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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Children shouldn't play with dead things
    Now I want to hug Dean and Sammie again

    I have to say, the writers do a fantastic job!! In a normal tv show, after someone has died, they suddenly grief one ep, then go on to pretend like it doesn't bother them anymore. This is so realistic. Very well done
    Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
    Save Our Seeker!
    LotS on LJ.


      GIMP is too much fun

      Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
      Save Our Seeker!
      LotS on LJ.


        Evening Pit

        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

        Photobucket's not playing nice, so no pics atm. Will try again tonight when I get back from seeing Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince!!! I can't wait!! *bounces*
        I've not seen any of the HP movies or read any of the books

        Originally posted by SanGate View Post

        Off to watch Children Shouldn't Play with Dead things
        Great ep..for all sorts of reasons

        And a very lovely sig you've done there. ..



          *bounces through* Hi hi hi!
          Awesome sig by Laura
          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

          The randomess that is me
          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


            Hey Sal *waves*


              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
              Hey Sal *waves*
              Hi. I'm a bit happy, registered for next year's courses and got into the English ones I needed. How's you?

              Awesome sig by Laura
              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

              The randomess that is me
              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                Evening Pit... quick visit... are we calling it a Pit stop still? *pours juice and takes strong painkillers* guess who pulled her back out this morning? I should be used to it by now lol

                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                LOL I'm more afraid my course will keep me too occupied to watch So you guys will just have to nudge me every week to watch an ep
                You'll need to give yourself a break, so we'll all give you a nudge if needs be!

                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                I can't watch it yet *pouts*
                Is it not out there yet? I always watch the day it comes out... usually the 1st showing, but today we got in for the 2nd showing. As it turns out I could've gone to the earlier one, but wasn't expecting to be off today. I have to go with the other half anyway!

                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                Children shouldn't play with dead things
                Now I want to hug Dean and Sammie again

                I have to say, the writers do a fantastic job!! In a normal tv show, after someone has died, they suddenly grief one ep, then go on to pretend like it doesn't bother them anymore. This is so realistic. Very well done
                Great ep, and overall the writing's really great too; but for me the main credit goes to the boys for making it so realistic. They do a fantastic job... they really make you care about the characters, and that makes me keep watching!

                You don't need to keep things in spoilers btw, we've all seen S2! The only person that I know of who hasn't seen it all yet is IHS.. and maybe sg-daniel, but they go in the Jared thread... so I'm not too sure why I said that. Codeine does funny things to my brain

                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                Wow, that's gorgeous!!

                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                I've not seen any of the HP movies or read any of the books
                Wash your mouth out young lady!! I can't recommend them highly enough... the books more than the films... and woe betide anyone who says they're kids books!!

                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
      !! That really cheered me up! *luffs you*

                Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                Hi. I'm a bit happy, registered for next year's courses and got into the English ones I needed.
                Congrats Sal... go you!! That calls for... yes you guessed it




                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  Evening Pit... quick visit... are we calling it a Pit stop still? *pours juice and takes strong painkillers* guess who pulled her back out this morning? I should be used to it by now lol
                  Poor thing. *huggles* What happened?

                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  Congrats Sal... go you!! That calls for... yes you guessed it

                  And I got housing!
                  I was so hoping that was going to be a neck shot. But dancing bananas wahey!

                  Awesome sig by Laura
                  "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                  The randomess that is me
                  Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                    Poor thing. *huggles* What happened?
                    Um... I was putting my jeans on!! It's never anything exciting!

                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                    And I got housing!

                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                    I was so hoping that was going to be a neck shot. But dancing bananas wahey!
                    Oh sorry hon. I can only get into the album with all the smilies in! *kicks Photbucket* I'll make up for it next time!




                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Um... I was putting my jeans on!! It's never anything exciting!
                      It's fascinating. My 8th grade English teacher broke her finger taking off too many layers of clothing at once. And she hurt her back too, had to warm it with an electric blanket, which had to be plugged in. She was plugged into a wall for a week.

                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Yup! Now I can have a place to sleep at while studying!

                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Oh sorry hon. I can only get into the album with all the smilies in! *kicks Photbucket* I'll make up for it next time!

                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Atleast I deliver!

                      Awesome sig by Laura
                      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                      The randomess that is me
                      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        It's fascinating. My 8th grade English teacher broke her finger taking off too many layers of clothing at once.
                        It's crazy!

                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        And she hurt her back too, had to warm it with an electric blanket, which had to be plugged in. She was plugged into a wall for a week.

                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        Yup! Now I can have a place to sleep at while studying!
                        Sure does! So back to Vancouver then?

                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        Blimey *fans self* gun!!



                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          It's crazy!
                          Old people. *ducks and runs*

                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          I know! And she couldn't go too far! The cord didn't reach!

                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          Sure does! So back to Vancouver then?
                          Yes ma'am, in September!

                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          Blimey *fans self* gun!!
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                            Old people. *ducks and runs*
                            I'll let one of the oldies reply to that!!

                            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                            I know! And she couldn't go too far! The cord didn't reach!
                            That's brilliant!!

                            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                            Yes ma'am, in September!
                            Hehe, totally OT but I can hear who Lizzie will be thinking of there... 2 of 'em maybe!!

                            Guh, that knife!! *fans self*



                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              I'll let one of the oldies reply to that!!
                              Nice save

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              That's brilliant!!
                              I know! It always amuses me!

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              Hehe, totally OT but I can hear who Lizzie will be thinking of there... 2 of 'em maybe!!
                              What's Lizzie thinking?

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              Guh, that knife!! *fans self*
                              *rawr* indeed.
                              Awesome sig by Laura
                              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                              The randomess that is me
                              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                                Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                                Nice save
                                You're a cheeky young scamp you are!!

                                What's Lizzie thinking?
                                Well if the hivemind's working, I'd say a certain rather dishy Major, or a certain badass CTU agent!


