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    Finally getting here!!

    I don't think so. If you ever decided to try one, I'd suggest "Survival of the fittest" as IMO it's hands down the best of the lot.
    Huh. I’ll check my local Barnes and Noble. If I can find it in a discount bin I might give it a chance.


    Yeah, not really a lot of John. Admittedly though, I like that they keep him such a mystery. It adds to the suspense.

    It was super weird to hear them talking about heading to Sacramento, since that’s where I live. Then again, come to me Dean. I WILL LOVE YOU!! Lol. (And bring your dad. And Sam can come too I guess.)

    I agree that the argument between the brothers was well done, if predictable. When the writing is shakey on this show the cast always rises above. I agree that it was a bit too soon for Dean to act like he couldn’t go on without Sam, but this is laying down the SAM AND DEAN CANNOT FUNCTION WITHOUT EACH OTHER message that is the foundation the show is built on. I did think that their apologies to each other were super sweet.

    As for the tattoo, I think the scarecrow wore the skin of its sacrifices. Again, I’m pulling on knowledge from other stories (the films Husk and Jeepers Creepers and the short story “Harold” from a book of horror stories called Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Scarecrows in American horror have generally always taken bits of flesh from their victims, either by skinning them or consuming them.

    Meg. I LOVE Meg. And I really, really like the actress that plays her. You’re correct in thinking that we’ll see her again and she has a very large role to play.


    I’m not a huge Julie Benz fan either. I think she’s pretty, but that’s about it. And the less said about Darla and Angel’s “Beige Arc” the better. And lol, I didn’t recognize any of those SG people.

    Going back and reading Kripke interviews now, there’s a particular quote about this episode that really stands out. "It's when I first realized what the show was capable of. Here's this episode about: Is there a god? What's meant to be? And is there free will? And is your life worth the cost of someone else's life? It's a metaphysical and moral study of the boys' universe.” And that really sums up what the show becomes. It’s crazy how well planned this show is.

    I loved this episode, purely because of the interactions between Sam and Dean. Like you, I cottoned on to the mystery as soon as they said the healthy young man had a heart attack, but I think this episode was more about the moral ambiguity of what was happening than the mystery.

    I felt for Layla, especially at the end when she commented on Dean’s willingness to pray as a miracle and you could just feel the tension when Dean stopped Layla’s healing the first time. I’m glad they didn’t go with the happy, cheesy ending, but damn, I was sad she didn’t get healed.

    I’m not familiar with Buffy (not a Sarah Michelle-Gellar fan at all), but, and again this might be an American thing, reapers/death as a suited businessman is pretty common.

    Route 666

    Join me in Dean!Fangirlishness!

    I really wanted to like this episode. Like, I really wanted to. I liked the idea of Cassie (and I thought the actress was great) but unfortunately she joins the list of potential great characters we never seen again.

    This episode…just…the only good things I can say about it are that Dean/Cassie had great chemistry and, uh…that’s it.
    We do have to deal with our history, but I feel like if they were going to touch on racism/slavery they should have treated it more respectfully and not had a racist truck. SO. LAME.

    Let’s just forget this episode ever happened.


    Hmmm. I feel like Sam does stumble into Marty Stu territory quite a few times over the se-ries. This is all leading up to the big Sam reveal, obviously, but it is starting to grate a bit how w get a few throw-away Dean stories that don’t really affect the overall plot and the rest are “Sam and his creepy powers are the only things that matter” stories. It really does even out but I worry that if you haven’t warmed to Sam yet you might now ever grow to like him.
    In the end, I think the point of this episode was to introduce a character whose mother died in the same manner Mary did and who also has supernatural powers like Sam.

    All in all though, I agree. A pretty forgettable episode. Except, and I am so going to hell, but dang, they looked pretty smokin’ in the priest uniforms.

    The Benders

    I couldn’t watch because my DVD was skipping. Crys. I remember liking it though. I’ll have to see if Supernatural is available on Netflix live-streaming or if I can find a place to watch it online.



    Well, that was a bit gruesome. Icky. I could never be a hunter.

    I loved Dean chatting up the bartender. No helpful information, but he did get her phone number.

    The idea of shadow monsters is creepy. I don’t know if you watch Doctor Who, but there were monsters on that show called the Vashta Nerada that we similar and it just really freaks me out that there really is no way to hide from them other than to stay in the light, which no one could do forever.

    Still like Meg (really liked her wardrobe) and I really like that her introduction really started pro-pelling the main story forward. And lol. The boys are going to be really surprised when the find out that Meg is not dead after getting tossed out the window.

    The boys really got their butts kicked by the Deavos (or however you spell it) and I’m sad to see John go after just getting him on our screens. And it seems that John is getting close to whatever it is that killed Mary if Meg and whoever she’s working for if all this was an attempt to get John out of the game.

    Hell House

    Every season there is an episode that exists soley to be jokey and hilarious and Hell House is season one’s attempt, and I did laugh out loud at all the pranks.

    Mordechai is an evil name.

    Once again, a creepy evil. Seriously, a thought monster!?!?! It’s a good thing this was mostly a gag episode because I feel like if given the right treatment this episode could have been horrifying.

    Some of the pranks were hilarious. Itching powder in Sam’s underwear, gluing Dean’s hand to the beer bottle. It was nice seeing the boys just relax and having fun with each other for a change. Ed and Harry were hilariously stereotypical geeks and I probably laughed more at them than I did with them, but hey, I’m a self-admitted geek who spent her weekend crying over not being at Comic-Con, so these are my people.

    Really not much to say about this episode other than that it was fun and light-hearted and I really liked it.

    And I'm at work, and running out of time, so I'll end this here and pick it back up again when I get home. And again, I apologize for the stupid hyphens showing up randomly in words. I have no idea what's causing the.
    Originally posted by Callista
    Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
    Originally posted by HPMom
    She saw the candle light as many things.


      Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
      Finally getting here!!
      *happy dance*

      Huh. I’ll check my local Barnes and Noble. If I can find it in a discount bin I might give it a chance.
      I don't think you'll find it - as far as I know it's been out of print for some time now - but keep trying. And I can lend it to you when we finally meet

      It was super weird to hear them talking about heading to Sacramento, since that’s where I live. Then again, come to me Dean. I WILL LOVE YOU!! Lol. (And bring your dad. And Sam can come too I guess.)
      Ha, comments like this one, and those which follow, making me snicker out loud, are definitely worth the wait.

      Plus, I kind of lost the moral right to tease you with my own delay.

      Scarecrows in American horror have generally always taken bits of flesh from their victims, either by skinning them or consuming them.
      That's creepy. And yucky as hell.

      And lol, I didn’t recognize any of those SG people.
      I swear it's not like I set out to notice them on purpose. I don't watch the show saying to myself "c'mone SG peeps, where are you? Show yourselves!". They just...keep jumping out at me.

      I liked the idea of Cassie (and I thought the actress was great) but unfortunately she joins the list of potential great characters we never seen again.
      What?! She'll never appear again? How is it that when this show introduces a strong, cool female character you tell me she won't be seen or heard from again? First Missouri and now Cassie. Boo.

      Let’s just forget this episode ever happened.
      Oh yes, let's.

      Except, and I am so going to hell, but dang, they looked pretty smokin’ in the priest uniforms.

      I'll join you.


      The idea of shadow monsters is creepy. I don’t know if you watch Doctor Who, but
      I don't watch Dr Who, but I agree re creepiness (I feel like I'm seriously overusing this word in this thread )

      My notes:

      Oh, mythology ep! And a great one too! I don’t think it was as good as Home, but still, pretty intense. I have new admiration for Sam; I didn’t think he could be so sneaky, suspicious and so good at pretending. He caught on on Meg’s unusual reappearance very quickly and it was interesting to see him be the more wary and cynical one for a change. What is also strange for me, I didn’t much care for Dean’s teasing and dismissing Meg from the start just because Sam happened to like her. Fortunately, he quickly came around.

      Dad’s back! That was cool, and man, no wonder guys are hot when they have such handsome father. Eh, I wish he made appearances more often. What’s also worth noting, the acting in the reunion and then goodbye scenes was top notch. I liked how Sam was made to make the decision to let go of his father, just now when their relationship had a chance to improve, and that Dean was the one to make the hard decision to push his father away. Interesting role-reversal.

      I’m not quite sure what to make of Meg. I don’t even know if I like her or not. She sure is a part of something bigger and I guess she’ll be recurring, so I’ll probably get a chance to make up my mind about her later. But the mystery behind this episode has me glued to the screen, so bring on more!

      Hell House

      This is definitely the funniest episode to date. It makes certain sense to me that 2 brothers with such dangerous line of work would make each other miserable with pranks. I’m not sure what it says about me, though. Also, I feel cheated that I didn’t get to see how Dean got rid of that bottle glued to his hand. And where did he find dead fish?! And kudos to Sam for being so sneaky again and impersonating film producer.

      It’s another episode filled with familiar faces. A.J. Buckley (Adam from CSI:NY) played a nerd as usual which I found quite funny in its own right, plus although his portrayal was painfully clichéd, I admit to laughing at “(…)sex…with girls!” line; Agam Darshi’s (Kate in Sanctuary) role was more atypical for her, but it was nice to see her so young and, well, nerdy.

      The idea behind the episode is quite interesting; I don’t think a lot of shows/movies touch on that, so it’s good that SPN TPTB try to be creative. But there was something lacking in the execution, IMO. I don’t know, it just seems like more could be done with the premise. I’m also a bit confused about the set-up: since the girl found by the kids at the beginning looked like the cousin, this part was a prank, wasn’t it? Mordechaj started to appear after that, right?

      Finally, I’m rather impressed by the continuity and the explanation given for the brothers being on a regular hunt after last week’s events. It could have been better, but it could have been absent as well.

      This dose of humour has me wondering though: is SPN following SG-1’s example and having at least 1 more funny, lighthearted ep each season or is it one-time deal? Although I can see that you already answered this one.

      I’m a self-admitted geek who spent her weekend crying over not being at Comic-Con, so these are my people.
      Hmm, any specific panels you were interested in seeing?

      And again, I apologize for the stupid hyphens showing up randomly in words. I have no idea what's causing the.
      Don't worry. I've just noticed that some strange things happen to my posts too, and I don't have the slightest idea why. Maybe it's this thread...

      Something Wicked

      I loved this ep. It had creepy villain (although again I was quick to figure out that the good doc was the culprit), cool kids and great, fascinating glimpses into Sam and Dean’s childhood. Actually, now I feel like hugging Dean, LOL.

      Seriously, that’s got to be another one of my faves. As a kid I was very afraid of all those shadows on my bedroom window at night (there were lots of trees around) so this episode, with the image of this bony hand so similar to twigs’ shadows opening the window, hit the nerve. Then, to lighten the mood, the scene with presenting IDs was hilarious, as was the scene with the guys barging in on an old lady.

      The scenes portraying the brothers’ childhood, ouch…I suppose that if social services had known about John leaving his boys alone for days at the time he wouldn’t have had them for long. At the same time, given the situation, I find his actions totally understandable. It also goes a long way to explain Dean’s protectiveness towards his brother and that feeling of responsibility, that was touched upon in The Benders. Oh, that scene with kid!Dean giving up his meal to give his share to kid!Sam gets me every time.

      Michael was great too (and his quip about queen beds ) and I think you are right, showing familial bonds, especially that tough brotherly love is definitely SPN’s strength. There’s one “but” though: I totally understand why the kids had to be boys, to mirror Dean and Sam’s experiences, but it doesn’t stop me from wishing to have some strong girls in that show. Because so far women are either villains or damsels in distress and that’s just not right.

      Oh, and YAY for Sam’s apology!


      “Sam? Marry that girl.” LOL.

      How nice, I asked about a strong female and I got one in the very next episode!

      I absolutely adore Sara. She’s strong, open-minded and has guts. She also has to be the prettiest character/actress on the show so far. I just..guh, I like her very much and I hope to see her in the future. Preferably lots of her

      Apart from Sara, I feel like it was another episode from the ‘tick off’ list (haunted painting? Check. A girl Sam falls for who doesn’t die? Check.) but for once I couldn’t figure out who was the murderer and how to get rid of them, and so I enjoyed it on a whole new level. Plus the painting really was butt-ugly and the girl extra-creepy (and FCOL, what’s up with this show and creepy little girls? First Missy, now this girl, not to mention Bloody Mary?).

      So yeah, enjoyable episode and hopefully significant due to Sara.

      I haven't watch the next ep yet, so I'll be back later.
      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
      awesome sig by Josiane


        Originally posted by Petra View Post
        And I can lend it to you when we finally meet
        We'll just add this book to the list of reasons why we need to be on the same continent at some point in the future!

        What?! She'll never appear again? How is it that when this show introduces a strong, cool female character you tell me she won't be seen or heard from again? First Missouri and now Cassie. Boo.
        I told you this show has problems with it's female cast right? If you like the character and it's a girl, the safe thing to do is assume that she's either never going to be heard from again or die.

        but I agree re creepiness (I feel like I'm seriously overusing this word in this thread )
        Creepy is the perfect word for this show.

        I have new admiration for Sam;
        I hope he can keep impressing you.

        Finally, I’m rather impressed by the continuity and the explanation given for the brothers being on a regular hunt after last week’s events. It could have been better, but it could have been absent as well.
        This is definitely a show where paying attention to everything is important. So many things that I would have overlooked or written off come back into play later in the series.

        Hmm, any specific panels you were interested in seeing?
        I really wanted to see the Glee panel (obviously, lol), the Supernatural panel, Doctor Who, the Game of Thrones panel (although I hear Jason Momoa was being disgusting and making rape jokes), the Early Works of Jim Hensen, the YA fiction panel, Deepak Chopra and the Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes, the Terra Nova screening (I am so excited for this show) and god, I just wanted to see everything. I'm making it a point to go next year.

        Don't worry. I've just noticed that some strange things happen to my posts too, and I don't have the slightest idea why. Maybe it's this thread...
        Maybe the thread is haunted....

        Something Wicked

        Actually, now I feel like hugging Dean, LOL.
        Whenever an episode featuring the boys as kids happens giving Dean and/or Sam a big hug is usually the entire audiences reaction. I really like the kids they got to play Sam/Dean as well. The kids really were able to take on a lot of the same mannerisms.

        Like you, the shadowy hand in the window freaked me out. The monster reminded me a lot of the Dementors in Harry Potter. I wonder if these monsters were where Rowling got the inspiration.

        I feel so bad for both of the boys, but in this episode, Dean was the one tugging on my heart strings. To be so young and feel so much responsibility that he's still blaming himself all these years later? My tears.

        The "two queens" joke makes me laugh everytime. Because for as straight and kind of tooly about his masculinity as Dean can be, he is definitely the campier of the two. I liked Michael and Asher (such a cool name) and I liked that, like Sam and Dean, they were willing to do anything to save eachother. Such brave little boys.

        Oh, and YAY for Sam’s apology!
        Sam's apology was great. And I loved how Dean tried to play it off (like he usually does with all emotional moments) but you can tell that it means something to him. I just love these boys soooo much! Lol. I also really liked Sam's lament that now Michael's innocence is gone because he knows what's really hiding in the dark.


        I absolutely adore Sara. She’s strong, open-minded and has guts. She also has to be the prettiest character/actress on the show so far. I just..guh, I like her very much and I hope to see her in the future. Preferably lots of her.
        Remember what I said about likeable female characters above? We never see Sarah again. D:

        (and FCOL, what’s up with this show and creepy little girls? First Missy, now this girl, not to mention Bloody Mary?).
        Lol. There are loads and loads of creepy little girls in this show. Loads of them.

        I liked that show set Sarah and her dad up as potential culprits for the killings. With the super shifty dad and Sarah not having been on a date since her mother "unexpectedly died" I was sure they were involved somehow. Then with the painting I was like, " it was the father" and then Bam! It was the little girl all along. Sucks for Sarah's friend that they didn't figure this out earlier. Though, I don't know why anyone would buy that painting. It was creepy and ugly.

        I loved Dean pushing Sam towards Sarah and moving on from Jessica. Sam's reluctance and conflict over what to do felt very real to me. I know why he couldn't stay, but I'm really glad he went back and got the big kiss. *Sighs* I really liked Sarah too. Alas.

        Dead Man's Blood

        Papa Winchester!!

        And the first appearance of the Colt, the magical gun that can kill anything. Makes sense that John would be hunting something like this down to take out whatever killed Mary.

        The tension was high in this episode and I have to say that Sam was working my last nerve. I kept thinking "can't you just trust him? Is that too much to ask?" I was definitely as frustrated as Dean over their arguing in this ep. Then again, I can understand Sam's irritation at being kept out of the loop. These men really need to learn to communicate better. I liked that Sam and Dean ignored him and followed him when he went to fight Luther. And it's a good thing they did, or John would be dead right now. And yay. In the end, they're going to hunt down the demon that killed Mary together. Like a family!

        I like Supernatural's take on vampires. Their mouths/fans are creepy. And ick. The idea of poisoning them with dead man's blood really grosses me out.

        Yay! Only two more episodes this season!! One of my very favorite characters is introduced in the last episode and I can't wait for you to meet him!
        Originally posted by Callista
        Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
        Originally posted by HPMom
        She saw the candle light as many things.


          *cocks head to the side, sizes up Petra, takes off sunglasses

          "Well I say, new fan with a stake in the show"

          *puts sunglasses back on.

          Ahh to watch Supernatural for the first time again........sigh.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Sorry for the delay hon. I had a family emergency this past weekend, I'll PM you tonight (I hope).

            Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
            Maybe the thread is haunted....
            How apt.

            Dead Man’s Blood

            In short: I enjoyed it. It’s not one of my faves but it’s definitely entertaining.

            I like Supernatural's take on vampires. Their mouths/fans are creepy. And ick. The idea of poisoning them with dead man's blood really grosses me out.
            I like it too. I admit that I’m not too keen on vampiries in general (Twilight *shudders*totally soured me on them) and when I first heard this ep was about them my first reaction was “Not this again!” but yeah, in the end I liked it. I guess SPN had to do it – can’t have a show about supernatural stuff and not have a vampire in it – but their take was, as you say, quite interesting. I loved what they did with their eyes. Dead man’s blood as a weapon seemed quite ingenious, actually. And that Luthor guy being a total hunk didn’t hurt either

            Now, big yay for dad! I dug all his scenes, but especially the last one. I’m so glad they decided to stick together, although I have a feeling nothing good will come out of it. And man, John’s talk with Sam about the college fund was very needed and much appreciated. Dean playing the referee and a diplomat was predictable, in character and nicely set the stage for his later backing Sam up and disobeying order (which I liked too).

            The Colt seems to be a really cool idea. I’ve seen it mentioned a few times on Wikipedia (I avoided spoilers though, so I’m blissfully unaware of everything that will, or won’t, happen to that gun) and couldn’t wait for it to be introduced.

            Onto next ep then!


            OMG, Kansas’ “Carry on my wayward son”! That’s one of my favourite songs ever! I feel like I should love the show just for using it, LOL.

            I loved this ep. Everything worked. I didn’t predict the outcome, Meg finally clicked for me – in a “I love to hate her” way, it was nice to see Sebastian Spence again (Delek from SG-1 ) and I’m intrigued by his character, Sam’s visions didn’t feel so forced this time, so yeah, in a word: great job.

            I laughed out loud at Meg’s line about the boys’ getting their good looks after their dad – isn’t what we’ve been commenting on?

            I just wish there had been more of pastor Jim in the show (I assume this is the guy who was taking care of the boys when John was away, as mentioned in earlier episodes?) before he was killed. Same for that Caleb guy, for I have no idea who that was.

            I’m a bit confused about the holy water scene. So at the beginning of the episode Meg enters the church without any problems and says that such things as holy ground don’t matter to her, but then holy water is enough to stop her? Why then didn’t pastor Jim throw some at her? He was in a church FCOL, he must have had some at hand.

            Finally, are there any women in this business? All the hunters we’ve met so far were guys, which has me wondering why aren’t there any girls. And for that matter, what do the creators reply when asked why there aren’t any strong females in the show? They must be getting a lot of such questions.

            Devil’s trap

            WOW. Okay, so I wasn’t expecting that. Is Meg really dead? Somehow, it seems very suspicious. And I guess demon played by Spence wasn’t anybody special, since he died Shame.

            Trapping Meg was very clever. I might have cheered out loud.

            Yay! Only two more episodes this season!! One of my very favorite characters is introduced in the last episode and I can't wait for you to meet him!
            So is the character you mentioned this Bobby guy? He seemed pretty cool, but also a one-off? All cool characters are one-offs after all...

            That was a truly great episode. Very suspenseful; I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, even though I guessed early on that dad would be possessed. And I’m betting he’ll die in the next episode; killing him off now when his death would be purely accidental and a consequence of Sam not killing him when his death would have been meaningful (as in: dead demon) seems just like the thing SPN would do. I guess I’ll see if I’m right in a moment.

            But…I wasn’t expecting that twist at the end. That truck came literally out of nowhere. And the episode was intensely emotional already! I’m really warming up to Sam now (took me long enough, huh?), but Dean, Dean is, simply put, awesome. I just loved his line about knowing his dad better than anyone. And the torture scene…I have a sneaky suspicion the SPN fandom is full of whump lovers...

            Oh, and poor John. Even though I’m pretty sure he’ll be killed off, I’m *really* hoping to be wrong because dang, I adore that guy and I definitely want to see more of him!

            I’ll wait for your notes to comment in somewhat more intelligent manner, as atm what little eloquence, reason or humour I possess deserted me completely. Gah.

            In my time of dying

            Huh. Okay, so I was wrong. It happens.

            I can’t make up my mind about this episode. I didn’t particularly like the first half. The whole out of body experience didn’t quite work for me. It should, as Dean is my fave character, but there was something missing and I found myself pretty bored. John/Sam scenes were definitely a highlight, and that says something. Also, as amusing as the scene with Sam and Dean talking via Mystical Talking Board was, it felt strangely out of place in such solemn ep.

            Fortunately from the moment John went off to bargain with the demon the episode picked up the intensity and quality of Devil’s Trap. That was a seriously good piece of tv. I admit I teared up at the end, when John was saying his goodbyes. The ending was…guh, just great.

            And of course now I’m left with thousands of questions, LOL. Yours “What’s wrong with Sammy” for starters. What did John say to Dean? Will we ever see John again (God, I hope so!)? What will happen to the Colt? And so on…and yeah, I know I need to keep watching to get the answers.

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            *cocks head to the side, sizes up Petra, takes off sunglasses

            "Well I say, new fan with a stake in the show"

            *puts sunglasses back on.
            I think it's a fair assessment.
            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
            awesome sig by Josiane


              Originally posted by Petra View Post
              I think it's a fair assessment.
              It will make more sense to you in S5, including the crappy pun

              Until then Carry on my wayward..... err, sparring partner
              I Hope you get as much enjoyment out of this series as I have.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                In Ash's absence I'm just going to talk to myself a little.

                Everybody loves a clown

                I’m disappointed with this episode. I understand that the show needed to slow down for a moment and take a breath after the rollercoaster of the last 3 or so episodes, and that showing aftermath was very important, but…clowns?! I’m sorry, but that’s as lame as haunted truck from season 1. Couldn’t they come up with something better?

                Maybe it’s because I don’t understand this fear of clowns (it seems to be an American thing again. Wasn’t Shep in SGA afraid of them too?) but I found the whole premise weak and unsatisfactory. All the emotional bits, arguments between the brothers, their mourning, Dean passing up the chance to hit on a girl – it all felt lacking and half-hearted due to the premise. Honestly, the only time I felt something was at the very end, when Dean started to smash his beloved car. Once more I’m left wondering what it was that John had told him.

                The only saving grace were Ellen and Ash (although again, I couldn’t help but notice how stereotypical the male/female roles were), as I think they’ll be important later on. Or at least their research. I’ll probably won’t be seeing Ellen again.



                Y'know, I’ve never thought of myself as a rock girl, but damn, I love the soundtrack for this show!

                The beginning had me rolling my eyes and laughing at the same time. All those shots of the car…*shakes head*

                Loved the sheriff. He rocked!

                The twist with the innocent girl from the intro being an innocent vampire was pretty good, I didn’t expect that. Although in retrospect, I do feel that such role switching: humans as bad guys and vampires as victims was another pretty generic tale that needed to be done (or ticked off the list ). It was really nice to see Amber Benson though, as I adored Tara on Buffy. Better yet, a female was the leader!

                The scene with Dean beheading that vampire was truly gruesome and shocking, which I think was intended. And I freaking loved how Dean opened up to Gordon, showed his vulnerability and admitted he didn’t know how to handle John’s death. That was seriously well done.

                I was so happy to see Ellen again! It’s cool to be wrong! I do hope she’ll continue to appear in the future.

                Also, I was so siding with Sam in this one. I’m starting to really like little Sammy, he rocked in this episode and it was very refreshing to see him so attuned to Dean’s emotions and focusing on dragging his big brother back away from the abyss, instead of focusing on himself. I also need to say that in Bloodlust Dean and especially Sam gave me the biggest ‘Jack and Daniel vibe’ so far.

                Now, Gordon. I find him disgusting, which I suspect was the point. But all the problems I have with the plot are tied with his appearance. Firstly, as soon as he mentioned his sister I guessed her fate and that he killed her. Face-off between him and Dean was painfully predictable. Also, how is it possible that he’d met John if he seems to be specializing in hunting vampires and John hadn’t believed in vampires until Dead Man’s Blood?

                I liked the ending with the reflections about the morality of hunting and Sam’s raincheck (I think it’s a sure bet he will clock Dean at some point), but overall I’d say it was average episode. Great with the character stuff, pretty weak plot-wise.

                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                awesome sig by Josiane


                  I just got back from vacation. I totally forgot to warn you that I'd be gone for a week! Eep. I'm back, I'm writing reviews!!
                  Originally posted by Callista
                  Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                  Originally posted by HPMom
                  She saw the candle light as many things.


                    Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things

                    Ah, it’s time for zombies!

                    I rather liked SPN’s take on them, much like their take on most of supernatural stuff, LOL. However, the scene with the zombie trying to kill her roommate was a bit OTT. Sam as a bait was surprisingly entertaining, but the end was rather anti-climactic, I think. I kept expecting her to rise from the dead again.

                    I’m also a bit confused why Sam who by his own admission barely remembers his mother cares so much about her grave or why Dean is so adamant not to go anywhere near it.

                    As usual, the most interesting part was the interaction between the brothers. The conversation they had between them while seemingly talking to Angela’s father was brilliant. And the final scene! I’m starting to think that final scenes are SPN’s specialty. That conversation was powerful, raw and well acted (kudos to JA). Poor Dean, blaming himself all this time and trying to deal with it on his own. His mantra of “dead things should stay dead” took on a whole new meaning in light of his confession.

                    Oh, and Sam is definitely growing on me.

                    Simon Said

                    Roadhouse again. That’s cool, I like that with all the driving around the brothers do they have a place to come back to. I like Ash’s weirdness. I’m not so sure about Jo though. I find her mostly annoying, although I can’t put my finger on why exactly. Still, if she made Dean sing she can’t be that bad, right? Oh, and Dean afraid of Ellen? Priceless.

                    Stargate actors again. Doc from Sam’s vision was the sheriff in SG-1 “Nightwalkers”.

                    What I really liked and what I found pretty refreshing was that Andy really was innocent in all of this and had never tried to use his mind-controlling abilities to gain some significant personal benefit. Also, his controlling Dean led to some genuinely funny scenes, so I liked that too. And I honestly feel for Andy now, because yep, I can’t see his ex ever coming back to him now, knowing that she’d be second-guessing her every decision, wondering if it was hers or Andy’s. Ouch.

                    Speaking of the ex, what also has me confused is her cry. I mean she acted liked she knew she really didn’t want to do what Ansen was telling her but was powerless to stop herself, while all the others acted like they were totally unaware of being manipulated and seemed to realize that after the fact. So, a plothole or did I miss something?

                    Now, here’s the thing with the yellow-eyed demon arch. I dig this storyline, I really do. I’m dying to find out what happens next. However, this week I took a slightly different approach and firstly watched all 5 episodes and then started to rewatch them to take some notes. And even though I liked “Simon Said” the first time I watched it, the second time I found myself pretty bored and using FF button a lot. I’m not sure if it’s a matter of this particular ep, or the storyline as such?

                    No Exit

                    More Jo at her most annoying self. Oh joy.

                    The best scene? Dean and Jo’s whispered argument over what to tell Ellen on phone and car drive back to the Roadhouse when Dean turned on “You are cold as ice” (had me laugh out loud; also, I love that song).

                    The story was pretty cool, I thought. It reminded me of RDA’s movie “Through the eyes of a killer” a little. That movie creeped me out, just like this ep did to a lesser degree. It’s the premise – I find the idea of killers hiding in the walls of your apartment truly scary.

                    Having said that, the less said about Jo’s capture the better. If we go the cliché route, can we at least avoid cringe-worthy predictability of said cliché?

                    I did like Jo and Dean’s talk about their fathers, but the ending annoyed the hell out of me. It didn’t take a genius to figure out John had something to do with Jo’s father death, and I can understand Ellen’s anger given the parallels, but Jo’s reaction was not only OTT, but also completely incomprehensible. Given that it was her own damn fault that she got captured and Dean and Sam saved her life, why would she be pissed at them right afterwards for something their father did to her father years ago? Sheesh. I hope that’s the last I’ve seen of her.

                    More to come soon!
                    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                    awesome sig by Josiane



                      Lol. It's a good thing you like "Carry On My Wayward Son" as it is the theme song of the series. I had never heard it before this show, but I definitely have it on my ipod now.

                      Oh Papa Winchester. <3 And Meg. I love Meg. She really is one of my favorite villains.

                      LIke you, I wish we could have seen more of Pastor Jim. I think we might see him once more during a flashback episode, but I'm not sure.

                      I like that Dean is still pushing back against his father and not letting John guilt them about not disclosing Sam's visions. And I like that John agreed that it really was his fault that the boys don't tell him things. Mature conversation ftw!

                      John turning the entire reservoir into holy water was pretty clever, and I like that there is no honor among demons.

                      Ah Sammy. If only you hadn't hesitated in Rosie's room. But at least they were able to save the girl and her mother. Dean's mini-breakdown at the end and his confession that he was barely holding it together was very tense and believable. My hat's off to Jensen for a powerful performance.

                      And now Meg has John!

                      Devil's Trap

                      Bobby is not a one off. He is one of the only characters that really sticks around. AND I LOVE HIM! lol. He is one character I am fiercely protective of.

                      The scene where they exorcise Meg out of the girl was intense and I definitely teared up a bit at the girl thanking them for freeing her.

                      I liked that Dean called Sam out on being like John in his willingness to die if it means killing Yellow Eyes. Sam and John are so much alike.

                      It was very predictable that John was possessed, but JDM pulled off evil very well. I had completely forgotten that Meg was YE daughter, so it's natural he was extra pissed off about them getting killed. As much as it kills me to say, once again, Sam shouldn't have hesitated with the colt and he should have, for once, listened to his father and shot killed John. On the other hand, Sam saying that his family is more important that killing Yellow Eyes is a great bit of character development.

                      And man. The car crash. I so did not see that coming the first time I watched it. I have to be honest though, my first thought? Not the car!!!!!

                      In My Time of Dying

                      LIke you, I was not a huge fan of Dean's storyline in this episode. I thought the reaper plot was a bit silly. It's a hospital, people die every day. Of course a reaper would be there. I did like that it was a woman though. So, since I (surprisingly) was mostly uninterested in Dean, I'm going to focus more on John and Sam.

                      As soon as John sent Sam to get things that would "protect them" I knew something was up and when Bobby said it was ingredients for a summoning charm I was like "oh hell to the no Sammy, you do not give him any of that!!"

                      I like that Dean's condition was compared to the impala and I liked Sam's refusal to believe the car could't be repaired was essentially him saying that he refused to believe that Dean wouldn't make it. Creys. I love these boys.

                      Sam looks like a kicked puppy when he cries. I liked the ouiji board scene, but I'm very used to this show having humor in places you'd least expect it.

                      And so begins the Winchester practice of offering up their souls/lives for their family. John, if only you knew what you've started. Again, I cried when Sam came back with the coffee to see John dead on the floor. Lots and lots of questions, like you said.

                      Everybody Loves a Clown

                      I didn't watch most of this episode. Clowns. No, no, no. Shep and I have this in common. Since you don't watch horror movies, I assume you've never seen It, but this guy, Pennywise the Dancing Clown has forever ruined clowns for me. I've never even been to the circus because this film terrified me so bad.


                      So this review will be quick. Ellen, I adore you. And, actually, Ellen, Jo, and Ash all stick around for awhile, and Ellen definitely becomes one of, if not the best, female characters in the show. I love Ash's mullet.

                      Clowns, evil funhouses, evil, evil, evil. Ash is not watching this.

                      the only time I felt something was at the very end, when Dean started to smash his beloved car. Once more I’m left wondering what it was that John had told him
                      Man, this bit got me too. Dean loves that car and when he took the tire iron to it I gasped out loud.

                      Laptop battery dying. Lots to catch up on though. Will post more tomorrow. I am not lying this time.
                      Originally posted by Callista
                      Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                      Originally posted by HPMom
                      She saw the candle light as many things.



                        Gordon. I hate him, but I love to hate him. And I think the actor that plays him is really attractive. But Gordon. What a jerk.

                        Dean talking sexy to his car. Lol.

                        And ew at the beheading scene. And that's not even the most gruesome beheading we see on this show. Lol. And I have to say, rewatching from the beginning is making me sad when I stop and remember that 97 percent of these characters have met rather unfortunate ends. D:

                        I liked the moral questions of do they kill all supernatural beings or just the evil ones, because a lot of the times, even the ones that aren't evil still cause humans harm. And then there are people like Gordon. Human, but more evil than a vampire like Lenore. Like Dean said, their world is not black and white. Definitely got the Jack and Daniel vibe here too, with Sam's morals versus Dean's might.

                        I did agree with Sam that Dean was using Gordon as a replacement for John, but I think the loss of their father has to be a lot harder on Dean than it is on Sam. Oh, and I really liked Sam snapping at Gordon that "only Dean is allowed to call him Sammy." Sam's got some attitude!

                        Any episode that includes Ellen is better for having her in it, even if it's only for a few minutes. Hannibal Lector was a good psychiatrist indeed.

                        Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

                        As a big fan of zombie's (seriously, the Walking Dead is one of my most anticipated shows returning this fall) I feel like I should have liked this episode more than I did. I definitely felt like zombies was a check off their list, but it was imaginative and it did manage to mostly hold my interest.

                        Like you, I think the best scene was the final one. And yes, you're correct, the biggest emotional moments in the show tend to be the final scenes. Dean's confession of guilt was heart-wrenching, and knowing that while Sam can't be happy about their father's death he knows that he needs Dean more and knows that he can't tell Dean that. Tears man.

                        The episode was creepy and gloomy and full of tension, but I don't know. It just didn't impress me much. It was good, entertaining, but I don't love it.

                        Simon Said

                        Dean and REO Speedwagon. Don't mock it Winchester, that's one of my favorite songs.

                        Jo. Poor Jo. She suffered some pretty terrible writing and characterization because the writers gave into fan pressure. The fan backlash to Dean having any sort of meaningful romantic relationship was intense. Intense. She gets a lot better once she is no longer a viable love interest for Dean, which is a shame, because aside from the fact that the actress is just a touch too young looking to be playing romance with JA, I really liked their chemistry and thought the actors worked well together.

                        And Ash. How I love you (and not just because we share a name ). "We need your help." "Well then, I guess I need my pants." lol.

                        This was a pretty "what's wrong with Sammy" plot heavy episode. I liked that Andy broke the pattern of mothers set on fire. It just adds one more twist to the mystery. I liked when Sam called Dean out on being just as scared as he is, and Dean childishly denying it. Of course Dean would want a do over. Of course he would. But now we know that Dean is scared of Sammy and what he could become. Pair that with whatever it is that John said to Dean in his last moments and the plot is thickening quite nicely.

                        I liked the "evil twin" story and I found myself really feeling sympathy for Andy. Even more than Sam, who is starting to face that he might become a crazy killer. Andy really is an innocent caught up in a world he knows nothing about and he just lost his girlfriend to boot. Someone get this kid a beer!

                        More tomorrow. I might not be able to get all five done on time, but I am going to make more of an effort to not get so behind again!

                        EDIT: More, as promised!

                        No Exit

                        The Katie Holmes/Scientology bit in the beginning had me laughing out loud.

                        I love that they continue playing up Dean’s fear of Ellen. Though, to be fair, I think any woman that doesn’t just roll over for him both scares and intrigues him. I thought the fight between Jo and Ellen was realistic. Obviously Ellen wouldn’t want her daughter to get involved with hunting, but if that was the case then she shouldn’t have raised her in the Roadhouse and kept her submersed in that culture her entire life. Seems counterproductive imo.

                        I didn’t like that Dean so easily dismissed Jo though, it felt very much like a “woman can’t do this job” dismissal. I know they brought this exact thing up later in the episode and Dean said it wasn’t about that, but I think part of it was. I also think part of it is that he cares about her and doesn’t want to see her mixed up in this and killed, but he was very overbearing.

                        Clearly you don’t like Jo, but I really do. I like that she doesn’t take Dean’s crap. She tells him to sit, he sits. And Jensen and Alona have great chemistry. The flirty bits between them were very entertaining. Dean should have “cleaned the pipes.” Lol. The talk between them about their fathers was great, and it was nice to see Dean open up to someone more trustworthy than Gordon. And I like that she’s smart. She put the file together, she found him in the walls, she pointed out the prison next door and got the information about the hangings.

                        H.H. Holmes sounds like a wonderful guy. Murder Castle. I think it could be a lovely summer home. I do so love me some torture devices. Ick.

                        I liked the brief scene between Jo and Theresa, and that Jo was not only trying to reassure her but was confident that the boys were coming for her. I hated that she needed rescuing in the first place (can’t have a woman save the day now can we?) but I liked that she didn’t lose her head and start panicking.

                        As for Jo being mad. I kind of understand it. She went her whole life thinking he just died on the job because that’s what happens, and then to find out that “Uncle John” is the reason he’s dead and we have no idea what else Ellen said when the scene cut off, but I assume it was disparaging about the Winchesters to further discourage Jo from trusting them. Which worked. Unfortunately for you, this is not the last we see of Jo though.

                        The Usual Suspects

                        Ah ha! I knew Dean’s police record came up again. Yay for continuity. Also? Yay for Sam being a red-headed woman. Lol. I love their banter. And Dean. “My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women.” So much love.

                        I wasn’t really a big fan of this episode. At this point, stand-alone episodes that don’t move the Yellow-Eyed Demon/What’s wrong with Sammy plot have to be really, really good to keep me interested.

                        So, um…yeah. Not much to say here. I feel like the police records come up again, only now Sam is involved as well. It sucks that Diana couldn’t have wiped them or kept Dean as dead. The death omen idea was pretty interesting.

                        Lol. I think you can tell I didn’t like this one much just by comparing this write up with the No Exit one.
                        Last edited by Ashizuri; 16 August 2011, 07:05 PM.
                        Originally posted by Callista
                        Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                        Originally posted by HPMom
                        She saw the candle light as many things.


                          Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                          And so begins the Winchester practice of offering up their souls/lives for their family. John, if only you knew what you've started.

                          I assume you've never seen It, but this guy, Pennywise the Dancing Clown has forever ruined clowns for me. I've never even been to the circus because this film terrified me so bad.
                          You are right, I've never seen it've never been to the circus? Seriously? Oh man, I'll need to talk you into going one day!

                          Ellen definitely becomes one of, if not the best, female characters in the show. I love Ash's mullet.
                          I <3 Ellen. And LOL at the mullet comment.

                          More tomorrow. I might not be able to get all five done on time, but I am going to make more of an effort to not get so behind again!

                          EDIT: More, as promised!
                          I'm impressed!

                          Obviously Ellen wouldn’t want her daughter to get involved with hunting, but if that was the case then she shouldn’t have raised her in the Roadhouse and kept her submersed in that culture her entire life. Seems counterproductive imo.
                          Yeah, that was a bit odd.

                          Clearly you don’t like Jo, but I really do.
                          Well, it's about time we had some disagreement!

                          I like that she doesn’t take Dean’s crap. She tells him to sit, he sits. And Jensen and Alona have great chemistry. The flirty bits between them were very entertaining. Dean should have “cleaned the pipes.” Lol. The talk between them about their fathers was great, and it was nice to see Dean open up to someone more trustworthy than Gordon. And I like that she’s smart. She put the file together, she found him in the walls, she pointed out the prison next door and got the information about the hangings.
                          Now see, I think all of the above is exactly what the writers were going for. And I can definitely see Jo's potential, it's just that there's something lacking in the execution for me. I think I ought to be rooting for her, but I find her mostly annoying, and I just..can't. I don't want to be a jerk, bit I suspect it's something to do with the actress, she just doesn't do it for me. But for your sake I'll try to make an effort to like her a bit more.

                          H.H. Holmes sounds like a wonderful guy. Murder Castle. I think it could be a lovely summer home. I do so love me some torture devices. Ick.
                          *Petra's rethinking spending any summer time with Ash in RL*

                          The Usual Suspects

                          So, Sam still wears a cast and Dean was considered dead. Continuity indeed.

                          Ok, not a lot to say this time. Unlike you, I liked this episode, I really did. I enjoy brothers’ trouble with law, I guess, finding out all their back-up plans etc. it’s fascinating. Plus I didn’t figure out the mystery, so that was cool. I was sure the killer would be supernatural. Nice surprise.

                          Dean’s “confession” was hilarious. And the reference to Shining gives it additional points.

                          Open-minded cop was a nice break too. Am I to understand she’s never to be seen again too?

                          My only nit-pick is the ending: I understand why it went down that way, but still, it was way too clichéd. Shame.

                          All in all, pretty enjoyable episode.

                          Crossroad Blues

                          I feel like I should like this episode more than I actually did.

                          I’m not sure what it was that didn’t quite work for me. Maybe the scenes from Mississippi in the 30s dragged a bit too much? Or maybe, even though I know dogs can be terrifying, big black dog as a supernatural threat sounds a bit ridiculous?

                          I do know what did work though. Firstly, the talk at the café about dean being wanted and Sam being jealous. I couldn’t stop smiling. “Holy…” - “Holy? Guess again” exchange was pretty funny too. The way the demon sealed the deal was pretty innovative as well…I just hope that the women get some handsome fella!

                          I liked the scene with George The Unsuccessful Painter. His attitude was unexpected and very refreshing.

                          But as usual, hands down the best scenes were tied with the mythology. Dean’s worst fears came true and man, did I feel for him when he was offered that deal that would rescue John from hell! Really great, powerful stuff. Besides, I have a sneaky suspicion that it’s not the last time we heard of, or seen, Papa Winchester. And I hope I’m not wrong, before now I’m really curious to learn more about his fate.

                          Also, I loved the last scene in the car. So poignant.


                          And we are back to the mythology, Yellow-Eyed Demon and Sam’s visions with vengeance!

                          I found this episode very interesting and once again there were scenes where I was definitely siding with Sam. His annoyance at Dean’s unfamiliarity with history is so like me, LOL. I tend to grumble a lot when somebody doesn’t know basic (or what I consider basic) historic facts.

                          Also, more Stargate actors – this time the guy who played Administrator Calder in BtS. And a question: what’s up with a neighbor named Mr Rodgers? I feel like I missed something.

                          The premise is really disturbing. Hellish virus that turns normal people into crazy murderers? Yikes. I also think it’s the most sci-fi episode to date, what with using an actual virus, a doctor, medical tests and such. And as I’m a sucker for stories about strange small towns, there really wasn’t much not to like.

                          Dean is really spinning out of control, isn’t he? I was pretty surprised that he killed that woman in cold blood; then again, his love for his kid brother seems to be the most reliable thing in the whole show.

                          Oh, and Dwayne’s ‘phone call’ at the end? I did not see this coming! I’m excited for what’s to come! Not to mention the reveal of the big secret…
                          There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                          awesome sig by Josiane


                            Woo Hoo, I made it this after all!



                            1. Do the victims-to-be always have to take long walks through the dangerous neighbourhoods late at night? Seriously, couldn’t the guy park closer to his doctor’s place?

                            2. So we finally start to get some answers. Dean might have to kill Sam? Oh wow. That’s big. But, probably unfairly, I’m siding with Dean here. I thought Sam acted like a spoilt brat.

                            3. Yep. I adore Ellen. I just wish that Dean was there too, to hear she doesn’t blame him for anything.

                            4. Ash, weird and endearing as always. He’s slowly starting to become one of my faves.

                            5. Yet another Stargate face! Hello King Maybourne, long time no see!

                            6. Ava seems to be a cool character. She’s very likeable and I certainly hope to see her again. Although, my impression at the end was that she turned dark side and killed her fiancé herself, and I guess I’m supposed to believe that it was the demon who killed the guy and kidnapped her?

                            Also, I laughed at her line about soda and suicide attempts, but I got it only thanks to your explanation, so thanks!

                            7. Gordon again! Man I hate that guy so much! (in a “I love to hate him” way ). I can’t believe that he killed that innocent guy. But I absolutely loved how Sam took care of him. Cops? LOL.

                            8. Answers continued. Psychics will be the soldiers of Hell, the war is coming, plot thickens…


                            More creepy little girls. Geez. And more creepy dolls. And more bed/gays jokes. And jokes at Sam liking dolls. LOL

                            I don’t have much to say about this ep. It was fairly enjoyable, but really nothing special or memorable. Except these dolls. I totally agree with Dean, they were super creepy!

                            Drunk!Sam was kind of amusing at the beginning and the moment when he asked Dean to kill him was intense, but honestly, I wasn’t impressed with JP acting.

                            I didn’t see the twist with Maggie coming, so that was cool. Also, I was happy to see she was played by the girl from The 4400.

                            Overall, meh.


                            Man, I loved that episode. It’s hands down among my favourites, if not the favourite till now. I just love bank robbery stories. Like, seriously love. If there’s a movie about a bank robbery I need to see it, if a tv series does its own take, it tends to be among my favourites as well (hello Sanctuary). So…yeah, loved it.

                            “Mandroid” had me laughing out loud. Laser eyes. LOL. The little scene where the blond girl was gushing at how brave Dean was and Sam was just rolling his eyes. Brothers’ reaction to her fainting later on. Sam taking out those SWAT guys. There’s so much to love.

                            Ronald was sweet, even if so painfully stereotypical. I loved his rapport with Dean, and that Dean actually genuinely liked him and told him the truth. Man, I can’t believe they killed him off. I’m so sad.

                            Agent Henriksen is an interesting addition to the show, I think. I’m very interested in seeing how he’ll handle the Winchesters further down the road. I must say I kinda can understand him; from his POV Dean really can be seen as some sort of a monster, ironically. And speaking of Dean, it was so typical that he didn’t even bat an eye when Victor was listing his “crimes” but immediately jumped to the defense of his dad.

                            Houses of the Holy

                            LOL at Dean enjoying himself on a motel bed exactly like Jack did in Point of No Return. And the talk about unicorns had me in stitches. All I could think was: but the unicorns do exist! They are pink and sparkly and angry and reside at the GW forums! LOL

                            On a more serious note, I guess it was a matter of time before SPN did an episode dealing with the religion/God’s existence. It’s hard not to given the series’ themes.

                            The mystery part didn’t quite work for me, as I figured pretty soon that the writers will have some compromise between Sam and Dean’s versions. Guess what happened? A compromise. It’s a spirit, but then again maybe it was doing God’s work after all I don’t mean to offend anybody, honestly, I think that resolution, however predictable it was, worked pretty well. Still, I can’t help but be disappointed a little that the show didn’t take the harder path and avoided referencing God at the end. Dean’s change of heart felt a little forced, like the writers were afraid that the (American) audience wouldn’t be able to accept an atheist protagonist. Of course I may be totally wrong here, but this is how it looked like for me.

                            I must say I’m very happy with Father Reno’s (?) portrayal. It was refreshing to actually see an honest, devoted priest who hasn’t strayed on American tv. I really liked the guy.
                            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                            awesome sig by Josiane


                              Originally posted by Petra View Post


                              Man, I loved that episode. It’s hands down among my favourites, if not the favourite till now. I just love bank robbery stories. Like, seriously love. If there’s a movie about a bank robbery I need to see it, if a tv series does its own take, it tends to be among my favourites as well (hello Sanctuary). So…yeah, loved it.
                              Nightshifter was the episodes which turned me from "I like the show" to "I absolutely LOVE this one". The ending was just perfect.

                              *I'd love to insert a vid here but it wasn't allowed in my country. Blame the GEMA.*
                              The cake is a lie!


                                Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                                Nightshifter was the episodes which turned me from "I like the show" to "I absolutely LOVE this one". The ending was just perfect.
                                I totally agree.

                                Oh, and I'm so glad to see someone other than Ash and me posting here!
                                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                                awesome sig by Josiane

