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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Gracie In here too?? Nice

    Just seen Bloodlust
    Who would have thought they'd inflict whump on each other as well
    Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
    Save Our Seeker!
    LotS on LJ.


      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      *takes a minute to recover* Holy crap Grace, that's amazing!! Er, is it my birthday today too?

      And hi btw!!
      Isn't it purty Hey, it can be your birthday too if ya want

      And hi to you too

      Thanks to Jann (starlover) for the gorgeous sig!


        Originally posted by SanGate View Post
        Gracie In here too?? Nice

        Just seen Bloodlust
        Who would have thought they'd inflict whump on each other as well
        Hi again San Yeah, I used to pop by more regularly but then RL got in the way so I'm working my way back over here

        Just watched "Jump the Shark" myself. Think I need to go back and re-cap all the S1-3 eps I have on DVD though cos I lost most of them off my hard drive and I dunno how
        Thanks to Jann (starlover) for the gorgeous sig!


          Originally posted by SanGate View Post
          Just seen Bloodlust
          Who would have thought they'd inflict whump on each other as well

          *turns to goo* when they whump each other is the best!!

          I love it when Dean punches Gordon too, oh and when he kills the vampire with the saw... guh!!

          Originally posted by Graceful Spirit View Post
          Isn't it purty Hey, it can be your birthday too if ya want

          And hi to you too

          *whimpers* yes, very purty... and whump too!!

          Oh btw, do you guys know there's whump threads for both boys? Dean here, Sam here! And of course there's a thread in Paradise!!



            Originally posted by Graceful Spirit View Post
            Hi again San Yeah, I used to pop by more regularly but then RL got in the way so I'm working my way back over here

            Just watched "Jump the Shark" myself. Think I need to go back and re-cap all the S1-3 eps I have on DVD though cos I lost most of them off my hard drive and I dunno how
            Hope to see more of you in here soon then Grace!

            Oh my, I love that ep *fans self* I think it's one of the best in the season...and that's saying something cos S1-3 are great too!



              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

              *turns to goo* when they whump each other is the best!!

              I love it when Dean punches Gordon too, oh and when he kills the vampire with the saw... guh!!

              *whimpers* yes, very purty... and whump too!!

              Oh btw, do you guys know there's whump threads for both boys? Dean here, Sam here! And of course there's a thread in Paradise!!
              LOL I had seen them during my lurking phase, but I may just have to pop on by

              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
              Hope to see more of you in here soon then Grace!

              Oh my, I love that ep *fans self* I think it's one of the best in the season...and that's saying something cos S1-3 are great too!
              Thanks hon Yes, it's a pretty damn fine ep if I do say so myself
              Thanks to Jann (starlover) for the gorgeous sig!


                And I'm off for tonight cos I have to get up in a few hours

                Have a good one *waves*

                Thanks to Jann (starlover) for the gorgeous sig!


                  Originally posted by Graceful Spirit View Post
                  Hi again San Yeah, I used to pop by more regularly but then RL got in the way so I'm working my way back over here

                  Just watched "Jump the Shark" myself. Think I need to go back and re-cap all the S1-3 eps I have on DVD though cos I lost most of them off my hard drive and I dunno how
                  Which season is that one?

                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                  *turns to goo* when they whump each other is the best!!

                  I love it when Dean punches Gordon too, oh and when he kills the vampire with the saw... guh!!
                  I was more like when he did that. Very emo I thought.

                  Oh btw, do you guys know there's whump threads for both boys? Dean here, Sam here! And of course there's a thread in Paradise!!
                  Still need to visit your paradise
                  Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                  Save Our Seeker!
                  LotS on LJ.


                    Evening Pit there's pages of posts...

                    A quick summary....

                    Love the caps Boo..

                    Some pretty incredible Dean lips there queen...

                    Waves at Graceful Spirit

                    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                    Oooh, let us know what you think. *scratches head* Lizzie, did we watch that one in the end? I can't remember now!
                    Er...yep, we did...

                    Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                    Is that an early season 1 ep? Because he looks so darn young, even to me!
                    And Sammy looks like a young pup...

                    Originally posted by SanGate View Post

                    Still need to visit your paradise
                    You'll not be disappointed...

                    Dream a Little Dean



                      Evening Pit!

                      Originally posted by Graceful Spirit View Post
                      And I'm off for tonight cos I have to get up in a few hours

                      Have a good one *waves*

                      Night Grace, see you soon's been far too long! *huggles*

                      Oh wow... look at those lips!!

                      Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                      Which season is that one?
                      S4 .... you've got a wait yet I'm afraid But well worth it!

                      Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                      I was more like when he did that. Very emo I thought.
                      Hehe, well maybe I'm just a sicko!

                      Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                      Still need to visit your paradise
                      Yes, you do... and soon!!

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Some pretty incredible Dean lips there queen...
                      Hey Lizzie! *huggles* They're gorgeous aren't they... yum yum yum!!

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Er...yep, we did...
                      I think I'd watched it with Stars about a week apart from you, I lose track these days!!

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      You'll not be disappointed...
                      See, Lizzie has spoken!

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Hehe, Brad Pitt?

                      Great cap!



                        Carrying on with the Dream a little... caps



                          Morning Pit! *pours coffee, boils kettle*

                          How is everyone?



                            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                            And Sammy looks like a young pup...
                            He does!

                            You'll not be disappointed...

                            Dream a Little Dean? awww

                            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                            S4 .... you've got a wait yet I'm afraid But well worth it!
                            I made calculations that I'd be lucky to get mid season 3 this summer At least I have you guys to cheer me on till season 4

                            Hehe, well maybe I'm just a sicko!
                            *zips mouth*

                            Yes, you do... and soon!!
                            Next stop

                            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                            Morning Pit! *pours coffee, boils kettle*

                            How is everyone?
                            Morning I'm alright thanks. How's you?
                            Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                            Save Our Seeker!
                            LotS on LJ.


                              Hey San *huggles*

                              Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                              I made calculations that I'd be lucky to get mid season 3 this summer At least I have you guys to cheer me on till season 4
                              We'll keep you occupied, don't worry!

                              *zips mouth*

                              Morning I'm alright thanks. How's you?
                              Still in the land of the living, just about!!

                              Photobucket's not playing nice, so no pics atm. Will try again tonight when I get back from seeing Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince!!! I can't wait!! *bounces*



                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                                Hey San *huggles*
                                Hiya *huggles back*

                                We'll keep you occupied, don't worry!
                                LOL I'm more afraid my course will keep me too occupied to watch So you guys will just have to nudge me every week to watch an ep

                                Still in the land of the living, just about!!
                                *huggles even tighter*

                                Photobucket's not playing nice, so no pics atm. Will try again tonight when I get back from seeing Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince!!! I can't wait!! *bounces*

                                PB has been a pain all morning

                                I can't watch it yet *pouts*

                                Off to watch Children Shouldn't Play with Dead things
                                Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                                Save Our Seeker!
                                LotS on LJ.

