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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    ^^^ thats a good idea, if i did write one i'd have to get a solid idea and do some research, supernatural isn't something i could wing

    i recently did a story for my creative writing class that was like a mix of CSI and supernatural, tried to change a lot of the law to make it more original. it turned out pretty good


      Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
      Yeah death fic isn't my thing either. Can be very well written but I like my angst with a side of hope.

      The fic in question is at my journal here. There are actually about 10 or so Supernatural fics and they're all on the first page of my journal right now and I should have a single link page to them all but I've been a bit lazy this weekend.

      They are Dean/OC which isn't everybody's favourite genre I know but what the hell, I like writing in the face of adversity (and at least it isn't wincest)

      Enjoy (hopefully!). Feedback is more than welcome.
      Just read ya fic in the link, thought it was awesome. I actually like those kinda stories when theyre done well and urs definately was. Not to mention the lovely bit of whump there. yum


        Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
        Just read ya fic in the link, thought it was awesome. I actually like those kinda stories when theyre done well and urs definately was. Not to mention the lovely bit of whump there. yum
        Yeah I just saw my comment. Cheers my dears that's much appreciated and very glad you enjoyed it.

        I've always far preferred het over slash (slash just doesn't float my boat normally and IMHO wincest is wrong on many, many levels and squicks me to the max) so that's what I both read and write. It does seem to be a minority these days but there's still some really good het stuff out there. In fact I don't think there's many Mary Sues being written now - certainly not in the places I read fic.
        by Kaaatie


          Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
          Just read ya fic in the link, thought it was awesome. I actually like those kinda stories when theyre done well and urs definately was. Not to mention the lovely bit of whump there. yum
          i jus read it too, its really good, good pace and mix of excitement, you got dean down so well too


            my fics het, i'm not entirely sure what a mary sue is?


              Originally posted by jesserella View Post
              i jus read it too, its really good, good pace and mix of excitement, you got dean down so well too
              Thanks. I do seem to (rather worryingly!) have a bit of an inner Dean - I find his voice quite easy. Probably down to Jensen just portraying him so well.

              my fics het, i'm not entirely sure what a mary sue is?
              A whole big can of worms! In very basic terms a Mary Sue is a female original character who is perfect - beautiful, smart, witty, loved by all, has amazing skills, powers and abilities, steals the heart of a male lead and is just generally so irritating and so unbelievable you want to gouge your eyes out with a blunt object.

              Thing is most writers of OCs do start off with Mary Sues to some degree. I know I did a bit and I'm ever so glad I didn't have the internet back when I was 15 and writing Buffy fic! The hope is though that as you mature as a reader and writer you drop the cliches and come up with well rounded and interesting characters. There are some who pretty much believe any original female character who has a relationship with the male lead is a Mary Sue which is entirely unfair and untrue. Boys and girls will get together and many fic writers are very capable of writing that believably.

              In fact there's a few people out there (me included) who say that Jo Harvelle had Mary Sue tendencies but I'm not going to go there or we'll be here all night...
              by Kaaatie


                i'm not sure if my character was a mary sue, i didn't try to make her perfect, quite the opposite, you can let me know if you have the time, link is under my sig


                  Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                  Hey the way I'm churning out SPN fic at a rate of knots at the moment I could probably fill it up single handedly.

                  I don't know what it is about this show but it is infinitely fic-able.

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I'm struggling to catch up on overdue SGA fic right now but I have promised to write a Dead-whumpy SPN fic for Kodiak when I get chance...
                  OMG ! cool~

                  re mary sue stuff.... i always think of it as a character that the author writes that is very similar to themselves. Basically writing yourself into the story with a different name

                  i see a lot of 'sister' fics.. those are all mary sue imho

                  "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                  ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                  Card designed by Falcon Horus


                    i have the need for some dean....

                    he's as shocked about as i am..hehe

                    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                    Card designed by Falcon Horus


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I'm struggling to catch up on overdue SGA fic right now but I have promised to write a Dead-whumpy SPN fic for Kodiak when I get chance...
                      Just noticed my hideous typo... so I should clarify that what I will be writing will be a Dean-whumpy fanfic and not some kind of deathfic as my original post seemed to gleefully imply!


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Just noticed my hideous typo... so I should clarify that what I will be writing will be a Dean-whumpy fanfic and not some kind of deathfic as my original post seemed to gleefully imply!
                        HA! hehehe

                        still i can't wait to read especially the not dead one

                        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                        Card designed by Falcon Horus


                          hey guys hows all???? i just watched road kill that episode is brillaint


                            spoiler for size, Benders


                            damn handcuffs


                              *drools over Dean*
                              *spots handcuffs*
                              *is suddenly awake*



                                spoiler for size

