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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Evening Pit

    Congrats Jen on 11,000 posts

    and Sal on 13,000

    A few gag reel caps



      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
      At least you were in the right place if you got a snack attack in the middle of the night... But that sounds amazing! I wish we were closer to the sea, my kids are real landlubbers.
      I was too tired to get snack attacks. Poor kids, the sailing trip was fun, but man was my hair full of sea salt by the end of it!

      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
      It's these Russian dolls that are one inside the other...
      First Mary sacrifices herself so John can live, then John sacrifices himself so Dean will live, then Dean sacrifices himself so Sam can live... So in S5 it would have to be Sam's turn?
      That family has issues.
      Technically Mary didn't sacrifice herself, she didn't know what was going to happen and if she'd stayed in bed all would have been fine. *sigh*

      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
      Glad that I can help a bit. Oh, I know something else that will cheer you up! Still from In the Beginning.

      Sorry Castiel is a bit blurred in some of them, but I'm just doing Dean caps...
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
        Hey Lizzie! Thanks!

        I posted my reply and when the page reloads the first thing I see is the bottom cap! It threw me off for a minute!

        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          Hey Lizzie! Thanks!

          I posted my reply and when the page reloads the first thing I see is the bottom cap! It threw me off for a minute!

          He's not looking his lovely best in those pics

          Is anyone else having problems with the subscribed threads not coming up in their profile page/control panel? Out of the Spn threads only the Sam whump thread is showing... the others aren't coming up even after someone's posted!..

          Edit: OK..Just manually subscribed to the threads..that seemed to have worked. Never had to do that before!
          Last edited by LizzieAnne; 22 August 2009, 12:48 PM.


            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
            Love them! Dean and Cas *sigh*
            They're so great together. "I'm not here to perch on your shoulder..."

            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            It's feaky how far he can move his eyeballs to the side. In some car shots when he looks over at Sam he almost looks like a demon - eyes are all white!

            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            I was too tired to get snack attacks. Poor kids, the sailing trip was fun, but man was my hair full of sea salt by the end of it!
            I can imagine. The few sailing trips I've been on, I always remember how scarce the sweet water was. Washing your hair was usually not an option...

            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            That family has issues.
            Technically Mary didn't sacrifice herself, she didn't know what was going to happen and if she'd stayed in bed all would have been fine. *sigh*
            Okay, granted. But I think she could guess it was gonna be something bad. And there is the additional issue now whether it was Dean
            who started it all by bringing Mary to the demon's attention. If he hadn't been there to tell them about the demon's imminent attack on this woman, Mary might not have gone to the house and the demon would not have seen her.

            I'll be off to bed now, so I'm leaving you with some sleeping Dean pics - and a gutterdive to bring you the right kind of dreams. Good night, Pit!

            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

              Sorry Castiel is a bit blurred in some of them, but I'm just doing Dean caps...
              Woah!!! Who's the other hot bloke? I've only just finish S3 tonight so i don't know who he is.


                Originally posted by Kady View Post
                Woah!!! Who's the other hot bloke? I've only just finish S3 tonight so i don't know who he is.
                Then you're exactly one ep too early. He will make an appearance in the S4 opening episode. And what an appearance that's gonna be... As I said already, his name is Castiel and he's an
                Angel of the Lord.
                Also he's made such an impact that he's gonna be a regular in S5. YAY!

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Then you're exactly one ep too early. He will make an appearance in the S4 opening episode. And what an appearance that's gonna be... As I said already, his name is Castiel and he's an
                  Angel of the Lord.
                  Also he's made such an impact that he's gonna be a regular in S5. YAY!
                  Angel? As in big white wings, halo etc?


                    I did it! O_o
                    Season 3 and 4 and less than 6 days. o.o

                    I feel so lost and happy at the same time.

                    *pokes Jen* That was fun.


                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                      I did it! O_o
                      Season 3 and 4 and less than 6 days. o.o

                      I feel so lost and happy at the same time.

                      *pokes Jen* That was fun.
                      Hey Luci

                      I'm amazed your head didn't didn't, did it?

                      I've just finished Season4...I'm having withdrawal symptoms..

                      I did find a taster for the first 5 mins of Ep 1 Season 5 if you get's in the Paradise Spoiler thread.


                        I think I need a break...not actually me...just my head, my heart and my soul.
                        I'm soooo damn lost. *sighs*


                          Originally posted by Kady View Post
                          Angel? As in big white wings, halo etc?
                          Yes and no.
                          You can only see the shadows of his wings, and to Dean's surprise Angels are not sweet and protective but warriors of God. They're also extremely difficult to deal with - but you'll see for yourself in S4.

                          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                          I did it! O_o
                          Season 3 and 4 and less than 6 days. o.o

                          I feel so lost and happy at the same time.

                          *pokes Jen* That was fun.
                          Wow, are your eyes square now? That's what, about 8 eps per day? Very impressive. Actually, my kids and two of their friends watched all 4 seasons in 9 days. But they were on summer break, and it was too hot to be outside during the day...

                          I can understand how you feel, though. On the one hand it's so nice to be all caught up, on the other hand there's this hole without any new eps. At least S5 is less than 3 weeks away. OMG, I can't wait!

                          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                            Actually yes. 8 eps. But to be honest. *coughs*
                            12 eps last tuesday.
                            I just wanted to finish season 3...and know how it ends and I wanted to have a special person back. *winks*


                              Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                              I think I need a break...not actually me...just my head, my heart and my soul.
                              I'm soooo damn lost. *sighs*
                              Yeah, it's hard to find back into reality after such a wild ride.

                              Oh, and your sig is absolutely gorgeous, BTW.

                              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                                Yes and no.
                                You can only see the shadows of his wings, and to Dean's surprise Angels are not sweet and protective but warriors of God. They're also extremely difficult to deal with - but you'll see for yourself in S4.
                                Ooooh, can't wait for that!! Hope S4 is out soon on DVD for england.

