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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Evening Pit Here for a flying visit, things to do elsewhere tonight!
    *huggles shadow of a wing flying by...*

    lol: I've not heard of that one, you'll have to let me know what it's like though... I'm intruiged now! :-p
    OT ok, since you asked so nice!
    Well, I started it up yesterday at night but decided to drop it cause the teaser was freaking me out
    Wanted to return it but forgot until I was home and then decided to watch it afterwall (well, it WAS bright and sunny outside.. actually it poured and was quite stormy... LOL.

    But "The unborn"
    Spoiler: It´s funny it has quite the bad rap over there but it wasn´t THAT bad. It was actually not even quite as scary as I first thought.

    But it´s about a woman who´s haunted by an evil spirit that wants to be born and so happens to go after twins. (and has a history with her family). She doesn´t know she is one until her eye color "changes" and she´s having nasty nightmares and lands herself (and her friends) in creepy situations. She sees a specialist about her eye who asks her about the twin thing. Turns out her would-be brother died in utero and this "spirit" tried to come into the world ever since but didn´t show up until
    she´s pregnant herself. What I didn´t get was "why" this evil thing needed to haunt her in the first place.. he could have simply taken the body of one of her children and let well enough alone to be born. But then, it wouldn´t be spooky or a story at all

    anyway, ok for a rental but glad I didn´t pay good money in the cinema on it!

    *ghost huggles back* Whatever's good enough for Dean & Sam's good enough for us, girl!! ;-)

    I like spooky/suspense/thriller/horror ... Spn has it's 'ewww' moments and creepy music and things jumping out, but it's pretty tame compared to some stuff I've watched. I'm impressed at you ladies for sticking with it when you don't like spooky as a rule!!
    I do make a few exceptions sometimes, LOL!!
    As my addiction to Spn proves

    Picspam time.... in the vein of spooky, it's MBV time!

    Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
    Ahhh, I'm loving this thread already!

    I don't know how I could have been so blind for so long! I always seemed to get by anything Jensen Ackles-relating pretty smoothly, but two days ago I started watching Supernatural (am on episode 18 as of now) and he's so HOT!

    What have I wasted all these years for? lol

    I know what you mean though. I´m rather new to this myself, only started to watch it a few months back (by now, all caught up, LOL). Stars and Queen recommended it until I gave in,LOL. I must admit, Jensen´s pics at first didn´t convince me, I´ve seen him in several sigs floating about but I needed to see the live action whump in this show to start the thunk!

    First eps were "Shadow" and "Faith" --- *swoons*

    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Hi there, and welcome to the Pit!

    I was the friend kept going on and on and on (and on some more lol) about how gorgeous Jensen is, how great Spn is etc etc. She kept showing me pics and he came across as too pretty boy for me, and at the time I thought Spn would be too 'teeny' for me... but I was wrong, and she'll never let me forget it!!
    Because it´s too funny to see your older reactions and compare it with now!

    And atl-aby, no, I´m not that friend
    Actually, I´m guilty of the same as Queen here.... *blush*

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    Hi there and welcome! I had never seen Jensen before, and it was instant 'thunk' for me. I must say that I like him better with every year that passes. I gave 'Dark Angel' and 'Smallville' a try, but find him way too young there.
    Ditto!! Though I find him rather cute in "Dark Angel"
    Never watched Smallville though.. I did catch a glimpse during flipping some channels but that show is not for me....

    I think that's why their fan base is growing so steadily. For many people I know (including myself ) it's not the kind of show you expect to really fall for - but once you start you do. Hard. I think I was hooked about 20 minutes into the first ep I ever watched. Which, incidentally, was Folsom Prison Blues.

    Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
    picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


      oh, double post! LOL

      But..errrrrrrrrrr, stars! confession!
      I snooped into your Supernatural folder... and well.. saw you capped the s5 sneak preview ... I´m sorry but I couldn´t resist using those!

      Anyway, .... first Spn picfic
      credit for the pics to stars!! I hope you don´t mind me stealing those

      tiny spoiler for s4 (if you can tell... ) and some s5 pics - nothing real spoilery though..
      Warning though! Contains a twist on Wincest! I´m not one myself... but I couldn´t resist! Thanks to stars for the pointer, *blush*


      Girl: Wow, I can certainly see why so many girls get hot for the two of you....those muscles must feel great...

      Girl: Those NC17 scenes are so steamy.. they
      Dean: Well... there´s hardly any of that onscreen..

      Girl: Well, of course not, Silly... with you two being brothers, it would be improp...
      Dean: Come again?!

      Sam: Yeah...sorry about that... he´s not exactly cool about that whole slash fan thing ...

      Dean: You DO know we´re BROTHERS.. so .. why would you go there??
      Girl: We´re talking fanfic here! You two are both consenting adults...

      Dean: Well, I´m not all that "content" with this consent, sweetie!

      Girl: But in fanfic, there´s always AU.. you two could have been adopted and not actually related...!
      Dean: huh...

      Dean: I see.. so you just want to bent the rules and get a sneak preview here huh?
      Girl: That´s what AU fanfiction is for...

      Well, get over here and have a snuggle then, Sammy!

      Excuse me??

      Dean: That girl wrote a piece, let´s give her a view!

      Sam: *dirty thoughts*

      explicit pic ahead! ;-)


      Girl: *gasps*

      Oh come on! First Chuck and now THIS??

      Dean: How the hell did that happen?!
      Sam: Must be a demon thing... possessing and other such places!

      Dean: Well, we gotta kill this SOB!
      Sam: Agreed...

      Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 04 September 2009, 08:46 AM. Reason: forgot a warning!

      Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
      picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
        oh, double post! LOL

        But..errrrrrrrrrr, stars! confession!
        I snooped into your Supernatural folder... and well.. saw you capped the s5 sneak preview ... I´m sorry but I couldn´t resist using those!

        Anyway, .... first Spn picfic
        credit for the pics to stars!! I hope you don´t mind me stealing those

        tiny spoiler for s4 (if you can tell... ) and some s5 pics - nothing real spoilery though..

        <snipped for time>
        OMG, SAF you're brilliant!!!! Love it. Snurch all the pics you want, especially if the result is something like this!

        You may want to add a caution or double spoiler the more *cough* explicit pic, though, the whole Wincest thing is a squick for some people here. Which is why I posted my own version of this over in Paradise. You can check it out if you like under http://whumpersparadise.myfreeforum....3bf53bebcb7f7f, it's the second post from the bottom.

        *sigh* Just looking at those pics again gives me the feeling that S5 is gonna be mind-blowingly great.

        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          I'm in Van. (can't remember if I posted this yesterday... )

          Is there anything shorter I can call you? Or you will become AA to me.
          Glad you got back ok Sal! *huggles*

          That;s what I was thinking!!

          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
          OT ok, since you asked so nice!
          Well, I started it up yesterday at night but decided to drop it cause the teaser was freaking me out
          Wanted to return it but forgot until I was home and then decided to watch it afterwall (well, it WAS bright and sunny outside.. actually it poured and was quite stormy... LOL.

          But "The unborn"
 It´s funny it has quite the bad rap over there but it wasn´t THAT bad. It was actually not even quite as scary as I first thought.

          But it´s about a woman who´s haunted by an evil spirit that wants to be born and so happens to go after twins. (and has a history with her family). She doesn´t know she is one until her eye color "changes" and she´s having nasty nightmares and lands herself (and her friends) in creepy situations. She sees a specialist about her eye who asks her about the twin thing. Turns out her would-be brother died in utero and this "spirit" tried to come into the world ever since but didn´t show up until
          she´s pregnant herself. What I didn´t get was "why" this evil thing needed to haunt her in the first place.. he could have simply taken the body of one of her children and let well enough alone to be born. But then, it wouldn´t be spooky or a story at all

          anyway, ok for a rental but glad I didn´t pay good money in the cinema on it!
          That sounds quite good! I might check it out and then I can comment properly! LOL

          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
          And atl-aby, no, I´m not that friend
          Nope, it was someone from here, but if I said her GW name it wouldn't mean much cos she hardly ever gets her arse on here anymore!! *pokes my bestest geek even though she's not here to feel it!!*

          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
          Anyway, .... first Spn picfic
          credit for the pics to stars!! I hope you don´t mind me stealing those

          tiny spoiler for s4 (if you can tell... ) and some s5 pics - nothing real spoilery though..

          <snipped for time>
          OMG, that's bloody brilliant SAF... you're a genius!! *squishiehuggles* LOVE it... have some green!!

          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
          You may want to add a caution or double spoiler the more *cough* explicit pic, though, the whole Wincest thing is a squick for some people here. Which is why I posted my own version of this over in Paradise. You can check it out if you like under http://whumpersparadise.myfreeforum....3bf53bebcb7f7f, it's the second post from the bottom.
          She won't be able to see it... we know she's special, but she's not in the Special Hell group!!

          *sigh* Just looking at those pics again gives me the feeling that S5 is gonna be mind-blowingly great.

          Size & for being whumpy; but with those lips it's pure thunkage!




            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            She won't be able to see it... we know she's special, but she's not in the Special Hell group!!
            What?? Why????

            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            Size & for being whumpy; but with those lips it's pure thunkage!

            *picks herself off floor* And I had only just recovered from seeing that one on the whump thread...

            Right, my next project - capping Heaven and Hell. Tons of great close-ups in the first scene, so not spoilered for content, only for size.

            Oh yes, I promised you gutterdives...

            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              That ep will always hold a special place in my heart!

              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              What?? Why????
              It's not a public group! It's shows for you because you've been given access permissions.

              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              *picks herself off floor* And I had only just recovered from seeing that one on the whump thread...
              It's too good not to post in both!

              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              Right, my next project - capping Heaven and Hell. Tons of great close-ups in the first scene, so not spoilered for content, only for size.

              All wonderful, but that one... *snogs his face off*





                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                That ep will always hold a special place in my heart!
                Same here, since it was my first!

                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                It's not a public group! It's shows for you because you've been given access permissions.
                I know that, but why doesn't she have access yet? It think she's entitled after this picfic.

                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                It's too good not to post in both!
                D@mn straight.

                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                All wonderful, but that one... *snogs his face off*

                Yeah, I figured you'd like that one. Ooooh, and you found another favorite of mine. This one's just... just...

                Actually, did you see this batch? It was our first cross-post this morning. The pics are at the bottom of the page.

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                  Is this the episode, "Bloody Mary"? I like what he says after excorcizing Mary by smashing the mirrors. "This has got to be like…what? 600 years of bad luck?"


                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    *huggles shadow of a wing flying by...*

                    OT ok, since you asked so nice!
                    Well, I started it up yesterday at night but decided to drop it cause the teaser was freaking me out
                    Wanted to return it but forgot until I was home and then decided to watch it afterwall (well, it WAS bright and sunny outside.. actually it poured and was quite stormy... LOL.

                    But "The unborn"
           It´s funny it has quite the bad rap over there but it wasn´t THAT bad. It was actually not even quite as scary as I first thought.

                    But it´s about a woman who´s haunted by an evil spirit that wants to be born and so happens to go after twins. (and has a history with her family). She doesn´t know she is one until her eye color "changes" and she´s having nasty nightmares and lands herself (and her friends) in creepy situations. She sees a specialist about her eye who asks her about the twin thing. Turns out her would-be brother died in utero and this "spirit" tried to come into the world ever since but didn´t show up until
                    she´s pregnant herself. What I didn´t get was "why" this evil thing needed to haunt her in the first place.. he could have simply taken the body of one of her children and let well enough alone to be born. But then, it wouldn´t be spooky or a story at all

                    anyway, ok for a rental but glad I didn´t pay good money in the cinema on it!
                    i watched it in cinema with my best friend and another friend of ours... our other friend made the mistake of sitting on her left side b/c that's the side she jumps to when she gets spooked.... we watched it at night and there weren't that many ppl in the cinema with us... we were all really freaked by that movie.... neither of us could look at mirrors for days afterwards.....and that kid *shudders*
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Hi there, and welcome to the Pit!

                      I was the friend kept going on and on and on (and on some more lol) about how gorgeous Jensen is, how great Spn is etc etc. She kept showing me pics and he came across as too pretty boy for me, and at the time I thought Spn would be too 'teeny' for me... but I was wrong, and she'll never let me forget it!!

                      We have people at all different levels of the show... most of us have seen all aired eps, some people are still new and on S2... by the sound of it you'll be caught up in no time! do you have a favourite ep so far?
                      Thank you!! Well, since I'm still watching it my favourites keep changing every time I see a better one, but since I'm a whumper I have to admit I love Shadow (at least I think that's the one...) he just looks so squeeable there! XD
                      I know what you mean though, I always thought Supernatural was something for teens - and if it is, well, I don't care anymore, haha

                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      Hi there and welcome! I had never seen Jensen before, and it was instant 'thunk' for me. I must say that I like him better with every year that passes. I gave 'Dark Angel' and 'Smallville' a try, but find him way too young there.
                      Indeed ! I saw him in Smallville (my friend was really obsessed with that series, I never got into it) and back then I must admit, I didn't really notice him much... even though he still looks like a pretty boy now, he's more of a man. Just thunkable!

                      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                      Welcome to the Pit, atlantis-abydos!

                      Is there anything shorter I can call you? Or you will become AA to me.
                      Thank you! AA is good, really! They call me Lanti in some of the other threads, but I seriously don't mind at all!

                      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                      Welcome to the Pit! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here
                      I started watching SPN for the hot guys, too I saw this one S1 promo pic of Sam and Dean in another forum and was like 'Woah, you need to watch this show!'
                      My story is actually not that interesting. I watched SG1 from start to finish, and when I was done I was pretty bored and thought of other series I could watch again, but I just didn't feel like re-watching anything else, so I decided to watch a totally new series. First I started looking for Jeremiah (cause I'm totally in love with Malek of the Tok'ra) but didn't find it anywhere, so I came across Supernatural. As soon as I started the first episode I was in Jensen-land

                      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

                      I know what you mean though. I´m rather new to this myself, only started to watch it a few months back (by now, all caught up, LOL). Stars and Queen recommended it until I gave in,LOL. I must admit, Jensen´s pics at first didn´t convince me, I´ve seen him in several sigs floating about but I needed to see the live action whump in this show to start the thunk!

                      First eps were "Shadow" and "Faith" --- *swoons*

                      And atl-aby, no, I´m not that friend
                      Actually, I´m guilty of the same as Queen here.... *blush*

                      Ditto!! Though I find him rather cute in "Dark Angel"
                      Never watched Smallville though.. I did catch a glimpse during flipping some channels but that show is not for me....

                      I can't do anything but agree with you on everything. Those two episodes really pulled me in, and a little whump never hurt anyone... well... hehe
                      I've actually never seen Dark Angel, ever. Does he have a big role in that series? All I know is that Jessica Alba plays in it - but I guess everyone knows that.

                      Has anyone seen My Bloody Valentine? I'm a bit of a softy when it comes to Horror so I'm not sure if it's a movie for me, though he looks incredibly hot in the stills. (If it's hot enough I can endure the rest though)
                      The Tok'ra * Rodney McKay * Whump * Ba'al * // "Electric Sperm!" - Jason Momoa [25.10.09]


                        Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                        My story is actually not that interesting. I watched SG1 from start to finish, and when I was done I was pretty bored and thought of other series I could watch again, but I just didn't feel like re-watching anything else, so I decided to watch a totally new series. First I started looking for Jeremiah (cause I'm totally in love with Malek of the Tok'ra) but didn't find it anywhere, so I came across Supernatural. As soon as I started the first episode I was in Jensen-land
                        lol, i remember when SPN first came out... i was all excited b/c here was a show about things that go bump in the night and it wasn't a Buffy spin-off... back then i didn't thunk either of our boys, so i didn't really care who was in it... i watched three eps, kept on getting confused b/t who was sam and who was dean [( i mean i used to watch gilmore girls, and jared played dean there but now he's sam with an older brother dean and i just couldn't get my head around it )] anyways, i lost interest and stopped watching the show... or sure i'd catch an ep here or there if i was bored... i ended up watching most of s3 like that... it was summer and CW was reshowing the season b4 s4 premiered, and i got back into it, and now her i am
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                          Thank you!! Well, since I'm still watching it my favourites keep changing every time I see a better one, but since I'm a whumper I have to admit I love Shadow (at least I think that's the one...) he just looks so squeeable there! XD
                          I know what you mean though, I always thought Supernatural was something for teens - and if it is, well, I don't care anymore, haha
                          Another Thumper! *hugs* I think it was the promise of recurring whump that convinced me to give the show a try. I was at a loss after SGA ended, I usually only watch one show, so Spn was just the thing to fill that hole. I think what attracts me to both SG and Spn is the fact that it's 'normal' people in fantastic environments. I like SciFi shows because they're so different from RL, but I can get more into the characters if they're from my space and time. Does that make sense?

                          Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                          Indeed ! I saw him in Smallville (my friend was really obsessed with that series, I never got into it) and back then I must admit, I didn't really notice him much... even though he still looks like a pretty boy now, he's more of a man. Just thunkable!
                          And he's getting better all the time... It almost scares me sometimes when I go back to S1 how young the boys still look there. It's great to see them develop and mature over the years, not just emotionally (because the writers are doing a great job there) but also physically.

                          Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                          Thank you! AA is good, really! They call me Lanti in some of the other threads, but I seriously don't mind at all!
                          Lanti it is then.

                          Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                          I can't do anything but agree with you on everything. Those two episodes really pulled me in, and a little whump never hurt anyone... well... hehe
                          I've actually never seen Dark Angel, ever. Does he have a big role in that series? All I know is that Jessica Alba plays in it - but I guess everyone knows that.
                          I've only seen clips of this show on YT, but Jensen was a guest star in the season 1 episode Pollo Loco, but his character
                          , who incidentally was described as a 'psychotic killer' died at the end.
                          It appears they liked him so much they brought him back as a regular in S2, playing the
                          clone or twin of the other guy
                          and this character was a lot more snarky and likeable, a bit like Dean already.

                          Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                          Has anyone seen My Bloody Valentine? I'm a bit of a softy when it comes to Horror so I'm not sure if it's a movie for me, though he looks incredibly hot in the stills. (If it's hot enough I can endure the rest though)
                          I'm so with you on this one, don't really like horror and gore. Queen has seen it, and she told me it was pretty graphic if you're not into that kind of thing - so I'm staying away for the moment. But some of the caps I've seen are extremely tempting... Especially this scene - for obvious reasons. (Thump at it's best!)

                          Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                          lol, i remember when SPN first came out... i was all excited b/c here was a show about things that go bump in the night and it wasn't a Buffy spin-off... back then i didn't thunk either of our boys, so i didn't really care who was in it... i watched three eps, kept on getting confused b/t who was sam and who was dean [( i mean i used to watch gilmore girls, and jared played dean there but now he's sam with an older brother dean and i just couldn't get my head around it )] anyways, i lost interest and stopped watching the show... or sure i'd catch an ep here or there if i was bored... i ended up watching most of s3 like that... it was summer and CW was reshowing the season b4 s4 premiered, and i got back into it, and now her i am
                          It must be great to be living in a country where you get the new eps on TV. Most of us here are from Europe, and they air much later. (In Germany they haven't even started S3 yet - or have they? I don't follow it because they're in German. ) And you have to get really creative if you want to follow the show.

                          Squeee - less than a week to S5!

                          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                            hello my sweethearts. sorry for not being around for a while, just can't keep up with you

                            but i found three clips of the new season on Twitter and thought i might share follow me


                              Morning Pit *pours coffee and boils kettle*

                              In a rush so will catch up later. Have a good Friday everyone!



                                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                                hello my sweethearts. sorry for not being around for a while, just can't keep up with you

                                but i found three clips of the new season on Twitter and thought i might share follow me
                                What a way to make an entrance on your return, Fainne! Awesome clips, thanks for bringing them here! *chants six days and counting.... six days and counting.... six days and counting....

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

