sent others? In other words, he's been played in some way since day one.
                          Originally posted by escyos View Post
                          Taylor never said he went back, he just waited around for the others. Not sure if each traveler had to wait 118 days for the next group or like i said, the technology may not have been as advanced and the size of the group may have only been small.
                          My first impression of the 118 days Taylor was alone is an anomaly with the rift, causing the delay. Something that could be exploited in future episodes. Or, the technology to stabilize the rift for travel had a glitch, and it took 118 days to fix it. With any scenario, Taylor should have been able to communicate with 2149 to find out what happened. Maybe he did, but it wasn't mentioned during the show.
                          My Stargate Re-Watch Blog: Wormhole!


                            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                            Why did they buld the camp so far from the portal? Why not a bridge from their to the camp. Instead they have to hike through dino infested jungle.
                            I guess its exactly because the Arrival point is in the middle of Carnevour Terretory. They may have done it like in Jurrassic Park where the Humans choose Settlements more in the Area of Herbivors as seen with the Brachiosaurus that just puts its head inside the Colony.

                            Originally posted by Naomi View Post
                            My first impression of the 118 days Taylor was alone is an anomaly with the rift, causing the delay. Something that could be exploited in future episodes. Or, the technology to stabilize the rift for travel had a glitch, and it took 118 days to fix it. With any scenario, Taylor should have been able to communicate with 2149 to find out what happened. Maybe he did, but it wasn't mentioned during the show.
                            He mentioned that it was just a secound for his men. So they must have already being transported when Taylor arrived. I agree that it seems to have been a Technological hickup. Like in Stargate when the Gate gets to much power it jumps to another one, maybe Taylors trip packed to much of a Punch and sent him farther back than it should.
                            Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt old,
                            Fuzzy Wuzzy gotten bald
                            There was Fuzzy no more Wuzzy


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              I don't think the statement that earth is the only planet with dinosaurs to be accurate simply because it cant be until we visit every other planet in the universe and search for fossils.

                              Life is so tenacious on earth and with the billions of planets it's a statistical impossibility for there to be nothing else out there and for lifeforms similar to those on earth to not exist.

                              As to the 118 hours, is it possible that Taylor went back, they realized that it had worked THEN they sent others? In other words, he's been played in some way since day one.
                              Sounds very logical, as always!


                                Originally posted by tomstone View Post
                                He mentioned that it was just a secound for his men. So they must have already being transported when Taylor arrived. I agree that it seems to have been a Technological hickup. Like in Stargate when the Gate gets to much power it jumps to another one, maybe Taylors trip packed to much of a Punch and sent him farther back than it should.
                                Good point about the rest of his team not experiencing a delay. I'd forgotten about that.
                                My Stargate Re-Watch Blog: Wormhole!

