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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    That's just EVIL! Wish I could help you, but I don't know about this stuff at all...
    Same here. All my other sources have turned into a dead end...
    Awesome sig by Laura
    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

    The randomess that is me
    Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
      Same here. All my other sources have turned into a dead end...
      It's really too bad they cut all those videos from YT. I mean, whoever posted them said that he/she couldn't upload S3 because it was too recent, but those two were supposed to be alright.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
        It's really too bad they cut all those videos from YT. I mean, whoever posted them said that he/she couldn't upload S3 because it was too recent, but those two were supposed to be alright.
        Bureaucracy and greed are a wondrous thing.
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          I managed to get the end of the episode and it was AMAZING! Loved it, loved every single minute of it!
          Can't wait to start watching season 3!
          Awesome sig by Laura
          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

          The randomess that is me
          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            just like people. or are we just like them? i really hope they will love each other like that. reminds me of some news: did you read that a gay penguin couple adopted an egg and bred it? how cute *.*
            LOL, maybe we're like them!!

            I didn't hear about the penguins but I can believe it. They pair for life, and in a lot of sea life centres, the keepers avoid contact with them as much as possible, because they'll attach themselves to humans!!

            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            though i really can'T taste avocados... i ate a hole fruit without tasting it...
            I'm the same - I love a good guacamole though!

            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            hey heyummm... no, i love you guys too
            Only teasing, weird's good! We love you too... a loved up bunch aren't we?

            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            Is that smooth as in Fainne's rabbit's op smooth or as in waxed and smooth
            Replied to that in the Pet Shop

            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            *is shocked*
            I bet you're not shocked enough to steer clear of them though!!

            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            Oh..that sounds very...very...
            The word you're looking for is crap! A meeting followed by stupid games

            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            *is waiting for All Hell Breaks Loose pt 2 to finish loading so she can watch the rest of the episode*
            Hope you get it sorted Sal

            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
            S4 sure delivered on every aspect
            It's brilliant!

            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
            *sniff* poor Bobby. Great pic... the non-existent scar's there too!

            ^^ they should cover most of the bases!!



              Brian J. Smith Thunk Thread - New SGU Hottie
              Zachary Quinto Thunk Thread - Sexy/Scary Sylar


                Golf?? I never had him down as a golfer!!

                Thanks for sharing the pics!

                Off to my pit now (bed for those who don't know lol), so night Pit!!



                  Night queen night all..



                    Evening Pit Night Queeny!

                    Love the golf pics XD



                      Morning, everyone!

                      What Queen said - didn't really see Jensen as a golfer, but he seems to be pretty good! And did you see the size of that club he's wielding? Okay, gutterdive this early in the morning - don't know if that's good.

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      That scene gets me every time - GTOY + bed = YUM

                      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                      Evening Pit Night Queeny!

                      Love the golf pics XD

                      And another golf pic! LOL, that club house looks just like the one they had at my school in North Carolina...

                      Some caps from Bad Day at Black Rock, since Queen and I watched that last night. OMG, it's always good for a laugh!

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Morning Pit, morning Stars *huggles and pours coffee*

                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        What Queen said - didn't really see Jensen as a golfer, but he seems to be pretty good! And did you see the size of that club he's wielding? Okay, gutterdive this early in the morning - don't know if that's good.
                        *tries to think of a comment that's not a complete double entendre.. fails* It's way too early to be thinking along these lines so I'll just say what 1st came to mind... I bet you'd like to have a few rounds with him!

                        That scene gets me every time - GTOY + bed = YUM

                        Some caps from Bad Day at Black Rock, since Queen and I watched that last night. OMG, it's always good for a laugh!



                        Love that scene, love the entire ep and love the caps!! Spoiler for comment made in the ep (as it's S3)

                        He's Batman you know.. Where's his tights?

                        Have a good day, I'll try and get back later. Busy day at work and I'm already 35 mins late!



                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Morning, everyone!
                          morning Stars
                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                          What Queen said - didn't really see Jensen as a golfer, but he seems to be pretty good! And did you see the size of that club he's wielding? Okay, gutterdive this early in the morning - don't know if that's good.
                          but he looks hot in that outfit, doesn't he? *sighs*
                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          And another golf pic! LOL, that club house looks just like the one they had at my school in North Carolina...
                          i thought you were german
                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Some caps from Bad Day at Black Rock, since Queen and I watched that last night. OMG, it's always good for a laugh!

                          this smile O.O


                            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                            Morning Pit, morning Stars *huggles and pours coffee*

                            *tries to think of a comment that's not a complete double entendre.. fails* It's way too early to be thinking along these lines so I'll just say what 1st came to mind... I bet you'd like to have a few rounds with him!
                            Thanks for the coffee! That will be my fourth cup this morning, but who's counting...

                            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                            Love that scene, love the entire ep and love the caps!! Spoiler for comment made in the ep (as it's S3)

                            He's Batman you know.. Where's his tights?

                            Have a good day, I'll try and get back later. Busy day at work and I'm already 35 mins late!
                            You're adamant to keep me in the gutter today, aren't you? I can SO picture Jensen in a
                            Batman outfit...

                            Thanks, hope your day picks up as well - in a good way, of course. Will be another busy day at school, I'll be there from noon until 9 pm today. Hopefully I'll get a chance to sneak away to a computer occasionally...

                            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                            morning Starsbut he looks hot in that outfit, doesn't he? *sighs*

                            i thought you were german

                            this smile O.O
                            Amazingly, he does. I think anybody else would look like a dork, but he can get away with it.

                            I am German, but I studied in Switzerland, England and the US.

                            I know. That smile can sure light up a room.

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              Thanks for the coffee! That will be my fourth cup this morning, but who's counting...
                              Not me, cos I know I've had more than that!!

                              You're adamant to keep me in the gutter today, aren't you? I can SO picture Jensen in a
                              Batman outfit...
                              Well I wasn't trying to...however, isn't it better to stay in the gutter instead of getting out only to fall back with a splash?!!

                              Actually, so could I!! He has a belt rather than a holster, but I could live with it!

                              Thanks, hope your day picks up as well - in a good way, of course. Will be another busy day at school, I'll be there from noon until 9 pm today. Hopefully I'll get a chance to sneak away to a computer occasionally...

                              It's improved already... still a shedload of work but a meeting I was worried about turned out to be fine! Plus there's the threads to cheer me up too!!

                              Ouch, that's a long day! *huggles*



                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                                Not me, cos I know I've had more than that!!

                                Well I wasn't trying to...however, isn't it better to stay in the gutter instead of getting out only to fall back with a splash?!!

                                Actually, so could I!! He has a belt rather than a holster, but I could live with it!

                                It's improved already... still a shedload of work but a meeting I was worried about turned out to be fine! Plus there's the threads to cheer me up too!!

                                Ouch, that's a long day! *huggles*
                                Wow, you must be immune to caffeine - I'm bouncing off the walls already...

                                Good to hear your day's taking a turn for the better! How about a butt shot and some peekage to keep you entertained?

                                My apologies if this stretches the page for now - have resized the pics, but PB sometime needs a while to update...

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

