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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    okay... so *huggles*


      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      Morning Pit!! <<< Got it right today!! *hands round the black gold...aka coffee*

      Too much to multi-quote on my phone, will do from home later!

      Thanks for the well wishes. I feel RAF today and my voice is almost gone, but I can still type!! How is everyone else?
      Good... ehr... Hello Pit *huggles everyone*

      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      but i assume you still have both ears?
      Yupp. Not that I use them

      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
      I always have my camera with me on nights of drinking and I take sneaky shots. It's always fun to put them up on facebook, except now mom's got facebook too... And lets just say, two of my friends can't become politicians anymore!
      Don't worry, Jen, I think I give people that impression too. Especially to my mom.
      OT story
      [SPOILERS]My friend and I had bought a bottle of vodka between the two of us and had split it 50/50. I had put mine in one of those large sports water bottles and was saving it for the end of exams blow out.
      My parents arrive for room clean up and my mom picks up said bottle and asks what it is. I respond: "don't throw that out, that's my vodka!" Her response: "Oh, god, Laura."[/SPOILER]
      Oh my!

      Bottoms up!




        Its my last day of year 11 tomorrow i dont want it too end!!



          aww *huggles* will you have a12th year?


            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
            Good... ehr... Hello Pit *huggles everyone*

            Yupp. Not that I use them

            Oh my!

            Bottoms up!

            To be that beer bottle!

            Originally posted by Boo View Post

            Its my last day of year 11 tomorrow i dont want it too end!!

            Aawwww *huggles*
            Awesome sig by Laura
            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

            The randomess that is me
            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
              aww *huggles* will you have a12th year?
              Yeah, up to year 13 but we dont go back until September and most of my friends are going to different 6th forms so most of them i won't be seeing for a while

              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
              To be that beer bottle!

              Aawwww *huggles*



                Originally posted by Boo View Post
                Yeah, up to year 13 but we dont go back until September and most of my friends are going to different 6th forms so most of them i won't be seeing for a while


                Ah. *huggles* I hope you'll get to see them sometimes at least.
                Awesome sig by Laura
                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                The randomess that is me
                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                  Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                  Ah. *huggles* I hope you'll get to see them sometimes at least.
                  Thanks. I'm pretty sure i will



                    Originally posted by Boo View Post
                    That's good. If y'all live in the same area it should be easy, right?

                    The angle in this picture is funny and makes me think he's being pinned to the ceiling...
                    Awesome sig by Laura
                    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                    The randomess that is me
                    Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                      That's good. If y'all live in the same area it should be easy, right?


                      The angle in this picture is funny and makes me think he's being pinned to the ceiling...
                      Yep, pretty easy, my closest friend lives like 7 minutes away from me. I'm just glad he's going to the same 6th from as me

                      its a good angle



                        Originally posted by Boo View Post
                        Yep, pretty easy, my closest friend lives like 7 minutes away from me. I'm just glad he's going to the same 6th from as me

                        its a good angle

                        That's great! My best friend currently lives a 8 hour plane ride away.
                        The jeans could be tighter!

                        Awesome sig by Laura
                        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                        The randomess that is me
                        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                          *Drools* I love that scene!!!
                          Hehe, I'll get round to posting more caps of it... not sure I ever finished... never do these days!!

                          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                          I can't tell cuz I can't remember! The only reason I know it happened is cuz I somehow managed to take a picture with my cell. The next time I checked my pics I was like WTF? Where did that come from?
                          A likely story! One thing I've never done is drink so much I can't remember what I did... no, I tell a lie... once. And I said never again... and never have. Go me!

                          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                          Hmm golden Tequila... With oranges and cinnamon
                          More cinnamon? Have you ever had aftershock (the red one)?

                          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                          Good night hon and get well soon! *huggles* *sends Cuddles over to take care of Queeny* Gute Nacht! <- means Good night
                          Aww you do look after me don't you Jen?

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          But we had a great time with a Swedish/US/Canadian/German/Austrian/Swiss group. And there were only nine of us...
                          Sounds like lots of fun, glad you had a good time hun *squishiehuggles*

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          No, actually that was Russian vodka from St. Petersburg.
                          *facepalm* of course it was!! Grrr, I'm so forgetful lately!!

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          And I still miss you too! *sniffles*


                          I was using this a fair bit after we got back... soooo many people, so little time!

                          Oh, I don't think I told you... San's coming over in July so there's going to be a few of us getting together again!! Squeee!!! Won't be the same without you, but we'll have lots to tell you afterwards!! *bounces*

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Rum is good, but only in mixed drinks. Or poured over grilled bananas and topped with whipped cream...
                          Yum, sounds good to me. Good in truffles too if you put enough in!!

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          We had Mexican food tonight, so they were doing Tequila shots. *shudder* is right. Not my drink of choice at all.
                          Hehe, all the more for me & Jen then!

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          *snuggles up*

                          Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                          okay... so *huggles*
                          LOL, thanks. I should be ashamed of myself teaching people this naughty abbreviations... but I'm not!

                          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                          *fans self* Blimey!!

                          Originally posted by Boo View Post

                          Its my last day of year 11 tomorrow i dont want it too end!!
                          Hi Boo! Sorry it's your last day... I couldn't wait to finish year 11 and get the hell outta school. I'm such a rebel!!



                            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                            More cinnamon? Have you ever had aftershock (the red one)?

                            Aww you do look after me don't you Jen?

                            Hehe, all the more for me & Jen then!
                            Haven't had that one yet, what does it taste like?

                            I try my best *huggles*

                            Hehe, now you take care of me!



                              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                              That's great! My best friend currently lives a 8 hour plane ride away.
                              The jeans could be tighter!

                              Sorry to hear that. I hope you are still best friends

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                              Hi Boo! Sorry it's your last day... I couldn't wait to finish year 11 and get the hell outta school. I'm such a rebel!!
                              some people can't wait to leave and some people don't want to leave. A pretty mixed bag



                                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                                Haven't had that one yet, what does it taste like?
                                Hehe, cinnamon mouthwash!!

                                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                                I try my best *huggles*
                                You do a very good job!

                                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                                ^ ^ you post that and then expect me to be able to think about you?!!

                                OK, I'll see what I can do when I get into Photobucket

                                Originally posted by Boo View Post
                                some people can't wait to leave and some people don't want to leave. A pretty mixed bag
                                It's a nice thing though. Some people say school is the best days of your life... personally I think that's a load of crap!! I miss the friendships I had at school, but I hardly keep in touch with anyone. It's very weird, but I'm a lot closer to some people I know online that people in RL!! I used to think that was really sad, but when you actually get to meet them, you know you're gonna be friends for a very long time!

                                Whoa, that was a bit deep... I think I need food!


