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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Kann ich Sie was antun?


      ah just rewatched monster movie and yellow fever. Good episodes. Making the cold a lot less tedious and the lost opportunity easier to bare. If I stare at my screensaver (my jensen pics on slide show) for long enough I might forget about it altogether.
      Last edited by kylieS21; 20 January 2009, 01:04 AM. Reason: must remember to proof read


        Nothing like watching SPN to feel better. I was watching Red Sky in the Morning the other day and went *thud* at the boys in their tuxs.


          I 'll never be able to watch that episode ever again without thinking of the james bond moment it the bloopers. LOL


            hmm, don't remember the episodes. guess they are not in seasons 1 and 2, aren't they? I have to wait until they show season 3 in Germany

            but i feel a lot better now


              They are from s3. And you really wanna wait that long? Cuz, you know, I could send them (s3+4) to you...


                thank you for this offer but think i'll wait. I'm curious but must be strong. And i'd like to watch them with Luci and she wants to wait to


                  2 seasons! I mean... ah forget it I wouldn't be able to wait. (I would send them to Luci, too )


                    easy! we also like this "YAY today is supernatural-Monday"-feeling, you know? and we realized we remember the content of an episode better this way. watching a whole season in only a few days makes my mind mix things up. I noticed that watching SGA this way - and I'm watching PB like that atm. 5 episodes today and one ore to go, then I go to bed and hopefully dream of Mahone's graceful pirouette in the hospital

                    thank you anyway for that offer *hugglepokes*


                      I totally agree to Fainne. I just would watch it online or anywhere else if there'd be now other chance. Like Jericho. Cause I loved it very much but stupid Pro7 decided not to show it anymore. Same for 4400.

                      As long as I know it'll be on tv again I can wait. I'm a very paatient person. I need my tv show days. *sighs*

                      Yeah and thanks for the offer Jen.


                        Okies. I don't have a TV, so the net is my only connection to my shows. And once you're up to date with the eps you have to wait, too One ep per week. Which is not enough imo!


                          That's my current thought because of LOST. One eppi a week is not enough.
                          Last season there were two every monday. *sighs*


                            Never watched that.
                            One ep BSG per week isn't enough. Especially since there are only 9 eps left till the show ends. I'm going to cry like a baby by that time. And Billy will come by to watch it with me. We'll all cry. And drink beer. You know, we bet on something in the show. Unfortunately, we were all wrong But we'll buy the beer nevertheless. And then drink it. And cry. Cuz the best show ever made is over...[/rant]
                            Where was I?


                              I cried like a baby as I watched "Enemy at the Gate". I will SO miss Stargate Atlantis.
                              So I know how you feel. Gosh... I remember how much I cried as "Angel" was over...not because of the end, just because my poor Wesley didn't survive it. *mutters*

                              Eh...okay...where were we?


                                BSG is good at killing people off, too. All humans actually, except for 50.000. Then they killed another 20.000. And now they start with killing off cast members one by one! Not funny... But the show shall reflect our society. And maybe that's who we are.
                                Honestly? SGA died with Liz for me. I watched it, sure, but I won't miss it. It just didn't turn out to be the show I wanted to see.

